atIII~ Published every' morning except Monday during the Univer- Aity year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER O THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Teb Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for ;republication of all news disath~s credited to it or not otherwie credited in this paper and the local news published therein-. SIttered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second Qles mtter. Subscrtiption by carrier er mail, $3.50. Ofidces: Ann Arbor Press building, Maynard Street. Phones: Business, 960; Editorial. 2414. Communcations not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig- tiattire niot necessarily to appear ii print, but as an evidence of ailh. and notices of events will be published in The Daily at the iseretion ofIthe ditor, if left at or mailed to The Daily office. Unsigned communications will receive no consideration. No man- dscript will be returned unless the writer ineloses postage. The Daily does not necessarily endorse the sentiments ex- pressed in the communcations. "What's Going On" notices will not be received after 8 o'clock a the evening preceding insertion. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 2414 MANAGING EDITOR ......GEORGE 0. BROPHY JR. sews Editor...... ..................Chesser M. Camphell ihaan Editorial Board.......................Lee Woodruff flt Editors-' T. H. Adams x. W. Hitchcock J.1. Dakia J. E. MMani Renaud Sherwood . W Sargent, Jr. mndayJEdi -tor......J A. Bernstein ity Editor.................. - ..B. P. Campbell sdtorials...............J. whinery, L. A. Kern, Se A. Beac s p r s . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . R o b e rt A n g e ll AtmnsEditor.................ary D. Lane Clegraph .... . . ....... . Thomas Dewey felescope .................................; . R. Meiss -"Asistanta osephine Waldo Frank IL McPike Sidney B. Coates 'aul G. Weber J. A. Bacon C. T. Pennoyer %lzabeth Vickery .W Ottaway Marion B. Stahl rorgs Reindel Paul Watzel Lowell S. Kerr F1arry B rsndy Byron Darnton Marion Koch rancea Ojterholtzer M. A. Klave Dorothy Whipple tebert E. Adams Walter Donnelly Gerald P. Overton iallace .F. llott Beata Hasley Edward Lambreht [ughaton McBain Kathrine Montgomery Sara Waler H. E;. Howlett BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 940 USINESS MANAGER............LEGRAND A. GAINES, JR. D. P. Joyce asifeds.. ..................... ... ....S. Kunstadter ublication ..............-.... ........1. M. Ileatb Lceants.. ........................................E. R. Priehs irculation ..................... -V. F. Hillery Assistants R. W. Lambrecht M. M. Moule H. C. Hunt 3'. f, Hamel, Jr. N. W. Robertson M. S. Godring . H.i Hutchinson ' hos L.Rice IW. Ieidbreder F. A. cross R. G. Burchell W. Cooley Roht; L. Davis A. J. Parker Persons wishing to secure information concerning news for any sue of The Daily should sae the night editor, who has full charge l- news to be printed that night. FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1921. Night Editor-PAUL WATZEL. THE DRONES OF SPORT Every year hundreds of amateur golfers, bent on IIs and titles, drop business of all kinds to make ie long round of tournaments which lasts from one id 'f summer to the other and involves weeks of >ring preparatory training. Some even put the itire year in on the game, hibernating in the South >r that purpose alone. These men cannot be said to be producing any- ing. Many of them have splendid talents, but ieir butterfly peregrinations in the eternal sun- iine of self-satisfaction and honor among the links terie keeps them from doing the least service. to e world. Golf is their life. They have their >unterparts in seveal fields of nationwide amateur >ort; the amateur of leisure is becoming a type. ennis also has its all-year devotees; even billiards n number followers .who count it not a hobby, at a vocation. The professional who spends his life imparting iowledge of a sport to men who are learning it as healthful recreation away from business hours is rforming a real service; he is doing a man's job, rning his hire. But the man whose whole exist- ice is play, who has forgotten how to shudder at e sloth and irresponsibility of those like himself ho toy on the pretty outskirts of life while others -e meeting it face to face, has no excuse to lay :fore the working world of men. Sometimes the apology has been made for this pe that they are forever aiming at perfection. Re- ntly the Outlook considered the case of Hoppe, e great billiard champion; and while deploring in general sense the waste of time on non-produc- ie occupations, which reminded the editor of the onotonous and senseless drawing of'circles within rcles by an old Chinese school of art, the world's ampion was exempted from this condemnation on e ground that his wonderful perfection of tech- que was its own justification Perhaps there is a saving grace in an earnest riving after the best, no matter what the field., ertainly Hoppe, and the few others whose devo-- >)n to the mastery of their art makes it an end d goal in itself, cannot be accused of laziness. ut the hundreds who use a sport only as a eans - an open sesame to the carefree, adulated :istence of the sporting "gentleman of leisure", ich is only another name for human drone - n offer no real brief before their fellows. LITERACY TESTS FOR VOTERS In New York state a constitutional amendment, :uiring literacy tests for voters has passed the ;islature twice and will be submitted to the voters r approval at the fall election. The proposed iendment is moderate, requiring only that a voter all be able to read and write English, and it does t affect anyone already properly possessing the. anchise. The right to vote is a qualified right, not a natural e, New York rightly argues, and it carries with certain reciprocal obligations. To vote intelli- ntly one must have a thorough knowledge of the ues at stake, he must familiarize himself with character and records of the candidates sub-' THE MICHI some, knowledge of the general scheme of holding elections. It would be asking too much to exact all of these requirements from the average per- son, but it is vital that he should b& able to perform the first task necessary for naturalization, that of being able to read and write the English language. If he does not possess this capacity, he has not been legally naturalized. Failure properly to adminis- ~ter the naturalization laws is the condition at which the New York legislature is striking. In the past certain sections of the country have deemed it advisable to cater to the foreign and ig- norant vote and have eliminated all restrictions on the use of the ballot. If we are to have better elections in the future other states must respond to the movement New York is starting in estab- lishing literacy tests of a moderate nature for voters. PLAYS IN FOREIGN TONGUES The performance last night of the initial play of La Sociadad Hispanica, which presented the Span- ish comedy Zaraqueta, marks not only the increased interest taken in dramatic productions, but also is of great significance regarding the impetus lately given the study of foreign languages. There is nothing of greater benefit in increasing the appeal of a foreign language, than the dramat- ization of a native play, if only that by this means it is possible to become acquainted in some small measure with the customs and spirit of 'the country of that tongue. Too often students are prone to' feel that the study of a foreign language is only a necessary evil. Nothing is of greater aid in dis- pelling such an illusion than the witnessing of a play, for it is then possible for a person to judge the actual strides he has made in the mastering of the language. For some time French plays have been presented at Michigan and have always received the most hearty support. .The appearance for the first time of a Spanish play heralds the ever-increasing pop- ularity that the study of Spanish has enjoyed in the last few years. That plays of this nature have a real place to fill cannot be doubted and it is to be hoped that the utmost support will be accorded the appearance of these productions. How far news tra els, even in the worst cir- cles! Yesterday the United States was congratu- lating herself on the good riddance of her auto bandits. Now comes the news that South America has caught the craze and the taxi robbery is all the rage in Buenos Aires Michigan's ball team certainly has a knack of skinning out by a margin of one. Ought to be good exercise for the nerves. The T2elescope The Union Worker's Creed Union men please comrit to meory at once. Eight hours for work, Eight hours for play, And eight hours to dream Of a sven hour day. Thebad thing about elections is that so few are appointed 'while the rest are disappointed. Quoth Eppie Taff: Here lies Will Malt With his creator; He used for salt, Exterminator. Our Latest Song Entitled: "Frailty, Thy Cause' Is Woman." Stolen Thunder A certain New York clubman dreamed recently that he had died and gone to heaven. St. Peter in- troduced him into the most exclusive club there; \ and as he sat in its halls of gold and marble a lit- tle cherub came through paging him. "Call for Mr. Jones! Call for Mr. Jones!" "Here you are, boy;" called the clubman as he beckoned to the cherub. "I'm Mr. Jones. What is it ?" "Your 'wife wants you on the ouija board, sir." Tar Baby. There are a lot of hams around Who make an awful noise and clamour.; But would it be an awful blow To say that some are even hammer. "Don't worry, Rastus, a barking dog never bites "Yassah, Ah knows it, but does the dog know it ?" Some people are so dark that the fire-flies follow themf around in the daytime. It': the ashion Nowadays Dear Erm: The other day I received an invitation to a party with the initials B. Y.'0. L. down in the left hand corner. Can you by any chance tell me what it means? Yours, I. G. Norant. Dear I. G.: In view of the trend of the times, we should say at a hasty guess that B. Y. 0. L. means Bring Your Own Liquor. Our advice would be to stay away from the party. Panous Closing Lines "Bringing up father," said the boy as his parent was arraigned for intoxication, . ERM. GOLF SUPPLIES GAN DAILY Ii -AT- BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK .: DETROIT UNITED LINES In Effeet Nov. 2, 1920 Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (Eastern Standard Time) [ilmited and Express cars leave for Detroit at 6:05 a. m., 7:05 a. m., 8:10 a. m., and hourly to 9:10 p. m. Limiteds to Jackson at 8:48 'a. m. aud every two hours to 8:48 p. m. ExE presses at 9:48 a. m. and erery two hours to 0:48 p. m. Locals to Detroit-5:55a.m., 7:00 a.m. and every two hours to 9:00 p. m., also 11:00 p. m. To Ypsilanti only, 11:40 p.m., 12:25 a.m., and 1:15 a.m. Locals to Jacks on-7: b0 ia... and 12:10 p.m. 1921 MAY 1921 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 24 - 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 PANAMAS We Clean, Bleach and Block Panamas., etc., into the Late Shapes, with all new trimmings to look just like gew. We don't use any acids and do only High Class Work. Factory Hat Store,, 617 Packard St. Phone 1792. WIN rDo You Need Extra Courses? Send for catalog describing over 400 courses in History, English, Mathematics, Chemistry,Zoology, Modern Languages, Economics, Philosophy, Sociology, etc., givelPby correspondence. Inquire how credits earned may be applied on present college program. HOME STUDY DEPT. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS Tear 1 I1 ] i Ask Your Grocer For KLICO BEVERAGES Coca Cola in Bottles Anheuser Busch, Budweiser Keis,,,Beverage Go. Phone 1948 -..... ...." .... ....................................................... x t 4 I; Established 1869 Phone 353-F-I I UNQUESTIONABLY We carry the most exclusive line of 1 Wall Paper .+ 'i Both Imported and Domestic Highest Grade Paints, Oils and Varnishes Oswald IHerz Painting and Decorating 112 W. Washington U. II Comfortable Straws for every head,.made possible by the scpeial cushion sweats in our sailor hts These' flexable cushion sweat bands conform to- the shape of tie head just as a cap d o es. Lear to Dance! Real, full enjoyment comes to the man or woman who is an easy and graceful dancer. It is no longer necessary to spend a tot of good time and money attending a large public dancing class-where you get little or no attention. Peak System of Mail Instruction GIVES YOU REAL, INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION. Youcanlearnto dance In the privacy of your own room- without music-without apartner. Practice any time you please. New Diagram Method. Easily un- derstood-quickly learned-always remembered. The Peak Instruction Courses are "Strictly up-to-the-second-presenting the very latest steps of New York's and Chicago's newest dances. Sixty Thousand Successful Students prove the success, simplicity and thor. oughness of the Peak System of Dance Instruction. Write today for free information and Inte-esting booklet 'of dance fact-- nao special low tuition offer. No ob- ligation. WRITE AT ONCE. t WM!. CHANDLER PEAK, Preident I Straw Hat Day Sunday WAGNER & COMPANY STATE STREET AT LIBERTY For Young Men Since 1848