Lomen I be no Women's leagite ay afternoon of this1 :e for the Girls' Glee .eld at 7:15 o'clock to- ur gymnasium. -for dances this com- lare as follows: At lay-Mrs. Yates Adams; s Martha Hills; at the{ y - Mrs. F. P. Wdrd; *H. G. Berger. ion of Collegiate Alum- Marion L. Burton, will ning, May 7, from 7 to 9 o'clock, at the home of President Burton. Sen- iors are requested to wear caps and gowns. Athena Literary society will hold its second selective tryout at 7 o'clock' tonight in the Alpha Nu room. All members are urged to be present. Dean Effinger to Attend National Meet Dean John R. Efinger, of, the liter- ary college, leaves Ann Arbor today, for Washington, D. C., where he will represent the University at the Na- tional Council of Education, which is meeting this week in that city. Beautiful line of combs for the' Architects' Ball. Saunder's Hair Shop. -Adv. ; . t COMINO HERE SOON "THE SCOFFERS" A First National Pioture LAST TIMES TODAY OM" MOORE IN A GOLDWYN PICTURE he Great.Acident" There's a love story in "The Great Accident" that's as sweet and as tender as any love story ever told. Come and see Tom Moore in his very bestiole. NEXT YEARS POLICIES DISCUSSED B1 TW C.A1. At the All-campus meeting of wom- en which was held yesterday afternoon for the puropse of discussing Y. W. C. A. policies forthe coming year, Ger- trude Boggs, '22, presided and outlined several possible plans on which to work. These plans will be published in full in Saturday's Daily, and another meeting will be held' at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at Newberry hall to further discuss and vote on the plans. It is necessary that all women on the campus give full consideration to each plan in order to avoid 'con- troversy next year. FIRST ACT tEADS CHOSEN FOR SENIOR GIRLS' PLAY Leading cast memers of the first act of Senior Girls' play, who were re- cently appointed, will hold a rehearsal at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Selections for choruses and cast in the other two acts will be made in the next few days, Senior women included in. Friday's practice are as follows: Frances Maire, Helen Vowles, Margaret O'Reil- ly, Naomi. Neubeck, Marie Crozier, Anne Lindemulder, Margaret Colcord Grace Ohlmacher, Helen Bailey, Beu- lah Broin,, and Amelia Igel. APPLICATIONS FOR COMBINED COURSES MUST BE MADE NOW Applications for admission to the combined curricula in letters and medicine, law, or denta surgery should be handed to Registrar Arthur G. Hall at once. This applies to stu- dents who desire to enter upon double registration next September. Applicants must have completed the total number of hours and all the pre- scribed literary studies, while their work in the literary college must have given them one and one-third times as many honor points as hours. If you want to do some selling this summer butdon't like the book or brush business, see Maleaux &c Clark, 210 S. Thayer St., upstairs. Hors 3:00 to 5:30 and 6:30 to 8:00 P. M Adv./ Girls' see our beautiful combs for the Architects' Ball. Saunder's Hair Shop-Adv. Visit Mrs. Stoddard's Shop Rain Water Sham- poos, Marcel and Water Waving, Manicuring for Ladies and Gentle- men. 77 N. University (Upstairs) \\~Kx~l i ! i 1 I lt l ! G A t {f / ' m, ,, $7.50 $25.00 and up Piquant modes that are distinctive and wholly dif- ferent from those to be found in ordinary shops, de- lightfully developed in bright, sheer fabrics and made up in the most careful and painstaking man- ner. Cay flowered voiles with organdy collars and with narrow organdy ruffles. Check and plaid gingham frocks with cuffs and vestees adorned with organdy ruffles. Dotted swisses in.a broad choice of novel styles. -Third Floor. Exclusive Showing of New Bathing Apparel CORNER WOODWARD & STATE NO CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER STORE I Misses' and Women's Debonair Summer Frocks of Voiles and Ginghams 0 1 $10 - $15 -j t ,_ A COMEDY "VELVET FINGERS" TRUBEY Home-made Candies and Box Candies Discount on D/lx Candies 218 S. MAIN STREET Phone 166 a Courteouai and satisfactory TREATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account he la09e or small. WHY 1 DO YOU SUPPOSE The Ann Arbor Sau nas Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, 6W5,O00.00 \Resources.........65,000,000.0 707 North University Ave, Northwest Cor. Main & Huron a S TUTTLE'S IS ALWAYS. CROWDED? .4r Iu schur .I 1'Y , " TRU-TQN L" Saxophones Mierit Their Country- Wide Poularity . i Phone Orders Promptly Filled Mail Orders Promptly Filled We 'be the celebrated luescher Saxoph In Practically all rNod, .Come in and let demonstrate thes easy-to-play instruments fory a slightest obligation. Prices com 1.68 Convenient payments arrang ines se popu- you-not mence at STORE OPENS 8:30 EST. 1857 STORE CLOSES 5:30 Dr Martha Turner will be with us two days ..,..fit Zed. Grnnell Bros. Everything in the Realm of Mlusic i sr6 S. Plain Street" II Friday and Saturday a LASSIF IE COLUMN CLOSES ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. She is returning by request t finish her course of lectures sh I gave here last week on "Hygi --443". " J 3 WANTED iD- Ambitious students for able sales work during vaca- Opportunities for making big ythis summer, selling our up- e Maps and Atlases; were before equalled. Exceptional sitions for those who have had lence in this line. Can use Lexperienced also. If you are to employment, write us, giv- etails in first letter. Rand Mc- & Co., Chicago, Ill. 148-2 D- To rexchange 3 complete e May Festival Tickets in sec- alcony, 7th row, for seats in balcony or main floor. Will ifference. Phone 2672-R. 148-2 ID-Men to sell brushes dur- ummer. Good money making stion. Call 1268 between 6:15 :15 evenings, or write 1007 E. 148-21 LOST AND FOUND -One Fountain pen with initials S. on gold band. Phone 1751-J. d. . 148-2 RHeine thesis. PleasA notify FOBRSALE FOR SALE-Student leaving wants to sell Vaugh Piano-excellent condi- tion. Call 1771 or 113 W. Summit 147-3 MISCELLANEOUS BIG RECORDS made for April on Health and Accident Insurance. Only a few more good agencies left worth from $500 to $1000 per month to hustlers. for summer' vacation. We want bright active men and will pay high for them. See me before May 15th. H. L. Baldwin, 310 State St., National Casualty Co. 147-21 MR. AND MRS. Davis and daughter, Nina, are traveling by foot from De- troit to the Pacific Coast carrying their entire camping outfit in an Auto-Wheel Coaster Wagon. They are displaying their entire outfit in our Washington St. window. Very interesting to see. Come and see the window. John C. Fischer Co., 105 E. Washington. 148 WANTED WANTED-Use of several canoes for one day trip. Will pay $5 for each. Call Toy, phone 1612-W 1W46-6 A FIRE IN TmH MAKING Physical Culture, General Healti See the unextinguished pipe, the newspaper and the oil can, you can almost hear the fire bell and the clang of the engines. Some causes are more obscure but ani Care of the Skin." Dr. Turner is one of America's recognized authorities on beauty and health and her 1 are practical and interesting. She will tell those who come to hear her many things th prove beneficial. She is a skin and physical culturist and her methods require but a few r a day to bring results. She will tell' you how to cultivate your hair, eye-lashes, eye-brow ture of neck, arms and a beautiful complexion; how to build up sagging muscles, to remove ble chin, wrinkles, lines, blackheads or other skin blemishes. the resultant LOSS from the fire is the same. Delay is foolish. Some day you are going to call us. Why not now? BUTLER INSURANCE .201 NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. The Belle of the 'Architects' Ball will wear one of those beautiful combs frorm Saunder's Hair Shop.-Adv. .. Lectures to Women Only Each Afternoon, 2:30 No Children On each afternoon at 2:30 o'clock Dr. Turner will give a le department at the rear of the second floor. Girls under fifteen are to women : ' '"~~ '