I'HE MICHIGAN l)AIL'Y t . . A. A. Board SPicnic Sunday mnic to be given on Sunday g, May 1, is being planned by m m eso th Wo e Atisociation board in honor of the embers. neans of these plans the old proposes to welcome the new members and to get them acquainted socially as well as, officially. The party will leave B*.rbour gym- nasiu~m at 8.45 o'clock and hike to the boulevard where breakfast will be served. All members are asked to attend. Have you ;lost anything that you prize' very highly? The Classified columns of The Michigan Daily are always ready to serve you.-Adv. Have you had a CANOE LUNCH GREY packed for two? StEOP__ II Nunnally's Southgrn Candies - 600 East Liberty= (HITNEY THIEATRE Days starting Thurs. night, May 5th Matinees _Friday and Saturday INEXAMPLED WONDER OF THE 20th CENTRY Hera inest Fve ever seen" "AmAgnificent - bur angle CbristyqProducin~ Wfomen Annual spring tryouts of the Athena Literary society will be held Tuesday night, May 3, in the Alpha Nu room. All junior girls who deposited mon- ey with Caroline Leonard may obtain a refund from 3 to 5 o'clock Thursday in Barbour gymnasium. Wyvern meeting will be held at 7:30 o'clock Thursday night at the Ga- ma Phi Beta house. Rehearsals for "The Importance of Being Earnest" this week will be as follows : Thursday at 3 o'clock, Chasuble, Prisim, Cecily, Merriman, Algernon. At -A4 o'clock, Jack. Fri- day at 2 o'clock, Cecily, Gwendolen, Jack and Algernon. The regular monthly meeting of the Sarah Caswell Angell chapter of the D. A. R. will be held at 3 o'clock Thursday, April 28, at the residence of Mrs. F. G. Novy, 721 Forest Ave. The program will consist of reports from the delegates to the natftnal con- tinental congress held in Wasjington. Mortarboard will meet at 7:30 o'clock Thursday evening at the Delta Gamma house., Girls who are interested in acting as councillors at summer camps may ob- tain information concerning the mat- ter at Newberry hal. Rehearsals of the University Girls' Glee club will be held at 7:15 o'clock Thursday and Friday nights and at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon In Barbour gymnasium. Any dormitories, sororitie , or league houses in the baseball ,tourna- ment who wish to use Palmer field *for practice may sign tup for hours on the athletic bulletin board in Barbour gymnasium. All University women will be enter- taned at an informal at, home givenI by the residents of Betsy Barbour house from 3 to 5 o'clock Friday aft- ernoon. The affair will take the place of the regular Women's. leagud party. Baseball practice for senior and Jun- ior women~ will be held at 5 o'clock to-j day at Palmer field. Those who ex- pect to tryout for the class teams should be present at this time, There will be a meeting of all vol- unteer social service workers at the Homoeopathic hospital at 4:15 o'clock Friday in Newberry hall. Mrs.H. S. Mallory will speak to them on their work at the hospital. Tryouts for the Senior play will be held from 3 to 6 o'clock Friday aft- ernoon and from 9 to 12 o'clock, Sat- urday morning in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. The last chance for senior women to order commenement invitations wTill be from 2 to 4 o'clock Friday in University hall. NURSES' Y.W.A.' TO HOLD COUNCIL :....:y:/ i'/' i' .:. r t f~i ±" $15, $20 to $39.50 C § ~IE5EL 0OE ©DAR TT NO CONNECTION WITH ANY OThER =IIR, §lnnouncoing New Arrivals of aSummer Negligees and Breakfast Coats NEGLIGEES of Georgette, brocaded sat- in and Crepe de Chine in light pastel shades with trimmings of shadow lace, filet lace and. rosebuds. Garments fashioned so charming as to. meet the requirements of the most fashionable woman. We are showing re- markable values at BREAKFAST COATS in both taffeta and satin. Fashioned in full length models in all light pastel shades, also navy blue and black. Entirely new trimming effects and new shaped pockets. Garments that are very fashionable for, summer morning wear, $10, $15 to $22.50 Rr. r i w wn. . a. .. , JI L. CHAPMAN JEWELER AND) OPTOMETRIST The Store of Reliability & Satisfaction 113 South Naln Street 1' i ' ii WH Y DO YOU SUPPOSE ANN ARBOR. MCIQA Courteous and satisfactory, TREATMENT to every Custom-! er, whether the account be large or small. The Ann arbor Savnig Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $625,000.00 Resourcesi......$5,000,000.00 707 North University Ave. Northwest Cor. Matun & Huron TUTTLE'S Sleep Anyplace But Lat at Rex'93 THE CLUB LUNCH 712 ARBOR' STREET Near State and Packard 'I 1 IS ALWAYS CROWDED? I i1 U I ' I1 "A Workof Superb Ar-8rU d~kTyD ms. "W orth $10 a S ar -- ro15bt Nerd AN 'I H TDr aaPaintin, fPoetry , music . Famous Dramatic Story, of the same Title, accmuu parried. by a selected Orchestra of 30 Symphony Players NOTE-Oig to cost of production and io ,~n contact, sWayDown East" will never be preo- seated anywhere except at First-Class Theatro Pri aes. EAT ON SALE MONDAY, mail Orders.Now. PRICES: Nights Orchestra .50, $2.00-Balcony $1.00, $1.59 -Gallery 599 - Matinees Orchestra $1, 1.40 alcony $1.0, -.Gallery 50c° T1HIS COLUMN CLOSES I AT 3 P.M.I LASSIFIE Con' N CLOSES ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. _WANTED ANTED=Several summer salesmen. ig money making proposition. Guaranteed $525 and you can make much more. For particulars call' Martin Larson, 959. 141-4 ANTED--AVomnan clerk in stationery store furll'time; also experienced nale stenographer full, or part time. D. D. Morrill, 17 Nickel's Arcade. 141-2 ANTED - Students for profitable ummer salesmanship wprk. To arn $200 or more a month., See Zeiter, Room 222, Nickel's Arcade. 142-3 ANTED - Competent stenographer 3nd typist, part or whole time. G-. SWhipple, 105 Tappan Hall. ?hone 1867. . 140-3 A.NTED-Cook or chef for remain- er of this year and probably next. Address Box F. H., care of Daily. _________141-2 kNTED-Twa or three light house- :eeping rooms by June first. Call ;tthbert, 1633-J. 140-3 kNTED-Oise room near Delta for 'riday night. Call 1366. 142-2. FOR SALE R SALE;-Butescher silver plated C nelody Saxaplione. Best offer made akes it. Will consider trade on an b. Hear it at Armory. Call 1198-J, 11 Thompson. 13 LOST AND FOUND LOST-Black leather Le Fax note- book containing outlines of debates and talks. Reward. Roy E. Yokes, 1100-J. 140-3 LOST-Black bill-fold. Between Dent- al-Bldg. and Cornwell Place. Con- tained receipts and money. Notify 1110-R.__McCracken. --- 142-3 LOST-Slide-rule in ChubbS house, April 8. Name in case. Finder please call DuBois. 2034-R. 141-3 LOST-Small purse at Tuttle's "or in Arcade -Tuesday morning. Reward. Call 885-W. 141-.2 LOST-Gold Elgin watch with initials M. E. G. Call 1104. Reward. 142-2 MISCELLANEOUS IT SOUNDS funny, but there's money in it for students with any sort of salesmanship ability. For particu- lars call or phone iHascall, 630 Hav- en, 2-5 P. M. 1235-J. 141-3 ITURNITURE REPAIRING, refirtlishing, upholstering, recaining. Verne Smith, 1219 So. University. Phone 675-J. 132-13 EXCELLENT GRALVEL delivered to any part of the. city. Killins, 107 First. Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 1621.3 136-12 1 WANTED WANTED-To rent house suitable for, fraternity for next school year. Write Box D. S. P., care of' Daily. 141-3t A cabinet council of the Y. W. C. 44. from the Farrand training' school in Harper's hospital, Detroit, and the local unit of the Y. W. C. A. for mem- bers of the University and Homoeo- pathic hospitals, will be held 4~ Ann Arbor Saturday and Sunday. Miss Marguerite Stuart, secretary for professional women in the central field, will come to Ann Arbor for the conference to talk to the girls on the meaning of membership in the Y. W. C. A., and its relation to students. The advisory committee for. the nurses unit of the Y. W.' C. A. will help to entertain the guests. This conference is one of the first of its kinid to be held. WESLEYAN G~UILD WILL- HOLD' PICNIC TOMORROW NIGH~T Wesaley~an guild' of the Methodist church will have its first picnic of the season tomorrow evening. All the members are requested to meet at the 'church at 6:15 o'clock. Any person not able to be there by that time can go directly to the fire- place on the boulevard. It will not; be necessary to bring a lunch as this requirement of a successful picnic will be furnished. Wouldn't you rather have your text books mimeographed on smooth paper and pay 15c more for a book of a hundred pages?, lwsarcl Bros., 310 S. State t-Adv. - S _ w w w S , S w a ,8-. S r S w .r 4 - May S . - - S -ee j 'i br w -1t Slwes S a . s ~ s ~ . . . s . . . . . . . . . s = .,.~~BuMuAuIauuu s -~ss - SO S _. I. ;f, .LE-An oak case 914 S. State St. Victrola. 142-2 .LE-Canoe. Call X252-M be- 6 and 7 P. M. V. H. Cook. 140-3 WANTED-Tien table boarders. vate 'Boarding House. Home ing. 523 Forest Ave. Pri- cook- 188-6