.HIGA DAILY ---.. zt~ h-1 HR UNIVERSITY ing except Monday during the Univer- Control of Student Puiblications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for tion of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise in thi- paper and the local news published therein. red at the postoflice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second ter. cription by carrier er mail, $3.50. :e: Ann Arbor Press building, Maynard Stre't. es: Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414. imunications not to exceed 30o words, if signed, the 'sift- of necessarily to appear in pint, but as an evidence of d notices of events will be published in The Daily at the of the Editor, if 'left at or mailed to The Daily office. communications will receive no consideration, No man- ill be returned unless the writer incloses postage. Daily does not necessarily endorse the sentiments exa- in the comnmunicatiOnis. at's Going On" notices will not be received after 8 o'clock rening preceding insertion. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 2414 ING EDITOR ........-.. GEORGE 0. BROPHY JR. itor................Chesser M. Campbel Editorial Board......................Lee Woodrvff *.H-~Adams H.EW. Hitchcock . I. DamJ. E. McManis Renaud Sherwood T. W. Sargent. Jr ditor .............................. .J. A. Bernstein or . ... B. P. Campbell 5 . T. J. hinery, .A. ern, S. T. Beach .Robert Angell! Editor............................MaryD. Lane r.............................. Thomas Dewey .......................Jack W. Kely Assistantr Waid Frank 11. McPike Sidney B. Coates Weber J. A. Bacon C. T.Pennoyer Vickery W. W. OttaWay Marion B. Stahl ark Paul Watzel Lowell S. Kerr .eindel Byron Darnton Marion Koch Grundy M. A. Klaver Dorothy Whipple berholtzer E. R Meiss Gerald P. Overton Adams Walter Donnelly Edward Lambrecht F. Elliott ' Beata Hasley Sara Waler McBain Kathrine Montgomery H. E. Howlett BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 9Gb SS MANAGER..........LEGRAND A. GAINES, JR. ng................ ..............T)P P. Joyce ...........................S Kunstadter an ..... ... .. ... " ". .. .. ... .. . 1 M . Heathr E. R. Priehs ...................-.......--..-V. F. Hillery Assistants. [anbrecht M. -M. Motile H. C. Bunt . amel, Jr. N. W. Robertson M. S. Goldring llutchinson Thos. L. Rice 1. W. eidbreder Cross R. G. Burchell W. Cooley ,. Davis A. J. Parker ins wishing to secere information concerning news for any 'he Daily should se the night editor, who has fulf charge. vg to be printed that night. THURSDAY, APRIL 28. 1921. Night Editor-RENAUD SHERWOOD. SALUTE THE COLORS When the funeral of a service-man passed through the downtown streets of Ann. Arbor last Sunday, many town ex-soldiers along the side- walks removed their hats at sight of the two stands of colors borne by the military escort. The flag still meant something to the men who thus saluted. Along the campus, apparently, the stars and stripes did not symbolize so much to the watchers. No- body paid the colors the tribute of uncoVering. Forms are no longer of value when the spirit has left them. But nobody would claim that the old sign of loyalty to what the American flag repre- sents has lost its meaning within twenty-nine months of the war's end - especially in the eyes of the men who gave their labor and time, and of- fered their lives, so recently. As long as these men live they will not forget; and their failure to saltue was due to carelessness, not to any relaxing of patriotism. Memorial day and other occasions where the flag will be shown await us in the near future. Nobody can help being inspired at the sight of a salute to the colors by men who mean it. It's up to us to put our respect into action the next time Old Glory passes by, and get the old "click" in doffing those hats. We're American citizens ; let's let the wide wor'ld know we appreciate it. LAWNS OR CEMENT? Michigan has no desire to add to her choice col- lection of labyrinthine walks which now maze over the campus in all directions. "Our cementcampus" has been the subject of many a quip. Yet as sure as students insist on shortcutting, we are going to bring about the necessity for more cement walks. The buildings and grounds officials have come to the parting of the ways: either they must be as- nu ied that the students intend to keep off the grass, n which case they will plant some seed in the present cowpath system; or else more walks will be laid down. Now -' Before the campus becomes a paved court -- let's get together on a genuine save-the- lawns campaign. Every Michigan man and woman must make it a personal duty to keep off the grass for the rest of the spring - and to keep others off as well; any loyal Michigan student will appreciate 'a corretion if he forgets. The National City bank is getting in the names of its applicants for places this summer. Probably this is as good a hint as any that it's time for the rest of us to be sending out our "feeler" letters for jobs. All set to look intelligent at the French play? Th e iTelescope To a member of the Sports staff is due our thanks for the fbllowing little ditty: I've heard that many co-eds do, And personally know a few; I've heard that numbers of them will, Though that I rather doubt - but still I'm quite assured of some that might, Save that they wonder if it's right. But bosh to all their silly fears, Why shouldn't they expose thei ears? Where You Lose If They Catch You Bluffing Landlady-You talked awfully queerly in your sleep last night, Mr. Dent..f Stew Dent (agitatedly)--Yes? Landlady-You kept repeating to your roommate, "Harry, you're shy," or "You're shy again, Harry," and everybody knows that Harry is what you might almost call bold. Dear Noah:e Why is it that doctors so seldom follow their own advice ? Curious. We don't know, unless it is because they believe in giving their patients the benefit of a doubt. ANNUAL 1BO( AT - SA BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL Open Evening During Sale S DETROIT UNITED LINES In Effect Nov. 2, 1920 Between Detroit. Ann Arbor and Jackson (Eastern Standard Time)' Limited and Eipress cars leave t Detroit at 6:05 a. m., 7:05 a. n 8:10 a. m., and hourly to 9:10 p.t Limiteds to Jackson at 8:4 a. m. at every two hours to 8:48 p. m. E presses at 9:48 a. m. and e'ery tv hours to 9:48 p. m. Locals to Detroit-5:55a.m., 7:00 a. and every two hours to 9:00 p. n also 11:00 p. m. To Ypsilanti on 11: 40 p.m., 12:25 a.m., and 1:15 a. Locals to Jackson-7:0 t. m., ax 12:10 p.m. 1921 APRIL 1921 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Men: Last season's hats turn- ed inside out, refinished and re- blocked with all new trimmings look jilst like new, wear just as long and saves you five to ten dollars. We. do only high class work., Factory Hat Store, 617 Packard St. Phone 1792. STUDENT PUBLICATIONS' NOTICE Managing editors and business ihanagers of The Michigan Daily, Michiganensian, Gargoyle, Chimes, Students' Directory, Athletic pro- gram, and the managing editor of the Wolverine, and any other pub- lication officers needed, will be appointed for the ensuing year by the Board in Control of Student Publications on Saturday, April 30, 1921. Applications, in writing, for any of these positions should be filed with Miss Allen at the Board in Control office in the Press build- ing, not later than Thursday, April 28. Such application ghould con- tain a statement of the candidate's previous experience, his special qualifications, and any other facts which might have some bearing upon his candidacy. E. R. SUNDERLAND, Business Manager of the Board in Control of Student Publications. PHI BETA KAPPA; That's a pretty representative list," was a fre- t comment among those who ran through the' -seven names of Phi Beta Kappas-eleet Wednes- morning. Michigan. has many types of stu- s, interested in varied campus and scholastic ities; and the list has its quota of most of . Nobody, certainly, would care to apply the I "grind's" to the majority of the men and en honored by this year's choice. any of the fifty-seven have distinguished them- s by, marked services outside the regular class-' i round. Among them are an ex-football cap- now assistant coach ; a Rhodes scholar and for- class president; the news editor, sport editor, :hairman of the editorial board of The Daily; ty debaters, Union committeemen, class offi- members of numerous campus societies, actors ampus dramatics, the chairman and the au- ss of the 792o Junior Girls' play, the presi- of Masques, workers in the S. C. A. and the fen's league, and many others who have re- tered to serve Michigan in activities and still ged to keep scholarship first. A long ago an article in Chimes accused work- n The Daily of the general characteristic of py" classwork. In this connection it is signifi- that three of the five seniors on the staff of Daily are among the Phi Beta Kappa elections. e men have put ii from two to four hours a n getting out the routine work of the paper, periods ranging from two and a half to four of their college course. idently scholarship, the primary side of a Uni- y education, can very successfully be pursued ut staying clear of the campus activities which to advance the spirit and the material stu- achievements of the University. :dies may fairly be compared to a man's busi-- >r profession in outside life, and student activi- : his avocations - his hobbies,' his unselfish e on civic committees. Business - and stud. - first; but the student with time left over, as3 >f us have, is as wrong in turning down service chigan through activities as is the banker inx ng this influence and his spare time to the of public betterment. From the point of of the individual, the analogy is just as strik- he dlop-sided life of the business man who re- as though tied to his desk, oblivious of the ires which might broaden him and the civic work he might have a part in, is no narrower he pure and simple grind. Beta Kappa comes annually to remind us of ue valuation of scholarship and to inform us fact that we are here primarily not to learn handing" nor to play away four years of our but to get an education. When, as this year, st of the chosen proves also that the highest rship may be achieved without forgetting the tant sidelines which make for a better Michi- he election attains an even higher significance. Do YouN eed ttra ourss Send for catalog describing over 400 courses in History, English, or I Mathematics, Chemistry, Zoology,ModernLanguages, Economics, n., Philosophy, Sociology, etc., given by coerppondence. Inquire M how credits earned may be Applied on present college progran. nd w iOM6 seSTUDY DEPTCHICAGO. iiLIN. in. ly, nd OUR AUTO LIVERY - - SERVICE --is all inclusive. It will take yo I hI to theatre, church or station. will take you shopping or cal ing. And it will take you on - ¢ week end visit or a good Ion trip. Comfortable and well a pointed cars, expert drivers an moderate rates make our aut - livery service very attractiv Phone or call for what yo want. CIT Y TAXI PRONE 230, tilllitnitt1111111111111111iliiitl11111111111Witll n111 111, il11111in Eastman Kodaks - Films Amateur Finishing Enlargements Flashlights and 'Outside Groups ° 1 7 11 11111111tell 111111111111111ilit 1l 111111miillili 1it i 1 il i tl y1ltil 11ili tlilttill 1111111 A Most UneXpected Sale This Week Trimmed and Banded Hats PUYEAR & HINTZ 328 South Maiz, Street -, {s ed edari 10 ez BeaThe Turkishh -Tdrbyn We go 6000 miles fo the Turkish tobacco used in Murad-Wh y Because -Turkish has a taste -Turkish has a-. mildness -Turkish has a delight--far beyond all cigarette tobaccos of all other lands- Murad gives you real enjoyment, and true delight such as no Tobacco other than 100% Pure Turkish Tobacco can give. Facts-Facts-FACTS-! Tens of thousands of smokers -tens of thousands of times- have PROVEN this- 7udge for Yourself-!" 2 42 GrsMk- de 1 SENIOR NOTICE Seniors who have, not ordered caps and gowns are requested to do so at once ,at George Moe's store. i GLASS EATER DIES AFTER TUMBLER -- recent news head. Another case where taking one glass caused a man's downfall. EATING too many One reason why the students Living in Detroit should be Good politicians Is because they have a chance Of hearing so many Platform speeches - You know the kind where the' Conductor stands on the platform And yells, "Step forward, please". We thank you. Ask your students if their text bool would not be worth 15c per hundr pages more to them if mimeograph on book paper. Edwards Bros., 31 S. State St.-Adv. Lightweight imported golf hos $3.00 upward. Wild & Co., State St.- Adv. - EB OIVDON The first and last word iM real pipe comfort This is one of '',' many styles of TREBORPIPES ready for your immediate use at six dollars. TREBOR will smoke cool and sweet from the start. The ivory stop- per at end of stem positively prevents any bad taste or discomfort. If you have never smoked a pipe, the TREBOR will prove a new friend to be proud of. A veteran pipe smoker will appreciate the specially seasoned fine old briar as an old friend after the first puff. Drop in and see the TREBOR at The Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co. The Cushing Drug Co. Impotd by, GROSVENOR NICHOLAS & CO., Inc. 12 East 48th Street New York City "How'ja come out in your mid semesters?" "Not so well; I got a coupla cons in math." "Sorta aftermath, eh?" Come, oh spring, with warmth and sunshine, Only give us half a chance, And we'll don our caps and jerseys And our ice cream tennis pants. Pamous Closing Lines "Ha, absinthe minded," she muttered smelled his breath at the dance. as she NOAH COUNT.