I LI IHT IN (By Associated Press) rlington, Vt., April 21.-Smug- of whiskey across the Canadian r into Vermont will be virtually icted after May 1 to the small y that may trickle in through els, boot-legs, and hip-pockets, in pinion of prohibition agentsehere.- that date a Dominion Vaw limit- ach purchase of whiskey to a e quart becomes effective. While{ and wines, flow freely north of ine, United States officers do not pate any flood on this side be- profits in these light liquors are mall to tempt the rum-runners. cent seizures have indicated a rted effort to rush, large stocks hiiskey into the state before the than one-quart limit is enforced. nobile traffic, formerly the prin- underground sourcefis less used, days, but now and then a loaded s caught slipping with muffled r along the by paths of the bor- Scores of the machines have been doned recently by parties that checkedy vigilant guards. st of the shipments however have made by freight car in recent .quantities concealed in the skillfully constructed bins. Spirits have come across the line also hidden in h'ay, graing potatoes and shipments' of a similar nature. Some have fallen into the revenue officers' hands before leaving the railway tracks. Capture of liquor cached in freight cars, however, is more or less a mat-' ter of luck, the enforcement agents admit, and this is the chief reason for the use of this means of smuggling by the men who thereby avoid risk of their persons or automobiles. AMERICANS AWARDED LAND NEAR POLISH FRONTIER Warsaw, April 21.-Nine American members of the Kosciuszlo air squad- ron, all soldiers of fortune, recently were awarded 40 acres of land each, near the Polish-Russian frontier, as outlined by the Riga peace treaty. All officers and soldiers of the Polish forces are being provided with tracts along Poland's eastern boundary, un- der a system worked out by the gov- ernment, provided they 'take up culti- vation of the land upon leaving the military service. By this plan, Poland hopes to have trainedmen settled per manently where they would be handy for service in case the country is ever attacked again from the east. Most of the young fliers of the Kos- ciuszko squadron are planning to re- turn to America during the summer. If they do not settle upon the land within a specified time, their rights to the farms will be forfeited. As yet none of the Americans has made up1 his mind to settle down on a Polish plot and lead the life of a peasant. Several of the Americans were reared in the country but they say the excite- ment of flying and the thrills of war have spoiled them for the back-to-the- farm movement. OHIO PHI BETA KAPPA CHAPTER ELECTS 99 MEMBERS Phi Beta Kappa at Ohio State uni- versity, honorary scholastic fraternity, chose 22 women and 17 men at its' annual election held recently. Of this number, one is a native of Greece, two are non-residents of the State, 17 are from Columbus, and the others ar-e from various parts of the state. Out of the 37 chosen, 75 are mem- bers of the class of ':1, and two are graduate studente. It used. to be John A. Dropeski, but it's John A. Draper now. Judge Aaron Cornell granted permission to Draper Tuesday to abandon his family name and to be known legally by that of his choice. Draper is a freshman at the Univer- sity, and hails fom Bad Axe. Both Draper and his parents, who retain the name of Dropeski, were born in the United States, but none of the family has considered it necessary to change his name until now. "I want an American name because I like American names better than . polish naives," he said, "and besides, it is a disadvantage not to have an American name." Use the advertising' columns of The Michigan Daily to reach the best of Ann Arbor's buyers.-Adv. / F Student AllowedM To Change Name; 7 \ - :1 Y-4 I i For just such happy moments as this, Coca-Cola was created delicious and refreshing. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY ATLiANTA, GA. .. 40 al a"A. s- ., , 1., f e 1 THE COUNTRY CLUB AEGIS FROCKS "Smart frocks without.smart shops" IF YOU would like to have charming one-piece sum- mer frocks all made and delivered to you at the very minimum of cost, write to us now. One of the clever- est designers in this country creates our models. They are made to order in standard sizes. Fashionable slip- over types. Neither fabrics nor models are found in shops. These are nicely shown in the simple folder we will send you. Organdie 50 Linens Tissue Ginghams Doled Swiss Aegis workmanship is very finished. Detachable collar and cuffs. French hand-made flowerettes. Ample hems. No two frocks ever alike. Write at once for our unique style folder and samples which make it easy for you to order. Address 1 AEGIS FROCKS Room 515, 225,North Michigan Blvd., Chicago rt it M1 , > , tlf r. , > :& r : $ ¢ r _ jJ: 1 { ' < . t A ., -I-% t £'* .. .: .. ,. t ...x - The proper indi'vidual may find it ad-vantageous to informally represent us in her territory. We will re glad to hear from those interested. v I Fi ". %, . - .. M: i 'h1 ._/% WALKER A ,., ii. rY e r ,: ?i ; 11 11 4t home, t.work or play. Collars & Shirts %"r .i... w r, t~fA~y." 4 y:' t " : r ir LrrQ .. J "r:w . Y - N O S l t 4 . 4 . ? " " / + ^r~} "'"4 ; s Y . '' J? , . ;rs i. ':1 trw.4+ 4. I TI . in good appearance } MNOL e Perfect Mouthpiece KDen LOeimer G OOD CLOTHrES' I' cf 1. Men who know pipe satisfaction will tell you that they prefer REDMANOL to any other- mouthpiece because it has just the right feel on the teeth. REDMANOL is as transparent and beau- tiful as amber; but stronger. Modern science has made it tasteless and odorless. Whether you are buying a cigarette holder, a cigar holder, or a "jimmy" pipe, ask your dealer to show you one with a REDMANOL bit. Buy wisely, with assurance of real economy-get the benefit of the lower prices and greater values in Kuppenheimer Good Clothes. New styles with the same integrity of fabrics and tailoring. All Shapes-All Prices If your lbcal dealer doesn't carry REDMANOL pipes'and holders send us his name and address. 9 P AALLEN Redmanol Chemical Products Co. 657 West 22nd Street Chicago . N F CO . . I. 211 South Main Street -the house of Kuppenheimer good clothes ____________ - I Copy ght, ligzi,Tbe House of IKuppenhelmer . ______ MONOMOMMOI