1A £1L ivlAlAA1 11 I I ehI 409 Jefferson Ready to Serve Froi 11a.m. to Ip.m..- 5 to 7p.m. Pot of hot tea and bowl of rice PLAIN CHOP SUEY 35 cente CHINESE and AMERICAN Style WI~omien I Igh Class Food Short Orders Q~uang Tuing 613 E. LIb.rty St. enl 6 a.m. Close 11 p.m Lo I V lGj TURKISH CIGARETTE I I E f0+r Mrs. Fox was bragging one day about the large number of her cubs. "How many cubs do you bring into the world at one time?" she asked the LIONESS. "Only 9NE,"replied the Lioness-"bbut it's a L-ION." MURADS COST 20 CENTS for a BOX of 10-BUT THEY'RE MURADS! MURADS would be lower priced if we left out all or part of the 100% Turkish tobaccos of the purest and best varieties grown-or if we substituted inferior grades of Turkish tobacco. But they wouldn't be MURADS-they'd only be Foxesr r "Judge for Yourself-!._I" 'ecial attentlon is called Murad 20s in Tin Boxes -Aw9w r4pwwrm": The first regular monthly meeting of the year of the Sarah Caswell Angel chapter of the D. A. R., will be held at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon, Oct. 21, at te Chi Omega house. Reports of the dslegates from the recent state conference held in Grand Rapid will be the program for the afternoon. Matches for the tennis tournament are posted in Barbour gymnasium. Girls are requested to consult the lists. The Girl Reserve leaders' training class will meet at 7 o'clock Thrsday evening at Newberry hall. All girls who are interested may become lead- ers by attending the classes. Sopbomore women are invited to attend the tea given by Dean Myra B. Jordan at 4 o'clock this afternoon in the parlors of Barbour gymnasium. Last tryouts for the Girls' Glee club will be held at 4:15 o'clock Friday in room 204, School of Music. MICHIGAN DAMES ADD 25 MEMBERS Large attendance at the first meeting of the Michigan Dames Tuesday eve- ning at Lane hall promises a success- ful year for that organization. More than 50 were present, 25 of whom were new members. The purpose of the Michigan Dames, that of creating good fellowship among all students' wives, was the subject of an address by the president, Mrs. Lockwood. The program for this year will include speakers on subjects of current interest as well as social eve- nings. All meetings will be held the Qrst and third Tuesday evenings of each month in the auditorium of Lane hall. The history of the organization was given by Mrs. Stephenson. The Mich- igan Dames grew out of a class in story-telling held by Miss Frances Adams, a librarian, in 1914. She found that the wives of many students were interested in meeting together and decided that there was a need for a definite organization. The club has grown since then until it now has an average membership of 75. Miss Howe, of the School of Music, sang several selections accompanied by Mrs.Bour NEWBERRY TEA ROOM TO ACT AS SOCIAL CENTER FOR WOMEN In answer to the need for a place that will be at once a tea room and a social center, Newberry Tea room, under the auspices of the University Y. W. C. A., is now opened to the public. "Michigan men have their Union where they may take their friends, but up to this time no place of a similar nature has been provided for the women," declared Lois De Vries, '21, president of the Y. W. C. A., at a committee meeting yesterday., The tea room whieh is under the direction of Miss Edia Sitton will ac- commodate more than 50 people. It is open to men as well as to women. :N Dean Jordan to Entertain Juniors Junior women will be -entertained by Dean Myra B. Jordan with a recep- tion and 'tea at 4 o'clock Friday after- noon in the parlors of Barbour gym- nasium. Receiving with Dean Jordan are Mrs. Marion L. Burton, Mrs. John R. Effinger, Dr. Eloise Walker, Miss Marion Wood, and Miss Marion Daw- ley. Supper to be Given for Y. W. Workers The University Y. W. C. A. will hold its annual membershipncampaign from Oct. 28 to Nov. 5. An opening feature of this year's campaign will be a supper Oct. 28 at which time all women working on the campaign will receive full instructions. Every wo- man in the University will be given an opportunity to become a member of the organization. FOR RENT FOR RENT-For light housekeeping. Front suite of two rooms; also large front room and side room- close to campus. 2496-J, 1207 Wil- lard St. FOR RENT- Very desirable double room at 1015 E. University. 2361-R. FOR RENT-Very desirable room one blocktfrom campus. 509 E. Jeffer- son St. Deity 7utterfly says: Cwq~ 1 _ L. .After Trimming 9111'1llllltmilm !lftl!!1!!f!!11!!1!!1! l1i1 Li"B LUMAIZE BLOSSO t111111lMilItU1111t1i1111 ulJiigihEliiii '111[ILtEl ll!!tltt 1111 M#1[iMIll ., _ Illino is I' .... . .. -- Phone Orders Promptly Filled Mail Orders Promptly Filled ES IM, ADVERT ISING THIS COLUMN CLODS AT 3 P. M. WANTED 'ED-Room-mnate by Sophomore ineer. Good location. One k from campus and Union. 715 roe St. 'ED-One suite of rooms near pus, preferably in private fam- Box II. ED- Room-mate. Well furu- I room, vapor heat. $8.50, 415 ivision. 320-J. 'ED-Room from Thursday to day with woman student. Call -M. 'ED-A card writer, one who had experience in writing cards lepartment store. Mack & Co. ED-Roommate. $4.00. Block a half from campus. Address I, Michigan Daily. ED-One ticket for the Illinois e. Any location. Call Moffatt. ae 392-W. LOST AND FOUND LOST-Lady's wrist watch on Wash- tenaw Ave., between Cambridge Road and State St. Initials K. M. F. engraved on back. Finder please call 806-M and ask for Miss Finn. LOST-Sigma Xi fraternity key. Name of~ G. M. Ehlers on back. Ad- dress; 1109 Prospect St. Phone 1405-J. Reward. FOUND-Fountain pen Tuesday morn- ing in Tappan school yard. Owner see Herrick at 526 Church St., and pay for this ad. LOST-Tan kid glove on Washtenaw or S. University between Chi Omega and Medical building. Finder please call 1287. LOST - A silver Ever-Sharp pencil with initial "D" at end; somewhere oncampus. Reward. Finder call 1211-M. LOST-Between High School and Arch St., comb containing brilliants. Re- turn to 708 Arch St. Reward. LOST- Brown leather pocketbook- full name inside. Please call 390. Reward. LOST-A Delta Delta Delta sorority pin. Name on back. Return to 433 Maynard St. Reward. LOST-Goldtcuff link Sunday night on Ingalls St., near' campus. Finder please call 2363-M after 5:30 P. M. LOST- A silver Ever-Sharp pencil with initial "D" at end; somewhere on campus. Reward. Finder call 121.i-W. LOST-Jeweled Theta Chi pin. Name on back. Reward. 1351 Washten- aw Phone 273R EST, 1.857 Introducing Dr. Martha Turner's Toilet Articles D- Four seats for Call 179. Illinois MISCELLANEOUS 1192-W. Deliveries to all parts ,he city. Quick service. Mailing' eels a specialty. R. Kellogg, 617 est Ave. CARL BIRD, His wagon. Par- delivered to all parts of the Phone 1627-W. ENTS- tHave your snap shots ed; 15 to-25 cents. 925 S. State ENTS have your snap shots tint- 15 for 25 cents. 925 S. State St. FOR SALE SALE-Ford speedster. Bargain aken at once. Call 1244-J be- en 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. SALE-One pair $18 lady shoes, A, Laird Schaeber, for $9. No. Vickels' Arcade. SALE-Ford speedster in A-1 ition. $50 cash, balance easy. S. University Ave.. SALE- Buick Roadster-first condi'tion. $350.00 down- ns. Call Riker, 397. ALE-Small Victor Phonograph ood condition.. Call Clark, 408 npson St. Phone 1741-W. W E HAVE secured the exclusive rights in the city to Dr. Martha Turner's Toilet Articles, and this week we have here a representative from Madame Turner's Laboratories, who will be glad to show you these beauty helps and help you to use them. Turner's cleansing-massage cream is two creams in one. It is a cold cream, as well as a skin food, will cleanse the skin and prevent premature lines and wrinkles from forming. Price, 65c and $1 the jar. Turner's complexion cream is a mild antiseptic bleach, a cream that will whiten and soften the skin. It will aid in the removal of tan, sunburn and freckles and will relieve a chapped condition of the skin instantly. Used as a base for powder, it is ideal protection from sun, wind or dust. Price 65c the jar. Turner's velvet complexion powder not only preserves and enhances a good complexion but it benefits the skin and transforms a poor complexion into charming attractiveness. It is pure, and wholesome with a lasting fragrance that appeals. It blends naturally with the most delicate skin and gives a natural protection from sun, wind and dust. White, flesh and br- notte tints. Price 65c the box. Turner's American Beauty lotion is an ideal liquid powder for the neck, arms and face. Ideal for evening use. It blends naturally with the complexion. Price 65c the bottle. Turner's Natural Tint is a Parisian dry rouge for daylight or evening use, blends perfectly and naturally with any skin. Properly applied, it defies detection. Blonde, neu- tral and brunette tints. Price 50c the box. Turner's Rose Bloom is especially prep ared for skin that lacks color. It is pure and hariless and when applied to cheek or lips it gives a natural color. It also gives a beautiful tint to finger nails if used for polish. Price 50c the jar. Turner's Velvet Nail Polish is made for paticular women. It gives a beautiful luster and finish to the nail. Price 25c the box. Turner's Lip Rouge (pencil) gives a natural color to faded lips. Price 50c. i I I,. I V. rue40. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Typewriters for sale: 2 Royals, 1 L. C. Smith, 1 Remington, Late models, all in first class condi- tion. G. E. Washington, 8-9 Sav- ings Bank Building, Phone 866. FOR SALE-New Fox portable type- writer, $50. Also one used portable Blickendorfer, $10. Phone Marston, 1951-R, 555 Packard. FOR SALE-Rebuilt Remington, Un- derwood, Oliver and other type- writers. New Fox portables. Phone Marston, 1951-R. 556 Packard. I 10 FOR RENT - Six room, furnished house for school year. Address X Y, care Michigan Daily. FOR RENT-Front suite for married couple or two young ladies. 910 Washington, 1724-3. FOR RENT-One pleasant, well furn- ished doubte room, vapor heat. $3.50 each. 415 N. Division, Phone 3A-J.