THE MICHIGAN DAILY tee, CLY OFFICIAL BLE I a n mi-rimier n nn n-rn _ .IfP :I'ir TY1TIOR °I TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1921. Number 140. iate School: here will be a meeting of the Executive Board of the Graduate School" esday, April 26, at 4 p. m. A. H. LLUYD. 1 Faculty: he regular meeting of the full teaching staff will be held Wednesday ng, April 27, at 6:15 o'clock.- MARCUS L..WARD. ematical Club:, ,uncheon will be served at the Union, Wednesday noon, April 27. On nt of 1 o'clock classes the time wll be 12:05. The number of the will be announced on the Bulletin board at the Union. W. W. DENTON, Secretary. al Lectures: [r. James A. Veasey of the Oklahoma Bar is delivering a series of lec- to begin April 25 on the law relating to Oil and Oil Wells, daily at p. m., Room G in the Law building. The course is open to law stu- and- all others interested. H. M. BATES, Dean. Cork Will Address Physics Colloquliun: ir. J. M. Cork will address the Physics Colloquium on Tuesday, April i Room 202 Physics building, at 4:20 p. m., qn "The Change of Elec- e Maass with Velocity". All interested are cordially invited to attend. R. A. SAWYER. 4 INSW1IMMNG NOTICE COLLEGE STATUS All swimming suits issued to (Continued from Page One) Eembers of the informal team leges to be placed on the accredited should be returned to the Intra~ list of the University. After a junior mural office at once. In return- college has been put upon the accred- Two lIeets Between Ohio and Michi- ing suits men are requested to ited list, it will be similarly inspected gan Show Tie as Result leave the siza jersey worn. at least every two years. If at any ---- time a committee of inspection re- Complete results of the rifle contest ports that conditions in a given jun- between the R. O. T. C. of this Uni- usior college have become unsatisfac- versity, and the R. O. T. C. of Ohio In signing up for the Ali-campus tory, the University may refuse to ac- State university *were obtained last tournament, men should specify at cept students from that college one Friday when the second contest be- what hours they viii be able to play. year after notification to the college tween these schools was held. Entries may be made for both tOUI- to the effect that it has failed to meet The contest held March 22 did not neys at the Intrsmural office or by requirements. materialize because different targets phoniig 2268. Honor System Extended were used by each school. The scores ~~- The literary faculty at its meeting made were kept, however, and the 4esoerdai 's G esterday also voted to extend the contest was continued April 22. The h ouor system to small classes in second contest resulted in one win for - - which juniors, seniors, and graduate Michigan and one win for Ohio State. American League . udents predominate under the same At the second contest Mich "an fired Cleveland 5, Detroit 3. conditions as those set forth in the, on the targets used by Ohio State inj Boston 3, Philadelphia 2. irst semester to seniors and gradu- the first, and Ohio State on those used Washington 5, New York 3. ate students. in the first contest by Michigan. St. Louis-Chicago--rain. A revised statement of the combin- The final scores were as follows: On ed literary-dental course was adopted Ohio's targets Michigan scored 1,147 Nalional League which was made necessary by the re- out of a possible 1200, and Ohio State Chicago 3, Cincinnati 2. (quirement of one year of college work counted up 1,119; on Michigan's tar- Brooklyn 4, New York 1. nor admission to the dental college. gets Ohio received 1.113 and Michigan Pittsburgh 6, St. Louis 5. 1,072. Philadelphia 7, Boston 5. FAYER LECTURES IN ROMEO; , SENIOR Seniors who have not ordered caps and gowns are requested to do so at once at George Moe's store. I News of the Day IN BRIEF Chicago, April 25.-Charging that Valparaiso university at Yalparaiso, Ind., is "a hotbed of Bolshevism, of communists andother cults," and that all efforts of his to thwart this pro- paganda had failed because of "sinist- er inside influences" Daniel Russel Hodgeon, president, sent his resigna- tion to the trustees Monday. Washington, April 25.-The senate today confirmed Washington Gard- ner, of Michigan, as commissioner of pensions. New et nike al Board Vocational Education: 11 Federal Board wards are requested to report to the 201JXniversity Hall at their convenience between 2 and l'uesday an'd Wednesday to sign purchase authorities. Counselor in 4 p. m. Mon- F. B. WAHR. dents Interested in Play Writing: There will be a meeting of all those students interested in play writing Room 202, West Hall, on Thursday afternoon, April 28, at 4 o'clock. R. W. COWDEN. SScroll: An important business meeting of the Scroll wilT be held at 8 o'clock dnesday, April 27, in Room A, Alumni Memorial Hall, for nomination of cers and other buisness. A full attendance is desired. ORMA F. BUTLER. lytes: The next regular meeting of Acolytes will be held Tuesday evening, il 26, at 8 p. in. Paper, Miss Rose Gutterman, "Coeducation at Mich- n". .MARTEN TEN HOOR. Arch-Acolyte. dor Ieehanical Engineers: Mr. J. J. Garvey of the Western Electric Company, Chicago, will be in n Arbor on April 27 and 28 for the purpose of interviewing Seniors who y wish to consider a position with the Western Electric Company. His dquarters for these dates will be Room 221, Engineering building. H. C. ANDERSON. sques .n important meeting of the Masques will be held Tuesday, April 26, at 0 p. M. in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. Every member of Masques is urged. be present, as plans for the annual spring play will be decided upon and work assigned to the committees.' Annual dues not already paid should be paid at this meeting. J. RALEIGH NELSON. Players Club: .The election of officers, postponed from April 7, will be held Wednes- April 27, at 7 p. m. in room 203 Mason Hall. Faculty members of the b will meet at the same time to elect the directors. CARL L. DAHLSTROM. Beta Kappa: The Annual Business Meeting of the Michigan Chapter, Phi Beta Kappa, 1 be held Tuesday, April 26, 1921, in Room 204, Mason Hall, 4:15 p. m. Election of new members. Election of of'icdrs. Reports, etc. All resident members, whether of this chapter or others, are invited to nd. JOHN W. SCHOLL, Secretary. -ENDERSON TALKS IN PONTIAC union PREFERENCE TO LAWS CLOSES A 7'ayior 10o fM eet j 7NIGT FOR CREASE TICKETS; Prof. W. A. Frayer, of the history wpen ' ursday Progas Are in Form of Warranty partment, addressed the Monday 3pe and Quit Claim club last night at Romeo on the sub- Deed ject, "The Great Russian Revolution". ub Gus Copulos, who recently defeated Prof. W. D. Henderson, of the Exten- laste Johnny Layton, present world's chain- Preference for the sale of tickets tai'ion service, lectured on "The Art of polite pion three cushion, billiardist, will Prfsce for the fi to Study before a gathering of public polic ' laws closes tonight for the annual colu= meet Al Taylor, Union professional, in Crease dance, scheduled to take place school students yesterday morning at const two exhibition matches Thursday. Friday night at the Union. Starting'Pontiac. others Copulos defeated Layton in Detroit Both lectures were given under the several weeks ago by the ofie-sided ahopen to the entire campus, providing auspices of the Unversity Extension; Two t score of 350 to 242 in a six day game there are any tickets left. service. Twc of 355 innings. thrarantiksle.II , Dean Henry M. Bates and Mrs, the n' Al said Monday, "In my mind, Co- Bates will act as patron and patron- CONTRIBUTIO NSWANTED FOR traini pulps is the best three cushioned play- ess at the affair. All the law faculty LAST ISSUE OF WHIMSIES bank er in the country today. A man that and their wives have been asked to. mittee can win from the world's champion -:t as chaperones. Whimsies' last issue this year will Prof. by such an uneven score is undoubt The programs are in the form of a appear some time in May, and all Calho edly a player that will have to be reck- warranty and quit claim deed. The students are urged to submit contri- this c oned with in all future billiard tourna- whole dance is to be conducted in butions such as essays, poems, short born ments." what is said to be "a genuine law stories, and one-act plays for this final goodf Copulos will give a short talk after £ahion". number, must each exhibition on how the billiard __All those who intend to send in comm player should use the table diamonds Ask your students if their text books poems for Whimsies' prize-poem con- in judging his shots. The first game would not be worth tic per hundred test should mail them by May 1, to will be played at 3 o'clock on Thurs- pages more to them if mimeographed Whimsies, Box 147. day afternoon and the second match O book paper. Edwards Bros., 3101 will be played at 8 o'clock on the State St.-Adv. Have you lost anything that you evening of the same day. Admission prize very highly? The Classified ein Cirola portable phonograph only columns of The Mi'chigan Daily are will be 50 cents and tickets may now $3500. Thrun Music Houses-Adv. always ready to serve you.:-Adv. be lrocured at the desk in the Union billiard room. N York, April 25.-A nation wide on May 1 of more than 175,000 [zed marine engineers, firemen, eamen was threatened today ,the union refused to consider sed wage cuts averaging 25 to r cent. lin, April 25.-Fighting which 12 hours yesterday between 14 men and a Republican flying n resulted in the death of one able and the wounding of several s. to Be Named for Bank Training o men will be nominated within ext few days to join the college ng class of the National City of New York by the faculty com- e on nominations composed of David Friday and Prof. W. P. un. In order to be. eligible to lass a man must be an American citizen, must be a member in standing of the senior class, and be nominated by the faculty ittee on nominations. IMPORTED CAPS AT DONALDSON'S I WHAT'S GOING ON TUESDAY -Initiation banquet , Union. -Alpha Kappa Psi st William street. of Phi Sig. meets, 609 7:00-Mandolin club rehearsal, Union. 7:00-Choral Union rehearsal, School of Music. 1 :30-Canadnia club holds business meeting, room 306, Union. 7:30-Meeting of Howe club, Union.f S:00-Spotlight vaudeville, Hill audi- torium. WEDNESDAY 4:15-Profs H. P. Thieme lectures on "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme," room 203, Tappan hall. 7:00-L-pecial meeting of Alpha Nu, fourth ftoor, University hall. 7:00-Camp Davis" smoker, Union. 7:15--Meeting of Student Council com- mittee on underclass conduct, room 302, Union. S:00-Meeting of the Scroll for nom- ination of officers, room A, Alumni Memorial hall. U-NOTICES During this week freshmen and any others who wish should report be- tween 3 and 5 o'clock any day except Wednesday and Saturday for phys- ical examiation. Sale of tickets for soph lit afternoon dance starts at 3 o'clock today in the Union lobby. ICommunication Editor, The Michigan Daily: There are probably a few members of thb student body and faculty who are interested in theosophy. I, for one, identify myself with this phil- osophy and feel sure that others do. Conducive in gaining a clear insight into the.teachings of Judge and Blavat- sky is a discussion of the ideas pre- sented. All who are seeking light on this subject no doubt feel the need to meet and talk with others upon theosophy. Is it not possible for those persons to meet and know each other? I shall be pleased to hear from any who are interested and will form alocal lodge. M. R. DICKIE, '22E. ALL-CAMPUS VOTE NOMINATIONS DUE All classes and general campus or- ganizations must submit the names of their candidates for office in the All- campus election by May 1, according to the Student council. The council wishes to emphasize the importance of sending the nominations in at once in order that the ballots for the elec- tion may be printed as soon as possi- ble. This information should be sent to Donald J. Thorp, '21, chairman of election committee, Union. The spring election will be held May 11 and the record and qualifica- tions of each candidate will be print- ed before hand in The Daily. Intramural l tems The following games are scheduled , for Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock -Delta Kappa Epsilon vs. 'Zeta Beta Tau, Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. Phi Sigma Kappa, Sigma Nu vs. Alpha Beta Phi; at 4:30 o'clock-Sigma Phi vs. Delta Tau Delta, Psi Upsilon vs. Sig - ma Phi Epsilon, Sigma Chi vs. Delta Sigma Phi; at 6:45 o'clock---Xi Psi Phi vs. Phi Rho Sigma, Delta Si:ma vs. Nu Sigma Nu. Games scheduled for this afternoon; will be played tomorrow afternoon There will be no games Wednesday on account of the Varsity game with Kal- amazoo college. Up-to-date the fol- lowing games have been played: Beta Theta Pi beat Phi Kappa Psi in a rather loose game. 5 to 3; Alpha Rho Chi overcame Theta Xi, 4 to 6. in a' game featured by good fielding on thel part of the winners; Alpha Chi Sigma fell before Phi Beta Pi, 3 to 2; the winners coming from behind and mak-j ing their three runs in one inning; Alpha Sigma nosed -out Alpha Kappa - Kappa, 11 to 10, overcoming a five run lead to do so; Acacia shut out Delta Theta Chi, 5 to 0, due to the great pitching of M ctrmack; Phi Chi scor- ed a win over Sigma Delta Kappa, 4 to 3, in a game in doubt from start to finish. BOWERS, CAMPUS CHAMP, TO COACH FRESHMAN NET MENJ Mm- --qw- WAnR #SCIAL White, Polo Shirt S Wright an Ditson's Strong Line of TENNIS $2.00 each 711 North University Ave. RACKETS 100 RACKETS TOSELECT FROM UN IVER SIT BOO KSTOR SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON ALL COLLEGE GOODS AT DARLING & MALLEAUX 224 - 226 S. State Street 7 Nickels Arcade p' Freshmen tennis, players will be dHlItIIIIIlI1#lII1111II1#1#11111!11111##1IliIIIIIIIiIII# called out the latter part of this week. Edwin C. Bowers will take ! charge of the first year squad and has W E AW T YUI urged all the new net men on the campus to get in as much practice as possible. Your orders for Groceries, Meats and Ta Bowers, who with his partner hase n been campus doubles champion sev- eficiently fil eral times, is not eligible to compete for the Varsity because he has re- ceived his degree from the literary col- j time, however, to coaching the first W E N 4N;E S eged He has consented to dete hEiMN G year net men. 219-223 EAST WASHI TENNIS PLAYERS SLOW IN ENTER1NG TOURNA1MENT THE STORE OF QUJALI Entries have been coming in too :HCh N E '00' slowly or the All-campus and nterEP fraternity tennis tournaments. All contestants and houses must have R COMMAN D! able Supplies will be promptly and ed at ENDORFER Co. NGTON STREET [TY AND SERVICE 0 ONE NU you want what I want it. use a Want anything? If you want what, vn want. when van want it nea