TODAY - Screen Majestic- Lionel Barrymore in "Jim the Penman." Christie comedy, Topics, and a travel film. Arcade--Mr. and Mrs. Carter De- Haven in "The Girl in the Taxi." "The Skipper's Scheme" a. Toonerville Trolley comedy, and Kinograms. Wuerth - Agnes Ayres in "The Furnace." Orpheum- "It's a Great Life," from the story by Mary Rob- erts Rinehart. tions will cause delay in making ar- rangements with the proper employ- ers. The placement must be along lines of the employment objectives and those who are to follow this plan should give their plans some consid- eration. These students should turn in a report on their line ,of action to Mr. Campbell by Saturday afternoon so he can make a report to the dic- trict office when he visits Chicago the first of next week. Did you ever try using The Daily as a Shopping Directory? Satisfaction is' at your command if you patronize our advertisers.-Adv. Have you lost anything that you prize very highly? The Classified columns of The Michigan Daily are always ready to serve you.-Adv. 0'' Representatives of the local labor unions and officials of the employeers' association have, as yet, reached no agreement over the wage controversy involving carpenters and electricians at the new University hospital. The workmen, who recently went out on strike because of a reduction in their wage from $1 to 80 cents an hour, re- turned to work; with the old wage scale in effect. However, conferences are being held here at present to de- termine the permanent outcome of the dispute. Use the advertising columns of The Michigan Daily to reach the best of Ann Arbor's buyers.-Adv. NEW HOSPITAL WAE DISPUTE STILL UNSETTLED; MEN BACK I PRO k i_ O ,t i We are making a specialty - of :GOLF Suits in. English Tweeds. -and Homespuns, White Flannels and Blue Sport Coats I, _-N ( a // rt,/ I go I / ljobb's . .Strawns THIS WEEK WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY REX BEACH'S "The North Wind's Manie" Season :1921 Stage Garrick (Detroit)--"Four Horse- men of the Apocalypse," from the famous book by Vincent Blasco Ibanez. A motion pic- ture. Shubert (Detroit)-D. W. Grif- fith's latest great production, "Way Down East," with all of the Griffith stars. i _ TV' INKo 0 If frbwt r MA03 Q'ICK lnkter s Clothiers, Furnishers and 67 Hatters "NEW"lu ww.: -- _____ . r, .. YACAIION PLANS OPEN TO FEDERAL BOARD EN MAY TAKE VACATION WITHOUT PAY OR CONTINUE EDU- CATION Summer vacation plans for the men in vocational training have been is- sued by the Federal Board of Voca- tional Education. According to the plans there are three lines of action ,open to these men for the summer months.- The first plan is for the student to take his vacation without pay, return ing 'to school in the fall, or whenever circumstances will permit. In this case the status of the student is tem- porarily discontinued and renewed on; his return to school. By the second plan, the student may continue his school work during the summer. His status remaining unchanged. The third plan makes it possible for the student to take .placement train- ing during the summer months and his status will be put as in placement training. All men who desire to adopt this plan should advise the board at once so that they may be placed to the best advantage as industrial condi- TODAY ONLY end ~aspdt YrbIkg StoI mgcoIeQl dear ttle ftedp A 'I a b two kx.ul S. State St. at William St 7 . " ' WEDNESDAY -THURSDAY EUGENE O'BRIEN - IN - "Broadway and Home" I' SPWCAL, ATTRACTI ON THE LAST TIMES TODAY 4'~ _ 11Wim D. Taylor Production Agnes Ayr Il t COMEDY and NEWS { -, '4.. !I jTHE IN A REALART SPECIAL FURN .. r .,a Marriage is like a Furnace - -don't go near unless you want to get burn't. Their marriage wa to be a cosy woo it became a fieryi -a TODAY ONLY LIONmE rr Tt4 . t, a ' .! "JIM., IN T H E PENMAN" A~D sonic Band Concert tI 40W m ARTISTS - 40 GUSTAV HEIM, soloist, world's greatest trumpeter, now with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra "5'-r r .f,..i ) . ' - _Y AGNES AYRES HELEN DUNBAR ' THEODORE ROBERTS Shows. at 7 and 9 o'clock Tickets 55c ..1 Entire Pass List Suspended Agnes Ayres in a New Role L, 1 \ STARTING TOMORROW 1P LAYING the leading feminine role, that of Polly Vallance, the giddy London show-girl, is Agnes Ayres. Her latest previous sensation was a Paramount Picture, "Forbidden Fruit." Her aristocratic beauty has gained for her a leading place among:film favorites. "The O LD SWIMMIN' IN I 1 HOLE" SENIOR SWING-OUT