T'HE MICHIGAN DAIL' Mvusicale Society Elects Officers Officers for the comning year were elected, prizes were issued to winners in the State Federation of Mlusic clubs contest, and reports of coinmittees read at the annual nmeeting of the Matinee Musicale society held Wed- nesday at the Union.., It was brought out thiat the Ann[ Arbor Matinee Mlusical society is now, third in size of the federated music clubs of the state. First and second places are held by the Truesday Mus- icale, of Detroit, and by the Saint Cecelia club, of Grand Rapids. The officers elected were: Mrs. Wil- liam H. Sellow, president; Mrs. Emil Lorch, first vice-president; Mrs. Har- rison Randall, second vice-president; Mrs. W. IV. Krag, recording secretary; Mrs. F. L. Snyder, corresponding sec- retary; Mrs. A. H. Kenyon,treasurer; and Mrs. Marion L. Burton, Mlrs. 13. F. ijacher, and Miss Lillian Condon, di- rectors. University Head Visits Ann Arbor Pres. Samuel F. Kerfoot, of Hainlin university, spent yesterday in Ann Ar- bor as a guest of Prof. Ray K. Immel, of the department of public speaking. President Kerfoot's visit. here was purely business. Hfe was searching among, the faculty and student bodies for material for the teaching staff of his own university. President Kerfoot was entertained at noon at the University club. I S HubOER T FR ANCES WHITE IN THE MUSICOMEDY VICENTE BLASCO IBANEZ 4H 0O SE E O F THE APOCALYPSE Miss M4:ary F. Minnis, Chiropodist, formerly with Mack and Co., will be at the Saunder's Hair Shop, Tuesday of every week. Phone 2673-M for ap- pointments.-Adv. No.. 10 Tomatoes, 60c per can. Schultz Grocery, State St.-Adv. That Spring. OTLIGHT Comes off TUESDAY, APRIL 26 Hill Auditorium Tickets at Bookstores and Cushing's :I1r~a _,,Ii ~r1I1t1r rrrrrrnr.rnrrur~r~rrrrrnrr ATHlE AMWUSEM ENT CENTRE OF ANN ARBOR _ Last Times Today ALLEN HOLUBAR 'S Drama-Eternal Starring Dorothy STORYX O1F THE; ;. AGES - THOUNDS OF PLAYERS - .VIVID DRAMVIA-- / SWEEPING - PANORAMAS +-aAND) STRIFE -- NINE ~ ACTION ANI) LIFE, -- --'AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA - SPECIAL "- " " .SCORE = SCHEDULE AFTERNOON - 1:30 & 3:30 O'CLOCK c UEV7ENING ;- 7:00 AND 9:00 O'CLOCK YYN{ TOMORROW E BETTY COMPSON IN PISONERS OF LOVE CANOES! You will find in Our Old Town Canoes the -seaworthi- ness, beauty of line and finish, high quality of material and workmanship that have made the State of Maine famous as the home of the best canoes possible to make. your canoe NOW! Pick out i . Ann LUCRECIA BORI .sor Arbo Fe sli (Metropolitan Opera Company) ROSA PONSELLE: Sopr, (Metropolitan. Opera Company) V1 FLORENCE H INKLE Sopr GRACE JOHNSON.KONOLD Sopr, C YRENA VAN GOR DON' Contr. Dr. Stanley's Twenty-E and Last Festival I I I M SAUNERS' CANOE LIVERY ON THE HtI-LIlOY\RIVED-FOOT OF CEDAR STREET (Chicago Opera Association) MERLE ALCOCK Cot i C N G le6' - pp= JOY . S u N D A Y CHARLES MARSHALL (Chicago Opera Association) LAST TIMES TODAY ORVILLE HARROLD iee (Me'tropolitan Opera Company) LAMBERT MURPHY (Metropolitan Opera Company) TI ARTHUR MIDDLETON / Baritc (Metropolitan Opera, Company) THEODORE HARRISON CHASE SIKES Barito Baritc Baritc ROBERT MICAN1DLISS GUSTAF, HOLMQUIST, MARIAN TRUBLE WHAT HABIT MAKES A WOMAN DO! Her husband lay panting across the table. Stretched at her feet was the man who had brought her to his appartment. She had done it! And the web of Habit around her suddenly became the dragnet of the law.I Louis B. Mayer HABI T Presents I Via: Ii'?' U JlllillllllllllllllllllllElll11011111111111{t1U llllllllllllllllilll: U AT THE THEATERS TODAY i ,' Sereein Xajestc-"The Call of Youth," a Hugh Ford production with a cast of well known stars. Arcade-"Man, Woman, and Mar- riage," with Dorothy Phillips. Wuerth-Corrine Griffith in "It Isn't Bieing Done This Season." Orplieum-Mack Sennett's com- edy, "Love, Honor, and Be- have." THIS WEEK SUDY- MONDAY - TUESDAY -THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS" A Maurice Tourneur Picture LAST TIMES TODAY CORRINE, - IN - "It Isn't Being Done This Season" W T A film of Oriental splendor and scenic beauty. The action carries I, the spectator from Neiv York to Smyrna, famous for its rugs. Shows the spectacular wonder of rrr ' the land of Mohammned. I CORINNE GRIFFITH AS A SECRETARY, FASHION MODEL, SOCIETY TOURIST qI_ I Ili FREDERICK STOCK, Conductor LARGE CHORUS OF SCHOOL CHILDREN GEORGE OSCAR BOWEN, Conductor FANNIE BLOOMFIELD ZEISLI Pi UNIVERSITY CHORAL UNIOW ALBERT A. STANLEY, Conductor CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHI TRA stage A Limited Number of Course Tickets still Avai Carrick (Detroit) - "The Four Horsemen of the .Apocalypse." Shubert (Detroit) - Frances White in the musical comedy,. "Jimmie," with, Ben Welch. $4.50, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 t i CHARLES A. SINK, SECRETARY UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MLJk ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN i Read The ReadThe for Campus news.