L. XXXI. No. 137.
Senior Societies
D neBarton Hills Country club will be al
in Appeal, Agrees to Abide' by
atever Decision President
May Make on Matter
(By Associated Press)
Washington, April 21.-The Amieri-
can government refused today an ur-
gent request of the German govern-
ment that President Harding mediate
the question of reparation' between
Germany aid the Alies and fix the
sum Germany is to pay.
The United States government
agreed, however, that if the German
government would formulate prompt-
ly such proposals regarding repara-
tion "as would present 4 proper basis
for 'di,*cussion" it would "consider
bringing the matter to the attention
of the Allied governments in a man-
ner acceptable to them in order that
negotiations might speedily 'be re-
Germans Appeal to Harding
Germany's appeal signed, by Chan-
ellor Fehrenbach and Foreign Min-
ster Simons was directed to Presi-
ent Harding and was transmitted
hrough American Commissioner Drex-
1 at Berlin. It was answered bye
ecretary Hughes after a gonference
ate today with the President at the
White House.
The text of both the appeal and the
reply were made public tonight by the
state department. The communication
from Berlin said the German govern-
ment "was feady and willing" to agree
without qualification or reservation~
to pay such sum as the President aft-
ier examination and investigation
might "find just and right" and "to
fulfill in letter and spirit the provi-
sions of any award that might he made
by him." .
U. S. Not to Mediate
In the report Secretary Hughes said
"this government could not agree to
mediate the question of reparation
with a view to acting as umpire in its
settlement. Impressed, however, with
the seriousness of the issue, affecting,
as 4 does, the whole world, the gov-
ernment of the United States feels
itself to be deeply concerned with the
question of obtaining an early and
just solution. This government de-
sires that there should be an imme-
diate resumption of negotiations, and
reiterates its earnest hope that the
German government ' will promptly
formulate such proposals as would
present a proper basis for discus-
scene of hilarity tonight when, start-
ing at 9 o'clock, the Barristers, Vul-
cans, and Druids will begin the first
number of the famous. B. V. A. dance
under the strains of Pat Nertney's five
piece orchestra. Dancing will con-
tinue until 1 o'clock.
The committee in charge of the af-
fair, which consists of Thurman B.
Doyle, '21L, E. Marlowe Stevens, '21E,
Ernest K. Armstrong, '21, and Edward
J. Richards, '21L, wishes to stress the
fact that no flowers are to be warn at
the dance, even though it will be
strctly formal as has been the usual
The chaperones for the affair are
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley' and Mrs.
Cooley, Dean John R. Effinger and Mrs.
Effinger, Prof. Morris P. Tilley and
Mrs. Tilley and Prof. Joseph H. Drake.
The brown covers of the programs
have the letters B. V. D. engraved on
them in gold. Running through the
cover in various places a lighter
brown cord is woven.
Arrangements have been made so
th'at transportation to and from the
dance may be secured from, the Ann
Arbor Taxi company, the podge Taxi
company, or the City Taxi company.
"An international court of justice
founded on a treaty and in contact
with the actualities. of internatitonal1
life, which it must seek to interpret,
is essential for a broad and sound
system of international law," said
prof. J. S. Reeves of the political sci-
ence- department in his lecture, "In-
ternational Law and International So-
ciety given last night before the
Graduate club in Natural Science au-'
Professor Reeves divided the con-
troversies likely to arise between na-
tions into static and dynamic. The static,
controversies are those which arise
because the questions are not usual,
and are justifiable. The dynamic arise
when there is no usual, and are not
justifiable. It is the gradual reduction
of the dynamic to the static which
spells progress.
One of the bad points of the league
of nations, according to the profess6r,
is that the judgments of the supreme
council are based upon political and
not upon legal grounds. The pres-
ent foundation of international law is
based upon what was left by the peace
settlement. Because of the legal tem-
perament of the world today, settle-
ment of disagreements on purely legal
grounds is practically impossible.
"If the foundation of the law is that
treaties should be respected and lived
up to, it is necessary that the treaties
be made public," said Professor
Reeves. It is the function of law to
determine rights and duties of the sev-
eral nations. It is the violations of
these rights and duties that has been
the cause of most modern wars.
Professor Reeves connected'intena-
tional society with international law
by saying that the two are inescap-
ably connected,' and cannot exist sep-
Late reports from the Union indi-
cate that the ticket sale for the Union
senior lit dance tonight is rather slow.
Some 100 tickets are still available,
but as the sale is now open to the gen-
eral public it is expected they will
last but a short time.
Final arrangements have been com-
pleted for the affair. Those who ex-
pect to attend have been promised by
the committee in charge of the dance
that a distinctive type of party may
be anticipated. The music will be
the best obtainable. As usual the
dance will start at 9 and continue
until 1 o'clock. There is no advance
in the price of tickets.
Brumm Speaks Befote Advertisers
Prof. John L. Brumm, of the rhet-
oric department, spoke Wednesday in
Toledo before the Toledo Advertisers'
club. The subject of his talk was
"Principles of Copyrighting".
Latest' feature songs, some of them
strikingly clever and all of them
highly entertaining, characterizations,
monologues, skits, and instrumental
"music, which according to promises
will be of a high class nature,' are to
be offered at the Union Spring Spot-
light vaudeville, an innovation in the
season's theatricals Tuesday evening,
April 26, at Hill auditorium.
Many campus stage favorites will
appear on the program, which is to be
snappy and comparatively short. Hil-
liard Rosenthal, '21, and Kemp Keena,
grad., will put on an act of entertain-
ment and song, while "The Water-
melon Thief" is the title of a skit
which will be given by Chester Kuhn,
'22, and an assistant.
Robert J. McCandless, '21, is to
characterize. several songs, among1
them Rudyard Kipling's "Fuzzy-Wuz-
zy". George Sloan, '23, who will give
an act of monologue, is to feature in
one, of the six numbers on the bill.
John Cunningham, '23E, and Henry
Morton, '23E, under the name of the
"Eccentric Entertainers", will present
several novelty songs, one of which is
"You Know Where the Flies Go in the
Winter Time". The mandolin sextette
has been secured for an act which is
to feature string instrument numbers.
Tickets for the Spring Spotlight,
which will be similar in nature to the
Union fall show, 'are on sale at the
bookstores and at Cushings at 50
cents each.
Campus Stage Favorites to
Appear in the
Chief Purpose Is Judicial Supervision
of Student Activi-
Functions of the Student Advisory
committee were outlined definitely by
James I. McClintock, '21L, chairman
of the committee, yesterday. At the
first meeting Tuesday night it was de-
cided to confine all activity to purely
judicial supervision of student con-
duct, as opposed to legislative or Ju-
dicial action. The purpose of the
Student council, to direct student ac-
tivities and represent student opinion,
will not be interfered with in any
The Student council itself, accord-
ing to McClintock, was originally
formed 'for the same purpose, that of,
supervising student conduct, but has
gradually drawn away from it to the
legislative and administrative side.
This committee has been formed as a
branch of the larger body and expects
to take over much of the supervision
formerly in the hands of the faculty
in cases where direct student con-
trol is feasible. Its functions will
necessarily be carried on without
much publicity, according to McClin-
tock, due to the judicial nature.
News of the Day
Washington, April 21.-Japan and
France are understood to have accept-
ed the American principles of distri-
bution of the former German Atlantic
and. Pacific cable at a session of the
international communication confer-
ence held late today at the state de-
Paris, April 21.-Germany's pro-
posal relative to reparations had not
been received by the French govern-
nient late last night, but officials here
declared they expected they would be
the same as those published in Ger-
man newspapers. For this reason
they said they believed the Berlin
government's terms would be in-
sufficienj and unacceptable.
Washington, April 21.-Expressions
of gratification were general today in
administration circles over what was
regarded as significant test.of senate
support for administration foreign
policies in that body's ratification of
the long-pending Colombian treaty. At
the close of a session of heated debate
the treaty, which grew out of the par-
titioning of Panama and provides for
payment by the United States of $25,-
000,000 to the South American repub-
lic, was ratified with a margin of 11
votes over the necessary two-thirds
majority, 15 Republicans and 4 Demo-
crats opposing ratification. The vote
was 69 to 19.
For the second time this year Del-
ta Sigma Rho, honorary debating so-
ciety, will conduct an extemporary
speaking contest early in May. Every
member of the University not now a
member of the society will be eligible.
The winner of first place will re-
ceive a silver loving cup, and an ap-
propriate second prize will be award-
ed. Announcement of conditions will
be mad later. E. T. Ramsdell, '23,
will be in charge of the contest.
Prof. Higbie Addresses Detroit Club
Prof. H. H. Higbie, of the electrical
engineering department, addressed the
Fellowship -club of Saint Paul's ca-
thedral of Detroit last night on the
subject, "The Art of Good Lighting".
Davis to Attend Philadelphia Meeting
Prof. Bradley M. Davis, of the bot-
any department, will attend the meet-
ing of the American Philosophical so-
ciety to be held next week in Phila-
Prof. Bartlett Attends National Council
,Prof. H. H. Bartlett, of the botany
department, is in Washington attend-
ing a meeting of the National Re-
search council, of which he is a mem-
Plagi Hat Center
Of Fantastic Play
"The Wonder Hat", the play which
will be presented by Mummers at the
Women's league party at 4 o'clock
this afternoon in Sarah Caswell An-
gell hall, has a plot which is fantastic
and an atmosphere of romance and
witchery. Stage settings and gay cos-
tumes are to be used which are said
to properly support the theme of 4the
Harlequin, Columbine and other
fairy characters experiment with'
love charms and magic potions in a
wooded park, lit 'by a low hngng
yellow moon. A little fountain which
splashe softly lends enchantment to
the 'outdoor scene. Columbine's ef-
forts to make the unwilling Harlequin
fallin love with her is the central
theme of the plot.
A magic hat is obtained by Harle-
quin from Punchinello, a lame ped-
dler, which is to save him from the
wiles of the dainty Columbine. He
also gives to Columbine the charmed
slipper which is to bring her lover to
Report to'Railroad Labor Board Makes
Broad Charges of Inefficiency
in Management
, (By Associated Press)
ehicago, April 21.-Wastes amount-
ing to a billion dollars annually were
laid to managerial inefficiency on Am-
erican railroads ii a detailed exhibit
placed before the railroad labor board
today as part of union labor's fight
against a reduction of wages. Recov-
erable wastes were estimated by the
employes at $578,500,000 a year and
other wastes, impossible of estimation,
would equal that amount, it was de-
Submit Evidence
The evidence submitted in the 55,000
word document is aimed at the rail-
roads' contention that the present na-
tional agreements make for labor
conditions "not in the interest of hon-
est, efficient and economical opera-
tion." The employes point out alleged
wastes in the present railroad admin-
istrations and maintain that if those
deficiencies and defaults in manage-
ment were redressed and repaired,.
there would remain no reason for at-
tempting to reduce wages. As a meth-
od of correcting wasteful methods and
increasing the efficiency of employes,
the exhibit advocated co-operative ef-
fort between management and work-
ers and added that this co-operation1
could best be obtained through the
medium uniform agreements reached
by collective bargaining.
Recoverable and easily estimated
wastes were 'divided by the exhibit
under nine heads having to do largely
with construction and care of locomo-
tives and sho machinery, cost ac-
counting and labor turnover.
Waste More Thothi Money
The wastes which the unions said
could not be estimated in terms of
motey included a variety of subjects
ranging, from defective train equip-
ment and tracks through allegations
of incompetent. and extravagant man-
In the last class emphasis was laid
upon publicity and advertising and on
what the unions thought were unne-1
cessary legal expenses. Such ex-
penditures, it was claimed, have served
to increase and have been charged
wrongfully to operating costs.
It was also charged that much, of
the defective equipment, which the
managements of t4e road are using
as an argument for the need of de-
creased wage costs, could have been'
avoided if the roads had 'declared less
liberal dividends and used a proper
proportion of their earnings to estab-
lish replacement funds.
Prof. Van Tyne to Speak in Buffalo
Prof. C. H. VanTyne, of' the history
department, will be one of the speak-
ers at the annual banquet of the Buf-
falo University of Michigan club to be
held April 29 at Buffalo.
Pictures of Candidates to
pany the Ballots
MAY 13
All women of the University are ex-
pected to vote at the elections to be
held in University hall today. Names
of nominees for offices in the Women's
league, Women's' Athletic association
and the University Y. W. C. A., which
were published in The Daily of Wed-
nesday, will appear on the ballots. A
special placard has been arranged
with pictures of the candidates mount-
ed thereon, to facilitate recognition
of the candidates.
"A rumor has been current on the
campus that seniors are not to vote
in this election," said Marguerite
Clark, '21, president of the Women's
league. "This is erroneous. All Uni-
versity women are eligible to vote for
offices in the Women's league, and
members of the Y. W. C. A. and W. A.
A. will vote for their offices. The Ju-
diciary Council election occurring lat-
er in the year bars seniors from par-
Sensemann to Give Address April 29
H. L. Sensemann, director of the
alumni catalogue office, will go to
Larwill, Ind., on April 29 to deliver
the commencement address at the
Decorations irk architectural style'
will appear around the walls of Bar-
bour gymansium when the Architec-
tural college gives its annual May
party Friday, May 6. Plans for the
dance that will make it one of the.
largest of the year and a substitute in
some measure for the postponed J-
Hop, are now being worked out. The
great success of the event last year
should be equalled at least by this
ohe, according to the committee, as
these annual dances of the College of
Architecture have always been well
Decorations will be at least as im-
posing as at any other dance this
year, according to the committee, as
designs have been worked on by stu-
dents at the school for most of this
semester, and the whole department
expects to spend the better part of the
week before the dance in putting them
I$ will be open to the whole cam-
puis, tickets being $5. They may be
purchased at the College of Architec-
ture in the Engineering building, or
by addressing Frank Andrus, '22A, at
822 Arch street. Self-addressed en-
velopes should be enclosed in all writ-
ten requests for tickets.
Men who are bringing out-of-town
girls are asked to send in their names
to E. M. Burns, 1015 Packard street.
The committee urges that those who
intend to do so make their plans at
once, as more than half 'of the 250,
tickets are already sold.
Sophomore lits will give an infor-
mal dance Saturday afternoon, April
30, at the Union, arrangements hav-
ing been completed yesterday after-
non by the social committee. Tickets
will be limited to members of the
class as far as possible. Women of
the class will be admitted to the dance
free of charge.
The ticket sale will 'be held at 3
o'clock Tuesday afternbon, April 26,
in the lobby of the Union, admission
')eing 75 cents. ;
Tug-of-War Candidates Given Thr
Days, from May 9, to
Weigh In
"Weighing in" for all sophomor
and freshmen who desire to partic
pate in the tug-of-war across the H
ron river May 13 will last for thr
days, commencing Monday, May
The definite place will be announce
later, ,but in all probability will be I
Waterman gymnasium. All unde
classmen are eligible to try out 1u
positions on their class teams.
The sophomores and freshmen Wi
each have three teams. Each will 1
composed of 50 men and will 1
known as heavyweight, middleweigb
and lightweight teams. The ligh
weight wil include all men under 11
pounds, the middle all between 1
and. 160 pounds, and the heakyweigl
those who weigh more than 160.
there are likely to be more than 5
trying out for each team; it ias bee
decided to choose the 50 heaviest tr
outs in each class. In this ways, ths
wei hing 135 and slightly below wi
have the best chances for' the high
weight team, those just under 160 wi
land berths- with the middleweight
and the heaviest over, that figure wi
pull for the otter team.
Evenly Matched Teams
Every precaution will be taken 1
insure that evenly matched tean
participate and that the older class r
frain from, tying their rope arou
the tree, as has often been the case.
Pep meetings are scheduled for t
early part of the spring games wee
Class captains and their various liei
tenants will be ele ted at the me'
ings. All freshmen and sophomor
will be excused from University clas
es Friday afternoon and Sa'urday s
that they may participate in or che
for their classes. ,
The tug-of-war is the only conte
scheduled for Friday afternoon. Or
point Vill be .given the winning cla
for each of the three pulls.
To Re-instate Flag Rush
Saturday morning will see the' r
instating of the famous flag rus
which has been absent frbm the can
pus for five years. In all probabilil
it will be conducted as in previo
Years, but, extreme caution will 'l
taken to prevent injuries. In th
game the '23 men try to take thr
Poles from the yearlings, who will 1
guarding the poles. The sophomoP
will gain one point for each pole tal
en and .the freshmen one for eal
kept in their possession.
The usual obstacle races will wi
up the morning's sports. In the race
the class winning two out of thr
heats will get two points, the othe
none. Another game may be add
later, but no definite action has bee
taken yet by the committee.
Appointments to the Union dam
committee for the second semest
were announced yesterday by the a
ointment board, of te Union as fo
lows: Donald J. Thorp, '21, chai:
man, Horace W. Hitchcock, '22, A
len B. Sunderland, '22. George ]
Gregory, '22E, and Donald D. Mca
tyre, '22. Oe of the committeem
will be i the r:tudent activity offle
on the third floor of the building at
o'clock each Tuesday afternoon, wh
students may present matters of ar
nature to the committee for consl
Office hours of Paul Eaton, '21, pre
ident of the Union, were announce
as one hour and a half daily, from
to 3:30 o'clock every afternoon exce
Saturday. Donald Porter, '21, recor
ing secretary, will be in his office b
tween .the hours of 2 to 3:10 o'cloc