:AN DAILY ity Work Route. AT THE THE TODAY ATERS Ray in "The le." Comedy Chicago, May 11.-Opening of theI university front door by means of cor-, respondence courses, so that. vaude- ville actor, cook, or printer- can' go toI college by mail if he .chooses, is one ' of the most striking developments of the college world of today, it is indi- cated by a partial census of this field taken by the Associated Press. In 13 universities more than 40,000 persons-the great majority past col- lege age and from a great many walks of life were reported taking college courses with a two cent stamp. They come from everywhere, here and abroad. One member of the Univer- sity of Chicago's correspondenceI classes lives above the Arctic circle, 125 miles south of Alaska's farthest northern point. Another, in China, is 10 days by coolie train beyond the farthest navigable point on the Yan- tse Kiang. More than 300 different occupations were furnished students for Ohio State university's agricultural corres- pondence courses at .the' last listing. Persons taking college mail courses, there and elsewhere, run from day laborers, clergymen, farmers, grocery clerks, boarding housekeepers, cooks, bank clerks, geologists and quarrymen to carpenters, mill workers; vaudeville actors, artists, waiters, men in pen- itentiaries, janitors, probation officers, dressmakers and ball players. While college correspondence cours- es are by no means new, they are de- veloping rapidly in a number of school's. In still other great institu- tions nothing is being done in this field for instance at the universities of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Illinois. LORCH ATTENDS MEETINGS OF ARCHITECTS THIS WEEKI Prof. Emil.Lorch, of the architectur- al college, is in Washington, D. C., this week attending the conventions of the National Council of Architectural Reg- istration boards, the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, and the American Institute of Architects. He will return to Ann Arbor the lat- ter part of the week. I I. Screen Majestic-Charlie R Old Swimmin' Ho and News. Arcade-Anita Stewart in "Sow- ing the Wind." Comedy and Kinograms. Wuerth - Eugene O'Brien in "Broadway and Home." News film and Semior Swing-out. PROF: THIEME'S TULIP 'GARDEN l OPEN TO UNIVERSITY PEOPLE All students of the University and anyone else interested are invited to visit Prof. Hugo P. Thieme's tulip gar- den. The flowers right now and for the next fiew days are at the height of their beauty and all desiring to see them are welcome to walk through the gardens which are at No. 3 Geddes Heights, just beyond the cemetery. More than 75 varieties are represent- ed and are named so they can be read- ily distinguished. This is the second year that the gardens have been open to the public and a large number availed themselves of the opportunity to inspect them last season. -.Professor Thieme states that the best time in the day to view them is early in the morning or- between 6 and 7:30 o'clockin the evening. MEDICAL FACULTY MEN TRAVEL TO VARIOUS CONFERENCES Dr. A. S. Warthin; professor of path- ology in the Medical school, has just returned from Springfield, Ill., where he addressed the Sangamon County Medical association. Other members of the medical fac- ulty who have just returned from trips include Dr. Cowie, of the University hospital, who has just returned from New York City, and from the meeting) of the experimental clinicians in At- lantic City, and Dr. L. H. Newburgh, and Dr. F. N. Wilson, both of the in- ternal medicine department of the Medical school, who are at present at- tending a meeting of the Association of American Physicians in Atlantic City. Did you ever try using The Daily as a Shopping Directory? Satisfaction is at your command if you patronize our advertisers.-Adv. Eastman Kodf Amateur F Enlarger Flashlight Outside G - i2 aks - Film inishing ments ts and froups Corn Flakes, 15 cent pkg. now 10 Sugar! Sugar cents, at Schultz Grucery on State The Schultz Gr St.-Adv. St.-Adv. Orpheum - "The North Malice," form the story Wind's by Rex Beach. film. Comedy and News Indispensable for all Outdoor wear, and in the best of taste. always The Priscilla Dean Tam 2QM .1901... THIS WEEK ,e Stage Garrick (Detroit)-"Four Horse- men .of the Apocalypse," from the famous book by 'Vincent Blasco Ibhnez. A motion pic- ture. I S H U ERT T 0ET R 0 1 V WAY DOWN EAST il LAST TIME TODAY Shubert (Detroit)--D. fith's latest great "Way Down East," the Griffith stars. Use Classified advertis your miscellaneous artic W. Grif- production. wA/ with all of IF IT. IS I N SURANCE WE CAN DO IT . ndPotter & Alishouse S;-g and sell First National Bank Phone 2072 dlcrl 1 GA R R I c D E TR OIT St VICENTE BLASCO IBANEZ HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE f I ' _._.. I les.--U V. !j .. . PrAAW 01) 1,L, s J A WONDERFUL PATHOS AND HUMOR Vera Gordon, whose part in "Humoresque" made her famous, contributes tQ "The North Wind's .Malice" the r'ost wonderful perform ance of her career. a TODAY a FRIDAY SATURDAY I NECKWEAR REX BEACH 1RWINDS MA I Pure Silk Polka Dots And Diagonal Stripes The Popular Shape And Color Combinations You will be surprised at the quality -. You will be even more surprised at the low prices. LAST 65c -4 85c Georg e Kyer 711 North University EugeneO'Bi IN A POWERFUL PHOTODRA- Al "Broadway and H 'S j and 3 t© fd1 _ -, ram it TREBOR The first and last word in real pipe comfort I I i z ,y This is one o <.. omany sty&s of TREBOR PIPES ready for your immediate use at six 'dollars. M.4TREBOR will smoke cool and- sweet from the start. The ivory stop- per at end of stem positively prevents any bad taste or discomfort. If you have never smoked a pipe, the TREBOR will prove a new friend to be proud of. A veteran pipe smoker wil appreciate the specially seasoned fine old briar as an old friend after the first puff. Drop in and see the TREBOR at" The Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co. The Cushing Drug Co. Imported by GROSVENOR NICHOLAS & CO., Inc. ANITA "SO WIN' Lou~is B, Mayer presents: SEWART ROM afar the bright lights of Broadway beckone upon close observation he found the gold was tir woman he had come to love had been the mistress of and beneath the hilarity of the surface many a heart wardly breaking. SENIOR SWING-OUT MOVIES TAKEN LAST THURSDAY BY PATHE ALL THIS WEEK WE HAVE EXCLUSIVE SHOWING EVERY SHOW lomw up ! s s " - ALSO "DUMMY LOVE" COMEDY AND BRAY COMIC ARCADE ORCHESTRA AFTER LUNCH MATINEE-THE ARCADE. IT'S A PTEASING HABIT - NEVER DISAPPOINTING