THE MICHIGAN DAILY -- ,. ____ z . ported golf hose. i & Co., State St.-] 1921 Crop Brazil Nuts, 23c per pound. Three jars Prune Fruit Jam, $1.00. Schultz Grocery, State St.-Adv. Eastman Kodaks - Films Amateur Finishing Enlargements Flashlights and Outside Groups- - minuw ~ - .uau.~r j~9N~& QO- A~$TBLLVEA~DI9O- W1omen Masques' rehearsals for this week are: At 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon, Algernon, Jack, and Lane; at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon, Lady Bracknell and Gwendolyn; at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon, Jack, Algernon, and Lane; at 3 o'clock Fitday afternoon, Lady Bracknell and Gwendolyn. Act two will begin rehearsing Monday. Light, special, and walking classes should see Dr. Eloise Walker and re- port at Barbour gymnasium before Friday noon of this week. Thursday gymnasium classes will meet at Palmer field and Friday class- es will meet at Barbour' gymnasium. Dormitories, sororities, and league houses wishing to enter the baseball tournament should sign up on the Athletic association bulletin board by Wednesday, April 26. A tea dance for the girls of the freshman class will be held from 2 to 5 o'clock, Saturday afternoon, April 23, at Martha Cook building. Social service workers are needed for work at the hospitals. Any girls who, wish to sign up for work may do, so any afternoon between 2and 5 at Newberry hall. Senior society will meet at 8:15 o'clock tonight at Martha Cook build- ing. Miss Greenwood Postpones Sailing Miss Grace Greenwood, social direc- tor of Martha Cook building, has post- poned her date of sailing from April 28 to May 3. She will sail for Eng- land on the Aquitania going from there to France where she will stay until June. The remainder of the summer she will spend in England with friends. No. 10 Tomatoes, 60c per Schultz Grocery, State St.-Adv. can. j t' S PO'RT In li g h t ar e being HAT colors shown- S BITSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PURCHASING AGENT AND CHAIN STORE MANAGER The UnitedCo-Operative Asocia-l tion of America, a national chain store organization, intends to open a chain of stores in Ann Arbor and adjacent territory, and will require the serv- ices of a good business man as man- ager, Supervisor and Local Purchas- ing Agent. Previous experience de- sirable but not essential. Applicant must be industrious, with clean rec- ord, and competent to handle large volume of business. $1,000 required, fully secured. These stores offer the public necessary commodities under conditions and prices, that are meet- ing with instantaneous response, Both the stores and the plan of operation are taking the country by storm. An opportunity such as this presents it- self but once in a lifetime. A long- term contract, based on salary and commission, with large earnings, will be given to the man who has the abil- ity to develop a spirit of friendly com- petition between the various stores, and a feeling of loyal co-operation among his employees. Accepted ap- plicant 'will be required to come to Chicago for a short course of instruc- tion in our school, and assume his duties at once. Unless your local rep- utation is excellent, do, not answer; but if you can fill the requirements outlined, and can furnish acceptable reference, write DON'T FORGET TO OBTAIN SOME OF SWAIN'S Views of the Campus and Huron River for your M-Book. Especially careful serpice in flm developing and printing for amateurs 713 E. UNIVERSITY AV. 11 111111111 BE CUKER'S Ddicatessen 119 E. Liberty Phone 620 M Home-made II N For That BOX LUNCH Dainties of DANA RICHARDSON 115 EAST LIBERTY STREET _ r Have you had a Sn0s - S t600 East Liberty rr ltr lrlr ilil~llriu111 uHlllr r l H lrl lr[ n llliulil nrirl lrlr# uui II BURCHFIELD & CO. Offer to the Fine Tailoring Trade of Ann Arbor An Especially Fine Line of, Spring Woolens Tailored to Your Individual Requirements All members of the Girls' Mandolin club must- be present at an important BANK STATE MANAGER, FLOOR, 118 N. LASALLE ST., CHICAGO, ILL. 106 East Huron Street meeting at 7 o'clock this evening at Newberry hall. Plans for the coming contest will be discussed at this time. STUDENTS DIRECT "THE WONDER HAT' "The Wonder Hat," the one-act play which.Mummers will present at the Women's league party at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Sarah Caswel Angell hall, was written by Ben Hecht and Kenneth Goodman and produced for the first time at the Arts and Crafts theater in Detroit in 1916. It has been coached and staged entirely under student direction, care having been taken to retain the atmosphere of magic and romance which char- acterizes the written play. Catherine Potter, '23, assisted, by Rose Tobias, '23, and Constance Ling, '23, is in charge of the coaching. Mary Lane, '23, directs the make-up, and Cecile Baer, '22,'the staging. The cast numbers only five: Flor- ence Derrick, '22, taking the part.of Columbine; Theo4osia Burton, '23, of Harlequin; Velma Carter, '24, of Pier- rot;.Dorothy Southgate, '21, of Punch- inello, and Madeleine McGurk, '24, of Margot. Let a classified ad And that lost ar- ticle.-Adv. Ready to ServeI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M, - . . ,. wmmmm ..OMMO, Phone Orders' Promptly Filled Mail Orders Promptly Filled df o+o STORE OPENS 8:30 STORE CLOSES 5:30 EST: 1857 Special Saleo f 700 Hats i I $4.85 - $7.50 - $9.50 - $12.50 $15 Down Town Opposite Court House I LOT 1 AT $4.85 LOT 3 AT $9.50 COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M, ! fli COLUMN ADVERTISING AT 3,P.M. Through an extremely, fortunate purchase we are able to offer 700 hats to you for the next 3 days only at these five low prices. In At $9.50 you may choose either sports hats or semi-dress effects in fine milans, silk crowns and angora wool brims, soft silk hat with straw trimmings and soft straw hats. At this price, these hats are bargains you will be pleased with. LOST AND FOUND OST-Small purple purse containing money and stamps, Tuesday after- noon between 1 and 3 o'clock. Find- er call 390 or 1204 Hill St. Re- ward. 136-2 OST-Small octagonal Swiss watch between Hill St. and U-Hall. Find- er call 390 or 1203 Hill St. Re- ward. 136-2 0ST-In women's room Natural Sci- ence Bldg., April 11, a tan colored winter coat. Finder please phone 954-R. * 136 OST-Friday, April 8, in 200 R. W. or between there and Ec. Bldg., a large Conklin pen. Phone 1408-W. 136 OST-Gold Elgin watch. Name on back. Call Dorothy Southgate. 1704-R. 134-3 OST -Lady's diamond ring, stone about 1-2 karat. Phone 606-F2. Re- ward. 136-3 OST-Open face gold Elgin watch, Sunday, April 10. Reward. Call 2325. 134-3 FOR SALE OR SALE-Latest model Woodstock Typewriter No. 5, practically new. Price $50.00. Apply Box P. R., Michigan Daily. 136-4 OR SALE-Graduate's cap and gown. Call at No. 10 Nickel's Arcade. 136 WANTFD WANTED- Students who desire a very good paying and attractive pro- position for the summer months and whose homes are in Mich.igan should see W. O. Lampe at the Allenel Hotel on 'Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday of this week... 135-3 the $4.85 lot are sport hats in milans with col- ored facings, such as blue and white, black and white, etc., hats with silk crowns and braid brims, some large hats of various kinds, felt I LOT 4 AT $12.50 WANTED - By a student single room near campus. Box P. Q., Daily. a quiet, Address 135-2 AT ANY TIME Open from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Pot of hot tea and bowl of rioe PLAIN CHOP SUEY' 35 CENTS CHINESE and AMERICAN Style Short Orders :1 M combinations and hats with crushed crowns. I WANTED - Competent cellist. Call Grosvenor at 2010. 135-2 FOR RENT The popular blue and white effects are found here. These jaunty, little sport hats at this price are amazing bargains. At x$12.50 are dress hats in both light and dark shades. Silk hats in the light colors are lovely, trimmed with braid, as are the organdie hats with trimmings of flowers, ribbons and silk. Georgette hats in the newest shades are here, as are hair braid hats, flower and ribbon trimmed. FOR RENT-Housekeeping" Two rooms, semi-private campus and downtown. 203 S. Thayer St. apartment. bath. Near Inquire at 134-3 IQuang Tung Lo A1 GbrLty fit. EI A. GANSLE 11 FOR RENT-Pleasant suite. No other roomers. Inquire 337 E. Liberty. Phone 2059. 136-3 MISCELLANEOUS COPELY'S RECIPES of good things to eat. Eighty-nine recipes with full instructions, for delicious home cooking, will be mailed to any ad- dress on receipt of price, $2.50. Mrs. Lu Vada Copely, Vandalia, Mich. 136-C FURNITURE REPAIRING, refinishing, upholstering, recaining. Verne Smith, 1219 So. University. Phone 675-3. 132-13 C.LCAN1NG PRESSING S PPAIRING L T I T Suits Made to Measure in our own Shop: . I LOT 2 AT $7.50, At $7.50 are both sport hats and semi- dress hats in large or small shapes, including milans, large drooping shapes of straw, silk crown and coarse braid brim combinations. A novelty in this group are hats of plaid gingham in different colors, with braid facings. (Millinery Salon - Second Floor) LOT 5 AT $15.00 At $15.00 are the more formal dress hats in hair braid, maline and silk. The hair braid hats are trimmed with flowers and ribbon as are the maline. Silk hats with braid trimming are lovely, blue and white being used very ef- fectively. All these hats in the five groups are Eastern hats, hats from such well known mak- ers as Gage, Johnson, Harmony and Uhry be- ing shown. Careful atlention Alterations. paid t o EXCELLENT GRAVEL any part of the city. First Nat. Bank Bldg. SALE-Fine male bull pup, ken. $40.00. Call 293-'W. well 136 telivered to Killins, 107 Phone 1621. 136-12 113 S. Main St. SecondFloor I (See Window Display) - 11111111111111111 [1fill 11tn1111111111] 11111111111 [1 t1111111111111111ti1ttltltttlltninittltlt1111111t1UttllUt111t1t1 DANCES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY e: . BEST MUSIC IN TOWN. TICKETS AT GRAHAM'S, SLATER'S AND FISHE