THE MICHIGAN DAILY |||| ||-||- ..., ., .,_y., .. ..............w.. . ..r... ,_.. ." ,. _ . ,. ... _ , ; t _ .. , . v .., ., "44Y// ,. . . _ ., .. .. . , ..- .* +* ." , . . .., . . .. .:.. r ; , :. ., .. :. 5 .. ."., . ° .. .. . . .. . . ,< w ~T7P~Y~ nw..t..w. ., .a,n tr. b Itramural Items r T QIA Len; Line AND AVERY HIGH MEN IN AFTERNOON EVEN'TS g football came to a fitting resterday afternoon with the nent held on Ferry field. This first time that anything of the i5 been done in college football has attracted much attention. linemen and 14 backs and ends' ,rt in the events, which consist- tackling, falling on the ball, eld blocking, punting, place and icking, passing the ball, car- he ball for speed, starting, up fumbles, receiving punts, g, and the kick off. Kirk from Notre Dame s were awarded for each'event rk for the backs and ends and for the linesmen led in their lve divisions. Kirk, former Dame star, received 89 points a possible 100, while Avery, ed 84. But, as attendance fig- Jso in deciding the winner of ps, both these men lost out, and and Swan receive the trophies d by the Detroit alumni. Swan1 ) for the linemen, while Morey i of 165 1-4 for the backs. ons were given to the winners' i of the numerous events. For ckfield men,. Kirk won four, egoy three, Knode three, Lan- one, and Oliver one. Avery d a. collection of the blue rib- a the line division, taking six ith him. Soderman and Peitro ron two, and Garfield carried ne. Interest Shown Wieman, Gob Wilson, Archie Abe Cohn, Viggo Nelson, Lew- ian, Angus Goetz, Coach Math- l G. M. Lawton acted as judges a events. t interest had been shown in rnament until the warm weath- in and then the attendance d off somewhat, but on the the plan was successful and 3used much comment in the pa- Monday and Tuesday afternoons,1 a ; and 24, are the dates set byc the intramural department for their annual interfraternity track and field meet. The meet will be held on Fer-1 ry field at 3 o'clock both afternoons.s A program of 15 events has been ar-F ranged 'including the pentathlon. Four places will be given in each event,1 first will count five points, secondI three points, third two points and fourth one point. Entries for this meet' will be re-I ceived at the intramural office at1 once and all entries must be filed byI noon May 23. Before 2 o'clock on the first afternoon of the meet a list of entries along with the events they intend to enter must be filed with the7 clerk of the course, either at the in- tramural office or on the field. The program of events follows: 100 yard dash, 220 yard dash, 440 yard dash, 880 yard dash, one mile run,I two mile run, 120 yard high hurdles, 220 yard low hurdles, high jump, pole+ vault, discus throw, .12 lb. shot put, javelin throw, half mile relay (four man team, each contestant runs 220 yards), pentathlIon, broad jump; 12' lb. shot put, discus thirow, 100 yard dash, 880 yard dash. On Saturday, June 4, the- annual outdoor interclass track meet will be held on Ferry field. ]ractically the same list of events will be run off, in this meet as in the interfra- ternity meet. Entries for this meet close Saturday, June 4, at 10 o'clock in the morning. A man scoring two points will be awarded his numerals. The independents tightened their' hold on the fresh medic league pen- nant Friday evening by defeating the Phi Chi team 19-4. The independents have not lost a game this seasonr. Nu Sigma Nu won an easy game from Phi Beta Pi 12-9. The medic team beat the dents Friday afternoon in the only game scheduled in the interclass league 13- 7. This game leaves - the medics, senior engineers, sophomore lits and the junior lits to play the semi-final round of the tournament. The following interfraternity ten- nis matches must be played not later than next Wednesday evening. Zeta Beta Tau vs. Phi Delta Theta; Phi Sigma Delta vs. Phi Chi; Theta Xi vs. Psi Upsilon; Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Sigma~ Phi Epsilon; Phi Sigma Kap- pa vs. Chi Psi; Phi Kappa Psi vs. Hermitage; Cygnus, 2378-W, vs. Nu Sigma Nu. The following All-campus doubles must be played by next Tuesday eve- Statistically Speaking Michigan AB Uteritz, 2b........5 Van Boven, ss.......3 Perrin, cf ......... Shackleford, lb ....4 Karpus, 3b,.........4 Klein, rf..........1 Roby, rf............1 Genebach, if .......3 Vick, c ......... ...3 Liverance, p.......4 R 1 2 2 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 H 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 1- 1 1 PQ 2 3 2 7 2 0 0 3 8 0 A 2 3 0 0 3 0 0' 0 0 S8 E 1 0 0 1 a :o 0 0 2' Miss Mary F. Minnis, Chiropodist,' formerly with Mack and Co., will be at the Saunder's Hair Shop, Tuesday of every week. Phone 2673-M for ap- pointments.-Adv. ner 2, Liverance 1. Struck out-Liver- ance 8, Voltner 3. Hit by pitcher-by Liverance, Locke. Sacrifice hit, Gene- bach. Umpire, McAllister. H I IN~TRAX URA I Patronize our Advertisers.--Adv. Jersies awarded b mural department h. for the following mi Dunleavy, Shepherd, ton, Brunner, Martin Swift, Butler, Kip Gerring, Haller, Smi Gellard, De Foe, Cayi Tennis S-p Totals.. .......32 9 10 27 beh Iowa AB Anderson, cf... ...4 Crary, lb..........4 Draper, ,lf.......4 Locke, c . .........3 Michealson, rf ......4 Irish, ss ...........4 Shimek, 2b ........3 Hurlburt, 3b.......4 Dyke, p ............1 Voltner, p ..,.......3 R: 1 1 0; 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 H 0 0 -1 0 2 0 1 0 4 1 Pa 1 6 4 3 11 1 3 5 0 0 A 0 1. 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 E 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 ning. Bowen and D'Ooge, 2236-J, vs. Oliphant and Flowers, 1017-J. The following All-campus doubles must be -played by Saturday evening, May 21: Bowers and Creedon, 1328, vs. Tracy and Sculley, 1017-J; Parson, and Beaudette, 1951-M, vs. Crabbe and Watts, 63; Rohan and Hames, 871-R, vs. Schaefer and Landowski, 490; Denhulrder 'and Brown, 1526-R, vs. Greenman anq partner; Olmacher and Jerome, 856-W, vs. winner of Bowen- D'Ooge-Oliphant-Flowers match; An- drus and Klein, 348-R, vs. Dunne and Walbridge, 188; Cohn and Goldberg, 354-J, vs. Dunakin and partner. Try Daily adveitising and watch your business grow.-Adv. A Complete Stock of Rackets, Balls and Shoes Racket Restringing 24 hour Serie 711 N. Univ. Ave. Next to Arcade Theatre Totals ..........34 4 5 24 8 2 Innings- 1 2 3 Iowa . .0 4 0 5 0 6 0 78 0 4, 9 0-4 . vwa ......«;...Vv v v v vv -m Michigan.......2 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 x-9 Home runs - Perrin, Michealson. Three base hits-Roby. Sacrifice fly -Karpus. Hits, off Dyke 3, off Volt-i ner 7. Bases on balls-Dyke 3, Volt- iia STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES W. F. KELLER 412 Natl. Bank Bldg. " 1 rc afn Clothes Aeroplane for Sale Here You Are! We're Selling a Special Purchase of $40 and $45 _ STANDARD J-1 WITH CURTISS $1500.00 OX-5 MOTOR T CALENDAR Plane and Motor just overhauled. Total flying time Suits at I $31.50 -Tennis--- Michigan vs. Wiscon- -Laws vs. junior engineers.. -Soph litj vs. junior lits. -Chi Rho Sigma vs. Nu Sigma (Ann St. diamond). Tuesday -Medics vs. senior engineers. -Senior lits vs. soph engineers. -Phi Kappa Sigma vs. Xi Psi Phi. -Phi Chi vs. Alpha Kappa Kappa ashtenaw diamond). --Phi Beta P1 vs. indepeidents len Ave. diamond). FRIDAY'S GAMES dies 13, dents 7. Lependents 19, Phi Chi 4. Sigma Nu 12, Phi Beta Pi 9. P$IATT. DAY AT NAVTIN FIELD SET FOR THURSDAY 1 Pratt day will be celebrated Thursday afternoon at Navin Detroit, when the Tigers meet loston. Red Sox. A large section .t stands has been reserved for Wolverine team and the many igan supporters who are expected nake the trip. Complimentary' is will be issued to the ,members .e Varsity squad. kets are on sale in Ann Arbor 2alkins', Cushing's, Graham's, ''s, Slater's and Mee's. These boards can be exchanged later earved seats in the grandstand. ecial car with lower rates for nts making the trip will be run the D. U. R. has been found impossible to the smoker planned for the eve- s entertainment. It is extremely ful whether any program will be ged for the Michigan contingent to date approximately 200 hours. In last flight plane flew from Packard Aviation Field, Detroit, to Bay View Park, Toledo, in 55 min. J. C. M. - cIo MIcHIcAN DAILY. .' d S$$iilzing On onday, Tuesday, Wednesday . HEY'RE fine herringbones in grays and blues; pencil stripes, too; all in rich wool- ens that will give great service and keep their shape. In the new summer stylings; some are double-breasted. A special purchase gave us these values. Ordinarily they would be much higher in price, but we're passing them on to you at 1 . ,., i Are you taking adbantage of our improbed Dry Cleaning Service we are gibing? A telephone call lviii bring our delivery to your door for all your CLEANING and PRESSING, M'en and Women' ?ppreciate Superior $31.50 each. ., n-rgine Cleaning Every garment is thoroughly sivissiized before its delivery wahich insures you zoo per Cent cleaning.! Every Size and Style that You 'll Want This Price, Remember, is for Three Days Phone 2508 "f ie o Fnergine" e ule Conlin Fiegel 2.09 s. 4th Ave. Co. Maor at Washington