THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,......, ...w..W . '- . I RT ,ST G AR RICIK DETROIT 4VICENTE BLASCO IBAN EZ H OR SEMEN OF T.NE APOCALYPSE Daily advertising will spell prosper- ity for yu. -Adv. - 0 tertising and sell1 articles.-Adv. 'AWS LUNCHI WhWere they all go i SPAN iSHCOEYWItl SF. PR OCED THURSDA La Sociedad Hispanica will produce "Zaragueta," a comedy by Vital Aza, Thursday evening, May 12, in Patten- gill auditorium. This play will be the first Spanish'work of this kind ever attempted by the department. The production was put on by the Donald, Robertson Players, in English, sev- eral years ago in University hall and was popular at the time. It is well- known in Spain and is of a humorous nature. The stage direction is being handled by Mr. Norman L. Willey, of the, Spanish department, and J. P. Holden, '22, who has assisted in producing plays for the Players club. According to the latter, the cast has been pro- gressing rapidly and a good perform- ance is assured which will entertain those interested in Spanish. The text has been studied Eby the persons tak- ing Spanish 4 to enable the audience to better understand the lines of the actors. Tickets may be purchased at Graham's book stores, from members of the society or from the Spanish faculty. College Exchanges Ohio State-Establishment of the first Alumnae Mortarboard associa- tion is now under way by Ohio State Mortarboard alumnae. Mortarboard chapter was established at Ohio State in 1915 and there are 55 alumnae members. They, will automatically become members of the alumnae chapter. Student members of the Y. are requested to attend i a i 'U lne~n Marion L. Burton. Miss M. E. Wead, vice-president of the association, as- sisted Mrs. Burton in the receiving: line. DRAMATIC SOCIETY . TAKES 4 MEMBERS1 Pi Epsilon Delta, the national hon- which will be held at 4 .o'clock Tues- day afternoon in Newberry hall. There will be a meeting of the old Women's Athletic association board at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night at Helen Newberry residence.. " Junior an'd senior baseball practice will be'held at 5 o'clock this after- noon at Palmer field. There will be a freshman-sopho- more hockey game at 5 o'clock this afternoon. All girls who were chos- en for the team last fall should play in this tournament game.. Canoe Parties W. C. A. meeting orary dramatic fraternity, which was instaMed here lat week, has been de- or signated at Zeti chapter. This fraternity is represented in all Pienics of the Conference schools, at Prince- ton, Cortiell and some of the larger w Try One s western schools. According to its of- ficers, the organization, intends to stimulate all kinds of dramatic work. WTCE Besides teh eight charter membersKR initiate. last week, four more per-, ,- .sons were recently taken into the or- ganization as spring initiates. These are: Albert F. Schirmer, '22E, Johnj5 119 E. Liberty Hassberger, '23, Christine Murkett, = Phone 2620 M '22, and Mildred Sherman, '21. Profs.!=- J. Raleigh Nelson, John L. Brumm,X and R. D. T. Hollister were initiated as honorary members. Did you ever try using The Daily as Membership is based solely on merit' a Shopping Directory? Satisfaction is in dramatic work and only four per- at your command if you patronize our sons are elected each semester. advertisers.-Adv. We Pack LUNCHES for 1116 So. University Ave. / d Second Annual Spring Dance Festival Given By " Ville. Jeanette -Kruszka and her pupils at the Whitney Theatre Saturday, May 14th, at 8:15 P. M. A rehearsal of act I of "The ance of Being Earnest" will at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Import- be held Junior, sophomore, and freshman women will meet at 4 o'clock this afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. Each class will elect social commit- tees and play committees. Nomina- tions for judiciary council will be made by'each, class. The nominations for judiciary council will be voted on by ballot Wednesday. Senior play practice which was scheduled for Wednesday in Sarah Caswell Angell halil is postponed un- til 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon. MRS. E. P. POE ROY, '96, TO ATTEND MEETINGS HERE a I Do You Need Extra Courses? '1 1 i Send for catalodescribing over 400 courses in History, English, Mathematics, Cemistry, Zclogy, Modern Languages, Economics, Philosophy, Sociology, etc., given by correspondence. Inquire how credits earned may be applied on present college program. HOME STUDY DEPT. CHICAGO. ILLIN( "< hi Tickets on Sale at Studio 324 East Huron Street 7 Lssede of Goodness In Ice Cream Lies In The .I/labor Or. ICE CREfAM Certainly has got the flabor Wisconsin - Wisconsin journalismt women have completed plans for the establishment of a home for the wom- en of the department. The purpose of the home is to provide a place whereI women students of journalism may live in a congenial atmosphere, in- spired by a common interest in their work. Any woman majoring in the department of journalism is eligible to membership in the organization, which plans to take care of as many as tho proposed house will accom- modate. Cornell-The Cornell honor sys- tem became effective May 2. Booklets were distributed among the students, containing the names of tl* members of the honor committees 'of each of the colleges. Signs were also placed in each classroom to serve as remind- ers-'"Where each one has honor, all have honor." Oregon-A new three-year curricu- lum which is to be offered by the uni- versity next fall Js meeting with the approval of such school as Columbia, Stanford, and the University of Cali- fornia, according to Dr. A. E. Caswell, chairman of the new course of .study. This course not only prepares a stu- dent for the degree of professional engineer, but also proviies that upon the completion of a fourth yer in some standard engineering school he will receive the degree of bachelor of arts. Mrs. Edward ,$. Pomeroy, '96, of Chicago, chairman of the alumnae council of the alumnae organization of the University, will arrive in Ann Arbor today to. plan work on the pro- posed women's building campaign.. She will preside at an executive committee meeting this evening ,,t the residence of Mrs. Herbert J. Gould- ing, 719 Arbor street. There will be a joint meeting of the executive com- mittee of the alumnae council and the board of directors of the Women's league to give further consideration to the plans at 7:30 o'clock Wednes- day evening in Alumni Memorial hall. Senior Reception Well Attended More than 200 senior girls attended the reception given for them by the Collegiate Alumnae association Sat- urday evening at the home of Mrs. 711 N. UNIVERSITY an ongee Sirts With $2.50 each I' l . r.1 M Ir AI r4r u. . ' . NIS 'L . s lTIS rN l A COLUMN SES .CLOSES P.M. ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. 11 DO YOU' SUPPOSE TUTT LES qI This No' for Dlodge Taxi 11 IS ALWAYS CROWDED? I WANTED TED- Ambitious students for fitable sales work during vaca- . Opportunities for making big ney this summer, selling our up- late Maps and Atlases; were er before equalled. Exceptional positions for those who have had erience in this line. Can 'use inexperienced also. If your are n1 to employment, write us, giv- details in first letter. Rand Mc- ly and Co., Chicago, Ill. 148-5 FOR SALE FOR SALE- A medical office, fully equipped with cabinets, medicines, operating table and furniture. Must be sold because of death. Write Grace Van den Berg, Admx. of Es- tate, 219 ,Fifth St., Grand Haven, Mich. 151-3 FOR SALE-Vega (Tenor) Banjo. In excellent condition, for$25. Real opportunity. Call 212-M ven-ngs. 151-2 " ... 7ANTED-~Several more men to sell "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Kitchen Sets. College men are averaging summer profits of about $1,000.00. Phone 2144-J or call at 506 S. Fifth Ave., any evening this week. 152-4 CANTED -- Summer salesmen for house to house work in Michigan. If you are interested in making some real money, call Malleaul and Clark at 210 S. Thayer St. between 3 and 5:30 or 6:30 and 8:00 P. M. 13 VANTED-Men to sell brushes dur- itg summer. Good money making- proposition. Call Emaan, 1268, be- tween 6:30 anid 8:30 evenings or write 1007 E. Huron. 148-21, TANTED-Men to sell brushes dur- ing summer. Good money making proposition. Call 1268 between 6:15 an4l 7:15 evenings, or write 1007 E. Huron. 148-21 1ANTED-Student to help in Press- ing Shop. One with experience pre- ferred. H. Claveau,'802 S. StateSt. Phone 385-W. 152-3 PANTED - Room in private home for two young ladies during May Festival. Write Box J. A. H., care Daily. 151-3 rANTED-Second hand Old Towne canoe in- good condition. Address- Edna -Hardie, Hudson, Mich. 151-2 ANTED-To buy or rent a rooming house. Address, Mrs. E. Marble, Marshall, Mich. 150-3. 'ANTED- Two good May Festival FOR SALE-One May Festival ticket (complete course) first row, first balcony. Phone 2254-M. 1521 FOR SALE--A Karpin davenport ix good condition, 1435 CambridgeI Road. Phone 2283-J. 152-3 FOR SALE--20 ft. Morris Canoe in ex- cellent condition. Call +2124-R afterl 7 P. M. 152-3 FOR SALE--1917 Buick touring car. Good condition. Call at 533 Churchf St. 150-3I LOST AND FOUND LOST-Elgin wrist watch on campus1 1 Wednesday evening. Finder callc 627, Martha Cook. Reward. 152-3 LOST- Three tracings, in a roll, at the City Garage, Ann Arbor, Mich. Please call 1153-J. 1521 LOST-Bar pin with Phi Sigma Kap-I pa seal at Architects' Party. Re- ward. Phone 1700. 152-i LOST-Will finder of Kappa Nu pin, back initialed M. M. ,R., kindly call 751-W Reward. J152 LOST-Leather note book. . Finder please notify Gordon S. Cook. Phone 861-W. 152-2 MISCELLANEOUS BIG RECORDS made for April on - Health and Accident Insurance. Only a few more good agencies left worth from $500 to $1000 per month to hustlers for summer vacation. WA want bright active men and willI Women Commence Iiaseball .season The first round of the inter-house baseball tournament will begin at 5 o'clock today when Kappa Alpha The- ta will play their game with Alpha Xi Delta. Other games for this week are scheduled as follows: Alpha Phi vs. Al- pha Chi Ofaega, 5 o'clock Wednesday; Collegiate Sorosis vs. Palmer house t 5 o'clock Wednesday on the other field; Betsy Barbour vs. Delta Delta Delta at 7 o'clock Wednesday evening; Delta Gamma vs. Kappa Kappa Gam- ma at 5 o'clock Thursday; Helen New- berry residence vs. Chi Omega at 7 o'clock Thursday evening. The games that have not been scheduled- are Martha Cook vs. Pi Be- ta Phi and Kappa Delta vs. Gamma Phi Beta, which will be played some time netx week. Alumni house will play one of the winners. Spectators are welcojne at these games. Ready to Serve AT ANY TM Open from 11 .-m. to 12 p'm. Pot of hot tea and bowl or rice PLAIN CHOP SUEY 5 CENTS . CHINESE and AMERICAN Style Short Orders Q~can Tung Lo s.613 LIbrty St. E Eastman Kodaks- Films Amateur Finishing Enlargements Flashlights and ' Outside.Groups = - --- - - t11iL 111i 1111111it i i 111UiII 11111ii l U111Ulllllllillilllllillli1l11lilllllililltllllll. A MAJESTIC TONIGHT AT 7:00 AND 9:00 MASONIC BAND OF ANN ARBOR In High Class Concert # Featuring GUSTAV HEIM First Trumpet with Detroit Symphony Orchestra Gustav Heim is recognized as THE WORLD'S FINEST TRUMPET SOLOIST The Masonic Band Under Per- sonal Direction of MR. FRED LEWIS Is one of the best bands in Michigan ALSO MAJESTIC PICTURES AND O1CHESTRA Admission 55e - including Tax I I I. I WOMEN, NOTICE! Juniors, sophomores, and freshman women will meet at 4 O'clock this afternoon in Bar- bour gymnasium. Each class will elect social committees and play coknmiteeg. Nominatgons for judiciary council will also be be made by each class and will be voted on by ballot 'Wednes- day. Last Times Today Mr. and Mrs. Carter De Haven atehe Girl inthe Taxi" and ToocnervIlle Trolley ;y Starting Tomorrow and Balance of Week ANITA STEWART IN "SOWING THE WIND" Regular Added Novelties |i I 10 I]