dlHE MICHIGAN DAILY ~-- - Ls - " W.C,'A" ONFERENCE Cabinet members of the Y. W. C. A. of the Farrand training school for nurses at Harper. hospital, Detroit, will meet with the-cabinet of the local unit of the Nurses' Y. W. C. A. today and tomorrow. Miss Marguerite Stuart, secretary in central field for profes- sional women, Miss Anna McClaskey, an instructor in the training school, and Miss Stella Dueringer, student secretary of the Detroit city. Y. W. C. A., will also attend the conference. Mrs. Marion L. Burton will enter- tain the conference this afternoon at her home for the first meeting. There will be several talks by the girls fol- lowed by an explanation of the Y. W. C. A., its relation to student life, and the connection between local and na- tional organizations, by Miss Marguer- ite Stuart. After the meeting the ad- visory committee of the Ann Arbor unit will entertain the guests at tea. All members of the Nurses Y. W. C. A. and the visiting guests will have a buffet supper at the University hos- pital dormitory. In the evening the subject to be discussed will be "Lead- ership". The Homoeopathic nurses will give a breakfast on the boulevard Sunday morning.. This will be followed by a meeting at which Miss Stuart will talk. The guests will be taken to lo- cal churches individually, and after-' ward will be entertaned at dinner by members of the advisory committee at different homes. Have you lost anything that you prize very highly? The Classified columns of The Michigan Daily are always ready to serve vou.-Adv. .. _ f LITS LAWS -- ENGS And all other Students Interested in Summer WORK To Earn $200 a Month Up Dignified Salaried Positions See Wm. Zeiler TODAY I Room 222 Nickel's Arcade i1 11t11 ltll ililililll111t1N ll ltl lllfilll illli1ti111if1111111lliilll11||1llif[I KHAKI, CORDUROY, MOLESKIN. 0. D. Sport and Riding Breeches FOR MEN AND WOMEN n - Cordovan and Wrap Puttees, Munson Army and Officers Shoes, O. D. and Khaki Shirts and Sport Suits REGULATION WALL AND PUP TENTS Underwear, Hose Army Blankets, Barracks Bags, Haversacks, Saddle Bags, Cartridge. Beits, Campaign Hats, Rubber Boots, etc. ARMY SURPLUS STORE --213 N. FOURTH AYE. if 111il II ltillilfliltlit1111111111 ifif|1|111U11111tf~flll fi iilii 11 llfll t K Wtomien Annual spring tryouts of the Athena Literary society will be.held Tuesday night, May 3, in the Alpha Nu room. Tryouts for the Senior play will be held from 9 to 12 o'clock, Sat- urday morfing in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. A rehearsal of the University Girls' Glee club will be held at 1 o'clock Sat- urday afternoon in Barbour gymnas- ium. Any dormitories, sororities, or league houses in the baseball tourna- ment who wish to use Palmer field for practice may sign up for hours on the athletic bulletin board in .Barbour gymnasium. All freshmen and sophomores inter- ested in trying out for class baseball teams should report at the following practices: Sophomores at 4 o'clock Monday, and freshmen at 5 o'clock Monday. ' Girls who have not. returned their Junior Girls' play costumes must do so at once, or if they intend to keep them, they' are requested to send a check covering the entire cost to Har- riet Gustin, '22, 1520 South University avenue. Hockey practice for Junior and sen- iors will be held a 4 o'clock on Mon- day. The games will be played this spring on account of the bad weather last fall. This willbe the only chance for pratice before the tournament. Regular class baseball practice will be held as follows: Juniors and sen- iors at 5 o'clock Tuesdays and Thurs- days; sophomores at 4 o'clock on Mon- days; freshmen at 5 o'clock on Mon- days. MICHIGAN WOMAN ELECTED HISTORIAN, OF MORTABOARD Marcella Moon, '21, was elected na- tional historian of the Mortarboard organization at their convention held last week at Columbus, Ohio, accord- ing to a report read at the local chap- ter's meeting Thursday evening at the Delta Gamma house. Dean Myra B. Jordan was a -guest at this meeting and presented the so- ciety with leather bound ofilcial rec- ords of the local organization's work since its founding. Dean Jordan has known personally every member of Mortarboard and has given much at- tention to gathering and compiling the scattered data for the journal pre- sented. DORMITORY OPEN HOUSE DRAWS LARGE ATTENDANCE About 350 women were the guests of Betsy Barbour dormitory at the open house held from 3 to 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Frederic P. Jordan, Mrs. J. R. Effinger, Miss Eleanor Sheldon, Marguerite Clark, '21, Edna Groff, '21, and Jessie Mc- Call, '21, made up the receiving line. This is the first time that the new dormitory has been at home to all the women of the campus, and the whole building was consequently open for the inspection of the guests. This re- ception took the place, of the usual Friday afternoon Womn's league party." MRS. MALLORY ADDRESSES HOSPITAL SOCIALVWORKERS Mrs. H. S. Mallory, director of so- cial service work at the Homoeopathic hospital, spoke -to the volunteer work- ers yesterday afternoon at Newberry hall concerning their work at the hos pital. She emphasized the importance of a worker's personality in hospital social service, telling also of the plan to establish a training school at this Uni- versity for social service workers. This school would be connected with the sociology department. The meeting ended with a discussion of plans for future work. COMMERCE ,CLUB OFFICIALS OFFER SUMMER POSITIONS Commerce club officials are now in room 141, Natural Science building, from 4 to 5 o'clock daily for the pur- pose of securing summer positions for students, both men and women. Letters are being sent out to busi- ness firms over the United States stating that students are aVailable for positions this summer. Responses are becoming frequent and enthusias- tic. One important position and sev- eral minor ones are waiting to be filled, with others coming in every day. Miss Mary F. Minnis,' Chiropodist, I formerly with Mack and Co., will be at therSaunder's Hair Shop, Tuesday of every week. Phone 2673-M for ap- pointments.-Adv. Read The Daily for Campus news. T RUBEY Home-made Candies and Box Candies Discount on Box Candies 218 S. MAIN STREET Phone 166 Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to every custom- er,;wcrther the account be large or small. The Ann Arbor Sayings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $625,000.00 Resources .........$5,000,000.00 707 North University Ave. Northwest Cor. Main & Huron Sunday Dinner MENU SOUP Cream of Asparagus Wafers Olives Radishes Roast Sirloin Beef Brown Gravy Fricasseed Chicken with Biscuit Creamed Corn Mashed Potatoes Salad Rolls DESSERT Cherry Pie Strawberry Shortcake with Whipped Cream Vanilla Ice Cream TEA COFFE MILK 12:00 to 2:00 P. X .Price $1.00 COME EARLY Not Open Sunday Evening WILLITS' CAFE Phone 173 315 South State I O Sale TODAY In Our Victrola Dept. New Victor Records Anoefor May Another wonderful assortment of fine music awaits theA trola owner in the new May list. Splendid. Red Seal numbe the usual quantity of late songs, instrumental numberss sparkling dance selections go to make up an assortment am which every music-lover is certain to find several to his lik We invite you to hear them in our commodious Vict department - come in. Surprise the folks at home by tak some of these new -records home tomorrow! Records Promptly Delivered on Phone Call (1707) iA I -r _II iX VICTROL A X1 $50 O,'rrialmnel Bros Wiolly Pleasing Record Service 116 SOUTH MAIN STREET Everything i 1I _ at Grinnell Bros r 1 lli Have your text book mimeographed on book paper so the students can write notes with ink on the back of the pages. It costs very little more. Edwards Bros., 310 S. State St.-Adv. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. Have you lost anything tha prize very highly? The Cif columns of The Michigan Dai always ready to serve you.-Ad Martha Washington candy, 94 Fresh every Friday. Tice's, Main St.-Adv. Vic- ers; and ong ing. rola king V I qj S. 4aJ, :s 4' QUALITY. V l o 17 D0 I-. y~f Ric 4QUALITY.~ I \11T t / i You don't have to worry about the APRIL' SHOWERS If you are dressed in one of Our ALL WOOL SUITS They won't shrink - The High Quality MAKES THEM LINGER LONG Correct, Dressy and FIRST of all MADE TO LAST DEMONSTRATION _ ii n a R 6N4 i INTS V ARNI~S "LOOK INTO IT" TRADE MARK REGISTERED B. S5. P .' Paints Let it rain but be ready for it WE PROTECT OUR CUSTOMERS AND Varnishes J. KARL MALCOLM 604 East Libety Street: OUMNL S II COLUMN CLOSES CLOSES AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. You are invited to attend a free demonstration of Paints, Stairs and Varnishes A Special Representative from THE PATTERSON-SARGENT CO., will be in our store on Tuesday and Wednesday May, 3 and 4 If you have any painting, staining or varnishing to do, please call and let us. show you up-to-date simple and practical methods. We will show you how to make an old soft wood floor look like hard- wood. Try the various paints and varnishes yourself. INVESTIGATE BEFORE INVESTING THIS DEMONSTRATION IS ABSOLU TELY FREE 0 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Black bill-fold. Between Dent- al Bldg. and Cornwell- Place. Con- tained receipts and money. Notify 1110-R. McCracken. 142-3 LOST-A small black, leather pocket- book containing money order. Jose- phine Barton, 1008. Hill St. Phone 1508-J. Reward. 144-2 LOST-A black leather history note- book in Physics lab. Will finder please call 2493. Reward. 144-2 LOST-A Phi Sigma Delta pin. Find- er please call 1589-W and receive' reward. 143-2 LOST-Tuesday Detla Tau Delta badge. Call 882-M after 7 P. M. Reward. 144 LOST-Green cap on campus - or in Chemistry Bldg. Please call 2291-R. 14?-2 LOST-One gold cuff button on East Huron St. Finder call 909. 144 WANTED WANTED-Several summer salesmen. Big money making proposition. Guaranteed $525 and 'you can make much more. For particulars call Martin Larson, 959. 141-4 WANTED-To rent house suitable for fraternity for next school year. Write Box D. S. P., care of Daily. 144-3 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Underwood No. 4 in ex- cellent condition. Draper, -407 E. Liberty, phone 860. Call after six o'clock. 143-21 MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE REPAIRING, refinishing,, upholstering, recaining. Verne Smith, 1219 So. University. Phone 675-.T. 132-13 Jno. C. Fisoher Co. The-Up-To-Date Hardware Main near Washington Washington near Main 4QUALI TY. S & b 4' QUALITY. EXCELLENT GRAVEL any part of the city. First Nat. Bank Bldg. delivered to Killins, 107 Phone 1621. 16-.12