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May 18, 1921 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-05-18

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en Will Burn Caps in B
Disciplinary Measurles ,
to Be Allowed

Four faculty men were appointed
by President Marion L. Burton at the
meeting of the University Senate Mon-
day night to serve on the Board of.
Control - of Student Piblications for
the coming year.
Those appointed are Prof. F. N.
Scott, Prof. E. R. Sunderland, Prof.
M. P. Tilley, and J. A. Bursley,Dean
of Students. Dean Bursley and Pro-
fessor Tilley will tike the places of
Dean John R. Effinger and Prof. J.
W. Bradshaw.
The board is incorporated under the
laws of the state with seven men.
Four members of the faculty are ap-
pointed by the President of the Uni-
versity, and three students are elected
at the All-campus election. The ap-

With the selection yesterday of?
rof. Lewis M. Gram, of the engi-
eering college, as faculty speakerat
ie Cap night exercises in Sleepy
[ollow Friday night, the list of
peakers for the event was completed.1
'rofessor Gram, who is a member of
ie Board in Contiol of AthleticS, will Report of Nominating Committee to
reserit blankets to the '" men dur- Be Acted Upon at Meeting of ,
ig the exercises., Organization
All classes of the University will
ather on the campus at 7 o'clock CONVENTION IN AUDITORIUM
riday night .to participate in the .OPENS AT 9:30 O'CLOCK TODAY
ereionies. Led by the Varsity band,
iey will form a procession and-
arch to Sleepy Hollow, where the Prof. Earl V. Moore, of the School
arious classes will take the positions of Music, was nominated for the
esignated for them by the Student presidenc of the Michigan Music
ouncilmen. The speeches will . be Teaches' association yesterday morn-
lade from a platform placed near the ing by the nomintting committee of
- ..
Freshmen to Burn Pots that organization which is holding its
At the conclusion of the speeches convention in this city this week. The
e freshmen will burn their caps on report' of 'the nominating committee
e big bonfire. In keeping with the
recedent set last year, the freshmen will be acted'pon in the meeting of
illnot be compeyed to ru he the association at 11:30 o'clock today.
rill n -": compelled ,to run the
untlet. Cap night is not intended as At a piano conference, which was
tine for disciplinary measures to- conducted by Mrs. George B. Rhead,
ard the first year men, and the corn- of Ann Arbor, the problems of the mu-
ittee in charge is planning to make sic teacher in a small town was taken
ie event impressive as marking the
assing of the seniors to the rank of up and discussed. An organization Hof
umni and the recognition of the music teachers in every county in the
eshmen as sophomores on the cam- state was recommended by Charles
is. Frederick More, of Detroit, presi-
This was the spirit which permeat- dent of the asociation.
d the exercises of Cap night as it Recognition Consistent
as observed befoke the war. The Recognition by the University Ex-
ine spirit was instilled into the tension service was thought to be con-
rent last year, and the intention this sistent with the principles and pur-
ar is to keep up the original pur- poses of the organization, and it was
>se of the tradition. .yoted that a resolution be drawn up
,;,Modes Free to Students ' requesting such action.
After the conclusion of the ceremo- The program for the convention of
es Ann Arbor movie houses will the Michigan Music Teachers' asso-
roW their doors open to the student ciation opens at 9:30 q'clock this
dy in a special show starting at 10 norning in Hill auditorium with a
clock. Freshmen will be the guests oncert by the Girls' Glee club aisld
the Orpheum end the Wuerth thea- orchestra of the Ann Arbor High
re, while the upperclassmen will goSchool, under the direction of George
iith Majestic and. the Arcade. [Oscar Bowen.
The ground in Sleepy Hollow will Rehearal Follows
i marked off for the various classes This will be followed by the final
day and announcement of the com- rehearsal of the children's chorus of
ete pSrogram is to be made Thurs-the May FestivalN for the Friday aft-
T. ternoon concert. This includes the
The committee in charge of Cap ,first, performance of a cantata, "The
Eghtcosists of Richard B. Marshall, Voyage of Arion"by Professor Moore.
M. chairman; Jame K J. Pollock, Chase B. Sikes, baritone, will be the
od.; Thornton, Sargent Jr., 22; soloist.
orge E., .regory, 022;AndAllan 'The afternoon program includes a
Boynton, '21D.concert by Michigan musicians at 2
o'clock at the Union. Violin, piano and
0 BEGINSELLING TICKETS vocal numbers will be given. At. 4
FOR FRESHMAN DANCE TODAY o'clock the members of the associa-
tion will be the guests of the Mat-
Tickets will be on sale all day to- inee musicale at a reception and tea.
The convention. will close with the
s Quidtyomalorw ithe ci do ofr h- concert by Orville Harold and the
ii'rersity hall for the" annual fresh- Chicago Symphony orchestra.
an dance Friday, May 27, in theyr
lion. Phil Diamond's orchestra has ADVANCE SALE FOR
'en secured to play at the affair, and "PRATT DAY" HEAVY
ograms have been* ordered in De-
:it. ' , '
The chaperons will' b. Dean J. A. Advance sale of tickets in large
rsley and Mrs. Buraley, Dean John numbers is reported by the men spon-
Eflinger and Mts.' Nffnger, Prof. soring the "Del Pratt day" that will
ihn L. Brumm and Mrs. Brnum, and be held in honor of former Coach Der-
iss Marguerite :Chapin. - rill Pratt at the baseball game be-
Only freshmen will be sold tickets,'
.ich have beenrestricted to 225. tween Detroit and the Boston Red Sox
e cost will be $4 a couple.^ Class tomorrow. Tickets, which were ex-
tes may be paid when the tickets I pected to be sold almost altogether
e bought, the day of the game, have been dis-
posed of in large numbers at Cush-
ing's drug store on State street, the
STUDENT COUNVI,.MIEETS sale closing at 40 o'clock tonight.
.They can be exchanged for tickets of
An important meeting of the admission to the Detroit baseball
Student council will be held at park from 8 to 12:30 o'clock tomor-
7:15 o'clock this evening' in the row at Cushing's.
council rooms at the Union. All I There will probably be an attend-

newly elected members will be ance of several hundred students at
sworn in at this time..the special program that will be held

pointments will take place at the be-
ginning of school next fall.
At the meeting of the Senate three
faculty members were also re-elected
to the board of directors of the Un-
ion. They are Dean Henry M. Bates,
Pxiof. Henry C. Anderson; aid Prof.
John C. Parker.
Warriors Take
17 Palefaces To
Ancient Wigwam
Listen to this tale of romance,
Tali of Indian warriors bold.
In the early moon of Green Leaves
Came they forth, the stoics valiant.
Forth they romped to Great Chief's
But he came not forth to greet them.
Long beiov'd but now departed
Dwells he now with Manitou.
Round the Mighty Oak of Tappan
Circled Michigamua's red men;
Circled yelling, screaming Indians
In their war. paint colors flying.
Round the tree of Indian legend
Stood the Whftemen pale and trem-
Warriors choice of paleface nation;
Choice of tribe to run their gauntlet.
Down the ,warriors, painted demons,
Swooped and caught their prey, like
Loud the war cry stirred the still-
As they seized' their hapless captives.
Forth they bore them .to their wig-
There to torture at their pleasure,
There all ate, round glowing camp-
Heard the words of mighty wisdom,
Smoked the pipe of peace and friend-
Thus there came to Michigamua:
C. Maurice Atkinson, '22, Joseph A.
Bernstein, '22, Brewster P. Camp-
bell, '22, Milton Dixon, '22E, R. Je-
rome Dunne, '22, James G. Frey, '22,
Hugh W. Hitchcock, '22, Howad B.
Hoffman, '24M, Alfred L. May, '22E,
_ Walter B. Rea, '22, Walter H. Sim-.
mons, '22E, Francis M. Smit , '22,
Frank W. Steketee, '22, R. Emer-
son, Swart, '22E, Henry A. Vick, '22,1
Robert F. Wieneke, '22, Hugh E.,
Wilson, '22.
Prof. Tom Peete Cross, of the Uni-
versity of Chicago, has informed Uni-'
versity authorities that he will not ac-'
cept the professorship in English lit-
erature which was offered him at the
April meeting of the Board of Regents.
There were several factors which led
him to decide not to accept the position
here. He was in Ann Arbor last week
looking for a home for his wife and
three children and was unable to se-
cure a suitable residence. Professor
Cross was recently offered a profes-
sorship in the University of Texas at
a larger salary than that proposed by
the Regents, but he has given no in-
dication of whether he- will accept the
latter offer. 9
The meeting of the senior lit class
which wa .to have been held at 4
o'clock this afternoon in Mason hall,
has been postponed until Tuesday of
next week.
At the meeting Mr. Wilfred B.

Shaw, general secretary of the Alum-
ni association, will speak and pre-
sent plans to the' graduating class for
their alumni organization.
Northwestern Defeats Purdue 7 to 4
Lafayette, Ind., May 17. - North-
western defeated Purdue in a West-
ern Conference baseball game here
this afternoon 7 to 4. The Purple
won by bunching hits in the fourth
and eightth innings. Curtiss of North-
western poled out a home run in the

RFedic .raternity
APPHOVE ADAlpha Omega Alpha, the national
honorary medical fraternity, held its
initiation banquet last night at the
Union. The following junior medics
were initiated, William A. Smith,
William R.Torgeson, John E. Lud-
PRESIDENT FEELS DISCIPLINARY wick, J. Hume Taylor, and Edward
NECESSARY Following the banquet, Dr. A. M.
- Barrett as toastmaster introduced
STUDENT GOVERNMENT Dr. John Alexander, of the Univer-
NOW UP TO REAL TESTcsity hospital, who spoke on "A Con-
ception of Alpha Omega 'Alpha". Fol-
lowing Dr. Alexander's address, Dr.
Dean of Students Did Not Attend Con. Victor C. Vaughan, dean of the med-
ferenee; Organized Games ical school, gave a number of per-
Favored 'sonal reminiscences.-
President Marion L. Burton and J.e
A. Bursley, Dean of Students, yester- UT
day expressed their complete satis-x
faction with the manner in which the
Student Advisory commgttee con-1
ducted its investigation into the kid-
napping of freshmen leaders last Prevailing Conditions Given as Rea.
week and with the stand taken by the son for Redue.
committee as a result of the investi - , tion
gation. -.
President Burton said that, in view FINAL DECISION IN ALL .
of the fact that this is the first time DISPUTES DUE IN JUNE
such a situation has presented it- --
self, he does not believe disciplinary (By Associated Press -
action in the case of the sophomores Chicago, May 17. - The United
involved in the abduction was neces States railroad labor board announc-
sary. He endorsed. the statement of ed late today that it had decided that
the Advisory committee that future in view of "prevailing conditions
affairs of this nature must not be justify to an extent, yet to be deter-
permitted. mined, a readjustment downward of
Organized Competition Favored the wages of the employes of the car-
Organized competition between the riers which are parties to the dis-
freshmen and' sophomores such as pute already heard by the board;"
found in the Spring games has a real The announcement, which affects
place in the life of the University be- labor on practically every road in the
cause it is conducive to true sports- country, was entirely unexpected, as
manship and class spirit, President the board only began formal consid-
Burton said, but mob violence accom- eration of the case yesterday.
plishes neither of these ends, and . The board declared it would hand
consequently should be discouraged down its final decision in all wage
by the students themselves 'as well disputes docketed prior to April 18 on
as by the University authorities. June 1, to be effective on July 1.
Dean Ifursley approved " the results The railroads completed their evi-
of the. investigation, and said that it dence May 7,' and yesterday E. M.
was carried on independently by the Jewell, president of the Railway Em-
Advisory committee. He did not at- ployes department of the American
tend the conference between the com- Federation of Labor, filed, the em-
mittee and the sophomores implicat- ployes' final statement.
ed, and left the committee free to
make any finding it saw fit.
, The manner in which the studentT
body backs up the stand 'of the Ad -Tf
visory committee against further vio-
lence to freshmen is a real test of
student self government, Dean Burs- WORLD TOUR OF PROF. WILLIAM
ley pointed out. He is of the opinion .H. HOBBS LEAVES
that proof of the ability of Michigan VACANCY
students to discipline themselves wih
be given in a whole-hearted support Prof. Jesse P. Rowe, head of the
of the committee's findings, departmest o geogy a thev
-department of geology at the Univer
sity of Montana, has been secured to
Classes (Of 1921 ' fill the vacncy in the department of
geology during the next year, due to
Sang lomorrow the leave of absence granted Prof.
William H. Hobbs, who will make a
tour around the world.
Seniors of all graduating' classes Since 1)402, Professor Rowe has
of 1921 will assemble with the Var- been 'director of University of Mon-
sity band at 7 o'clock tomorrow night tana geological survey, and during the
in front of the Library for the second year 1908 was president of the Mon-
Senior sing of the year. The pro- tana State Teachers' association. He
gram will be similar to the one held was president of Montana's Geograph-
last week, the band and the seniors ic society in 1915-1916. He is the
alternating in the performance. Dur- author of many articles printed in
ing the playing of "The Varsity" and geographic, scientific, and mining
"The Victors" the band will accom- publigations, and also has written
pany the seniors. All old Michigan several books: "Geography of Mon-
songs will be sung at the sing, which tana", "Some Volcanic Ash Beds of
will last until 8 o'clock. Montana", and others.
Fred J. Petty, '21, urges that all , Professor Rowe, who was born in
members of the class of 1921 be pres- Salem Center, Michigan, received his
ent in their caps and gowns, as this Ph.D. at the University of Nebraska

is one of the oldest lichigan tradi- in 1906, and since that time has beenm
tions, and it should be successfully engaged in teaching geology in va-
revived. The privilege of assembling rious places. He has been professor
in front of the Library and singing of Geology at the University of Mon-
these songs has been especially tana since 1901.
granted to this class by Librarian
William W. Bishop, which he says TICKETS FOR LIT DANCE
should be regarded as an unusual op- PLACED ON SALE TODAY'
Tickets for the junior lit dance;
Alpha Kappa Psi which will be held Saturday evening
in Barbour gymnasium, wil be plac-
C hoses Eleven ed on sale tomorrow morning at the
State street. bookstores and in the
booth in University hall.
Alpha Kappa Psi, honorary com- The committee has made all plans
mercial society, held its initiation relative to the holding of the dance,
yesterday afternoon in the Union. The and has secured Nobe Wetherbee's
following men were initiated: H. two piano, eight piece orchestra aid:
Stoughton Benjamin, '23, Richard G. ed by' special players from Detroit to
Burchell, '23, Harold R. Chapel, '22, furnish the music. It is also the aim
John H. Evans, '23, Paul Kilborn, '23, of those in charge to make the deco-
David H. Preston, '23, Robert D. Pat- rations exceptional, and the best in
ton, '22, Richard C. Baker, '23, Ralph effects has been promised.
W. Heneman, '23, Robert Knode. '23. Dancing will start at 8 o'elock and


Numbers by School of Musis He
he Featured Throughout
A(By S. B. C*)
The twenty-eight annual May
tival, the last to be given unde
direction of Dr.1A. A. Stanley, wi
gin at 8 o'clock this evening in
auditorium with a concert by the
cago Symphony orchestra, Fred
Stock conducting, and with O
'Harold,, tenor wh the Metrop<
Opera compaifV, as soloist.
This year's May Festival will b
seventeenth time that the Chica
chestra and its conductor have v
Ann Arbor. Their program this
opens with the playing of Dvc
overture, "Husitzka," opus 67.
first performance of this overturi
in Prague in 1883. The next ye
was given in Berlin London, and
York, with the composer as cond
'at th last two places. The wo
fired with religious and patrioti
Has Powerful Voice
Orville Harold, the great op4
tenor, will be the soloist with b
chestra in the aria, "Oh, furtez,
image," from the opera "Manor
Massenet as the next number o
program.. His voice is one of
power and exceptional quality, a
career has been marked wih, co
ed success. Other number whi
will sing are the arias: "Un a fu
lagrima" from "'Elisi D'Am re
Donizetti, and 'Salut demeure o
et pure" from Gounods "Faust."
Is Best Work
Another interesting work is T
kowsky's Second Symphony i
minor, opus 17. This composer
letter to his brother, Modest,
of this sympbony, "It seems to b
best work, at least as regards co
ness of form, a quality for wh
have not so far distinguished my
It was first performed at Moscc
1873 and was criticised severe
Cesar Cui. Tchalkowsky rewot
symphony and in its revised for
produced at, Petrograd in 1881
it met with great success and is
sidered one of his best works.
Two other numbers of note 01
program are de' Sabata's symp
poem, "Juventus" (Youth) and I
A. Stanley's "Chorus Triomphal
march fantasia for orchestra ci
and ,organ, opus 14. The first n
work was published in 1919 at
characteristic of this modern cot
er in the fact that it is free e
Stanley Number to be Given
The last number by Dr. Stanley
be featured by the first appearan
the Choral union, a chorus o
voices, directed by Dr. Stanley.
work was written as a' contrib
to a celebration of great significa1
the twenty-fifth anniversary o
presidency of James Burrill An
and was dedicated to Sarah Ca
Angell. The text. of the choral
written by Prof. F. N. Scott.
The complete program is as
Overture, "Husitzka," Op. 67..D
Aria: "Oh, furtez, douce image,
from "Manon".......Mas
Orville Harold
Symphony No. 2, C ,ninor, Op. I
. Tchaikc
Andante sostenuto-Allegro v
i vae;

Andantino marziale; Scherzo; F
Aria: "Un a furtiva lagrima,
from "L'Hlisir D'Antore".,Don
Orville Harold
Symphonic Poem, "Juventus"...
... .....de S
Aria: "Salut! demeure chaste e
pure,' 'from "Faust".......Gc
Harold Orville
"Chorus Triomphalis" - Marel
Fantasia for Orchestra. Chort


Two Medic Students on Probation
Maurice G. Sheldon, '21M, and
George E. Gerken, '21M, were placed
on probation Monday by Dean Victor
C. Vaughan, of the Medical school,
following an investigation of the con-
duct "of the men during the Swing-


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