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May 03, 1921 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-05-03

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Captain Wesbrook wishes the
following members of the Var-
sity tennis squad to report for
practice as early as possible this
afternoon at Feiry field: Muuz,
Angell, Reindel, Brick, Sanchez,
Merkel and Zemon. Matches.will
be played to determine the
make-up of the team for the
Ohio State trip.

o These Teams
e Big Ten

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all of the Conference

Dlaving had their baptism by fire in the
past two weeks all indications based
on the performances of the teams up
to the present point to the fact that
Michigan and Illinois will battle for
another Western championship. Lund-
gren's men have met a greater num-
ber of Big Ten teams than has the
Wolverines and have made a most im-
pressive appearance -en eachi of their
fou .' starts. Northwestern has been
the football of each of her five oppon-
ents to date. and has failed to furnish
any thing like the, brand of ball 'dis-
played by other squads.,'
Wisconsin Improving
-Wisconsin, with a number of her
football men in the battle front, seems
to have an aggregation much stronger
than the one which caused no small
amount of trouble around the circuit
last year. Cleancut victories over
Chicago and Northwestern last week-
end more than atone for an earlier
defeat sustained at the hands of In-
diana and the Badgers are now step-
ping along with an eye on the cham-
pionship should Michigan or Illinois
Ohio State, considered at the open-
ing of the season to have the bright-
est prospects in her history, dropped
a geme to Illinois and is now in a po-
sition with Wisconsin, waiting for the
leaders to slip so that she may go into
a tie for first place. Purdue, did not
show anything startling in the game
here some time ago and it is difficult
to see how the Boilermakers can bet-
ter their present position.
In the second division Chicago,
Iowai and Indiana seem to beabo
on a par with Iowia holding the ad~
vantage if there is any. The Hawk-
eyes have been a disappointment so
far during the season, not having lived
up to their advance notices in any
Illini Meets Catholies
An interesting comparison between
Illinois and Michigan may be drawn
this week as Notre Dame will go to.
Urbana fresh from her defeat at the
hands of the Wolverines. These
games yesterday and today, should
give some idea as to how the two lead-
ers will oppose each other later In the
sea.son but at present it is harl to
see any other close to the race than
Michigan and Illinois finishing one
Today's indoor baseball schedule is
as follows:' Phi Sigma Kappa vs.
Delta Tau Delta, 3:30 o'clock. Delta
Sigma Phi'vs. Xi Psi Phi, 4:45 o'clock.
Winner of Kappa Nu-Beta Theta Pi
game vs. winner of Phi Kappa Sigma-
Zeta Beta Tau game, 3:30 o'clock.
Lambda Chi Alpha vs. Hermitage,
4:30 o'clock.
Today's outdoor game is laws vs.
Crawforth's soph lits at 3:45 o'clock.
Delta Sigma Phi instead of Alpha Sig-
ma Phi won from Alpha Rho Ch, 10-4,
as was stated in Sunday's Daily.

Despite the cold winds which blew
across Ferry field yesterday after-
noon most of the football men out
found the gridiron hot enough for
them. The old charging machine was
the reason for most of the heat. Tad
Wieman has decided that the players
have had enough scrimmage for a
time and spent most of his time rem-
edying the mistakes which he and
Coach Yost noticed during the past
He had Gob Wilson take some of the
fellows and introduce them to the
charging machine. Six men were
placed on this while six more were
chosen to do the work. The machine
moves rather slowly and with the
added weight of the half dozen the
charging linemen found plunging no
easy task. ' his sot of exercise gives
the men skill in charging from the
line as well as the use of the hands.
While a number of men were kept
busy in that fashion, others were
shown how to make a head-on tac-
kle, pass the ball and run under pass-
es. Scrimmages will be indulged in
but once or twice this week.
Entries for the All-campus tennis;
tournament have been closed and the
matches will start this week. It is
requested that all men get in touch
with their opponents and get tie
preliminaries finished this week if
possible. The interfraternity tennis
tournament will also start this week,
one match already having been played
in which Alpha Delta Phi defeated
Theta Ch 6-0, 6-2, 6-1, 6-4.
The following are the names of the
entries together with the name of their
first opponent: Robinson, 66W, vs.
Mellen, 558, Hodgman, 437M, vs. Mil-
ler,. 2332, Frankel, 2627M, vs. Tracy,,
1017J, Farley, 236, vs. Oliphant, 10173,
Osborn, 1744, vs. Barnes, 2738, Work-
man, 2738, vs. Bowers, 1328, Snider,
1615, vs. Lightbody, 11983, Hopp,
243M, vs. Oppenheim, 265J, Riley,'
1460, vs. Jerome, 1189M, D'Ooge, 566,
vs. Kennard, 1521W, Flower, 10173, vs.
Segall, Morgan, 1324J, vs. ' Hames
871R, Batty, 1016, vs. MacArthur, 18,
Cole, 1484, vs. Kauffman, 1316M, Watts,
1172M, vs. Nowlen, 938J, Reason,
1484, vs. Weyard, 1460, Baron, 1869W,
vs. Gustus, 558, Bowen, 16, \vs. Greg-'
ory, 1992W, Marentay, 2598R, vs. Hall,
578, Robbins, 1422M 'vs. Ornstein,
1236J, Hagadne, 2378W, vs. Schaefer,
493, Rohan, 1575J, vs. Rickenbrode,
2349, Sanchez, 668R, vs. 'Guenin,
1575J, Cohn, 354J, vs. Clippert, 374,
Rasch, 481R, vs. Parsons, Greenman,
vs. Donson, 1546R, Sloss, 349M, vs.
Creedon, Shaw, 63, vs. Beaudette,
1951M, Steiner, 1741R, vs. Diebe,
832R, Wright, 24803, vs.' Landowski,
490, Carr, 441F2, vs. Weiss, 1598W,
McLeese, 1526., vs. Walbridge, 188,
Denhurder, 1526R, vs. Dunakin, 63,
Newbury, 2536W, vs. Olmacher, 856W,
Brown, 1526R, vs. Kline, 17443, Acker-
man, 1147M, vs. Steiens, 1802R.
The following constitute the open-
ing rounds of the interfraternity
tournament: Zeta Psi vs. Delta Sigma
Phi, Zeta Beta Tau vs. Phi Delta The-
ta, Theta Delta Chi vs. Alpha Beta
Psi, Lambda Chi Alpha vs. Sigma Chi,
Alpha Tau Omega vs. Phi Sigma Del-
ta, Theta Chi vs. Psi Upsilon, Delta
Usilon vs. Alpha Sigma Phi, Kappa
Sigma vs. Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sigma
Nu vs. Phi Kjappa Sigma, Kappa Beta
Psi vs. Sinfonia, Phi Sigma' Kappa vs.

Chi Psi, Phi Kappa Psi vs, Hermitage,
Kappa Nu vs. Phi Beta Pi. Acacia vs.
Alpha Rho Chi, Delta Taur Delta vs.
Alpha Chi Sigma, Cygnus, 2378W, vs.
Nu Sigma Nu, Delta Chi vs. Trigon.
Have you lost anything that you
prize very highly? The Classified
columns.dofyThe Michigan Daily are
alIv~ays ready to serve you.-Adv.
Did you ever try using The Daily as
a Shopping Directory? Satisfaction is
at your command if'you patronize our

Meet May Be Close, Due to Recent
Inclement Weather-Easy Time
Not Looked For
Recent inclement weather has hind-
ered track work to such an extent
that Steve Farrell is beginning to ex-
pect a close meet with Ohio State at
Columbus next Saturday. After the
trouncing that the Wolverines hand-
ed the Buckeyes last year and the
poor showing of the Scarlet and Gray
team to date it looked for a time as ifR
the Wolverines might htive an easy
On" the other hand, the results of
Saturday's trials would indicate that
pessimism about the meet is really un-
warranted. With the aid of A strong
wind Losch and Simmons ran fast
100 and 220 yard 'races and should
be able to defeat the Bucleye sprint-
There is certainly no one in the
Columbus school that can beat Cap-
tain Butler in the quarter, and Wetzel
and Forbes should come in for points.
Burkholder led the Scarlet and Gray
half milers to $he tape last year, and
if he is unble to repeat, Burns cer-
tainly can.
Little is known of the Buckeye
milers, although Michigan is so poor-
ly fortified in this event at present
that they may score a first and possi-
bly more in this event. The two mile
is another unknown quantity, with the
Wolervine hopes lying in Standish.
Hill and Pittinger, of Ohio, are fast
hurdlers, competing in the Penn re-
lays last week, but Cruikshank should
prove superior to both men, in the low
barrier race. Michigan's high hurdlers
are not phemomenal, and the Buck-
eyes meay cop a number of points
It will not take much for them to
win the high jump, for this is Mich-
igan's weakest event. In the broad
jump, however, it should prove a dif-
ferent tale with Cruikshank and Wes-
brook doped to finish first and sec-
ond, respectively. The improvement
of these two men is steady, and they
should leap over 23 feet before the
season is over.
sIn the pole vault Walter Wedbrook
should take first and Naylor has a
chance for second.
The majority of the points in the
weight events should, go to Michigan.
Stipe and Van Orden ought to garner
first and second in the shot, and Stipe
should bring in five counters in the
hammer. The javelin, unless Ohio has
recently developed a spear artist,
should get eight more Wolverine
points through the work of Hoffman
and Dunne. However, Ohio State has
Spiers in the discus, who has beaten
the marks that Dunne and Jacob
made last Saturday.
Without a relay Michigan should win
the meet by at least 15 points, unless
Farrell's proteges go way below what
they can and have done. The cold
weather has retarded work, but the
Wolverines are greatly favored.
Ask for the

Philadelphia, May 2. - With over-! versity of Pennsylvania third.

cast skies threatening additional down-
pours, a sudden track, and a chill
wind working against them, the 3,000
athletes, representing schools, col-
leges and universities in every part
of the country, who took part in the
Pennsylvania relay carnival on Fri-
day and Saturday failed to set any
new marks, but succeeded in furnish-
ing the keenest of competition, for the'
thousands who braved climatic condi-
tions to witness the events.;
Two sensational relay races proved
the greatest attraction. Yale and Iowa
State college of Ames fought for first
place in the two mile college relay
championship of Amerca, the former]
winning by five yards, with the Uni-

class B college championship Boston
college surprised critics by beating
out Pennsylvania State at the finish
mark, a scant few inches separating
the two leaders from Redlands, Cali-
fornia, university.
The one mile college rplay cham-
pionship, in which victory was eon-
ceded to Michigan, had the Maize and
Blue been entered, went to Syracuse,
with Pennsylvania second, and Cor-
nell third in the time of 3 minutes,
2 2-5 seconds.
Illinois showed well 'in the high
jump in which four men tied for first
honors. Two of them wore the colors
of the Urbana school. Thompson of
Dartmouth, Olympic hurdle champion,

Western A thletes Provide Thrills'
At Pennsylvania Relay Carnival

did what was expected of him
nlpg the 120 yard high hurdl

-r l


Not high, but-highly comfortable.

In theI

conditions, but he was forced t
limit by Wright of Nebraska, R
(Continued on Page Eight
Swimmers have been neglig
in turning in their suits to the
tramural office. These must
handed in at once. No memb
of the team will be issued awa
until the return of all suits


"-Makes Jack a Dull Boyl"
Jack and Tom and Harry get
to be very dull chaps, indeed, i
they believe In all work and n
Men who want to-keep thei
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If your "prof" is wise he wil
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Senior lit baseball practice 3 o'clock
today, south Ferry field.
Candidates for the junior literary
baseball team will practice this aft-
ernoon on south Ferry field. The first
workout for the men will begin at 3
o'clock. Everyone is strongly urged
to come out, as the first game on the
'interclass schedule is to take place o01
Thursday between the junior lits and,

There is unlimited demand for skilled dent-
fists and specialists in dentistry.. This school
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wish to specialize there are courses in Oral
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The Arcade Cafeteria is upstairs
in Nickels Arcade. Fingerle's
is at 3 2 2 South State Street.




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