2r4o litp ASSOCIATED PRCEE S~FR Ai wl Vl ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 15, 1921. OIL AWARDS CONTES j 9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ALL GAME SENIORS CARRY ON OLD SING CUSTOM d P TRACK QUAD, 82-53 T BASEBALL, AND EAVY BATTING OF STARS AT PLATE IS AIDED TEAM- BY AMS MAKE GOOD MARKS MEET; SIMMONS MICHIGAN STAR First Places; Captain Butler Wins 440 and Takes in Half; Wesbrook Wins Pole Vault; Walker Jumps 6 Feet, 2 3-8 Supposedly grave and dignified sen- iors 'turned out on the campus Thurs- day evening in somewhat small but,. considering the condition of the weather in fairly satisfactory num- bers, for the first Senior .sing to be held this year. That the affair was something of a success despite the weather was tes- tified by Clarence N. Johnston, '21E, president of the senior engineering class. "It is hardly fair," he said, "to make a statement as to the suc- cess or failure of the sing on account of the conditions of the weather. For those who turned out, it was a big success, and as many came as could be { expected' that night." Johnston stressed the point, how- ever, that not all the seniors who at- fended the affair appeared in caps and gowns, according to the estab- lished custom, and urged that at the next gathering of this kind the wear- ing of the graduating insignia be ob- served. The next Senior sing *ill be held at 7 'clock Thursday evening inf front of the Medical building, at which time a much larger turn-out is hoped for. R ULE STRIKEZN "WHIMSIES" GOES ON SALE IN WEEK "Whimsies," the anonymous student literary magazine, will appear in printed form for the first time with the next issue which will come out within a week. The issue will con- tain about 36 pages of reading mat- ter, and is to be unique in that it car- ries no advertising. The page, size, and general makeup resembles that of the Yale literary magazine, which has successfully represented the literary interests of Yale students for 50 years. A suficbient number of copies of "Whimsies" will be printed to insure its cir9ulation among all students who arewinterested in the publication. With the old mimeographed form it was. impossible to secure copies enough for general distribution. Cop- ies of the coming issue \ill be on sale at Wahr's bookstore. CO0URT *MEN DOWN MINSTA - ADVISORY MEETING The Student Advisory committee met at 9 o'clock yesterday morn- ing in the office of Dean Joseph A. Bursley and discussed the general problem of the Spring games and hazing, finally decid- ing to give a hearing to the men involved in kidnapping and oth- er acts of misconduct. The committee will meet again in the office of the Dean of Stu- dents at 4 o'clock Monday, at which time the following s'opho- mores are expected to appear to show reason why the committee should not recommend that they be put on probation: Theodore P. Banks, F. C. Cap- pon, Otto Dollayo, H. C. Dunphy, R. D. Gibson, Paul G. Goebel, Theodore J. Gorenflo, V. F. Hil- lery, J. E. Johns, C. C. Kries, J. R. Ladd, Thomas \. Lynch, R. H. Rowland, Robert Rice, L. W. Snell, and W J. Van Orden. SOPHOMORES OVERCO1U IN FLAG RUSH BY TJ TWO BANNERS '23' MEN LOSE C] TO SCORE 4 V a FRESHMEN UPON SOPH FAILURE SURRENDBER YEARLINGS' CI First Year Men Outpace and Win in Obsta4 I a notch higher in aseball race by de- rersity Saturday aft- ith Liverance pitch- ball, and the entire ceptionally well be- e went, the entire route, ve hits, fanned eight men, .e, and hit or~e man. Had it for theteighth round, he e shut out the Hawkeyes, well deserved victor~y with- re being registered against ore Two in Opener i opened the attack early, d two in ' the first inning, ing the opposing team eas- tz flew to Draper, and Van lked and stole second, and bird on Perrin's ,infield out. "d drove a long fly to Dra- field, but the Iowantturned fell, and dropped the ball, n scoring, and Shackleford md to third before Ander- throw the ball in. Irish Karpus' roller and Shac- unted. Karpus dlosed the en he was thrown out at rd was Michigan's big inn- itz and Van Boven opened es, and Pertin carromed a ive off Draper's shin for s, Shackleford and Karpus o third, but Klein walked, nd, and scored on Gene- g single. Vick was passed, ach was caught off second ird out, Voltner to Shimek. Roby Triples ras no further scoring by m until the latter half of h, when Michigan counted ning three runs. Perrin got hit, a single to center, and d attempted to bunt, but t first when Voltner delayed Karpus was out on a to Draper. Roby, "ent in met one of the Hawkeye's three bases, Perrin and d crossing the plate. Roby Michigan scoring whenthe n Genebach's infield out. Iowa Rallies oiled Liverance's chances out in the first half of the 'oltner, the first man up, it was forced at second by Crary was safe at first rson at the midway station ritz failed to touch second had received the ball from vho had fielded Crary's The decision on Crary at close. Draper fanned, and hit Locke with the ball, ie sacks. Michealson hit a er to left field, 'which went atinued on Page Sig) (By Thornton 11. Sargent, Jr., Special Correspondent) Urbana, Ill., May 14.-Illinois track athletes proved too powerful for. the Michigan representatives in the dual' meet here' today defeating the visitors" 82 to 53. For the first half of the meet the Wolverines led, but, taking ad- vantage of Michigan weakness in the remaining events the Indians soon overcame this lead. Excellent records for a western dual meet wer'e made by members of both" teams. It was not a case of Michigan weakness, except in the distances, but of Illinois power. Slams were scored in the mile, two mile and low hurdles by the Indians. S. S. Wallace ran as fast race in the low barriers in 25 sec- onds flat, but the Wolverines were slightly handicapped in this and the 220 dash by the curved track.' Indians Get 10 Firsts Simmons of Michigan and Weiss and Alberts of Illinois, were high point scorers with 10 points each from two firsts. Captain Larry Butler of Mich- igan counted eight points. Ten out of the 15 first places were won by the Indians. Captain Butler, Simmons and Walker were the Michigan stars with Alberts, Brede and Weiss the out- standing Illinois performers. After taking a first by a foot in a 50 sec- ond' quarter, Larry came back in the. half mile and plaped second, two yards behind Yates who covered the dist-. ance in 1:58. Walker, the Wolverine' high jumper, went above all his'previ- ous records forcing Alberts to go. 6 feet, 3 3-8,inches to wi and himself doing one inch less. Oborne scored third with a leap of 6 feet. Walter Simmons continued his sensational sprinting by capturing the 100 in '10 flat and the 220 around a curve in 22 2-5, Wetzel placed third in the 100 and second in the 220. Alberts Wins Broad Jump ' Besides his great high jumping, Al-. berts went beyond himself in the broad jump with 23 feet, 3 1-2 inches and forced Cruikshank, with 22 feet, 9 inches, to take second. In the javelin Brede established what is thought to be an American collegiate record at 192 feet, 9 inches. Hoffman went better than ever befpre with a heave of 176 feet, 11 inches and Dunne was 11 inches behind him. With a put of 42 feet, 4 3-8 inches Weiss defeated Van Orden and Stipe in the shot.' He also won the discus with 136 feet 1 1-2 inches. Jacob took third for Michigan at 119 feet, 9 1-2 inches. In the hammer Stipe did 123 feet, 1 inch but was defeated for first by Hill, who tossed the weight 127 feet, 1-2 inches.0 Varsity Tennis. Team Has Trouble with Gopher Squad Little President Declares Martial Law Kentucky and West Virginia, Then Withholds It in GOY. MORROW SENDS STATE FORCES TO WARRING DISTRICT (By Associated Press) Washington, May 14.- A proclama- tion declaring nartial law throughout Kentucky and West Vi-rginia because of the strike warfare was declared by President Harding late today but its promulgation was withheld pend- ing receipt of further information from. the strike area. After it had been decided to issue such a procla- mation the war department received a message from Governor Morrow of Kentucky saying that state troops had been ent into-the strike dis- trict: It was after receipt of this message that the administration de- cided to withhold federal action. WISCONSIN NEXT FOE TOI OPPOSE RACKET WEILDERS Minnesota's tennis team fell before the Varsity Saturday morning by the score of 5 matches to 1. Even with- out the services of Capt. Walter Wes- brook, the Maize and Blue net men took three of the four singles and won both of the doubles. This is the second victory of the week for the tennis team. All, of the matches were won or lost in straight sets ekcept for thel contest between -Munz of Michigan and Norton of Minnesota. This en- counter went to three sets with Munz finally putting it across. The Michi- gan player won the first set 6-; through clever net work and place- ments. Both men were playing care- fully and many long-' points were made. The second set went to deuce after Munz lost a lead of five games to four. .Here Norton, went into the' lead but not until the score had gone to 8-7 did he win the set. By virtue of excellent volleying and backhand placements, the Minnesota man right- fully earned this set. 8 MEN TO TAE WART IN EXTEMPIORANEOUS MATCH, VARSITY DEBATERS AND ORA- TORS NOT ALLOWED TO ENTER CONTEST Eight speakers will compete Mon- day night in the second extemporane- ous speaking contest of the year. All Varsity debaters and orators were exclude from the preliminary try- outs. Consequently, the men who{ take the platform in Sarah Caswell Angell hall at 8 o'clock Monday eve- ning Will be the comers in the field- of University oratory and debate. The judges will be the members of Delta Sigma Rho. The winner of first place will be presented with a silver loving cup and the winner of second honors will receive an. appropriate Though the sophomores scored points against the yearlings' , i Spring games of 1921 will go do on record with the freshmen of 19 undisputed victors, as a result of a tion taken late last night by the Si dent council, forfeiting the games the younger class because the ul matum of the council demanding I return of Cameron A. Ross, '24 freshman captain, was not obeyed Fresh Fight Well According to the Student count the freshmen fought exceptions well but as they were disorganized 1 cause their captain was snot the they came out on the short end of t score. They are to be considered tors of the 1921 Spring games, tb spoiling the chances of the class 1923 to score four victories in th struggles with opposing classes. At the start of the games yesterc 'morning the score stood 2 to 4 favor of the sophomores due to t results of the tug-of-war Friday. the first obstacle race, the sopl more man gained a half lip lead the start which was increased to three-quarter lap lead when the rs ended. This gave the sophomores a other point, making the score 3 to Obstacle Race Interesting In the second obstacle race, t sophomore runner obtained the 1e in the start, but was soon overtal and passed by the 'freshman rep sentative, who finished a full of eighth of a lap ahead of his riv The score then stood' 3 to 1 in fal of the class of 1923. Through a false step on the p of the first sophomore in the 'th race, the freshman had a quarter'] lead. at the end-of the first round. I sophomore runner gained a bit,'1 the - race ended with 'the freshm fully an eighth of a lap ahead. Z score was ,then 3 to 2, in favor of't sophomores. t w i a ., 1 1 1 a The proclamation, however, was Angell Wins Easily signed by the President, who em- The third and deciding set, how. powered Secretary Weeks of-the war ever, was all Munz'. He had appar- department to promulgate it 'should ently solved, his opponents game andE later information indicate that it was soon ran' through 6-2w necessary. As a precautionary meas- Angell, playing number two for thee ure' the proclamation was drawn to Varsity, easily won from B. M. Brost cover all of the two s'tates, although 6-3, 6-1. His service was working it explained in its enforcement pro- well and at no time was he in dan- visions that the privileges given mil- ger. Minnesota's only match of the itary authorities under martial law day came when C: W. Bros defeated would, of course, be exercised only in l Merkel 6-2, 6-4. Bros took the net the strike areas. frequently and allowed no opportuni- The proclamation was prepared at ties to finish a point with a well the war department 'late in the day placed smash to slip by him. after a series of conferences between Reindel took the other singles the President and Secretary Weeks. match for Michigan when he wont It was taken to the White House for from Pidgeon of Minnesota 6-1, 6-4 the President's signature along with The winner was stroking well and reassuring telegrams from Governor passed the Minnesota player at the1 Morrow, which, the President and net many times. . secretary df war decided, made it Michigan Takes Doubles unnecessary to take drastic action Both of the doubles went to the1 immediately. . Michigan teams. Munz and Angell, - playing together for the first time, DEAN EXPECTS BIG 'worked well together and eliminated< Norton and B. M. Bros 6-1, 8-6. ._Inl SUMMER SESSION the other contest, Reindel and Mer- kel defeated Pidgeon and C. W. Bros Prospects for attendance in the 8-6, 6-2. The team work of the win- Summer session of 1921 are unusual- ning combination was quite weak and ly favorable, according to advices it was only individual shots that won from the office of the dean. The col- the match.3 leges of Engineering and Architec- The officials and players have again ture, Literature, Science, and the requested that the gallery do not ap- Arts, as well as the Graduate school plaud until after a point has been are expected to show the largest in- completed ahd that then the applause1 crease. be limited to hand clapping.. Tennis Work in the Law school will open etiquette requires that there be no June 27, and in all other colleges cheering and no applauding of errors. June 5. The session in the Law Badgers on Monday school will be 10 weeks in length, di- The University of Wisconsin will vided into two parts of five weeks .meet the Varsity tomorrow afternoon. each.. The session in the Medical The match has been set for 3:30 school will continue six weeks. The o'clock and wilf be the final workout College of Literature, Science, and the for the team before it leaves on its Arts, and 'the- Engineering school, Eastern trip Tuesday. This will be and Pharmacy school will extend the last opportunity to see the Var- prize. R. Allaben, '23, J. K. Brumbaugh, '23, J. R. Dickinson, '22, P. P. Elliott, '22, H. Hertz, '22, and Jack, Kelly, '23, P. A. Rehmus, '23, and P. E. Ring- er, '22, will compete for the prizes. Subjects will be given to .the speak- ers at 5 o'clock of the afternoon of the contest. MICHIGAN REEPRESENT1ED AT WOMEI CONVETION op ARD board, national senior honor- ty for women, elected eight > membership at the meeting nesday night at,. the Pi Beta e. Ini.tiation- will' be held May 22. flowing juniors were elected: Sargent got first in the high hurdles' after S. S. Wallace, who did 15 2-5 sec- onds, was disq'ialified for knocking over three barriers. Illini runners had an. easy time winning the mile and two mile in 4:31 and 9:49 re- spectively; tpree Indians breaking the tape together. Wesbrook easily clear- ed 11 feet, 9 inches in the pole vault and Naylor tied Chandler for second at 11 feet, 6 inches. SUMMARY 1,00 yard dash-Won by Simmons, (M); second, Prescott, (I); third, Wet- zel (M). Time, .10. One mile run-McGinnis, Patterson, Wells, Illinois tied 'for first. Time, 4:32. ) 220 yard dash-Won by Simmons (M);- second, Wetzel (M); third, Fields! Sixty-two delegates from thirty- three universities and colleges attend- ed the convention of the Middle- Western Intercollegiate Association for Women's Self Government, held from Thursday to Saturday of last week at the University of Wisconsin. Marguerite Clark, '21, Edna Groff, '22, and Joyce McCurdy, '22 went as rep- resentatives of the Women's league1 of Michigan. Rockford college. and Michigan Agricultural college werej represented for the first tine at this convention, and were extended mem- bership in the association. Cornell Woman President Leaving Ann Arbor Tuesday eve- ning, May 3, the Michigan delegates, went first to Chicago, where they were entertained by Mrs. Katherine Puncheon Pomeroy, '96, president of the Michigan Alumpae association, and Mrs. Win. K. Mitchell. A tea was' given in their honor by ~Dean Marian Talbot, of the University of Chicago, and they were conducted through Ida Noyes hall, the largest yomen's club building in the Middle-West. The first session of the convention was held on Thursday morning, and the fifth and last on Shturday morn- ing. Addresses were made by Deau L. Louise Nardin, of the University Flag Rush Back In the re-instated flag rush wb was seen here'yesterday for the t time for ' five years, the sophomo surged upon the guarding freshm at the middle pole before the E blow of the whistle was sounded a both classes began fighting illeg mately. As both were at fault and the flag was taken down in the lotted time, one point was given the sophomores in this 'contest, m ing the score 4 to 2. The sophomores took the sect pole with little difficulty, -making score 5 to 2. During the rush the third pole, the freshmen 'put c of their members, Stanley N. Mu head, '24, up the pole; an act wb was against the rules. But as freshmen held the pole with 'i help from this man and as he v actually dragged down by the sop] mores, the freshmen were given cr it for winning it. The games wi then over with a final score of 5 3 in favor of the class of 1923. No Injuries from Games According to the latest repot there are no serious injuries as a sult of the flag rush. Several n were knocked unconscious for a si time, but as far as information is tainable, all have fully recovered. Dwight P. Joyce, '21, officiated the games. When the classes of '23 and '24 before in the Fall games, 'the sop Vickery,