I DAILY ii the University. Shrine their last dinner of the the Masonic Temple on g of this week. Lou B. imperial potentate of Moslem Temple, Detroit, and Billy Murray, present potentate, will be the guests of the club. Daily advertising will spell prosper- ity for you.--Adv. .---.----- -, - -- f. / a '/ / ;~ iK. 1 Q Kmi4 t -_".:.. . ',+:....ri +:... .._.....v. _ _ Jar.... .,wj.ri. .i.+w+..wh ..r flERLU V E N TI L'AT I N O Porc 4"Cr DuO -r MARTIN' HALTLER wQtomeni Senior play practice which was scheduled for Wednesday in Sarah Caswell Angell hall is postponed un- til 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon. 'he garden party for junior girls will be held from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock today. Girls wishing to enter the spring. tennis tournament should sign up by 5 o'clock Friday' afternoon in Bar- bour gymnasium. Junior and senior baseball practice will be held at 5 o'clock this kafter- noon at Palmer field. A meeting of the Women's Cosmo- politan club will b4 held at 7:30 o'clock Friday night at Newberry hall. Junior, sophomore, and freshmen women will not meet at 4 o'clock to- day in Barbour gymnasium for elec- tions as announced in yesterday's Daily. All women are asked to attend the Y. W. C. A. meeting at 4 o'clock in Newberry hall, instead. Michigan Dames will give a party at 8 o'clock togight at Barbour gym- nasium, in, honor of those members' husbands who are in this year's grad- uating class. Plan Celebration Of Lantern Night Lantern night, the women's annual celebration of changing classes, will be held on Tuesday, June 7, at Palm- er field. The Women's Athletic asso- ciation has charge of the affair. De- troit and Grand Rapids junior college women will be invited to attend. Committees to take charge are as, follows: Publicity-Josephine Mc- Guineas, '21, chairman, Doris Sprague and Marion Koch; songsMarion Wil- lis, '24, chairman, Evelyn Rockwell, '22; guests- Dorothy Brown, '23, chairman, Helen Bishop, '22, Carol MacDonald, '22. - Lantern committee-Grace Fry, '23, chairman, Dorothy True, '21, Quinneth Summers, '21; hoop committeq, Fran- ces Weimer, '22, chairman, Alice Hink- son, '21, Beatrice Beckwith, '21; field events-Elsie Townsend, '22; dancing, -Leah Olin, '21; and music-Alice Hinkson, '21. GIRLS TO BE INTERVIEWED FOR SU:MER WORK TODAY WOMEN'S LEAGUE ELECTS COUNCILORS Results of the election held yester- day for members of the judiciary council of the. Women's league are as follows : Senior representative, Hazel Storz; junior representative, Frances Ames; and sophomore representative, Dorothy Bishop. GARDEN PARTY FOR JUNIORS ' TO BEIHELD THIS AFTERNOON All junior girls are urged by the committee in charge to attend the garden party which will be held' from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock this aftern'oon at the Pi Beta Phi house. During this year, a number of class parties have been held in order that all girls in.1 the class may become acquainted. The committee in charge has promised that the same informality which has characterized the other parties shall be a dominant feature today. The alpha Tau , Omega_. orchestra will furnish the music, and the girls will either dance or play cards. WOMEN, NOTICE! .1 Clever Styles .Not Seen Elsewhere >, A r Iiv /'y ~ C-A Visit Mrs. Stoddard's Shop Rain Water Sham- poos, Marcel and Water Waving, Manicuring for Ladies and Gientle- men. 707 N. University (Upstairs) 1 2 All University women will meet at 4 o'clock this afternoon at Newberry hall for the purpose, of definitely deciding the future policy of the Y. W. C. A. EAST LIBERTY 51 E . r '! /' .. _ _ r r r _y-_ _ _ r, r , 1 . lI N as h" it rr b ,,iit (i,. i \ i a , ,A . u i/ li , . f "> '. .. ZARAGUETA A Comedy to be given in Spanish by Cleverly Fashioned LA SOCIEDAD HISPANICA Are Two Special Groups of N 8:00 P. M., Thursday; May 12 New Washable frocks For Women and Misses At PATTENGILL AUDITORIUM $7.50 $19 00 and PRICE FIFTY CENTS Unusually good looking frocks-thoroughly practical, too-for general late w Spring and Summer wear. Plaid and checked ginghams and fancy figured voiles. Straightline and tunic models; sheer'sogandy collars and cuffs, often yarn embroidery. Long sashes of self material, edged with white voile. ils SOS.UMN CLOSES AT3 P.M. COLUMN CLOSES ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. WANTED rANTED-Two good salesmen living in or near Cincinnatti to handle a quick sellin'g household utensil this summer. See MALLEAUX AND CLARK, 210 S. Thayer St.; upstairs, between 3:00 and 5:30 or 6:30 and 8:00 P. M. 131 'NTED-Several mor'e men to sell Wear-Ever" Aluminum Kitchen Sets. College men are averaging. summer profits of about $1,000.00. Phone 2144-3 or call at 506 S. Fifth Ave., any evening this week. 152-4 -- VANTED-Men. to sell brushes dur- ing summer. Good money making proposition. Call Eman, 1268, be- tween 6:30 and 8:30 evenings or write 1007 E. Huron. 148-21 WANTED-Two ,May Festival tickets, main floor or first balcony, for both Saturday afternoon and evening. Phone or call, Reference Desk, Uni- versity Library. 154-2' VANTED - Furnished ;house where landlady will give board for select group of about fifteen for next year. Box E. P., Daily office. 153-5 VANTED-Medical Student and wife desire suite for light housekeeping. Next year. Quietude required. Daily Office, Box F. R. 13. 'ANTED-7Student to help in Press- ing Shop. One with experience pre- ferred. H. Claveau, 802 S. State St. Phone 385-W. ' 152-3 VANTED-Two good May Festival tickets on main floor for Friday and Saturday nights. Call 2665-W. 154-7 VANTED- Two good May Festival seats for Friday night on main floor. Phone 658-M. '152-3 TANTED - A camping outfit and small tent. Call Burton, Phone 1666-W. .153-2 LOST AND FOUND OST-Leather note-book. Finder please notify B. Clasky. Phone 754-..J 1 54 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Furniture at 1236 Wash- tenaw, one side-board, black walnut over 75 years old and many other old antiques. All must be sold. ' 154-6 FOR SALE-Ford Speedster, 1917, un- derslung, special carburetor and ig- nition. Excellent condition. 602 E. Huron St. 154-2 FOR SALE-Two May Festival course tickets near center of first balcony. L. J. Young, 319 -Natural Science building. N 154-3 FOR SALE-A Karpin davenport in good condition, 1435 Cambridge Road. Phone 2283-J. 152-3 FOR SALE-20 'ft. Morris Canoe in ex- cellent condition. Call 2124-R after 7 P. M. 152-3 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Upwards of $40 in currency, Tuesday between Campus Lunch, State St. or to locality east. Find- er please return to City Y. M. C. A. office. Reward. 154-3 LOST-Pair shell-rimmed glasses last Wednesday night. Kansas City, Mo., address on case, Reward. Call 392-R. 154-2 LOST-In Palmer Field House a but- terfly pin. Greatly valued by own- er. Reward. Call 1668-W. 153-3 LOST-Elgin wrist watch on campus Wednesday evening. Finder call 627, Martha Cook. Reward. 152-3 LOST-Howard 17-Jewel watch with gold chain. Reward. H. Weeks. Phone 63. 153-2 SMISCELLANEOUS' The manager of Gratiot Inn, on Lake Huron,' near Port Huron, will be at the office of the dean of women from 10:30 to 11:30 o'clock this morn- ing. At this time she wishes to inter- view any University women interested in summer work as waitresses in the Inn. University women employed there last summer are said to have expressed themselves favorably re- garding -the work. "MIKADO" LEADINGROLE GIVEN TO RECENT GRADUATE Ione Wilber, '18 Sch. of M., has re- cently been assigned the leading role in the "Mikado". Miss Wilber has been with the company since Septem- ber, taking, a minor part. During this time they have been traveling through the East and South. At present the company is touring northern Michi- gan. While in -the University she took one of the leading parts in the opera,, "Let's Go Michigan". Zoology Club Meets Tomorrow "Bird Language and Bird Music in Southern Michigan," by Dr. J. B. Steere, "Food Reactions of the Am- oeba-William Kepner," by Harry W. Hann, "Studies of Fertilization: on the measure of specificity in fertiliza- tion between two associated species of sea urchin; and on the questhjn of superposition of fertilization or par- thenogenesis in Strongylocentrotus," by Leigh Hoadley, and "The Germ Cells of Anurans-W. W. Swingle" by Peter Okkelberg, professor of zoologyy will be the program of the next ,meet- ing of the. Zoological Journal club at 7:30 o'clock Friday night in room Z 231 of the zoological laboratory. Medical Authorities Here Today Dr. N. P. Colwell, secretary of the. council of medical education of the Americap Medical association, and Dr. William Pepper, dean of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania medical school and also a member of the council, will be in Ann Arbor tomorrw to in- spect the Medical school. Dr. Colwell has been secretary of the council of medical education for many years and has been very influ- ential in revolutionizing medical edu- GIRLS' TUB DRESSES 6 to 14 lears' NOW SHOWINC o/ CORNER WOODWARD 4 STATE NO CONNECTION WIT ANY OTHER STORE The Inimitable Actor TOTS' TUB DRESSES 2 to 6 Years c _ ,_ $2.50 $1 50 in. a dive into boyhood joy-days "TH E OLD t SWIMI'HOLE' BIG RECORDS madefor Apr non Health and Accident Insurance. Only a few more good agencies left worth from $500 to $1000 per month to hustlers for summer svacation. We want bright active men and will pay high for them:, See me before May 15th. H. 1,. Baldwin, 310 State St., National Casualty Co. 147-21 A Wonder Picture Told without a Single Sub-Title Other Usual Added Features Ication.