gr 1 11 tI AlpAO lop A -A% DRAY AND) N DER' I a ) ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1921. p FT .. . d .T SOLDIERS FFICIENT TROOPS MLY CONTROL S1L- ESIAN AREA - TO TO ORGANIZE INTO POLICE ty, Leader of Insurgents, ,De- mands Obedience From People (By Associated Press) Oppen, Silesia, May 6.-Two hund- red , Italian soldiers, commanded by Colonel Bond of the British army, ev- acuated Gross Strelitz, a little more tha4 20 miles southeast of this city, last night. At that time the town' was under artillery fire from Polish in- surgents. Ah making his report to the Allied commission here, Colonel Bond urged the necessity of sending rein- Sforceents, laying emphasis upon the need;of machine guns and ammuni- tion. The French officials here declar- ed they were unable to furnish more soldiers, saying they were 'short of -men everywhere in the plebiscite zone. The Poles are reported to be in pos- session of the entire eastern section of Silesia as far north as Rosenberg, which the commission heard they oc- supied yesterday without opposition. Fighting is still going on at Rybnik, in southern Silesia. Organize Civians Organization of civilian police to the number of 3,000, to reinforce en- tente troops is contemplated here. These police would be upper Silesian Germans, it is indicated. When a copy of the proclamation issued by Adalbert Korfanty, in which he declared himself governor of Upper Silesia, reached the inter-Allied, com- mission here, a French official said: "Korfanty is now a rebIl, and should we apprehend him, he will be treated as such." Frenh Not Surprised The proclamation, which, it is un- derstood, was issued at Sosnowice, where Korfanty has his headquarters, demanded obedience 'to Nowina Doi- liwa, named as chief of the insurg- ents, and Korfanty, on pain of death, It also threatened thieves and plund- erers with the death sentence. French authorities here accepted Korfanty' , action without surprise, saying it would make little difference with the outcome. "With insufficient forces," said one official, "we are doing everything pos- sible to put a, end to this movement, and we hope to have the situat~on In hand in two or tlee days. Had the Germans not behaved so well, 'condi- tionk would have been more serious." Au unconfirmed report from War- saw today stated that Korfanty has been captured with his entire staff. VANCE WILL TALK AT CHURCHDINNER Dr. Joseph A. Vance, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Detroit,' will be the chief speaker at the an- nual Presbyterian senior banquet, to be held at 6:30 o'clock Tuesday eve- ning, May 17, at the. Presbyterian church. The banquet is a compliment- ary affair given by the Session of the church to Presbyteria seniors, senior nurses, and graduate students. At that time announcements will be made of a number of positions in Chris fan work open to University graduates in the United States. It is said that doctors, teachers, engineers, business administrators, and scientists are needed for the work. ' A list of teaching positions now open in the Presbyterian colleges of the country will also be presented. Men and women interested in teach- ing should inquire of Louis C. Rei-] mann, '16, Presbyterian secretary, or, Mrs. Thomas S. Evans, secretary forl women. It is requested that those Smoker, Pep-fleet Planned For Fresh. An All-freshman smoker is being planned by the entertainment commit- tee of the Union for next Tuesday' evening. 'The freshman pep meeting to pre- pare for the spring games will be held at 7 o'clock the same evening in Na- tural Science auditorium but will pot conflict with the smoker as the pep, meeting will be over at 7:30 and the smoker will begin at 7:45 o'clock. Every freshman on the campus :is in- vited to attend both of these events. r No admission will be charged tothe smoker and the Union will furnish the refreshments. The smoker will take place in the large assebly hall on the second floor of the Union. Music by a campus orchestra, short speech- es, songs b ' the freshman Glee club, and a special surprise number will help furnish the entertainment for the occasion. This will be the first and last get- together of the freshmen of all col- leges for this year. and premises to be an event which will mean much in the way of making friendships. Emerson Swart, '22E, who is chair- man of the entertainment committee of the Union, is in general charge of the smoker and Roswell P. Dillon, '21E, chairman of the spring games committee of the Student council is in charge of the pep meeting.' RECO0MMENDS, PRING TRADE WIT H CHINESE J. B. POWELL TELLS .CLEVELAND MEN ACTION SHOULD BE TAKEN PLANl CONC'ERT Of COMBINED CLUBS., Serenades Scheduled for May 18, 17; Sbuter Will Direct Skits for Show , GLEE AND MANDOLIN COTERIES . WILL GIVE PRO.GRAM MAY 26 A musical program interspersed with vaudeville acts will be given by the Glee and Mandolin clubs at their spring concert, Thursday, May 26, the date having received the sanction of the Committee on Student Affairs. Plans which are almost complete pro- vide for a fast moving entertainment of not more than an hour and a quar- ter. A liberal supply of vaudeville will make the show somewhat of the nature of a spotlight, but the formal appearance of the Glee and Mandolin clubs will give it the concert, tone. Rehearsals of both clubs have been going forward steadily and the pro- gram is almost ready now. Prof. William Wheeler is directing the Glee club, while Prof. Frank L. Thomas leads the Mandolin club. E. Mortimer Shuter,, director of Union dramatics,, will, be in charge of the Vaudeville features which are to consist of novel- ty skits and dances to be produced for the first time. The clubs will give their annual; spring serenades Monday and Tuesday evenings, May 16 and 17. Special num- burs for outside rendition have been selected for the numerous catls which the clubs will make on those evenings.I Frederick R. Storrer, '21E, chair- man of the combined clubs, yesterday{ announced the following comaiittee appointments: Program, C.,G. Currie,i '23E; tickets,. Robert Rice, '23; pub-f licity, M. B. Stahl, '23, chairman; Rob-, ert Adams, '23,, Edwin Reid, '23, F. H.J McPike, '23, and John R. Sutton, '23. 1922 OPeraD oks u ejun'e . ist Oratorical Contest Honors Given To ,Wisconsin; JMichigan Fails To Place Wisconsin won. first pltc'e in the '1orthern oratorical contest held at Iowa city Thursday night, Illinois took second, and Northwestern came in third. Michigan, the winner of first place in last year's contest, failed to place. Although Michigan did not recpive recognition among the first three con- testants this season, she has won more contests during the 30 years that she has participated than any other school, having gotten 10 first places and 4 second places. Oscar A. Brown, '21, was the representative from here this year. LANDSCAPE- DESIGN MENl TORU TUESTERN STATE Prof. H. D. T. Hollister, of the ora- tory department, when asked his opin- ion as to the results of the meeting said: "It must have been an' excep- tionally strong contest, for I -have seldom seen a speaker representing Michigan in the Northern oratorical contest as well prepared as Brown." Sterling Tracy, of Wisconsin, who won,flrt place, spoke onw"America and Britain for Civilization". The Il- linois speaker, Miss Gladys Penning- ton, spoke on "Return America". "The Hopes of Peace" was the title of the oration delivered by Russell Kirkpatrick, of Northwestern, who finished third. Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood, who ac- companied Brown, went last night from Iowa city to Mitchell, S. D., where he will act as a judge in the Interstate Oratorical association con- test in, which 12 states are represent- ed. This league is composed of the smaller colleges which do not belong to the Northern Oratorical league. On his return trip he will stop at Free- port, Ill., on Sunday to speak on Sav- ronola at the Presbyterian church there. UUH UL U .S ENVOY SIT WITH SUPRlEME HARDING To ANNUAL SPRING TRIP STARTSI MAY 24; TEN GOING FROM DEPARTMENT Cleveland, O., May 6. - The argu- ment''presented some 15 years ago in support of, federal incorporation for companies doing business entirely in- side of thes. United States, also applies today in support of federal incorpara- tion for companies doing business en- tirely outside of the United States and between foreign countries and tie United Statea, 4" B. Powell, honorary member of the American Chamber of Commerce, toldthe National Foreign Trade council today. Other Nations Lead "Since China is a great undeveloped country," he said, "and probably our greatest potential trade field, it Is nat- ural that the attention of congress should be directed toward legislation calculated to place our merchants in that field upon an equal footing with our competitors. _ Other nations which have preceded us in China have al- ready taken this action, years ago and have obtained strong foothold there. Congress Should Act "If congress does not come -to our assistance and enact legislation to place us on an even footing with our strong competitors. our trade out there is almost certain to return to its unimportant position of before the. war. "Our trade with China has Dot Jbeen healthy for the reason that we buy more from China than we sell to China. China is a great market for mtachnery and forapractically all lines of m ufactured articles produced In America, btu we can't sell enough out there to even balance our purchases of Chinese raw products. What fur- ther argument do we need for legis- lation that will enable our manufac- turers to go to China, and sell' their products on an even basis with the manufacturers of other nations?" DETROIT WILL HAVE FIRST MOTORBOAT SHOW, XAY 14 Detroit is to have a motorboat and sportsman's show during the week of May 14"to 21, in the Everett building, Jeeffrson avenue. The show 'will be the largest ever' held in the Middle West. Manufacturers and dealers are enthusiastic over the proposed exhibit and expect that it will {become An an- nual affair.x New designs in marine engines as well as every other item of equipment which goes to make a motorboat com- plete will be shown. Although this is essentially a motorboat show, all sorts of marine sporting goods and surplus will be featured. A flying boat will be on exhibition for the first time in Detroit and many other novelties are Leaving Ann Arbor the afternoon of Tuesday, May 24, 10 students of the landscape design department, under the supervision of Professor -Tealdi, wil begin their annual spring, tour. The trip this year is to be made by automobile which, it is expected, will add a great deal to the pleasure of the expedition and make it possible to visit a number 'of places that would otherwise be impossible. From Ann* Arbor the members will go to Detroit where a D. & C.'steamer will be taken to Buffalo. The parks of Buffalo vwill be visited Wednesday and in the. evening the group will drive to Rochester. Thursday will be spent in 'examining the many beauti- ful parks in this city and the High- land Park Arboretum will be visited. It is expected that the famous collec- tion of French hybrid lilacs, which is housed in this building, will be in full blossom at this time. The party will motor to Ithaca Friday, stopping at a few points of in- terest on the way. This will leave Saturday for an inspection of Ithaca and the campus of Cornell university. A visit will also be paid to the Cor- hell landscape art department. Sunday will be spent in driving to Painesville, Ohio,-and the extensive nurseries of that city will be visited Monday. Tuesday the expedition will return to Ann Arbor by way of To- ledo. S. ofJ. WillHold Second Seres of F inal Recita is ENROLLMENT IN GEOLOGY BIOLOGY CAMPS TO BE HEAVY Books for the 1922 Union opera must be in the hands of E. Mortimer Shuter, director, by June 1. The de- cisiori to produce next year's show in December instead of in the spring has made it more important than ever to, have the .books in immediately. Actual work on the production and the rehearsals will begin directly after the opening of college, in the fall, and there 'is usually much revision work necessary on the books before they are in proper form. The gook for this spring's opera was submitted by the author, Russell Barnes, '21, last May. To date no offerings have been turned in, and an equal opportunity awaits all writers. Any men who are writing or contemplate writing books or music are asked to see Mr. Shuter at once., FOUR CANDIDATES WITHDRAW NAMES FROM CAMPUS BALLOTS George N. Welsh, '22, will take the place of Hugh Hitchcock, '22, as the junior lit nominee for the Student council. After' the ,withdrawal, of HitchcockAWelshtautomatically took his place on the ballot, in accordance with the order of nomination arrang- ed in the class meeting. E. F. Moore, '22, w ill take the place of R. Emerson Swart, '21E, as the Student council's candidate for coun- cilman-at-large. Renaud Sherwood, '22, has withdrawn his candidacy for the Board in Control of Student Pub- lications. Archie McDonald, '22L, has announced that he will not be a can- didate for the Student council for the J-law class. The class will meet at 11 o'clock Saturday morning to select another nominee. McDonald has also withdrawn as. the candidate of the Student Christian association for Student councilman-at-large. Sergeant, '22, Up for Union Floyd A. Sergeant, '22, was nomin- ated by petition yesterday for the of- ce of president of the Union. The pe- tition, which was handed in last night, contained a few more than 30P names. Other candidates now in the field for the office are: Archie D. MacDonald, '2211, R. Emerson Swart, '22E, and John M. Winters, '28L. The closing hour for all petitions is 9 o'clock this morning., AND Ava Conin, '21, and Neva Nelson, '21, will give the second graduation re- cital at 8- o'clock Monday evening at the School of Music. Both these girls are residents of Ann Arbor and have made enviable records in their work in the Univer- sity and in the School of Music. Miss Nelson 'was recently chosen to mem- bership in Phi Beta Kappa. She is a pupil of Samuel Pierson Lockwood, and her success on the violin is shown by her favorable appearances at stu- dent recitals and with the Universit* Symphony orchestra. Miss Comin has studied pianofnder Albert Lockwood The .quality of her playing was shown at the Swing-out exercises, where she accompanied Robert J. McCandlis, '21M. Their program is as follows: Toccata and Fugue......Bach-Tausig Ava Comin Romance, G major, Op. 40..Beethoven Loure and Giga, from the Sixth Solo-Sonata, E major.....Bach Sonata, A major .............Haendel Andante-Allegro; Adagio-Allegretto Neva Nelson Ballad, Op. 23 ................ Nocturne, Op. 48, No. 1...,Chopin Miss Comin Concerto, No. 2, D minor, Op. 22 ..................... W ieniawski First Movement (Allegro moderato)1 Miss Nelson Qavotte... . . . .Gluck-Brahms Juba Dance........ ......Dett -W ater Lily ................... Etude de Concert, F sharp... - ..............MacDowell Miss Comin Miss Wilma Seedorf, accompanist Enrollment in the Medical school' and Law school will be fully up to normal during the Summer session this year, and ifn the geological and biological camps much higher than usual ,according to predictions -of the secretaries based on inquiries and en-' rollments that have already been re- ceived. Work in the Law school never va- ries to any extent, according to Prof. Evans Holbrook, secretary. The reg- ular first year courses will be offer- ed, with a number of more advanced courses. Students Attracted The ability to finish the three-year course in two years by attending Summer school attracts a large pro- portion of students to the session, over 54 per cent of the enrollment consisting of students in the regular session. Medical work during the summer wil be better attended than usual, ae- cording to Dr. C. W. Edmunds, as- sistant dean. The courses are almost entirely in laboratory work, but in- quiries indicate that many students, especially from outside the state, will be enrolled. To Enlarge Camps The geological camp ' in southern Kentucky will have a full enrollment, according to Prof. C. 0. Sauer, who is in charge of the geological section, the department of geography being under Mr. G. M. Ehlers. The geo. graphical section is alread'y full, while that under Professor Sauer has dnly a few vacancies. Enrollment in the biological camp in northern Michigan is full, accord- ing to Dean E. H. Kraus, of the Sum- mer session,' and tentative plans are now being made to jncrease the num- ber that will be admitted, due to the demand that exists among biological. students. SPANISH SOCIETY TO PRESENT PLAY "Zaragueta", a comedy by Vital Aza, will be presented by members of La Sociedad Hispanica in Pattengill aud- itorium, Thursday, May 12. The title role, Zaragueta, will be played by Oc- tave Antonio, '21. The remainder of the cast Is as follows: Carlos, H. A. Hart, '22; Maruja, Anita Kelsey, '21; Don Tndalecio, H. J. Ranft, '21; Dona Dolores, Lois E. Brookes, '21; Dona Blasa, Catherine D. Wilcox, '21; Pio, Samuel Greenburg, '23; Gregoria, Mar- Ian. L. Walker, '23; and Perico, Ralph Gower, '22. This production, the first to be giv- en in Spanish on the campus, is un- der the direction of Mr. Norman Wil- ley, of the Spanish faculty, and J. P. Holden, '22. Tickets may be had at Graham's book stores, or from mem- bers of the Spanish faculty or club members, l ~- -- COL. GEORGE HARV] CHOSEN FOR AC Representat'y's Also -Appoi Ambassadors' Conference Reparations Body (By Associated Press) Washington, May 6. - Harding accepted today the In of the Allied Supreme council I United States be represented meeting of that body as well a of the conference of ambassade reparations commission. .Geore Harvey, newly ap ambassador to Great Britain, with the supreme council an part as the representative President of the United States deliberations" of that body., sentation at the conference of sadrs in Paris and the reps commission will be unofficial. 'I bassador to France will be I servor of the former and Rol Boyden will sit in an official c on the latter. Decision to accept the ceunc vitation was reached today s regular cabinet meeting and announcement of it was made White House. 'In administration circls emphasized that the actiona mean participation of the States in any pject "of the governments, or world leagues MAZE OF COLOR I ARCHITECTS B The Architects ball, with ab people: in attendance, started minutes after 9 o'clock last e in Barbour gymnasium, whe grand march swung into line tune of "The Victors". The was led by Frank Andrus, '21 Katrina Schermerhorn, '21. continued until 2 o'clock. The decorating scheme was ially effective, the entire ceili ing covered by a basket weav secured by using yellow and crepe streamers, set off by bands of light-blue. At varios in the ceiling red balls were sus in which were electric bulbs. ious floral esgns were used. FRESHMEN WARN TO W ATCI CONDI UJnusual laxity on the part at men to, obey Michigan traditio their failure to take them se has prompted the underclass c committee to again ;warn fr4 that the rules must be obeyed, traditions strictly adhered to. The rules that are laid do' freshmen are as follows: 1. The pot must be worn times, on all occasions except s Going bare headed, or carrying in the pocket is not enough. I be'on the head. (Continued on Page Sx ' Fresh Lit Lieutenants Nan The following freshman lit been appointed to act as lieuI in the Spring games by the pr of the freshman lit class, Stektee, and the captain of tI games, Harry G. Kipke, '24: " E. Blodgett, Donald S. Wieman, F. Idema, Henry C. Heil, Georg leavy, Stuart E. Boyd, Stanl Muirhead, William A. Weeke1 C. .Sterling, and Harry G. Kip has been requested that then get in touch with their* c Cameron A. Ross, '24E, imme at 1399 or 1014-3. Comedy Club Holds Tryo Comedy club will hold its spring tryout from 9 to 11