OFFICIAL IUQLETI HEAVY VOTE EXPECTED TO BE CAST IN CAMPUS EJ1ECTION mm I call, he has in two wars acted as a about the greatly reduced morbidity Vaughan the use o [S valued adviser and investigator, and and mortality. Few men can meas- which he has don by his aid in determining the cause ure up to his accomplishments and at- ever he shall unde of disease and the application of corl tainments." research after his i v- rective measures, helped to bring The Regents have tendered to Dean faculty. N WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 921. Number m3. senate : ext and last meeting of the University Senate for the acatmic 1921 will be on Monday, May 16, at 8 p. . in Room C. Law (Continued from Page One) cording to the notice which was giv en prominence for a number of day but to give their records on th morning of election would have bee to give them an undue advantage. It was emphasized that the nomi nees for vice-presidentsiof the Sti dent "Christian association are no nominees of certain churches, bi rather of the students who are of par 4icular denominations. 5, he en .i- U- it ut .r- II Bats. Bais GMitts Gloves INDOOR BASEBALLS Tegnis Rackets Let Us Care For Your Athletic Needs Golf C 1lubs JOSEPH L: MARKLEY, Secretary. I' The regular meeting wvill be held Thursday at 12:15 at the Michigan n. MARCUS L. WARD. ents in E. E. 36: An unavoidable University engagement will prevent me' from meeting class on Wednesday, May 11. JOHN C. PARKER. ire Under, Auspices of Graduate Club: The final lecture in the Graduate Club Series by Professor H. H. Bart- of the Department of Botan , has been .postponed from May 5 to Wed- ay, May 11, at 7:30 p. m., in the Auditorium of the Natural Science ling. MARTEN TEN HOOR, President, Graduate Club. al Students: Mr. John K. Bacon and Mr. H. Harrison are requested to call at the s office at their earliest opportunity. MARCUS L. WARD. ersity of Michigan Post, No. 303, American Legion: The regular meeting of the University of Michigan Post; No. 303, Amer- Legion, will be held Wednesday evening at 7:30 in the Michigan n. Every member is urged to attend. FLQYD A. SERGEA.TT, Post Commander. neering Students in E. M. 2: t is proposed to give three experiments to illustrate some of the prin- s of strength of materials. 1. Plotting of stress-strain curve for: steel. . Measuring stress in steel I beam and testing beam to destruction eck formula s equals Mc over I. . An eccentric loading experiment to check formula s equals P over is or minus M minus c over I. the experiments will be given in the Engineering Mechanics Labora-. Room 101 New Engineering building, on each of the following days: *uesday, May 10, from 3-6 p. m. ednesday, May 11, from 3-6 p. m. hursday, May 12, from 3-6 p. m. Friday, May 13, from"7-10 p..m. rtudents from all sections of E. M.'9 are invited to attend. Please re- on time. J. A. VANDENBROEK. ner Scholarship in Zoology: 'hrough the generosity of Dr. Bryant Walker a summer scholarship in gy, of the value of $75.00, entitling the holder to free tuition at the ie Biological Laboratory, at Woods Hole, Mass., is available. The n lasts six weeks. University credit may be obtained for courses pur- at the laboratory. Appointment to this scholarship is made upon rec- 3ndation of the staff of the Zoology department. Application should ade at once to the undersigned, Room 452 Natural Science building. A. FRANKLIN SHULL. WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE BOARD OF REGENTS PRAISE VAUGHAN'S WORK HIGHLY (Continued from Page One) national and national scientific and social welfare bodies, and having held a high office in many of them, he has had a rare opportunity for influence and vision in race progress and bet- terment. Responding to his country's Ir "THERE'S NOTHING TO DO IN THIS OLE TOWN" Have you ever said that when you're 'tired of the movies, and your best girl is out of town, and you feel sort of "unneces- sary?" Just note the address at the bottom of this advertisement and drop in here "just to look around" and watch the players. You'll soon find a partner for a game of "rotation" or "straight" and forget all about your lonesomeness. This is a clean, decent place, one which you'll enjoy visiting regularly. . Come in today. HUSTON BROS. Pocket and Carom Billiards. Cigars and Candies. Soft Drinks and Light Lunches, Cigarettes and Pipes. "We Try to Treat You Right" No.2 SCHUMACHERE ARDWARE COMPANY 308-1 0-12 SOUTH MAIN STREET A STORE OF INDIVIDUAL SHOPS Just Received Our new Spring Line of 1921 Hammocks and ohlfeldt Couch Hammocks, Stands and Can- opv complete. Just the thing for the Porch or awn. Also Porch Furniture, Chairs, Settees, and Camp Stools, Lounging Chairs & Couch Chairs. While down town drop in and look over this line. f i- -I',-' w AT'S GOING ON WEDNESDAY eltal by advanced of Music. % students, eting of those' attending see- np at Camp Davis to elect of- room 311, Engifteering build- rsit.y band practice, Univer- 11. Men who have not settled, Band Bounce tickets do so time. Ahomore band tryouts meet,j WOMEN TO HOLD MASS MEETING All University, and town wonen Who are interested in the proposed Women's building will hold a mass meeting at 4:15 o'clock this after- noon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. At this time plans for the proposed building will be shown, and the new Women's league officers will be form- ally installed. Due to the fact that preparations for the May Festival are being made, it is impossible to hold the meeting in Hill auditorium as it was formerly an- nounced. The meeting promises to be -4. / ,. ° - ;' ' ; - of great interest and. importance to council meeting, room Iaill women.- .sea .s re.2Z7 You've said it all .Naval reserve submarine-chaser ing picture, room 243, Engineer- building. -R. 0. T. C. meets, Union. Elee- of officers. Meeting of University post, Am. an legion, Union. THURSDAY I Varsity band meets for concert he steps of the Library.; Choral Union rehearsal, School Music. -Sophomore pep meeting for ex-I n of Spring ty Hall. games rules, CONCERT OF GIRLS' MUSICAL CLUBS OF HIGHEST QUALITY (Continued from Page One) own compositions were also well re- ceived by the audience. The Madolin club played "Lotus Girl" of Robert James and "Enchant- ment" of Earnest Alberti. That last took the audience through the thrills of all the old songs from "Jingle Bells" to "Where, Oh Where, Has My Little Dog Gone?' Other numbers 'on the program were those ,by the Melo- dious Foursome, a quartet, and Melo- 4ies by Michigan Maids, a. number made up of popular songs played on two pianos. SENIORS OF ALL CLASSES TO GATHER FOR SING THURSDAY Seniors of all classes will gather in front of the Medical building from 7 to 8 o'clock tomorrow evening for the' first of a series of Senior sings. An attempt will be made at this time to revive the old spirit and rally the crowds that such events attract., e ce when- you say "aels!" But-if you tried to tell the world what Camels have done for you,. you couldn't find half enough glowing words in the dictionary. When you smoke Camels you get all the joy of Camels remarkable blend of choice Turkish' and choice Domestic -First of series of senior sings front of Medical building. -Round-Up club meeting, Union, -Production, of Spanish play iragieta," Pattengill auditorium. -Dean S. S. Marquis 'speaks on 'elfare Work" in Natural Sci- e auditorium under Commerce b auspices. PROBATIONERS :APPEAR FOR MENTAL EXAMINATION ree hundred and forty students obation took the second semester l, tests given yesterday after- in Rooms B and C of the Law ing. In addition to the proba- rs, 40 students of good standing red before the examiners in or- o ascertain their mental capac- the opinion of Prof. Guy M. ple, of the education ' depart- who is in charge of the mental the results will be the same as given to probationers during irst semester. The second in- rent of the tests will be given 171 tobaccos and you get Camels superb mellow mildness and refreshing flavor - the most appetizing, most satisfying you ever puffed from any cigarette in the world at any price! And, no matter how liberally you smoke, Camels never tire \ your taste! And, what's more, they leave no unpleasant 1 cigaretty aftertaste nor unpleasant, cigaretty odor!a Camels are sold everywhee in scien- tifically sealed pack- ages of 20 cigarettes for 20 cents. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winston-Salem, N. C. -.- --- -- :.s , I l : S hU R-A NEW NARROW Al L L A R CoCLAR Cluett.Pcabody t Co. Inc.Troy. N.Y. I dl. ' .^'9®i I a 7z- -I , ar - pppI w - - C'