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May 01, 1921 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1921-05-01

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Published every morning exceptGMonday during the Univer
year by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
TheAssciaedPres is exclusively entitled to the use for
ubl cation of al news dispatches credited to it or nt otherwie
dited in this paper and the local news published therein.
entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
Subcription by carrier r mail, $3so.0
Oice's: Ann Arbor Press building,4Maynard Street
Phne:Business, 6o; dtorial. 2414.
Communications not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig-
tre not -necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of
11.and nties of events will be published in The Daily at the
-o" of the Editor, if left at or mailed to The Daily ofttce
ned communications will receive no consideration. No man
ritwill be returned unless the writer incloses postage.
The Daily does 'not necessarily endorse the sentiments ex
edt ite ommniations.
WtGoing " notices will not be received after o'clock
the evening preceding insertion.
Telephone 2414
wa Fditor. .... ..-. Chesser Cramtha
irman Editorial Board............... ..Lee Woodruff
g t. H. dams H.W. Hitchcock
Renaud Sherwood T. W. Sarent. Jr
EdtorJ A. Bernstein
da dito................. ...--.----- P. Campbell
to as..............T. J. Whinery, L. A. Kern, S. 'r. Beach
................... ...obert Angell
s'n ditor...............Mary D. Lane
~gaph,..................Thomas Dewey
a..e..... .... ........Jack W. Key
Mihe: Waldo . Frank H. MePike Sidney B. Coates
ii G Weber 3 A. Bacon C. T. Pennoyer
te t ikry W. W. Ottaway . Maron B. Stahl
g Reinde Paul Watzel Lowell S. Kerr
$-Grandy Byron Darnton Marion Koch
sesOberholter M. A Kaver Dorothy Whipple
>ert E. Adam. E. R. Meiss Gerald P. Overton
I;F. Ellitt Walter Donnelly Edwar Lambrecht
istn MBan Beata Haslet' SaraWaler
Kathrine Montgomery H. E. Howlett
Telephone 960
rertng...................'.Tote e
,5d........................... -S Kuntadter
Cwaon -..-.......-................. E. R. Prieh
pi~ato ...,......................----------.-----......V. F. Hillery
s " Assistants 't
W. Lambrecht M M. Moule H. C. Hunt
Hamel, Jr. N W. Rob rtson M. S. Goeidrin
HI. Hutchinson xT'hos. L. Rice H. W. Heidreder
b A.Cross R . Burchell W. Cooley
ot .Dais A. J. Parker,
Persons wishing to secure information concerning news for any
/e of The Daily should sae the night editor, who has full charge
a newto be printed that night.
SUNDAY, MAY 1, 1921.
Night Editor-G. P. OVERTON.
$ esterday the Boa'rd in Control of Student Pub-
ltions met and appointed for the positions of
naging editor and business manager of each of
various student publications men who have
r long periods given their time and effort to
ke these publications what they now are.
[she succesfulcandidates fr these positions are
be congratulated on the appointments. They
st remember, however, that the places which
y are to fIll require. work, hard consistent work,
h as they have freely given in the past, and it
o be hoped that they will do all they can to keep
during The Daily's thirty-first year the stand-
s already set.,
The new editors and managers cannot labor alone;
re are plenty of openings on all the publications
that the good men will not be forgotten. The
uccessful applicants as well as the staffs must
ry on. Plenty of room still remains at the
- room for service to Michigan.
)ne of the just complaints on class spirit comes
:n the department of intramural athletics, and
to do with the failure on the part of freshmen,
homores, juniors, and seniors, to organize for
:rclass competition. Interfraternity contests, of
rse, are easily handled. There all that is nec-
try is for the director to get in touch with each
i organization, ask whether or not its members
ect to enter a team, and then sit tight. The or-
izations themselves will do the rest. In fact, out
:he fifty-six fraternities on the campus, the de-

tnent can always count on fifty teams or more
ig furnished in the major branches of intramural
a the case of the independents, however, the
ation is much less satisfactory. Their only
hod of getting together is through class or-
ization, and class organization in the University
ot a determinable quantity. Classes sometimes
r teams, sometimes not; a few of them elect
lagers at once while the others let the whole
ir go by default until late in the season.
f interclass competition is to become a factor of
amural athletics at Michigan, we must have ath-
managers, well chosen from a group of com-
nt men. This means that some other system of
tion must be used than that employed in class
tings, where the unguided and haphazard choice
he small minority in attendance has to rule.
'ne method which has been suggested would
ride, not for the direct election of managers at
s meetings, but for their appointment by a class
etic committee. This body could be chosen at
same time that officers are elected, and would
e the sole power of appointing the men who are
irect the classes' athletic teams during the year.
:ven only a reasonable amount of care were
e used in the selection of this committee, it
ild be entirely possible to choose for managers
who, through athletic experience and an ac-
ntance with their classmates, should be able
elect able material for teams. The names of
managers could be registered at once in the in-
7ural office for future reference. Incidentally.

moreover, the student athletic card lists there on
file should prove of considerable value to the class
committee and to the managers as well.
Such a method of selection should make for bet-
ter organization, better class athletics, and ultimately
a better and stronger class spirit.
Occasioally and naturally the editorial column of
The Daily carries offense to some individuals upon
the campus. It raps just a bit at the pet theories
of these men and women, who promptly take up
their most effective weapon, that of ridicule.
On another page of The Daily today will be
found the idea of one writer upon the subject of an
opinion expressed last Sunday when Henry Louis
Mencken and his literary judgments were discussed.
It is the attempt of the communication to over-
whelm its readers by piling up impressively the
names of various men well known in the world of
letters, to substantiate the claims. which he is un-
able to bolster up with words of his own. He makes
no attempt to prove'his point by quoting Mencken,
by showing the excellence ofthis style, and proving
that Mencken's peculiar literary m~anner is what
he claims it to be, "admirable for his sort of critical
It is rather amusing to note the attempt of the
writer to give an authoritative tone to his commu-
nication. He places Waldo Frank, James Huneker,
Frank'Harris, and others in brave array, and calls
all of them to witness Mencken's greatness. But
the bare fact of one man's opinion, or that of many
men, will hardly carry as real argument.
It is unfortunate that lack of space forbids a
detailed refutation of the statements of the com-
munication, many of which, at least in their tone,
serve to give impressions which are more or less
erroneous. Yes, Mencken. is the writer of books
upon many and varied subjects, including one upon
the American language, which our campus writer
has informed us is used as' a book of reference by
the rhetoric department. The tone of that state-
ment i? just a bit unfortunate. There is at least one
professor of rhetoric upon the campus who used the
book for reference, to be sure, but it is simply as
a curiosity - he expressly warns his students be-
fore he sends them to the book not to be influenced
by anything which it may contain.
And the fact that a man has written books upon
various subjects which run from "Burlesques" to
"I{riedrich Nietzsche" is not such a sure stamp of
his greatness. A great heap of destructive books,
poking smart cynicism at the world in general, is
really less to a man's credit than if he had stopped
at one.
Well, well, well! The Oberlin Review of the 22d
inst. informs us: "The University of Michigan is
to have a .Sunday college paper. This paper will
contain articles written by the students and the fac-
ulty. It is the only paper of its kind published."
Won't that be great !
Th1-e Telescope
Who Said Betsy Barbour?
Wildly he rushes across the campus
He hasn't a moment to spare;
Yet at sight of females playing at ball
He'll stop an hour to stare.
- Kenewah Herald.
Probably the side the son rises on.
Dear Noah: A
Friday night when I was at the Crease dance I
overheard a fellow accusing his girl of being "light
headed as a feather". Do you think any gentleman
should do a thing like that in public?
Sarah Toga.
By no means; somebody might get the idea that
he was calling her down.

All of which reminds us, what has become of the
old fashioned girl who stayed away from dances
when she had nothing to' wear?







A nnounces








Bargains at all Prices

on.L Memory Books, Brief

cases axd ]Felt Goods:




(With Apologies to The Wrinkle)
Ten days he drifted on the sea,
Alone in an open boat;
His food: some nails, a pair of shoes;
And linings from his coat.





Then prayerfully he knelt him down
Thanked God with upturned face,
That to such fare he had been trained -
At his Ann Arbor boarding place.
To the 'League House Lillies" we are indebted
for the following:
A leaky pen,
An inky state,
A borrowed blotter -
And then a date.
You're right, Clarice, an idle jest is one the Gar-
goyle hasn't clipped and worked to death.
The Sure Way
"I hade a killing in oil stock last year."
"So? What did you buy?"
"I didn't buy it, I sold it."
Famous Closing Lines
"I never could stand kissing," she muttered as
she invited him to sit down on the back steps of the
sorority. NOAH COT TNT








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