TI :HIGAN DA~ ..«... . .w DPFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OV MICHIGAN ablished every morning except Monday 'during the Univer ear by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ie Associated Press is exclbsively entitled to the use for lgation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwae ed in this paper and the local news published therein. tptred at the postoffice at .Ann -Arbor, Michigan, as second natter. tabscrption by carrier er mail, $3.50 lices: An° Arbor Press building, Maynard Street ones: Business, 96; Editorial, 2414. 'nrmunications not to exceed sop words, if signed, the sig- z ,ot necessarily to appear in pint, but as an evidence of and notices of events will be publised in The Daily at the ion of the Editor, if left at or 'mailed to The Daily office red communications will receive no consideration. No man 1will be reurned unless the *riter incluses postage. Ix Daily does not necessarily endorse the sentiments e- dih'the communications. Sthae's 13Goingon" notices will not be received after o'clock. eveping preceding insertion..' EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 2414 AGING EDITOR...........GEORGE O. BROPHY JR, .Editor............Chesser TM C mhnto nan Editorial Board.. . ... .......Lee Woodruff llditrs- . H. Adams H W. Hitchcock . I. Dakin Ji. E. McManis enaud Sherwood T. W. Sargent. Jr Editor................. ..- -.. --....J- A. Bernstei dtor . ,!.B. ;. CamJbell alse .............T -Whinery,.A.ern, Beach . . . ........ .............Robert Angell n's Editor.. .......... .. . - Mary DLane ap ................... ..... ..-..Thomas Dee Assistants n Waldo ' Frank U.TMcPike Sidney B. Coates [;,Weber I A: Bacon C. T. Pennoyer th Vickery W. W Ottaway Marion B. Stahl Clark Paulwatzel Lowell S. Kerr e" Reindel Byron 'Darton Marion Koch B. Grundy . A. Klaver Dorothy Whipple a Oberholter : E. R. Meiss Gerald P. Overton tE. Adam Walter Donnelly EdwarHLambrecht e .Elliott Beata Haley Sara Waler faii McBan Xathrine Montgomery H. R. Hwlett BSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 qESS MANAGER...........LEGRAND A. GAINES, JR. tising ".. ............................. - -.-D P. Joyce eds ...............--- ..........S Kunstadter i.......... ............... . '.... Heat .. ..................... . R. Prieh altiop................ ................V. F. Hilley Assistants , iLanitrecht M. M,' Moule H. C. Hunt lamel, Jr. N. W. Robertson M. S. Gldring I Hc ainson Thos. L. Rice H. W. Heidbreder y; Cross. R. G. Buchell W. Cooley t . Davis .A.J*Parker ersons wishing to secure information c ncernng news for any f The Daily should e the niht edit'r, who has ull charge aoews to be printed that night. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1921. Night Editor-THOMAS H. ADAMS. ANSWERING THE ACOLYTES imes is out again, this time placing the Acolyte - oi student: activities in the leadoff position, e it should be. No article in years has started discussion, nor revealed so broad a cleavage m us thought as to the function of the Univer- It is particularly fortunate that the paper written by two men who went at the matter rely, investigated even though ,superficially, reported their findings and recommendations style that makes extremely interesting reading r. It may fairly be said that the minority 4- the idea that extra-curricular activities must ade to fit into the purely scholastic- conception e University - has now been given as clever tppealing a presentation as could be afforded d may rightly stand or fall by what has been n the two Chimes papers. e second, or cgnstructive section of the Acolyte e, winds up with nine recommendations aimed ,ke Michigan the type of university which the rs think it ought to be. Faculty regulation activities, with more systematic records; re- nent of proper classification of all organiza- both before recognition and when referred to ident publications; all clerical and administra- - york taken out of the hands of students and a the hands of paid employes; The Daily un- sub-department of journalism, and Chimes argoyle directed by the department of rhetoric rinting articles, say, on "Zoology, Chemistry, astronomy"; all purely social campus activities I recognition, all dances run by the faculty, ics and administrative activities "strictly lim- ; no activity permitted to exist which takes tpi ch of any student's time that, even for a short n, he cannot get his lessons; Phi Beta Kappa imilar societies made to hold meetings and be tional rather than merely honorary; and fin- a point system adopted making all students' ible for more than a certain maximum of ex- irricular activity - these are the fundamen- f the two Acolytes' plan to make Michigan for what they consider "the main line of uni- y thought and culture". s program would, beyond a doubt, serve the :s authors desire. It is comprehensive, and if effect would transform the whole.scheme and of the University. The quarrel, then, is not the means which the Acolyte writers would ' to reach their end but with the desirability of id itself. Do we want the type of university the Acolytes advocate? Or do we wish Mich- o be an all-around, many-sided educator of the personalities, and characters of its students,. has been in the past? Can we conscientiously r "yes" to the following questions?- Is education so narrow that its only function train minds to "the clear comprehension of principles"; so restricted in its scope that it t include development both in social ability n the type of character which makes good s and executives? Is a broad education, in merely a matter of books and lectures? Is Michigan primarily and solely interested, :ate university, in turning out scholars, of the type who make up college faculties? Is the coun- try to be served best by an annual increment of this sort of graduates rather than the all-around, capa- ble, resourceful, businesslike, and pleasant-to-meet type of college man who is now carrying on the practical leadership of America's affairs? 3. Granting that scholarship is "the main line" of university training, can it fairly be said that there is no room for the important side lines of stu- dent activities? Is the average student so crowded with school work - or should he be so crowded - that he cannot take from one to three hours a day for the social development and character-building which the competition of publications, class organi- zations, the Union, or other activities brings? Should he narrow himself, during .the four years of his college training, to bookish interests and let the other sides of him wait their turn until he is out of school and forced to face a world which de- mands all-around men? 4. Are we ready to bind the students of the University of Michigan so closely to scholastic in- terests that a student's clamant energies can have no profitable outlet' except along academic lines? Are all the old social honors and sprs to activity to be removed in order to give more room for book-- work? .Are we ready to make the grind the big man on the campus, as he surely will be if all other desirable goals for student ambition are removed? If we're all for the grind type of man and the one-sided type of university; if we can answer the above questions squarely in the affirmative - then by all means let us put the Acolytes' program in force at once. ' BEATING THE SPRINGIFEVER - Good business men usually play just as hard as they work- and with equal regularity. In the University where we are engaged in attempting to prepare ourselves to be efficient individuals after graduation, we would do well to keep this thought in mind, especially during the coming warm, lan-. guorous days when we shall be all too prone neither to work nor to play with any degree of system. Each day is heard on the campus the inevitable spring complaint, "Gee, I've sure got to get that les- sonout". Much time is spent dreading a bit of work that, if it were only studied at the right time, would in the end leave the student with more leisure for play and, more important, a satisfactory array of marks in June. Every student here would find himself better pleased with his day if he would give some thought to dividing his work and play time into more regular and systematic periods. Th"1e a$1 lescopeI No-Applause, Please, Girls "Shall I brain her?" asked the executiq~uer, And the victim's courage fled. ,"You can't; she's a co-ed, Just hit her on the head." You're right, Clarice, when you say that about all some sororities have is their girlish laughter and their religion. If there is anything we like it's A fellow who is ambitious enough To carry a few extra hours. Thus we ourselves last year got through 21 hours - Yes, sir, r, the first semester. And 10 the second. We thank you. We believe we mentioned before the fact that our path to a successful social career is blocked by two insurmountable barriers - we have a cowlick so we can't part our hair in the center, and we can't dance. Our girl is painfully aware of that last fact and doesn't like our ."trying to dance" as one of our fair friends naively confided to a brother of ours. So the other night when we proposed that we go, to a dance we weren't much surprised when, our girl declined. In fact, sticking her nose up in the air like a co-ed being spoken to by a fellow who's only met her three times she says: "I hope you can see the answer to your proposal in my face. We studied the, said face for a moment or two and then thoughtfully replied: "Well, we ought to be able to see it there - it's certainly plain enough." And then our girl proved to us that while some men are dancing fools, others are fools to dance. The Gadabout'House Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Earhart will entertain the members of the Chinese Students' club at their' country home Friday evening, April 8. Automo- biles will take the members of the club to the Ear- hart home, which will leave the Methodist church at 7:15. - Local news item. The chanticleer announced with joy, "The day, my dear, doth._dawn," And the hen engaged in hatching eggs Rejoined in brief, "I'm on". -Ex. Famous Closing Lines "A sad Budweiser man," he muttered as he felt his head after the beer party. NOAH COUNT. MAIN STREET POTTERISM Sinclair Lewis - Rose Macaulay BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONA L WALK INVITATION ORDEl S Orders for senior literary class commencement invitations musi be mailed at once. Send orders to the invitation committee, 823 East Kingsley street. 1DEitOT UNITED LINES In Effeet Nov. 2, 1920 Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson (Eastern Standard Time) Limited and Express cars leave for Detroit at 6:05 a. in., 7:4)5 a. m. Dtota6:5am.7:5aM.8:10 a. in., and hourly to 9:510 p. mn. Liiteds to Jachson at 8:48 a. m. and every two hours to 8:48 p. m. Ex- presses at 9:48 a. m. and e ery two hours to 9:48 p. i. Locals to Detroit-5:55a.m., 7:00 a.m. and every two hours to 9:00 p. i.,I also 11:00 p. m. To Ypsilanti only, 11:40 p.m., 12:25 a.m., and 1:15,a.m. tLoals t Jackson-7:50 a. m., and d Dots::': in ::Ties:::.Dot's We are showing them. We are selling them. HAVE YOU A DOT? If not you had better get a Dot. -.i 1:$ M 3 24 4 y E25 Men-: La APRIL 1921 T W T F S 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 141-15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 .30 st season's hats turn- Nothing snappier for wear with White Flannels and White Golf Shirts. Speaking of soft shirts, have you seen the new white materials and flannels we are showing? These shirts all carry the new collar attached. ed inside out, refinished and re- blocked with all new trimmings look just like new, wear just as long and saved you five to ten dollars. We do only high class work. Factory Hat More, 617 Packard St. Phone 1792. TINKER & COMPANY 'lothes, urnisirgs and Rts S. STATE STREET AT WILLTAl1 STREET "THERE'S NOTHING TO DO IN THIS OLE TOWN" Have you ever said that when you're tired of the moviestand your best girl is out of town, and you feel sort of "unneces- sary ?" Just note the address at the bottom of this advertisement and drop in here "Just to look around" and watch the players. You'll soon find a partner for a game of "rotation" or "straight" and forget all about your lonesomeness. This is a elean, decent place,, ofe which you'll enjoy visiting regularly. Come in today. ' rwwr.MUrrr+Wrrwr. r.rrr... waW'"'""'""'" r- e( r--- -. I", Students' Lamps and Fixtures- l I. H USTON BROS. Pocket and Carom Billiards. Cigars and Candies. Soft Drinks and Light Lunches. Cigarettes and, Pipes. "We Try to Treat You Right" No. 2 Washtenaw Electric Telephone 273 .1 I - .. : Order Senior Canes Now. Lit sticks ordered before March 30, and Homeop sticks are here. i( i Sport Suits will be fine for school wear this -ear. New patterns in our Ouimet model just in. Coat -Vest -Trousers - Knickers WAGNER & COMPANY STATE STREET AT LIBERTY Established 18'48 0 1 WPM