SUPPLEMEIT FEATURES THEATRES LITEIURY SUNDAY FEATURE SECTION I XUF l r4 ir4i3 t t 43tttl SECTION TWO .. ., -' rri rlr rrr irirrrr irtw . XXXI. No. 145. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 1, 1921 PRICE --, ..E HE D I-THIRTY YEARS OL; ~ ..,,",.a., ,..w. . .. {WIWfI w 4 11"A Y z i: s N 1 I \r,''4 t I + :« 0+"' 7 'U' p~~u5M~. '# ;::. N .t . , PUBLICATIONS' OFFICES-1. The Pressroom where The Daily is printed. 2. The Editorial board in session. 3. The Night Editor's desk. 4. A corner of the composing room. 5. The Business office of The Daily. 6. -Photos by Jacobs and Zim torial offices of The Daily. 7. A corner of the Publications' offices. hrtieth Year Reached In 1921 History of The Michigan Daily Marked by Professional Achievements; Rep- resented at Olympic Games in 1900; Printed First Sunday College Paper and Supplement (By hluglhston 1W. McBain) Delving into the historic past of The Daily-a past full of joys, sorrovs, hopes, ambitions, sacrifices, struggles and finally conquered difficulties- many interesting things long since confined to the grave, yet eager to be divulged by those elite few who were here in the early days, once more find their way into print. Back in 1900 when Michigan was represented at the Olympic games in Paris, many newspapers sent special correspondents to the meet. In those days that was almost an unheard of thing. Few newspapers could afford it, but thefortunate few who were individually represented at that time were the London Times, the New York Herald, the Chicago News, the Paris Figaro, the Berlin Blatt-Staat, and The Michigan Daily, which was repre- sented by Otto Hans, 'OOL, who is now president of the Ann Arbor Press company, printers of The Daily. First Known as U. of M. Daily Getting back to the origin of the paper, one finds that the first issue- a little four column, four page newspaper-was thrust upon the campus Sept. 29, 1890, entitled The U. of M. Daily. The U. of M. Independent asso- ciation published the paper and it was not until 1895 that fraternity men1 were allowed to work on the: publication. When The Daily first came out,{ 1 MIaI fillIli III III I 1 1illIIIIIIIIII III f]1NII NIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII . 1891 ABOUT 1921 Ralph Stone, '92L, who was managing editor of Tihe Daily 30 years Eago, and who is now president of the Detroit Trust company, in 'a re- cent interview said: { "The avowed object of The Daily editors from the very start was to furnish the news of the University promptly and accurately, likewise to promote clean athletics and sound morals among the student body. = "It was a strenuous task to blaze tWe trail for the first two years, E but the news servicewas complete and The Daily was a positive inilu- ence for good during the period of which I have knowledge from my connection with it. It is a source of gratefulness to its founders to e ° note that The DPaily's high standards have been maintained and that'it E has greatly progressed in appearance, in the thoroughness with which it covers the news and .i its advocacy of everything that makes for wholesome student life.. "Hearty congratulations upon your thirtieth anniversary, and best E wishes for your future success:" Air. Reporter Rnemarks About AttitueOf Hm Who Seeks The Daily Keeps Pace WithCamp Growth of University in Past 30 Years Has Placed Severe Demaw Publication Must Face Peculiar and Exacting Problems (By Jack Dakin) This is the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of The Daily. Most people -'- women especially, of course - are prone to beliti significance of birthdays-after the novelty of such reminders wea But three decades have served merely to establish The Daily as a, po youth of journalism, which all the same points with significant pri yearly milestones of accomplishment. Rather severe have been the demands made upon The Daily in tb 30 years, for it has been forced to keep pace with an absolutely unpar development of the University. Both, according'to present indicatioi going to do a lot more growing. Faces Peculiar, Exacting Problems The Daily, like all college newspapers, faces rather exacting and pe problems. Its subscribers are composed of about the most conflicting imaginable. This is characteristic of the University community. T: six days in the week a sheet that is equally agreeable, and that means s -to English professor, sport enthusiast, woman student, forge assista ligious worker and music lover is a task which, if not impossible, is c perturb even the most seasoned and hardy editor. Patience and callou to abuse are prime requisites to The Daily worker, for some reader is a various opinions prevailed as to whether it would succeed, but the editor truthfully prophecied, "The Daily is its own excuse, it has come to stay." It has. As far as records .are obtainable, it has not missed .ppear- ing on scheduled publication days since the memorial first issue. Otto Hans, whose name for so many years has almost been a synonym for The Daily, cahe in 1895. For five years he managed the finances of the paper, was managing editor one year, and ever since has been associated' with The Daily. When he came The baily was near financial ruin, but Hans secured personal credit and bor- rowed money so that The Daily might live. In those days, merchants gave trade for ads, printers were paid with due bills on local stores, and as the re- porter of old said, "a rough time was had by all." In the summer of 1901 The Daily merged with a prospective newcomer, The Varsity News, .and The Michigan Daily-News was published. This last- ed but a short time, when under the supervision of the Board in Control of Student Publications, The Michigan Daily began its career. Mentioned by Journal Looking back over the accomplish- ments of The Daily, it is interesting to note the Chicago flter-Ocean's com- ment of Oct. 7, 1900, on Hans' inno- vation of Sunday publication. Devot- ing two or three columns to the story, the article says in part: "The print- ing of a Sunday edition of a college paper (The Daily) is a bold departure from all college precedent and custom. No university or college in the United States, or in all the world for that matter, ever made such a daring stroke in the direction of the great metropolitan Sunday dailies before, although all universities from one end of the country to the other issue daily papers." It is to H'ans also that The Daily owes its existence as a morn- ing paper, instead of being published (Continued on Page Two) (By Barney Darnton) The research student in the 100- proof spectacles and the bat-wing collar entered the office of the Daily with a belligerent tread. He bad blood in his eye and a splotch of the breakfast egg on his shirt front. Also he had a copy of yesterday's paper in 'his hand. He looked neither right nor left, but kept his stern, foreboding glance fixed on the door of the sanctum sanctorum (which, among the cultured journal- ists, is the familiar name of the office of the M. M), and moved first one foot and then the other in a measured tramp, tramp of determination. Hav- ing moved his feet in this manner long enough to reach the office, he entered the doorway on one side and came out on the other. "Why, in the name of all that is holy, do you fill your paper with pif- fle about baseball games and dances and never give me a chance to explain my great scientific discovery?" he ;orated, pounding the desk so hard with his fist that the space bar on the typewriter began to shimmie like a debutante with four older sisters who haven't been caught in the platinum ring. The young reporter who comes from old .Scotch stock (and he's al- ways late in returning after vacations because he hates to leave it) perked up his cauliflower ear and asked,{ "How do you make it?" After they had carried the young reporter out and poured water down his shirt front, the research student continued his tirade. It seems he had come to make a complaint. Now complaints are the one thing a newspaper is sure to receive. It gets news some of the time, and sub- scriptions occasionally, and a new friend about as often as a poor white washes his neck, but when it comes to regularity the stream of complaints has got Old Faithful looking like a graph of the morals of the bird who quits cussing every Sunday. Complaints range in density from the "missed my paper yesterday" va- 'riety to the assortment that comes from the populace with the Eiffel tow- (Continued on Page Three) feeling slighted. Yet this newspaper must always be conducted with its most important function in mind-that; of chronicling in bulletin board styleI all University events past, present, and future, with reference to the demands4 of the average subscriber. Staff. Changes Often Added to such often tantalizing trib- ulations are the difficulties of a peren- nially changing staff, most of whom write without any monetary remuner- ation. New men must continually be in the process of instruction. Like all institutions that are conducted by amateurs, The Daily loses something in the way of efficiency. J@rrors are bound to creep in. But this "amateur standing" is not all pure loss. Perhaps because of the very fact that most of the students who work for The Daily do it for pure. love for and enjoyment in the work, there is a certain "esprit de corps" about which the staff is very conscious and very proud. Of all the non-ath- letic outside interest, The Daily is the one which has least of all the stat a mere activity-something whic participated in merely because sense of duty or desire for studeni ognition. Daily men are proud of distinction, and they take a rea in their work. It is this spirit among the men work on The Daily that has give paper a distinct personality-a acter of its own. The faces change but the motives which ac the staff members remain essen the same. It is not entirely ill after two or three years of con companionship for a Daily ma number the paper itself as one best friends.of college days. Has Bright Future No powers of clairvoyance are essary to predict the future of Daily. Greatly increased advert! and circulation, those two magic to the door of newspaper progress expansion, may be considered as (Continued on Page Two) ANNUAL BOOK At SALE 'G R A H A Both Ends Dagonal W lk M Several New Bargains Added This Weeki