1 lla J Screen [ajestie-Charlie Ray Old Swimmin' Hole." and News. in "The Comedy Do you eat to live or like to eat? t Try TUTTLE'S for home cooked wholesome meals One-half block south of "Mai" S H UBE R T WAY DOWN EAST GA R R I K VIETD E T R 01 4VICENTtE BLASCO- IBANEZ HOR SEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE Want anything? If you want what Use the advertising columns of The you want, when you want it, use a Michigan Daily to reach the best of Want Ad in the Michigan Daily.-Adv. Ann Arbor's buyers.-Adv. TOMORROW TODAY AND Dairy Luin A MY -Anita Stewart in "Sow- he Wind." Comedy and grams. - Eugene O'Brien in adway and Home." News and Senior Swing-out. mi - "The North Wind's e," form the story by Rex h. Comedy and News Il1liii Rex Beach's 11 Our food is the best Our prices are right THIS WEEK STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES ! W. F. KELLER 412 NatI. Bank Bldg. "THE NORTH WIND'S MALICE" MIGHTY DRAMA OF THE NORTH Hours . ll""ll Stage k (Detroit)-"Four Horse- of the Apocalypse," from famous book by Vincent co Ibanez. A motion pic- V ERA GORDON, the wonder- ful mother in "Humor- esque," plays the greatest part of her career. TOM SANTS,CHI, the husky star of "The Spoilers" in a role that thrills you through. 7 a. m. to s p. m. 5 P. m. to 7 p. m. Sundays 8 a. m. to -7:30 P-J.. ert (Detroit)-D. W. Grif- 's latest great production, ay Down East," with all of Griffith stars. he I, THE BANK OF SERVICE Commercial Banking in all its Branches. Savings Department and Safety Deposit Vaults. Exchange on All Parts of the World. A. B. A. Travelers' Checks. FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK Two men battle to death is the snow, clutching at each other's throat with fingers of steel, rolling to the edge of the glacier. CHRISTIE COMEDY PATHE REVIEW YOU'LL SEE Illl""' SE'IOR ENQINEER SAYS BUILD. INGS AND GROUNDS EMPLOYEES MAK1E BY-PATHS. Ed o-PTS.litor, The Michigan Daiy: Dring the day I have made special efforts to see just who are those tres- passing on our campus lawns. The pri e goes to the employees of the buildings and grounds department, who have a complete system of paths radiating from , the old fire-engine house in the center of the campus. That building appears to be some kind of a readezvous for janitors and other e mploye's, and during the four times today in whkh I have had occasion to use the diagonal I have invariably sger one or more of these men using the co Vaths. The remedy is obvi- ous and needs no comment. To enable a definite start to be made in an absolute adhering to the "Keep Off the Grass" rule, may I suggest that at least the entrances to the present earth trails be dug up to make the breaking of the rule more apparent This would apply specially to the paths running from the Physics build- ing to the Economics building, and around the northeast corner of the Library, and across the quadrangle of the Engineering building. Seniors! Lay. down the law! '21E. ~. 0. T. C. R FLEMEN TRAIN FOR SUEDER COMPETITION Members of the R. 0. T. C., rifle squad will hold target practice on the rifle range situated just outside the city limits, from 2 to 5:30 o'clock Fri-. day afternoons and from 8:30 to 5:30 Saturdays. The truck that will carry the men out to the range will return At 11.30 o'clock Saturday morning and leave again at 115 o'clock. Only a few men turned out for prac- tice last week, and as the team that will represent the University at the summer camps is yet to be selected it is hoped that more men will be out. The team- upon going to camp this summer wil compete with teams from other' colleges and universities. The winning team wll go to the national snatches at Camp Perry, in August. Spealsh Club to Give Dance Friday La Sociedad .Hispanica, Spanish club, will give a dance from 9 to 1 o'clock Friday evening at the Packard academy. Those having lecture tickets will be admitted with- ot paying the entrance charge, which is 50 cents. Mls Mary F. Minnis, Chiropodist, formerly with Mack and Co., will oe at the Saunder's Hair Shop, Tuesday of every week. Plione 2673-M for ap- pointments-Adv. Ue the advertising Columns of The Michigan Daily to reach the best of Ann Arbor's buvers.-Adv. SUGAR BOWL ROMEE MADE CANDY ABSOLUTELY OLEAN BEST LINE IN THE CITY EVERYTHING MADE IN ANN ARBOR LIGHT LUNCHES 512 E. William 101-103 So. Main St. 30 So. State St., (Nickels Arcade) Member of the Federal Reserve System. 7t The Essence of Goodness In Ice Cream Lies In The Hlor ICE CREAbM Certainly has got the faor 11 A STARTING TODAY AND B ALANCE OF THE WEEK A whirl 'midst Broadway's glittering lights; a vision of the shadows behind them-Miss Stewart is at her best in this production. 11 A WOMAN WITH A PAST. A GIRL WITH A FUTURE. A ROGUE READY TO DESTROY ONE AS -HE HAD THE OTHER, Pt 7 id .b > aa TODAY AND TOMOR ROW 'Brien Fling them from Broadway to a Chinese opium-den. Tell the girl that this hag is her mother. See her take the broken wo- mran to her arms; and sense the thrill that comes as the woman turns on t1w man- 6I SAID'D KILL YOU IF YOU TOLD HER THAT!" You'll find new. delightful drama in th play of one sort of Woman and another; one sort of Man and another; one sort of Love and another. IN A POWERFUL PHOTODRAMA "roadway and Home" Showing "the O'Brien Side of O'Brien 'gull' d O D Ez ['E , . . IA , S[ 1 a 1%e ~MLJm !. a' ,. , . w, .......s.., -- ..~am FROM afar the bright lihts of Broadway beckoned. But upon close observation e found the gold was tinsel, the woman he had come to love had been the mistress of another and beneath the hilarity of the surface many a heart was in=- wardly breaking. . kow Loui ANITA "SO WING s B. Mayer Presents: STE THE. I SENIOR SWING-OUT MOVIES TAKEN LAST THURSDAY BY PATHE ALL THIS WEEK WE HAVE EXCLUSIVE SHOWING EVERY SHOW ALSO "DUMMY LOVE" COMEDY AND BRAY COMIC ARCADE ORCHESTRA AFTER LUNCH MATINEE--THE ARCADE. IT'S A PLEASING HABIT - NEVER DISA