..... SPAPER AOTHE UNIVERSITY OP MICHIGAN orning except Monday during the Univer in Control of Student Publications. OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ress is exclusively entitled to the use for s dispatch'es credited to it or not otherwise, and the local news published therein. stoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second iuilding, Maynard Street torial, 241 4. ed 3oo words, if signed,the sig- in pr int, but as an evidence of be published in The Daily at the at or mailed to The Daily office. ceive no consideration. No man- to writer incloses postage. arily endorse the sentiments ea. pill not be received after 8 o'clock EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 2414 EDITOR..........GEORGE O. BROPHY Jr ........Chesser M Camvbel' :orial Board.........................Lee Woodruff Adams H. W. Hitchcock Dakin J. E. McManis d Sherwood T. W. Sargent. Jrsti .......... .......... ............ . .A.B rn~sting , , , ,, ,B. P. Campbell .......... J. Whinery, L. A. Kern, S. T. Beach ........Robert Angell tor...................... ..........Mary D. Lane Thomas Dewey .............. ....... .Jack W. Kelly Assistant Valde Frank H. McPike .er J A. Bacon cLkery W. W. Ottaway idel Paul Watzel rundy Byron Darnton -rholtzer M. A. Klavet dams E. R. Meiss Elliett Walter Donnelly acBain Beata Hasley Kathrine Montgomery Sidney B. Coates C. T. Pennoyer Marion B. Stahl Lowell S. Kerr Marion Koch Dorothy Whipple Gerald P.Overton Edward Lambrecht Sara WEller H. E . Howlett dent council is attacking the problem; the Women's league will do well to take positive action to the same end. Cut out the shortcut! THE BAND BOUNCE The most efficient spirit instiller upon the cam- pus, an all-year-round feature which greets us, fo- lows us, or precedes us as the case may be, urging us on in victory, cheering us up in defeat, sending our joy towards the heights, or stirring our loyalty to its depths, - such is the Varsity band. Many: functions require its services, and many hours of practice must its members devote outside of the actual times of performance. Michigan should ap- preciate her band as one of the few such university organizations which pursue their purpose through- out the entire year, and one which has attained an efficiency comparable to that of professional bodies. Thursday night an entertainment is being given in order to gain funds for the support of the band. Money is necessary to enable the continuance of its functioning as a beneficial influence for Michigan morale. The band is one of our greatest assets, as well ag one of our most impressive advertisements. Buy a1 ticket for the Bounce next Thursday night and do your share to help keep up this chief campus apostle of pep. '21 DUES - PAY THEM ! Although it is now less than two months before graduation it is a surprising fact that only half of the members of the senior literary class have paid their dues. The remainder evidently are still fol- lowing the laissez-faire policy summed up in the sentence, "If I think of it I'll pay mine next time I happen to meet the treasurer" With the last of June so nearly at hand this in- difference threatens the success of our commence- ment program by creating a shortage in the funds from which necessary expenses must be met. As dues must be paid before graduation, why not make it a point to clear up this matter immediately, so that there won't be any hitch in '21's commence- ment functions? Each one with outstanding dues can easily do- his part by settling at University hall at any time from 2 to 4 o'clock today, BUNDLE DAY Congress has designated tomorrow as a Bundle day for the relief of destitute Armenians. Contrary to the usual run of drives, no money is being sought. All that is asked is that we pack up any old clothing that we may long ago have cast aside as worthless, and take it to the Bundle station in McMillan hall. Conditions in the near East are desperate. Thou- sands of men, women, and children are going about the streets in the utmost poverty - clad in a few thread-bare rags. This is a cause deserving of Mich- igan's whole-hearted support. Sunday afternoon at the Union was the time and place of the .best upperclass convocation yet. Too bad more upperclassmen weren't there to get in on, the argument. G R BOTH ENDS ANNUAL BOOK Si Open Evening During Sale i. r _ Y DETROIT UNITED LINES In Efect Nov. 2, 1920 Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (Eastern Standard Time) Limited and Express cars leave for Detroit at 6:05 a. m., 7:05 a. m., 8:10. a.,in, and hourly, to 9:10 p.,im. Limiteds to Jackson at 8:48 a. in.and every two hours to 8:48 p. M. Ex- presses at 9:48 a. m. and eery two hours to 9:48 p. m. Locals to Detroit-5:5 5a.m., 7:00 a.m. and every two hours to 9:00 p. m.' also 11:00 p. m. To Ypsilanti only, 11:40 p.m., 12:25 a.m., and 1:15 a.m. Locals to Jackson--7:'0 a. m., and 12:10 p.m. 1921 MAY 1921 S M .T W T F 'S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Men: Last season's hats turn- ed inside out, refinished and re- blocked with all now trimmings look just 4ike new, wear just as long and saves you five to ten dollars. We do only high class work. Factory Hat Store, 617 Packard St. Phone 1792. W HY This No. for Dodge 'Taxi "AT - OF THE DIAGONAL WALK II Pa vi aYour Own .:: 7 ,: .. 'BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 NESS MANAGER..........LEGRAND A. GAINES, JR. tising} .}......... ............. ..D PJoyce. aeds.......'.....................K.....:::: unstadter :ation .............-......V..... ..F. M. Heath int,...................................... ..E. R. Prieh ation .................... -. -------....V. F. Hillery S , " ~ Assistants w . . Lambrecht M. Moule H. C. Hunt . Hamel, Jr. X N. W. Robertson M. S. Goldring EH. ftcshinon Thos. L. Rice H. W. Heidbreder .Coss IR. G.Burchell W. Cooley . L. Davis A. J. Parker. a rsoa wishing'to secure Inforation concerning news' for any of= he Daily should'60 the night editor, who has full charge news to be printed that night. - WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1921. Night Editor-THOMAS H. ADAMS-. e Cubs' club will meet at 4 o'clock this after- MICHIGAN SPIRIT NEXT YEAR .IV-- Tnx SIDEIINXS fair indication of the spirit and loyalty which ift by a student body for its university may be ned from the number of tryouts for teams and Ities, and the keenness of the competition which played. It is'unfortunately true that the ma- r of us are not exceptionally athletic in charac- nd as a result we must confine our activity in direction to an enthusiastic place upon the nes, giving to' our competing colleagues a e-hearted and lusty-lunged support both in ry and defeat. t there are many, entirely too many, among the kers who, no matter how hard they "root" or loyal they may be, cannot truthfully convince selves that they are doing their best as the in- :ed spectator. These men form a mass of val- * athletic material which is going to waste, do- othing to add to the laurels of Michigan. If an idual is fortunate enough to be blessed with tic prowess whether it be i baseball, football, ming, track, or any other sport, it is his duty port for practice and to take his place beside thers who are earnestly endeavoring to achieve heir University the highest honors of which are capable. If Michigan is to reap the greatest its possible from her wealth of athletic mate- .t must be through the honest decision of each nt as to the value of his ability in that direc- as well as an appraisal of his friends' poten- es, and loyal action to comply with the convic- reached. Only this way can we urge forth ian on the side-lines who should be in athletic rim CUT OUT THE SHORTCUT chigan's own students could probably get along well with a lawnless, treeless, bushless cam- Most of us stay on it only during classes or we are studying in the library; the aestheti- inclined could probably satisfy their taste for al beauty by hieing them to the bo.levard. Cer- r we would be less inclined to gaze out the oom windows. People can get along almost here ; some manage to live in a desert, others nement fire-escapes with ash cans and back s for their vista. ere is no question but that we are going to have bald spot for a campus if we .keep up our at habit of cowpathing hither and thither re- ess of lawns and oblivious of walks. In other , we are going to have to manage with a sand- mpus unless we mend our ways. We can stand it shall we enjoy it? Shall we like to hear nd women from other universities - proud of own beautiful campus expanses - ridicule gan's? re is just one way to save the beauty of the - keep off them and yell a good hearty "get e grass" to the person who forgets. Sunday's class convocation at the Union uanimously a "Keep Off the Grass" resolution. The Stu- You are interested in profitable work which will add direct way to your college education. A good proposition for you selling brushes in your i town or elsewhere during the summer months. Accepted plicants will be trained free before school is out-no time ] For further information write 1007 E. Huron or DO YOU SUPPOSE TUTTLE'S IS ALWAYS CROWDED? 1268 between 6:30 and 7:15 P. M. I 'I p' Are ybu going to be a Keep off the grass! Three seconds lost ing a shortcut will mean the saving of a lawr. f orged" engineer? by avoid- Michigan the Telescope Yes, Clarice, a string tied around your finger to remind you of something could be called a forget- me-knot. Force of Habit She stood before fair heaven's pearly gate, Good St. Peter's verdict to await; Before she entered, oh happy fate, She said, "St. Peter, is my crown on straight ?" Dear Noah: Enclosed you will find a picture of myself. Per- haps from looking at it you will be able to make some recommendations .as to how I will be able to preserve my complexion. Ann Teeke. We'll answer your question the way the philoso- phers used to, by asking another question, - "Why do you want to preserve that complexion of yours ?" You're right, Clarice ; appearances are deceiving. Our girl still insists that we didn't look like a.fool the last time we asked her to dine out. About the deadliest poison In the world that we can Think of just now is Aviation. You know, one drop of that And you're a goner. We thank you. There with a are thousands of that kind and, soon or late, the, shoCk that they can get just about so far, and noj THREE big eastern uni- versity engineering societies held a joint meeting recent- ly. They were alumni men of technical colleges. And they met to discuss the out- look of the college trained engineer. "The trouble," said a speaker, "is that too many of us are 'drop-forged' en- gineers. We know our pro- fession; but of Business, to, which it is so closely re- lated-we just don't know what it's all about." In the files of the Alexander Hamilton Institute is the story of a graduate of a great en- gineering college. With all his training and his degree, he was a "drop-forged" engineer. "When I left college I did not know the A B C of how to consider even the sim- plest of business problems," he wrote. Upon leaving college, he started to work as an engineer for a big technical firm at $70 a month. He is still with that firm. And this is what he writes: "Today I am part owner of the firm and sole manager of it. This hasn't been due to luck by any means; but simply by putting into prac- tice what anyone can get from the Modern Business Course and Service of the Alexander Hamilton Insti- tute." 'It is not enough to know the technical side alone The director of a western en- gineering, college said recently: "The most dominant character- istic of the engineering profes- sion is the preponderance of the commercial over the technical." Step by step, the engineering enterprises that achieve big suc- cess, and make careers for en- gineers, are guided by the same fundamental laws and practices" that rule modern business. And" thousands of engineers have learned by bitter experience that without business training, tech- nical training carries a man just about so far, and no farther. A Course whose product is understanding The Alexander Hamilton In- stitute was founded by a group of business men and edu- cators who realized that modern business was developing special- ists, but not executives; that somehow more men must be taught the fundamentals that underlie the operations of every: department of business. The Institute has only one Course. It takes a man out of college and gives him a working knowledge of all .the depart- ments of business. Such a man receives in a few months of reading what ordinari- ly would consume years of prac- tical experience. He finds in the Institute a more direct path man of the ,same years education. For the "drop-forged" gineer who asks himself "W am I going to be five years f now?" the Alexander Hami Institute has an encoura story to tell. It is the stor the thousands of successful lege men-many of them gineers-who have saved wasted years; men who, 1 the Course and Service, I added to their technical eq ment the training which mi them understand what busi is all about. "Forging Ahead in. "Forging Ahead in Busine page book especially prep who are taking stock of t and wondering what the ft for them. It is not a book 'men of feeble purpose. Bu seriously want toknow wh has done for others in posit own, the book will be a r will be sent without obli send the coupon below. is a With Apologies to "Lampy" Stude-Is the word whiskers singular sir? or plural, Prof .-If a man has them it's plural. Stude-And if it isn't a man that has them? Prof.-Then it's singular. A Hot One "Are you afraid of fire?" Huh! Don't I go to class in Mason day ?" Alexander Hamilton Institut 239 Astor Place New York City ----- -- -S- - --- a-- --- Send me"Forging Ahead in Business" which I mnay keep without obligation. Os Print here Business Business Poiion......._. ........_..............«.. hall every Famous Closing Lines "Spell bound," muttered the boy when the teacher made him stay after school because he had missed several words. NOAH COUNT. Canadian Address: C. P. R. Building, Toronto; Australian Address, 8a Castlere