We °I , Wiomen Trhere will be no Women's league Peaches! Peaches! Lar in heavy syrup for two bit at Schultz Grocery.-Adv. we AdIv.- :d you of days party on Friday afternoon week. of thisl be here E NOT PREPARED with comfort. Chaperones forrdances this com- ing week end are as follows : At the Union, Friday-Mrs. Yates Adams; Saturday-Miss Martha Hills; at the Armory, Friday - Mrs F. P. Ward; Saturday-Mrs. H. G. Berger.. Ready to Serve AT ANY TIME Open from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Pot of hot t.a and bowl of rice PLAIN CHOP SUEY E6 CENTS CHINESE and AMERICAN Style Short Orders 613 Liberty St. . how miserable one feels. - lored, light weight Suit lg way towards an enjoyable Summer 'ES are reasonable ZKMANSJ-IIP is the best me your inspection. ch Suits and Flannel Trousers -I Eastma Ama E UM, Fla _ x ou'tnniin n Kodaks- F: teur Finishir nlargements shlights and tside Groups -Now ready. L MALCOLM ast Liberty Street. 'T NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN X]B ER FEDERAL RESERVE BANK 'BANK IN THE CITY BANK IN THE COUNTY 'NATIONAL BANK IN STATE OF MICHIGAN GRA'NTED CHARTER NUMBER 22 BYI THE GOVERNMENT ,IN 1863 OFFICERS KIINNE .......... ...........President SON SOULE..........Vice-President ZT F. GAUSS................Cashier F. GRUNER......... .Asst. Cashier e M. HAWLEY.........Asst. Cashier, The Association of Collegiate Alum- nae, with Mrs. Marion L. Burton, will receive the senior girls Saturday eve- ning, May 7, from 7 to 9 o'clock, at the home of President Burton. Sen- iors are requested to wear caps and gowns. Spring initation of Athena Literary society will be held at 10 o'clock this morning in the Alpha Nu room. At 11 o'clock, all members will leave Un- iversity' hail for the" annual picnic. Each girl is requested to bring her own cup and silver. Ther) twill be a meeting of the Mummers' club at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon in Barbour gymnasium par- lors. All those who are not present or who do not notify Florence Derrick will be automatically dropped from the club. Y.W.C.A. PROPOSES . POSSIBLE CHANGES Y. W. C. A. policies for the coming year will be definitely acted upon at a meeting of all campus women at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in Newber- ry hall. The following plans were submitted as possibilities for next year. The present organization is a kind of modified Y. W. C. A. within the S. C. A. Its advantages can be summed up as follows Membership in the women's department unlimited,-that is, all women of Christian faith may' be members of the women's depart- ment of the S. C. A.; co-operation with churches possible; co-operation with religious work of the men. The dis- advantages are: The present organ- ization is unaffihiated with the nation- al Y. W. C. A. board; delegates not able to vote at Y. W. C. A. conven- tions; possibility of a regular affiliated' Y. W. C. A. being formed, should this organization be obliged to drop the name of Y. W. C. A. Three Plans Outlined The second possible plan would be a Y. W. C. A. separate from the S. C. A. The advantages are outlined as follows: A strictly Y. W. C. A. tpro- gram could be put in operation,-that is, one which would include commit- tees for membership, religious meet- (Continued on Page Six) Spanish Society Elects Officers At i meeting held Thursday, May 5, La Sociedad Hispanica elected the fol- lowing officers for the ensuing year: Marvin Faust, '23, president; Harriet Wilson, '23, vice-president; Margaret Moye, '22, secretary; and Ralph Gow- er, '22, treasurer. These officers will be installed at the next meeting, of that society. W HY SUGAR BOWL HOME MADE CANDY ABSOLUTELY' CLEAN BEST LINE IN THE CITY EVERYTHING MADE IN ANN ARBOR LIGHT LUNCHES ANN ARBOR SUGAR BOWL DON'T FORGET IN~ . rars1 .4 4 TO OBTAIN SOME OF SWAIN'S I I PRESENTED BY THE SENIOR CLASS of the ANN ARBOR HIGH SCHOOL Views of the Campus and Huron liiver for your M-Book. Especally careful seri'ice in film developing and printing for amateurs 713 E. UNIVERSITY AV. PATTENGILL AUDITORIUM, MAY 7 - TICKETS 25 AND 35 CENTS AT WAHR'S AND GRAHAM'S "The Romancers "Joint Owners in Spain" ;, 1 be ._.... kbbot' son DIRECTORS Walter C. Mack ' Geo. W. Patterson c D. B. Sutton Erwin E. Schmid Harrison Soule Frank A. Stivers ARE YOU GOING 0 CANOE ING TOM ORI F SO you will want a canoe lunch with- you. Here at our store we have c ffor sandwiches, potted hams, etc., in fact, eirerything that goes to make i prepared basket lunch. Call at our store or phone us and we will be glad to supply you with what JR BUSINESS SOLICITED WEINMANN m EISENDORFER II The Store of -Quality and Serbice AS I 'IE COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. THREE PHONES 1500 ONE ADVERTISING I OST AND FOUND aday afternoon on Wash- etween Hill St. and South y, a small lavender purse g a $5 bill and a key. Find- e phone 1098-M. \ 149-3 ursday, May 5, between Li- d Hill St., silver mesh bag g meal tickets for Arcade and Tuttle's. Please noti- Tuger, 520 Hill St. 150-2 Ferry Field, Thursday, a ch chain key on end, and skull slide. If found, please ight. Phone 2220. Re- 150-2 [1 the finder of Kappa NuI initialed M. R., lost about go, please call 751-W? Re-' 150-1 iii wrist watch on campus ay evening. Finder call ha Cook. Reward. 149-3 3 Prom vanity case con- money and key. Finder 11 2283-J. 150-1 ather note book. Finder >tify Gordon S. Cook. Phone Reward. 150-2 opaz pin, chased gold set- eward. 509 Wash. Phone 150-2 .ta Gamma pin. Call 110-R. 150-2 FOR SALE - Rooming House, good opportunity, will bring in month. Suitable for Sor- Fraternity. First class con- Fine location. 602 Monroe. hi owner, phone 7106-F3. 149-3 .-One May Festival com- arse ticket. First row first Phone_2254-M. 150, E-1917 Buick touring car. edition.- Call at 533 Church WANTED WANTED- Ambitious students for profitable sales work during vaca- tion. Opportunities for anaking big money this summer, selling our up- to-date Maps and Atlases; were never before equalled. Exceptional propositions for those who have had experience in this line. Can use theinexperienced also. If you are open to employment, write us, giv- ing details in first letter. Rand Mc- Nally and Co., Chicago, Ill. 148-5 WANTED-Girls-for profitable sum- mer salesmanship work. To .earn $200 a month and 'up. Dignified salaried positions. See Mr. Zeiler, Room 222, Nickel's Arcade. Today. 150 WANTED-Men to sell brushes dur- ing summer. Good money making proposition. Call 1268 between 6:15 and 7:15 evenings, or write 1007 E. Huron. 148-21j WANTED-Use of several canoes for one day trip. Will pay $5 for each. Call Toy, phone 1612-W. 146-6 Pol 4'QUALITY. vzY S M-oi ' I0¢ ' DO YOU SUPPOSE Glean up Paint up We have everything Nec. TUTTLE'S IS ALWAYS CROWDED? you need that will improve the appearance of your house and lawn. I 11' WANTED-Experienced chef for Fraternity. Call 1016. the Steward. to cook Ask for 150-2 For Service CALL ANN ARBOR YFLLOW CAB CO. Lobby of American Hotel All kinds of imple.. - Paints, Varnishes, Old English Floor ments that will St.dns, Alabastine, Wax etc., for the inside will bring that and outside of Luster grow better. your home. to your floor. o. C. FsOher Co. WANTED-Tosbuysor rent a rooming house. Address, Mrs. . Marble, Marshall, Mich. 150-3 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Steam heated apartment. .See J. K. Malcolm, 604 E. Liberty St. 150-2 MISCELLANEOUS- BIG RECORDS made for April on Health and -.Accident Insurance. Only a few more good agencies left worth from $500 to $1000 per month to hustlers for summer vacation. We want bright active men and will pay high for them. See me before May 1th. H. L. Baldwin, 310 State St., National Casualty Co. 147-21 UP-TO-THE-MINUTE HARDWARE Supplies Everything from Safety Pins to Graham Crackers Blow int C. G. BRUBAUGH & SON Main near Washington Washington near Main I Pol 4 QUALITY. S t? RIO4 N1 .1 U