V H E MICHIGCAN AL DAIL"'Y aper so the students can with ink on the back of It costs very little more. r.os., 310 S. State St.-Adv. iortable phonograph only run Mlusic House.-Adv. :ORTED CAPS AT )NALDSON'S. A sk for the THIEME TO SPEAK ON FRENCH PLAY W'ill G4lve Explanation in English on "Le Bourgeis~ Gehtitlhommo" Prof. Hugo P. Thieme, of the rom- ance language department, will give a lecture on "Le' Bourgeois Gentil- hommfe," the French play by- Moliere, at 4:15 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in room 203, Tappan hall. The address was to h av' been delivered by Dean John R, Effinger, of the literary col- lege, 1 ut absence from the city made necessary the change in the schedule. The talk is for the benefit of the public Who have not had the opportun- ity of. studying the play, and it will deal largely with the relation that music and dancing ,ias with the plot. The lecture will be givenin. English and is open to everyone. Students Lunch 409 Jefferson high Class Fond Open 6 a.m. Close 11 p~m Dormitories, sororities, and league houses wishing to enter the baseball tournament should sign up on the Athletic association bulletin board by Tuesday, April 26. tDEATH OF STUDENT Esther L. Dorrance, '20, of Detroit, died Friday in- Montreal, as the result Ann Arb e Ll a e Y i There will be a meeting of Masques': at 3:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon .in1 Sarah Caswell Angell hail. Every member of Masques is expected to be' present as plans will be mnade for the! annual spring play and work assign-I ed to the committees. Back dues arel payable at this time. of an, operation performed up/on her there earlier in the week. The funeral will £be held today in Detroit, and the remains will be, brought to-Ann Arbor for ,burial at '4 o'clock Friday in For- est bill cemetery. Mliss Dorance was an active member of the Baptist guild during her four years at the University, and a nmember of the Girls' Glee club. Several students from the University are in -"Detroit today attending the funeral. au mm - esti Dr. Stanley's. Twenty-Eighth and Last Festival UF e Smart Looking, Popular Shoe for CAMPUS CLASS ROOM al, All Round College Shoe - Same High Q.vality as the A~ LOGAN GOLF SHOIE your dealer cannot supply you rite us for catalog and prices. AMAS H.LOGAN COMPANY Hudson, Mass. irteous and satisfactory FTMENT to every custom- bether the account be large. Ann Arbor Savin sBank Incorporated 1869 Al and Surplus, $625.000.00 arces ......... 4000.f 7Z Noth University Ave kwest Cor. Main & Huron Youthful flecoming } Stylish The Priscilla Doan" Tami WhteS nLaundry I FOR QUALITY AND FOR SERVICE_ I} fI Otir methods and machinery are up to-date in every detail. The result is better work . with less wear to the fabric. W e cater especially to the stujient trade TRY US . PHONE 165 H. G. Prettyman W. B. Gray f Rehear,§als for "The Imlportance of 1 W CM LT , Being . Earnest" this we,.ek willi! OM LT be as follow«: Tuseday, at 2 m iiur i o'clock, Lady Bracknel l and Jack.I Ifl VVI lFORSMM R INi SP91N Wednesday, at 3 o'clock, Cecily 'and1-__ Gwendolen; at 4 o'clock, Jack and Algernon. Thursday at 3 o'clock,' rt W IILL LEAVE FOR FOREIGN Chasuble, Prisimn, Gecily, Merriman,? PORTS JANE 18; TO VISIT Algernon. At 4 o'clock, Jack. Fri- PARIS FIRST day, at 2' o'clock,, Cecily, Gwendolen,I _- Jack and Algernon. (Complete arrangements have been =Imade for "A'tSeranish 'Pilgrimage"- un- Stylus will meet at 7:35 o'clock der thbe leadelrship of Prof. Charles Tuesday evening at the Kappa Kappa 1'. Wagner, of the romance language Gamma house, with Maud Vindman,l department, an~d the business' man- grad., as hodstess..# agemnt of the Te'niple Tours of B~os- _____ ton. Sigma Delta Phi meets at 4 o'clock The trip isF planned primarily for Monday at Helen Newberry residence.; those teachers and students of the ____Spansh language and literature who All. University women will be en- wish to avail themselyes' of the op- tertained at an informal at home givenj portuitity for; study in 'anl itensive by the residents of Betsy 'Barbour' course offered this summer at the house .at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon. U niversity of Madrid under the auspic- The affair will take the place of the es of the Spanish government, which reguar ome's lagu paty.will be combtined with visits to his- torical spots in Strain. Paris, the All junior girls who deposited mon-1 near-by battlefields, the Riviera and ey with Caroline Leonard may obtain the old R.man towns of Provence will a refund Praom 3 to 5 o'clock Thursday also be visited, in Barbour' gymnasium. 16 Einrolled in IParty The party, in which 16 students and The old Athletic association board! teachers have. already been enrolled, will hold a meeting at 7:30 o'clock to- will sail from New Y rk or Montreal nigh attheChiOmea huse ,~on June 18, arriving at Havre or Cher- nigh at he hi Oegalisrse.Bourg on June 27. The first five days Athea Lterry ocity illmee atwill be spent in and about IAris. Biar- 7:15 o'clock tonight ins the Alpha Nu ritz and cities over the Spanish border will be visited next, and on July 9 the room. entire party will proceed to the Uibi i versity of Madrid to attend the Curs Wyvern meeting 'will be held at 7:30 d eao nAg h ors o'clock Thursday night Tat the Gamn- d eao nAg h oro ma. hi Bta huse.Spanish cities will be resumed. r ~way of short tours. of England and Thereglarreh'aral f te 'niScotland have been planned for those versity Girls' Glee club will be heldI who may wish to take advantage Df at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon in Bar-I ln d bour gymnasium. W 1ill Be Be~ck Sept. lha.The tourists will sail for home Aug. Annual spring tryouts of the Athena rivn.i NWYr Sp,5 Literary society will be held Tuesday27aringnNeYokSp,5 night, May 3, in the Alpha Nu room. 1II t . l. /^ . B.ARKEl~R 11 TO TALj BEFRE A, NN 'ARBOR WOMEN ,All University women are invited toattend the lecture; to be given by "A Mother's Relation- to Her Daugh- O)'r. Charles E. Barker at 3:30 o'clock ter"~ ilb h ujc fahat Wednesday afternoon in 11111 auditor- wtl orwoe tosbectgivaenatDr sumn. The ;subject of the talk will beCharlesBarert 3:30 'clc "A othr~ leltio toHerDauht-Wednesday afternoon in Hill auditor- Dr. Barker is well known' as.' a lece- The first meeting of the Senior play trro ept huaqacuss committee will be held at 4:30 o'clockI During the past two years he -has been Wednesday at the Sorosis house. The delivering lectures before Rotary exact time 'of the tryouts, W'hich will clubs. H~e comes to Ann Arbor under ROSA PONSELLE (Metropolitan Opera #Company) FLORENCE HINKLE Soprano GRACE-,JOHNSON KONOLD / Soprano CYRENA VAN GOrRDON Contralto LUCRECIA BORI .Soprano (Chicago Opera ,Association) MERLE ALCOCK Contralto (Metropolitan Op1era Compzany) Soprano CHARLES MARSHALL Tien or (Chicago Opera Association) ORVJLLE HARROLD tenor (Metropolitan Opera'CojnpAny LAMBERT .MURPH (Metr oolian Opera Company) ARTHUR M IDDLETON (Metopolitn Opera Company)' THEODORE HARRI0 Tenor baritone CHASE SIKES Baritor Baniton Bariton 1 lis N1m ISE P.M. LAS~FIE0COLUMN ADVJFRTISING AT 3 P.M. LOST AM)D FOUNM) WANTED -One slide rle. Finder please WANTED-Ten table boarders. Pri- rn to 1105 E. Washington. 'look vate Boarding House. Home, cook- V.139-2 ing. 523 Forest' Ave. 138-6 -Between, Nicle,ti'Arcad d , Yn~i rw .m T hureb St, an envelope Containing Ater andi sums of money. Return tol 16 Church St. or Betsy Ross Shop. 9 eward, 1401 and typist, part, or whole time. G. M. Whipple, 105 Tappan Hall. Phon 1867. 140-3 $T--Last Wednesday, between Ann nd ~Washington Sts., a P1hi Kalppa, ?s sistOer pin. Initials on back. Re- ard. Call 1482-J. 140-2 ST--SaturdaLty night b tween (Union nd Va's r estaurant, Alpha PhiSor-' rity p;in. O'wn, er's namve n back. iinder please returni to Alpha Phi ouse, 814 S. Uivyersity Ave. 140 'ST--Change purse on E. 'Jeffersoni, ontaining about two dollars. Call t 318 E. Jefferson or phone 1058-R. 140-2 ST-Black lezather Lie Fay, note- ook- contailnin , outline;- of debates ,nd talkts. Reward. Roy E, Yokes, 100-J. 140-3 ST--Small leather note-book, size 1-2x7 in or neair Engineering Bldg.' lease 'return to Secretary's office. 140-2 FOR IENT R RENT-H-ousekzeeping apartmnent, wko rooms, sm-rwt bath. Near~ ampus and downtown. 203 So. Phayer St. 139-3 ,R RENT-Suite of two rooms. Will WVbANTED-wo or three light house- keeping rooms by June; first.. Call Cuthbert, 1633-J. 140-3 FOR SALE FOR SALE-A few good typewriters for sale or rent, School of Shorthand, 711 No. Univ. Ave. 139-3 fF OR SAIE-Canoe:. Call 1252-M be- tween 6; and 7 P. M. V. H. Cook. Y 140-3 FOR SALK-ord_ speedster. 1920 Motor. Firs class condition. Good tires. 7130-F15. 140 MISCELLANEOUS COPELY'S RlFCIPE+S, of good things to eat.. Eighty-nine, recipes with full instructions, for delicious home cooking, will be mailed to *any ad- dress on receipt of price, $2.50. Mrs. Lu Vada Copely, Vandalia, Mich? 136-6 kftU11NITURE REPAIRING, refinishing, upholstering; recaining. Verne Smith, 1219 .§o: University. Phone 675-j. 132-13 be heldi somime d~wuring thi eel,, end will be anngetnced after the meet- ing. Professor Jirumm To Direct Play P'rof. Jphn L. tDrumm, of the rhet- oric department, will direct this year's Senior play, according ta an announce- mtent,. made yesterday by Katrina Schermerhorn, '21, chairman of the committee. Committee heads have been chosen as follows, Marcella Moon, general chairman; Ire~e Rosenberg, music; Mildred Shermain, lyrics; GladysRei- neke, finance; . Qun th Summers, costume; Helen Master, property; Alice Hinkson, program; and Mar- guerite Clark. pujblicity. Tryouts for the play will be held this,-week end after tile first meeting of the committee, which wvill. take place at 4:30 o'clock Wednesday at the Soros'is house. Athena Chooses '23-124 Debate Team Tryouts for the annual-Xfreshman- sophomore debate of the Athnt Lit- erary society were held and the M-lA lowing girls have been chosen: Sopho' more team-Beatrice Champion, Adele Unger, Yona Moriya; freshmian team-- Dorothy Kelly, Catherine Stafford, Ruth Sutherland. Student and Gr'aduate Married Here Announcement'has been ma.de of the marriage of Beta Ireman, '21, to Gor- don R. Anderson, '20. Anderson is at present an instructor of electrical en- gineering at the University. The cere- mony was performed Saturday in Ann the auspices of, the University Health service and the Federated Parent- teacher association. SIfR 41ORDER, FAMOUS ENGLISHI PHYSICIAN, TO VISIT HERE Sir Thomas Horder, famous physi- cian and epidemiologist, and profes- sor at the, University of London, will visit the Medical school 'Wednesday. He is making a trip through' the Unit- ed States to look over the medical schools of this country. He will arrive here at 8 o'clock and leave at 13 o'clock in, the afternoon of the same day. Wouldn't you rather have your text books mimeographed on smooth -paper and mav 15c more for a hook of a hundred pages? Edwards Baros., 310 S. State St.-Adv. ;.lave you lost anything that you Ir:ize ,dry highly? The Classified c olumns of 'The Michigan Daily are always ready to serve you.- Adv. ROBERT McCANDLIS GUSTAF ,HOLM1QUIST MARIAN STRUBLE FANNIE BLOOMFIELD Z Violin UNIVER~SITY CHORAL UNION ALBERT A. STANLEY, Conductor CHICAGO SYMPHION'Y'ORCH~ES- TRA R fFREDLRICK STOCK, Conductor LARGE CHORUS OF SCHOOL -.~- A. DXSXR FORl ANY 'tPJf OF DANCJINP$ may easily be sfi4ed at' MLLE. JEANETTE KRUZSKA'S DANCING STUDIO AESTHETIC DANCING SOFT SHOE DANCING TOE DANCING BALL 'ROOM DANCING We atim to make you graceful In addition to kn~owing steps Instructors MLLE. KRUZSKA PHILIP MILLER, '23 Studlo424 F. Huron St. Phone 2308-8 cHIILDREN / GEORGE O CAp, ' O0fN, Gpp4ductor I A Limi ed Nlpmber o£4Qptp ~T p * Sill Ayaaiat $.5, ~*Q? .Q, 7.9 FIA LES A. ' '(, S CRETA~Iy WNWI4RjTYSCHQOOL OF TV ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN EXCELLENT GRAVEL any part of the city. delivered to Killins, 107 Phone 1621. f.