Five men were nominated by the
board of directors of the ihletic as-
Ssociaton forthe offices of student.
V I I t LI members of the Board in Control of
D1, AL ll IIL LIS Athletics at a meetings yesterday aft-
ernoon. The five men selected will be;
p laced on the Al-campus Ballot May
VARSITY CAPTAINS AND MENTORS 11, and three will-be chosen at this
IN FAVOR 0O MOVE- -date to fill the offices for the coming
MENT year.
The nominees of the board of di-
COACH ¢YOST BELIEVES rectors as made yesterday afternoon
IDDESIRABLE are Harold E. Storz, '22L, Angus
IDEA HIGHLY DEGoetz, '22M, Dewey Fag'erburg, '22L,
- Alfred May, '22E, Edmund Fox, '22E,
Sweaters and Caps Generally Worn and George 'Brophy, '22L.
on Campus 10 YeMks Ago, Says
Director Bartelme
Strong endorsement of the move-
ment now under way for "M" men to ro
wear their sweaters and caps on the R SW ING OUT
campus was given by athletic coaches
and captains when interviewed yes- Final Arrangements Yet to be Made
terday. Varsity captains decided For Meeting Places of Sen.
more than a week ago -that it was
jor Classes
time for an organized, movement for o l
such an object, and results were first PRESIDENT BURTON TO GIVE
reached yesterday when a large num- PRINCIPAL SPEECH OF DAY
ber of men appeared .on the campus -
in "" sweaters and caps. With the announcement that Presi-
Yost Believes in MoTe dent Marion L. Buiton will be the
Coach Fielding H. Yost believes it main speaker at the annual Swing-out
is' highly desirable for letter men to exercises,,which will be held Thurs
wear their insignia, as in this way it x .
will come to mean more to them andday, May 5, in Hill auditorium, all is
to other men trying out for the teams. now in readiness for the carrying out
Coach Yost is not in favor of wear- of the traditional ceremonies except
ing sweaters to classes regularly, as final arrangement for the meeting
the ordinary heat of the classrooms is piaces of the various senior classes.
too great for comfort and is apt tot
bring danger from- colds. He stated, and Will Play
however, that there is no excuse. for Classes will assemble on the cam-
failing to wear "M" caps at any time pus at 3:15 o'clock Thursday in their
except during inclement weather.' respective places, which will be an-
Athletic Director P. G. Bartme said respce laes, w:ic will be
that 10 years ago the custom of wear- nounced later. At 3:30 o'clock, the
ing insignia was generally accepted Varsity band will commence playing
and sweaters were seen everywhere in front of Hill auditorium, when
on the campus. He said that although classes will form in line and marh
clothing is greatly controlled by cus- to the auditorium.I
tom, the letter man has earne; some- Speakers .for thee exercises, besides
thing of which to be proud and should President Burton, include Fred T.
not feel at all reluctant in wearing Petty, president 6 the senior lit class,
his sweater at any time. who will deliver an address on be-
Mather Favors Move 'half of the seniors. Rev. Arthur W.
Coach Edwin J. Mather was of the Stalker, of the Methodist church, will
opinon that unwillingness to appear deliver the benedicton. A solo, "Even
with sweaters was due almost en- Bravest Heart,' by Gouad, taken
y tirely to fear of creating the impres- from "Faust," will be given by Rob-
sion of "showing off". As a matter ert J. kcCandliss, '21M.
of act, according to the ocoach, a let- Classes Form "M"
ter man has only secured his "M" by After the exercises, the classes will
hard work and, by wearing it fre- i a ,
quently, he is doing a great deal to march out, forming an M on the
q y ug geat dea tocampus, ending -at Alumni Memorial
make it a real honor and something hall, where pictures of each senior
topan be desred. by other athletes. class will be take.
Captain "Larry". Btler and other
members of the track team said that
at nearly all of the colleges visited e p u tieS Serv
by the tean tle varsity men wear
their sweaters continually a'nd that Crease Subpoenas
their appearance creates no comment1
whatever. '
Deputies were busy all day yester-
l ubday serving subpoenas for the Crease
Girls ! l~ru dance, the All-law party given by the
seniors, which is to be held in the
5n3ng S ht p s .Unon this evening.
Jax&15,." Those who have not exchanged the
Spirit And Life blue tickets at the Union desk for the
regular danec ticket must do so be-
-fore this. noon. Only the regular
(By P. Wt Union tickets will be accepted at the
Presenting a number of short and door tonight. There are a few ad-
light selections the School of Music mission cards left which may be ob-
Girls' Glee club appeared to advantage tained' from Ray, Lewis, '21L. Phone
in its annual concert given at Patten- 189 if requested before noon today.
gill htuditorium last evening. . Dress will be informal. ..
The singing of "Laudes Atque Car- Dean Henry M. Bates and Mrs.
mina", "Varsity", and "The Victors"' Bates will be patron and' patroness of
with) vivacity, and spirit showed that the affair, and most of the members
the club possessed the ability to put of the faculty of the Law school and
life into the work. The mijority of their wives will be present to. act as
the selections given by the club were chaperones.
of a light and catchy theme, but- oc- The committee in charge of this
casionally a, deeper mood would be year's' Crease dance consists of the
struck, and here the singers showed following seniors laws: Raymond M.
that they were versatile enough to Lewis, chairman, Thurman B. Doyle,
adapt themselves. . Herman A. August, Turner M. Rude-
"To the Spirit of Music" (Stephens), sill, Frank L. Walters, Charles A.
and "Tricolor" (Taylor), were the Libby, Edward M. Martiner, and
numbers deserving of especial men- George R. Larwill.
tion. Readings which were given by
Ethelyn Metz brought the applause of'-"
the house. Three skits, representa- NOTICE
tive of what is characteristic of the I.I
stage today, were well received. In All juniors and seniors in the
these popular songs were sung and University are asked to attend
stage settings fitting to the lyrics were a meeting to be held at 3:30
presented. o'clock Sunday afternoon, May 1,
The finale, "Springtime", given by in assembly hall of the Union
the club, which presented a motley en- for discussion of traditions, elec-
semble in the costumes used previ- tions,. and other matters.
ously in the skits, was a fitting con- THE STUDENT COUNCIL.
elusion for the evening's entertain-
'SOCercle Francais Pr
Ambitious P
HOPELESS, STATE Much By J. LDakin) e
Mucmreambtiusthn eihr
EN A D R N E the productions of the last two yearsl
washthepresentation of "Le Bour-
PREMIER BRIND CALS BERLIN geo Gentilhomme" by the Cercle
Francais in Sarah Caswell Angell
The dancing and singing which was
interwoven into the play proved very!
INDUSTRIAL REGIONS effective, the orchestra, especially, be-
SURE TO BE INVADED ing a pleasant addition. The success
of the dancers was very creditable,
Loyd George Tells House of Com- particularly in view of the limited
mons That Proposals Are stage space.
Unsatisfactory Octave Antonio, '21, made a con-
-- vincing Monsieur Jourdain, the eigh-
(By Associated Press)
Paris, April 28.-"The German pro-
po'sitions are absolutely unacceptable fl
and made under such conditions as to - TO
justify us in doubting Germany's good
faith,4' Premier Briand declared to iI
press correspondents this evening. He
added: "The presence of Americans
in our council would help immensely Detroit Judge and Former Micligit
in the settlement of many questions." D ot adaForBeAlM n
Invasion Called Correct Football Man to Be Alumni
"The German government is unable Representativel
to rid itself of the reactionary elem-
ent that-dominates its policies. Well, STUDENT COUNCIL COMMITTEE
we are going to help them get rid pf WORKS ON PLANS FOR EVENT
that element, and we are going to do
it in the right manner."
it I therigh maner,"Judge William M. Heston '04L, of
Mr. Briand spoke of the prospective
occupation of the industrial region of Detroit, will be the alumni speaker at
Germany including the Westphalian Cap night to be held in Sleepy Hol-
coal districts, is a foregone conclusion low Friday/ May 20. It was thoughtl
and declared that the operations would that the construction of the new Uni-
have not only a great moral effect versty hospital would make it im-
upon Germany but would give mate-h
rial results. possible to use the spot tistyear, but
by moving the site 50 feet the com-
London, April 28.-Mr. Lloyd George mittee has been enabled to hold the
the prime minister, speaking in the event there.
house of commons today on Germany's Heston Great Player s
reparations proposals, said:, Judge Heston, the greatest footballc
"I very much regret to say that they player that Michigan has ever pro-
are thoroughly unsatisfactory, and I duced, was placed on Walter Camp'sl
'vish it had been possible for me to All-time, All-Amerian eleven, and is
say that they alter the situation." recognized, according to Coach Field-
"They are being examined very ing H. Yost, as "the greatest half-1
carefully ,with the other proposals," back of all time"., He was a memberl
continued Mr. Lloyd George. of Yost's . famous "point-a-minute"
"Therefore I would be very sorry elevens, in the days when Michigand
to express a definite opinion, but I am was unquestionably the greatest
afraid there is general unanimity as to school in the West.
the complete inadequacy of the propo- His record as a judge in Detroit, ac-l
sals made by the German govern- cording to ' Regent James O. Murfin,
ment." has been that of an pxtraofdinarily,
clear-minded and levelheaded judge.
He was assistant prosecuting attorney.
STUDINTfl NITflTf of Wayne county in 1916, was elected
police Judge, and then appointed a
judge in the newly-organized munic-
HIflftICONVENTIONfipal court of Detroit four years ago.
According to Regent Murfin, he is not
Students of the University especial- an orator but can be dependedtupon
ly toseof he usiessadministration t give a fine speech, fully up to th
and engineering departments, who are occasion-o
interested in the subjects of traffic O s r il be ansn
regulation and the economics and de- Other speakers will be announced
velopment of highway transport, have soon by the Student council commit-
been invited to attend the annual con- tee, of which Richard B. Marshal
vn i 'th atinaHgh yTr- 21E, is chairman. Plans for the i
vention of the National Highway Traf- event are being worked on and final
fic association which is to be held to- arrangements will be announced ina,
day at the Detroit Athletic club, rthe near future, according' to the
Prof. A. H. Blanchard, of the high- coithee
way engineering and highway trans- -_committee.
port department, is president of, the+
association and will act as chaiman 5 JUNIOR MEDICS
of the morning session. Prof. H. E. GET HIGH HONOR'
Riggs, of the civil engineering depart-___
ment, who is chairman of the com-
mittee on inter-relationship of high- Alpha Omega Alpha, national hon-
way, railway, and waterway trans- orarymedicalfraternity, made an-
port, will' render the report of his nouncement Wednesday of the election
commtteeon Fidayevenngto membership of five juniors. Those
committee on Friday evening. eetdae-WlimSihWlim
The convention begins at 10:30 ete are: William Smith, William
o'clock this morning with an address Togrsond 'ohaLdWickroppHue
- - ' . . Toylir. and Edward Wishroop. Elec-
of welcome by Frank E. PRodgers, state' ' -- -.-
highway commissioner of Michigan. tions to his fratermty are based up-
R. C. Hargreaves, vice-president, North on scholarship, the first 10 of th'i
Central division of the association, claste highes cholarship honors i
will be chairman of the afternoon ses- ithe hiedtlschola
sion and Roy D. Chapin, president of the Medical school.
the Hudson M'otor company, will act
as chairman of the evening session. COWDEN MEETS PROSPECTIVE
An informal luncheon at $1.50 per PLAYWRIGHTS; 20 PRESENT
cover will be served in the D. A. C. ~-
abbey at noon, and dinner at $2.50 per More than 20 students attended the
cover will be served -at 6 o'clock in meeting yesterday afternoon in West
the same place. hall called by Prof. R. W. Cowden, of
All persons interested in the topics the rhetoric department, for the pur-
of the convention are cordially in- pose of meeting those students inter-
vited to attend both the sessions and ested in the writing of plays. Profes-
the luncheon and dinner. sor Cowden expressed himself as in-
terested in the writing and produc-
POLAND HAS SPINSTER OF 123 tion of amateur plays and mentioned
YEARS; OLDEST IN EUROPE the possibility of a future players'
laboratory in Michigan where plays
Warsaw, April 27. - Poland claims written by students would be one
the oldest spinster in Central Europe. over and tried out.
She is Miss Anna Dobek, living in Professor Cowden offered his serv-
Chocholow, who recently celebrated ices to any who are interested in play
her 123d birthday. Miss Dobek is still writing and urged the students pres-
quite active, physically and mentally, ent to study various plays and learn
and does some house work each day. their essentials.
oduction hMost PROPOSE S2O10
lay In Three Years
teenth century social climber, whose FUND IN ORT(
overwhelming desire for the accom-r
plishments and graces of the court
complications. The part was one
which. Pemanded a great deal, and ESTABLISHMET OF FELL(
Antonio filled it very capably. TO DEVELOP DRAMAT]
The acting was almost uniformly PLANNED
good; only lack of space prevents the
individual comment that is deserved. BEVERIDGE TO PRES
An oriental dancer in a Crcle
Francais. play was somethig of a TRUEBILOOD PORT
surprise but of course it was a pleas-
ant one, The Turkish scene as a Expense Defrayed by Contr
whole injected a humorous element from Friends Througho
that added materially to the success the World
of the whole production. Such scenes
are especially appreciated by those Plans for establishing an o1
few students in the audience who al- fellowship fund of $20,000 to b
ways attend merely in hopes that as the Thomas C. Trueblood
their Frenen professor will take note ship were outlined by Prof.
of their presence, and henceforth Vollister, of the oratory dep
glance with a more favoring eye in yesterday. At the same time
the classroom. of-a portrait of Professor T
Moliere's great comedy was a very which is to be presented to th
happy choice for the Cercle's fifteenth June 6.
production. That it was appreciated The portrait has been pai
was attested by the enthusiasm of a Merton Grenhagen of. Oshkos
large and responsive audience. Mr. Grenhagen is a well kno
trait painter who had his he
ainarnters in Chicago for :a .nun
UNON NI ECIN years. He also painted a pi
Dr. James Nelsoi Martin whic
COMMITTEEin the medical building.
INS_ Friends Contribute
Friends of Professor T
EACH COLLEGE REPRESENTED from all over the world ha
tributod to the.defraying of e
ON BODY BY ONE in having the portrait painte
MAN raising the funds for the sch
which is to bear his name. 'P
Five men were named yesterday by Hollister spoke of having chec
the appointment committee of the the Philippines, China, and
other foreign nations.
Union to compose the nominating The Oratoxlical association
committee which will put up candi- en the fund a good start by s
dates for Union offices to be voted ing $2,000 a starter. ft is
upon at the All-campus elections. ed that the members of the De
. , Rho honor debating frater
Each member of the committee was manRho honordbting writh
handle +contributions which
chosen to represent a different col- thought that many .students
lege. The men selected were: Lester anxious to make, according to
E. Waterbury, '21L, chairman; Stew- sor Hollister.
art C. Baxter, '21, LeGrande A. Word has not yet been
Gaines Jr., '21E, Angus G. Goetz, '22M, from Senator Albert J. Bever
and Allen G. Boynton, '21D, to rep- has been asked to speak on t
resent the combined colleges of den- sion of the presentation oft
tistry and pharinacy. trait June 6, but it is thought
The committee will report next will be the principal speaker
week, and at that time will announce meeting. Others who will ma
their nominations for eight offices. addresses at that time have
Two or more men will be put up for been, selected.
president of the Union, for each of Burton Favors Plans
five vice-presidents from the depart- Presideit Marion L. Burt
ments above given, recording secre- the following letter to Profes
tary, and student councilman at large, lister in a reply to one from
p --I congrulat you
' .. " IcogauaeyuiOld TLimers .O t plans which you have presente
gard to Professor Trueblood.
A i argoyleit is very beautiful indeed to
portrait of him, and your furt'
of having a fellowship ultim
Today the Gargoyle makes its rech the amount of $20,00(
monthly appearance, in a distinct in- tremely pleasing. - - The :
novation, the "Old Timers' Number." of Senator \Beveridge will in
This month the Gargoyle staff enjoy- delightful -
ed a brief respite from their pressing The faculty' of the oratory
duties, having 'turned the magazine ment is of the belief that I
over to the alumni, who wrote it, drew posed fellowship will draw :
it, thought about it-in fact did every- the best dramatic talent in t
thing but sell it. try to Michigan and thus en
Among numerous contributors, some University t« benefit from it.
of the better known are: Ring Lard-
ner, Franklin P. Adams, W. A. P. TwV enley, W hitd
John, Lee White, Frank Tompkins,
and Bill Fanning. The cover, a typic-I
al "old time" scene, was done by, Reed lo d A d
Bachman, '20, managing editor last Grad uate
Among the special 'features offered
are: "A Chorus Girl's Garden df Prof. Robert M. Wenley
Eden," verses by Al Weeks, with pic- philosophy department, Prof.
tures by Bill Fanning; "How to Secure E. White, of the chemical eng
an Interview with the King," by W. department, and Dean Albert ]
K. Kelsey, now in London; a Horatian of the Graduate school, inform
ode all about Ann Arbor, translated dressed the Graduate club la
by F. P. Adams. poems by Leonard at a smoker in the Union.
Cline and Frank Tompkins; and last, Professor Wenley spoke
but not least, a stirring bit of verse by "Ideals and Professionalism"
our own Dr. Tom Lovell,t entitled "Ode distinction between the pro
to Climbing a Hill." and the technical man is pi
_ _ _ _ _ _ -- tificial,' he stated. "This re
has come about only in the
ELECTION NOMINATIONS years, during which time pn
all of the physical sciences h
All class and campus organ- recreated, and the biological
izations are urged by the Student have come into being.
council to submit at once the "Good professionl min
names of all candidates for of- but in the gnelt'field of k
fice. These lists, must be in the to which themeraust contri
hands of the committee by May teacher is responsible to k
1 at the latest. Letters should itself; it is useless merely
be addressed 'to D. 3. Thorp, what he has learned from
chairman of election committee, ielse, without contributing to
SMichigan Union. of learning."
(Continued on Page Ei