TI -E MICHIGAN DARN T ... c> . : ---- -r " .. ° - Qy a '.1 S. C .: ,, .. '; ,r ,': MglOO FACES' LYIR1NIS TODAY SPRIN TERS RECEIVING SPECIAL ATTENTION FRESHMAN LIT BASEBALL All freshmen who wish to play on the class baseball team call 746-R today between 10 and 2 o'clock. Freshmen who are out for the All-fresh and expect to be able to play later, call also. highly probable that the Varsity coach will again be back on the courts to groom the team. Chris who was one of the mainstays on the Varsity for three years and who aided so mate- (Continued on Page Six) MORE ENTRIES WANTED FOR INTRAMURAL TENNIS EVENTS Visitors Expected to Present Strong Front; Ruzicka May Pitch Again for Varsity FISHER TO TAKE TEAM ON TWO GAME TRIP SATURDAY For the third time this year Ferry field is to be the scene of a diamond conflict, the Wolverines facing Kalam- azoo college at 4:05 o'clock this after- noon. Coach Young, of the Celery City nine, is bringing an aggregation to Ann Arbor that has shown a remark- able degree of diamond talent thus far this year. Of the Individual players nothing is known, but it is an assured fact that their combined team play and batting' ability, presents a front, both for of- fense and defense, that is bound to mare Michigan work to win. Kalam- azoo college should not be confused with'Western State Normal of Kalam- azoo, a team that defeated Michigan 3 to 0, in last year's hard luck game, wherein the Normalites received no hits off .the delivery of Ruzicka, but scored a trio of counters on errors. Western State Normal will be met on Ferry field next Wednesday. On Saturday Coach Fisher willtake his; Wolverines, on a two game jaunt, Notre Dame being. met on their home diamond on Saturday, and Purdue op- posing Michigan for the second time this year on Monday at LaFayette. On the Wednesday following will be the game with Western and on sat- urday Chicago will come to Ann Ar, b9p fr th@ Wolverine'$ third Confer- pne gagi. it is likoly that if the weather is fgavrableQ oach Fisher will give Ed Rugice another cance to twirl for a few innings this afternoon, but it is also posible that some of the pitch- ors -asyet untried before an Ann Ar- bor crowd will fac# XalmazoO, for a te at least, Gridders Drilled. In Fundamentals FOOTBALL NOTICE I WAR kilWEATHER WELCOMED BY STEVE FARR>ELL'S TRACK SQUAD With warm weather prevailing in- stead of rain, Coach Steve Farrell'sI Varsity track team went through twol days of practice Monday and Tues- day. Monday was somewhat inter- rupted by the shower of the mid-after- noon, but most of the squad reported Tuesday, and the entire group was given a good workout. Farrell sent three sprinters, Kelly, Losch, and Schneider through several practice 50 yard dashes. Despite the lack of practice lately, due to inclem- ent conditions, the races were finished in fast time. The sprinters will be,' with the middle distance runners, the hardest worked men on the squad this week, as it is in these events which Michigan must pick up strength to be, Conference championship contenders this spring. As usual, among the first men to1 appear on Ferry field was VanOrden Stipe worked out with him in the shot put pit, and then the latter took his turn with the hammer. Dunne was with the football men on Monday, due to the arrival of Coach Yost, but he tossed his daily quota of weights Tuesday before joining the warriors of the gridiron. Lightweight imported golf hose, $3.00 upward. Wild & Co., State St.- Adv. Did you ever try using The Daily as a Shopping Directory? Satisfaction is at your command if you patronize our advertisers.-Adv. Cirola portable phonograph only $35.00. Thrun Music House.-Adv. MACK MAY AGAIN COACH.NET SQUA) Tennis entries for both the frater- nity and All-campus tournaments are coming in entirely too slowly up to date. Only 40 entries in the singles,1 15 in the doubles, and 25 in the fra- Yesterday 's Gami American League Cleveland 9, Detroit 8. St. Louis 3, Chicago 1. Philadelphia 2, Boston 1. Washington 5, New York 4. National League Cincinnati 5, Chicago.3. Brooklyn 3, New York 1. Boston 10, Philadelphia 6. Pittsburgh-St. Louis-rain. Have you lost anything that y prize very highly? The Classil columns of The Michigan Daily always ready to serve You.-Adv. More than 20 net men are out daily ternity have been received so far. At engaging in practice matches prepara- least 100 are wanted in the singles and 50 in the other two events. En- tory to the selection of a team which tries should be handed in at the In- will journey to Columbus a week from tramural office no later than Fridgy. Saturday for the opening contest on Only one baseball gaine is to be the Varsity's conference tennis sched- played Wednesday, Alpha Sigma meet- ule. All the available Varsity courts ing Phi Chi at 6:45. The following have been in use throughout the aft- games are scheduled for Thursday: ernoons on which play has been pos- 3:30 o'clock-Alpha Sigma Phi vs. sible. -Monks, Alpha Delta Phi vs. Phi Delta Coach Mack May Be Out Theta, Delta Chi vs. Kappa Sigma; Encouraging reports as to the con- 4:30 o'clock-Phylon vs. Hermitage, dition of Coach Chris Mack have been Theta Delta Chi vs. Chi Psi, Zeta Psi received the last few days and it is vs. Phi Delta Chi. 3 It Would be COACH FISHER SWIMMING NOTICE All swimming suits issued toI members of the informal team should be returned to the Intra- mural office ataonce. In returU- ing suits men are requested to leave the size jersey worn. 1 L.1 William Soherer, '14, Confined to Bed William C. Scherer, '24, is confined to his home in Detroit with pneumo- nia. He will not resume hi studies this year. Want anything? If you want what you want, when you want it, use a Want Ad in the Michigan Daily.--Adv. I rather foolish of us, would it not, if we HAVE YOU TRIED OUR SPECIAL WEEK-END ICE CREAM BRICKS? FOR QUALITY, FLAVOR AND PUR- ITY THEY ARE UNSURPASSED. SC E CREA M were continually to spend our perfectly good 1 money on r As a matter of fact this advertising ifd we did not think j Coach Yost desires all mem-- members of last year's Varsity and candidates now out for the squad to meet at the Ungon at 7 o'clock Friday evenin that had we oach Yqst divided the large squad that reported for football practice yes= torday afternoon into five sguada. While he attended to one group Tad Wieman, Archie Hahn, and "Gob" Wilson looked after the others. Once again the coach emphasized the fact that the fundamentals must be mast- ered before the real playing could be- gin. The, linemen were put. through a strenuous drill in blocking and tackling with special attention to their position on the line. This afternoon the first scrimmage will be held and 4ll p414tes are urged to be present. something worth telling you? t L- We well are aware I r ILI THERE'S NOTHING TO DO X THIS OLE TOWN" Have you ever said that when ou're tired of the movies, and 'our best girl is out of town, nd you feel sort of "unneces- ary?'" Just note the address at the ottom of this advertisement id grop In here "just to look i a watch thpayrs 1 1ogn fin a par ' fqr game o "f o atoin" r wrilf i4 fqrget all 4b10t T4sI cj n, decent plape, ??gi W41 9,,7 n n gy vis~l} enQr W. Qm in toag. HUSTON BROS. rocket and Carom Bhhi1%ds, Cigars and Candles, joft Drinks and Light Lunches. Cigarettes and Ipes, 9We Try to Treat You Right" No. 3 Y OU'LL swing into the Camel procession as easily and as delightedly as any of the thousands of smokers who have found these cigarettes an absolute revelation in quality, in refreshing flavor -and mellow mildness. Camels are unlike any cigarette you ever puffed. They are a creation - an expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos. As sure as you are a foot high you will prefer Camels blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! Camel fit in with your cigarette desires lust one hundred per cent! The satisfaction they impart to smokers is simply joyous. Camels will not tire your taste! And, Camels leave no unpleasant cigaretty after- taste nor unpleasant cigaretty odor. You'll prove out our enthusiasm when you compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price! s that it is not a modest statement but we firmly we 'i believe that you will find the greatest satisfaction in all Camels are sold every- where in scientifically sealed packages of 20 cigarettes for 20 cents. I i respects at the Arcade Cafeteria and Fi ngerle's Adlkik. R. J. Reynolks Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. 4