IIIUAN DAILY [it 1's pro- vin Lust," li All-star 7in "The News and -Norma Talmadge in Passion Flower." Holy :e comedy, Bray comic, [(inogram s. i-Vera Gordon in "Th~e est Love," Vanity Fair s comedy and Pathe Re- DuiMabel Norman in "The Princess."- Mermaid com- "Wedding Blues," and In- itional News. TIS WEEK Stage l(Detroit) -"Four Horse- of the Apocalypse," from famous book~ by Vincent 2o Ibanez. A motion pic- will wear one of those beautiful combs from Saunder's Hair Shop.-Adv. Lightweight imported golf hose. $3.00 upward. Wild & Co., State st.- iAdv. EDDIECANTOR, j MIDNIGHT ROUNDERS3 GARRICK DETROIT 4VICENTE BLASCO I31ANEZ HO.RSEMEN O 4F THE APOCALYPSE We Pack LUNCHES :. for Canoe Parties! I or. Picnics is Try One IE C K ER'SIr SDelicatessen - 119 E. Liberty Phone 2620 M THE MOTHER -O- "HUMORESQUE" ,,,,,,it ,' -.. j 'f x ... . t - J * _^_ a o o R!i t1i t. s o j "_! ++ a , , "1 r } TODAY -,and- [I TOMORROW VERA GO'RD THE MOTHERVf' M HUN I. -IIN- "THE Shiubert (Detroit)--Eddie Cantor 125 other fun makers in the musical review, "Mlidnight Rlounders." Patronize Daily Advertsers.-Adv. GREATEST SUN.DAY -- MQDAY ITS A GREAT LIFE MARY RQ3eftT$ RINEHART TODAY AND TOMORROW A GOL D WYNPC T UR E i r t r M, ,. ,, ,. 4 .' " " ' . , : 1 ti +, .,, f Q - { p w " o O o G - ' Q e . . # - i A ±1 THE SCREEN'S GREATEST IN I THE GREATEST PRESENTATION OF LOVE" THE GREATEST THEME MA BE L N ORMAND to sOmc paictures "THE SLIM PRINCESS" HE LIKED THEN THIN!, E VERY haughty noble in the state of Morovenia rejected the slim princess because she was too thin. And then a yoigng American came along, peeked through the harem wall, scaled it and carried her off to America.. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Snub Pollard Come -AND - Pathe Review Op CHRISTIE COMEDY UNIVERSAL NEWS SHOWS START 2:00 3:30 7:00 8:30 Always Good Seats for Those Who Come at These j Hours TODAY AND BALANCE OF WEEK ,,_ MAE 'i ThBe BIeautid Follies Dance r In an, Ultra-Sensational Story of a Girl Whose Flash and Folly and a Gay Life Hid a. Heart of Gold. She was New York's est, most daring dancer. two men loved her. gay- And 66 But one loved the tinsel and the glamour-the other loved the real girl. Their conflict makes a dra- ma of unequalled power and beauty. Scenically one of the most gorgeous pictures" eve. made, and Miss Murray's big- gest triumph since "O.fn With the Dance." h I S By night, a glittering salamander, she lived on' the lights of Broadway. By day, a simple-hearted, wholesome girl. As sweet as any that raised their brows at her home. And as good -- always. The why of it all is a story you'll thrill to see. Byv CLARA BERANGER Special Added Attractions1 "STUFFED LIONS" -i A New' Universal Comedy Pathe News Majestic Orchestra 99