IHt. MICHIC AN VAIL~t' O®RTED CAPS. AT NAL1DSON'S ' h u r t v r e o me ni a t CUTTING GAFE Corner of State ind Non-roe Sts. AT THlE TIIEA' T(MIAY Screen BURCHFIELD& CO. Offer to the Fine Tailoring Trade of Ann Arbor An Especially Fine Line oif Spring Woolens Tailored, to Your Individual Requirements 3aJeste-Clara Kiml in "Hush." Com( ing Room, Kitchen, Areade-Betty Comps( oners of Love." C Kinograms. Wuertht-"The Last o icans," from the nov, Fenwell Cooper. Orphieum-Charlie C] Jackie Cogan in THIS WJE Stage Garrick (Detroit)-"F3 men of the ApocaPy the famous book1 Blasco Ibanez. Ai Iture. 125 other fun mak musical review, Rounders." - Instructor's Infitnt Child Dies TE RS I The infant child of Francis E. Itoss, '19, instructor in the economics de- partment, died at the University hos- Ipital at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The child was born last Friday. .ball Young "Bubbles" Patterson Visits Ann Arbor! edy, "Din- George ("Bubbles") Patterson, '14, and Sink." ]'captain or the '13 football team, was on in "Pris- 1omedy and. H U BHEB R T I EDDIE CANTOR Af the Moh- MIDNIGHT ROUNDERS rel by James _________ _____ haplin and I D R The Kid." T1 0 DVI OITCENTxI 4vIH E BLASCO IBEANE IK OF THE APOCALYPSE our Horse- iBUS LINE y, fincent ADRI AN-TECUMSEH-ANN ARBOR motion pic- Sun- h 1 i in Ann Arbor yesterday visiting Want anything? If you want friends. Patterson is now tiving in'Nyou want, when you want it, Troy, dhio. Want Ad in the Michig;an Daily-. 4 B6,ecause Why are you so Insistent? Pi'r. Besirner's ~ieefseak Dinners are so Hard to Equal I 10 6 East Huron Street Down Town Opposite Court House ddie Cantor Eers in the "Midnight rv. L V. Lv. L v. Ar. Lv. L v. Lv. ]IV. A r. NORTH Week A. Rt. Adrijan-Main Cornea.......... 7:45 1'cunsel-).IairvCorners..8:5 Clinton-M auiCorners....... 8:45 Saline-MINain Corners.........9:3 AnnArbor-:liain & Huron.. .. i o: ro SOUTH P.M. Ann Arbor-uron .C 4th Ave. 4:35 Sal irn-M ainCorners........ :z Clinton---M ain Corners....... 6:o Tecumnseh--M\lainCorners..6:2o Adrian-Miain Corners........ ::oo 4 :oo 4 :4P( 5 :o 5 :50 6:25 P.M. 7:00! 7 31 8:25 9:451 I) .5 Opposite D. U. R. ;station Just Above Rae Theatre Lightweight imported golf hose. $3.00 upward. Wild & Co., State St.- Adv. fl'atr1oi i zo ou rAdvertisers.-adv. COMING WEDNESDAY r ,a ALICE JOYCE - IN- HAVE YOU TRIED OUR SPECIAL liU STARTING WEDNESDAY AND PLAYING THE REST! OF THE WEEK Tfl[ MA[[. IOWN IDOL frith B en TURPIN and entire SEN NETT cast LAST "TIMES TODAY WEEK-END ICE CREAM BRICKS? .-i - -ra"COUSIN KATE" LAST TIMES TODAY . FOR QUALITY, FLAVOR AND PUR- ITY THEY ARE UNSURPASSED. BETTY COMPSON ..Aowa. AIP' 09 I x "~Prisoners of Love" I ,i I -4 LAST R TIMES TODAY I, AL Y 0 The first and last word in real pipe comfort / This is one o many styles o T REBORPIPES ready for your immediate use at six dollars. Q- TREBOR will smoke cool and sweet from the start. The ivory stop- per at end of stem positively prevents any bad taste or discomfort.' If you have never smoked a pipe, the TREBOR will prove a new friend to be proud of. A veteran pipe smoker will appreciate the specially seasoned fine old briar as an old friend after the first puff. Drop in and see the TREBOR at The Calkins-Fletcher Drug Go. A T The Gushing Drug Co. Z-ported by GROSVENOR NICHOLAS &ix CO., Inc. 12 East 48th Street New York City 1 IN MAURICE, TOU RNEUR: presents, THE LAST OF 'THE M.Arufl~nmrican drama eternalt-by James Fenimore op Directed by' MIvIUICE TOURNEUiR and CLARENCELJ3IOWN' I The story of a prince a kingdom: "'Wi thout I. t -' - A Vital dramatic doument dedicated to the great army ofd women who gained unhappiness by telling their husbands too much. 8p' PRICES Adults Matinees " 20c - 150 rsP' I IADDITIN Shows at 2;00U, 3:30, 7:00, 8;30 and the FOLLIES girls LAST TIMES TODAY- IJ ii CHARLES' CHAPLIN II "Dining Ro In Six Reels of Joy s THE KID"' Kitchen and Sink" A merry mix-up of a stranded burlesque show, rich uncles and a pair of crooks T OPI CS ORGCHIESTRA You'll, See ! LEVA in «THIL NOVAK The Wonder Boy of the Screen JzACKIE COAN.