,ij .11 iAV a. ,a £a~ ___________________________________________________ I . OFFICIALBU I WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1921. Number 135. he Deans: A.n important conference of the Deans will be held at the office of the ident at 10 o'clock this morning. M. L. BURTON, President. ,res Under Auspices of Graduate Club: The fourth lecture in the series will be given by Professor J. S. Reeves International Society and International Law". The public is invited. itorium, New Science building, Thursday, April 21, 8 p. m. MARTEN TEN HOOR, President, Graduate Club. arch Club, U. of M.: The Annual Memorial Meeting of the Research Club, will be held at 8 z., Wednesday evening, April 20, in the Histological Laboratory of the ical School.. Papers in commemoration of the, centennials of Helmholz and Virchow be read by Professor L. C. Karpinski, Professor C. V. Weller and Pro- or Arthur Boak. The Club cordially invites members of the Junior Research Club, the ety of Sigma Xi, and the Phi Sigma Biological Society to be present. H. H. iBARTLETT, Secretary., Lance Club: The regular monthly meeting of the Romance Club will take place at Union on Thursday, April 21, at 4:30. A. G. CANFIELD. shmen and Sophomores: The Health Lectures required of Freshmen will be repeated for those tring late and as make ups in the Natural Science Auditorium at 3, 4 7:30 as follows: No. 1, Aprat 20; No. 2, April 21; No. 3, April 22; No. 4, April 25; No. 5, il 26; No. 6, Ayril 28. WARREN E. FORSYTHE, Director. Rhetorie Instructor Weds Miss Siddon1 George Starr Lasher, instructor in' rhetoric, was married April 12 to Miss Mary E. Siddons, of Washington, D. C. Miss Siddons is the daughter of Jus I tide Frederick L. Siddons. The cere- mony was performed by the Rev. Her- bert Scott Smith at St. Margaret's Ep- iscopal church in Washington. Mr. Lasher was attended by William Granse, '22L. The ushers were Alan Wat's in a Name? '1, 1, 1Just Received King, '20E, Lyman Qejting, '20, Fred CRAFTSMEN'S CLUB NOTICE 1the erick Ladue, and Heyward Siddons. All members of the Craftsmen's j der Mr. and Mrs. Lasher will be at home club who intend to make the trip to Detroit today are requested cu be at at 725 Haven avenue after May 1. the D. U. R. station in time to make Read The Daily f 1 h I "POTTERISM" by Rose Macaulay . "MAIN STREET" by Sinclair Lewis . "THE PEACE NEGOTIATIONS' Lansing I r 1 1 1 WAHR' UN I VER SI .. BO OKS ever try TUTTLE'S when you wanted a nice lunch? Conveniently located just one- half block south of tle 'Maj" :1 I I , SUMMER WORK 100 FAST SELLERS 100 Including--Auto Cleaning Set-Fibre Boom -Fction Shower Brush-Brown Beauty Mops and Dusters. Positively Best Hquse-to.hoos Line. SANFORD BRUSH CO. 544 W. Lake St. CHICAGO If Ifab:-'e TAAOI M VKR I O.PAT NVF R .1 I I "Here They Are" JUST RECEIVED- I The New A rro v Shirt 0 If Ca mpus Black or .Brown Scotch Grain -t Exactly like the cut. A soft, pliable, cool stock. Plump, sturdy sole for hard wear. Especially notice the price- ard N. Hall Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars: There will be an important meeting of the post at 7:15 evening in the assembly hall of the Union. Annual ers will take place at this time.. By ;order of I o'clock Wednes- election of post Wh/ite} with low, collar attached WARREN VAN R. GILBERT, Commander. n I , $1 1.00o I' CLASS BASEBALL WHAT'S GOING ON WEDNESDAY -Second of a series of lectures the law and practice before piIt- utilities commissions by Arthur Ryall, of Escanaba, room G, Law .ilding. -Lecture by Prof. C. B. Vibbert, the -philosophy department, un- r the auspices of the Cercle Fran- is on "The Attitude of the French >ward the Peace Treaty," ..room 3, Tappan hall., -m eeting of entire editorial staff Michiganensian, Press building. -Varsity band practice in Univer- y Hall. -Student council meets, Union. --lee club rehearsal at the Un- -Round-up club meets, Union. -Round-Up club meets at the nlon. THURSDAY -Third of a series of lectures on e law and practice before public ilities commissions by Arthur H. yall, of Escanaba, Mich., room G,. av building. -Web and Flange meets, Union. -Mandolln club rehearsal, Union. -Meeting of La Soeedad His- nica, room 200, South Wing. -Glee club rehearsal, Union. U-NOTICES Henry Steffen's class in Political ,ience 12 will meet at 4:15 o'clock ednesday. members of the Craftsmen's club ho intend to make the trip to De-' oit are requested to 'meet at 4:10 the D. U. R. station. Class baseball managers are requested to call 2268 today if they wish to enter teams in the tournament. League play will start next week. All candidates for the soph lit baseball team should report at 3 o'clock today on south Ferry field. It will be necessary for men to bring athletic coupon books. . I .1 Ethel Apfel Marries Clyde Driscoll Announcement has been made of the marriage of Clyde S. Driscoll and Ethel Apfel, '21. The wedding took place Wednesday evening, April 13, at the Methodist parsonage of Ypsilanti, the Rev. George W. Olmstead officiat- ing. Mr. Driscoll is an instructor fin Fiench in the engineering college and is a member of Alpha Tau Omega fra- ternity. He graduated from Brown college, Providence, Rhode Island, in 1920.w Mr. and Mrs. Driscoll will be at home at 328 East William street. Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to every-eustom- er, whether the account be large or small. 'TheyAnn Arbor Savings eank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus. $825,0000 Resources........ $,0000001.00 707 North University Ave. Northwe t Cor. Main & Huron Wadhams & Co. State S treet II Walk-Over Boot Shop I15 South Main Street r j - E .. '. t ,' ID .. _ ~ ~~_ NE.r r~st rG". "'2 5xAL1ti 41~ ,t !'S All be .1 U I' N' Check up .all tha Camels offer you ! NY one of Camels many points of absolute superiority mikes them a delight to the most fastidious ciga- rette smoker! But, consider all that Camels pass you:- t r M X .. I , '' i . Y - , 1 _ f y .'^ _ . TV FOR TY PEWRITERS RENT OR SALE (PEWRITING DONE MULTIGRAPHING ton Busiaess College c State and William tltli tltHl 1I1N Itllt11111111111h: Unequalled quality -the wonderful Camel blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos-a flavor as distinctive and refreshing as it is appetizing-smooth mellow mildness never before attained in a cigarette- freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty odor And, when you cortpare Camels with any cigarette ini the world at any price, you will note that Camels naver, tire your taste, no matter how liberally you smoke! Harnih THE SIGN OF THE BEST ADDLE HORSES { i ii . . 41 Special Announcement Lessons in Horsemanship Given By Eastern Instructor. Classes Now Forming Outdoor Riding Track 0. MAIN TU E TIIIVPOE R PACKARD ST UUDLIITL L IERI.1687-R Im U for - a I . Camel are .ol every where in .oieri- liloally sealed pack- age of 20 cigarettes for 20 cente. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winston-Salem, N. C. I ki I, mm=-- bw cEEi