,.+,,,r,,,,,,,,, - .. . . rintendent Cody said to secure better co- Was 'ILEJ EU IU or M3 'A UILI RECEPTION, SPEECHES, WILL FEATURES OF FRIDAY'S PROGRAM BEI he Uniiversityof With Deans John R. Effinger and was for a longl Edward II. Kraus, and Regents Frank I in the teaching B. Leland and James 0. MurfIn as es o th medcalguests of honor, Detroit public schools n practicing. first',will unite in the celebration of Michi- ire he also held gan. day on Friday, April 22. Presi- irs anod hospital dent Marion L. Burton was also In- who as rcdg-vited, but due to his recent illness, he wahobigewtacnce te ngaemnt on~ ~a brobsrer ln d Campbel hee8,amembete oebr ofste.Detroit bardpofeducationembhaosbe zUniv~erityosince choenchairmaof e a,handbe-n sUrgery dsince- hsie thabovmntionte daymendas suery anthelUn- ietedbvaetionalemersoas wo na talot e si- ete n di v ity. o st ll m m e s o srialsscia- the Ufivrstypr. f h rgrmwl Surgand asmomierbeTdevoitdrtofantassmblyginmCentra 9,s adr.mmbrb devhg coe onaiorimblonalf res of. adoen- higeoo whentFri urphyFriday af- ugry"sistant Srey U. S. district attorney, and the Ione son survive faculty guests will speak. In the -other and sister. evening, Board of Commerce audi- Romne, and hisj toriuin will be the scene of 'a recep- omansenaor. tion to be tendered in. honor o the guests by the University club. Super- tdvertler*,-Adv. intendent of Schools Frank Cody will' also give a luncheon at the Detroit essive merchaint. IAthle tic club. ugly _d. In explaining the purpose of the operation of the Detroit public schools with the University. "We are teaching the 'Yellow and Blue' in our schools," he declared, "a custom which we commenced last year when we had President Hutchins with us, and for whom we have named a school. We wvant to encourage our high school teachers, some of whom conduct courses at the University, to take the summer courses offered at Michigan. University professors, too, are giving extension courses in Detroit for the benefit of our teachers. Each' Is helping the other'." TICKETS FOR CHJARITY BAL APRIL 869 ' NOW ON SALE Tickets for the Charity ball to be given under the auspices of the local chapter of the American Red Cross in Barbour gymnasium on the evening of April 26,,are now on sale at the Union, Quarry's Drug store, dnd the Ann Ar- bor Savings bank. The American Red Cross association 'also'plans on giving a dance 'on the same night in the Nor- mal gymnasium, °Ypsilanti. OIFFER PRIZES FOR COMMERICAL ESSAYS Four prizes have been offered by a Chicago clothing manufacturer, for essays promoting interest in the study of commercial and industrial subjects. These prizes will be distributed by a committee composed of" professors from various colleges and business men. Competitors will be judged by an essay for which a long list of subjects is issued by the committee. All sub- jects not included in this list must be approved by the committee before they are chosen. 'In the distribution of the prizes, the contestants are divided into two classes. Plass B includes only those who, at the time the 'papers are sent in;, are undergraduates of any Ameri- can college. Class, A includes any other Americans without restriction. A first prize of $1,000, and" a second prize of $500 are offered in Class A. For Class B, a first prize of $300. and a second prize of $200 are offered. Contestants are to send contribu- tions to Prof. J. Laurence Laughlin, University of Chicago.' Courteous and satisfactory TREfATMENT' to every custom- er, whether the account be large' or small. The'Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $689,000.00 Resources .... ... .66000,000.00 707 North University Ave. Northwest Cor. Main& Huron Do' YOU Need Extra Course Send for catalog describing over 400 courses in History, English3, Mathematics, Chemistry, Zoology, Modern Languages, Economics, Philosophy, Sociology, etc., given% by correspondence. Inquire how credits earned may be applied on present college program. -Home STUDY, DPT. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS BUS LINE AVRIAN-TECUMSEH-ANN ARBOR C'emral Stanidard Tine LV. Lv. Lv.1 Lv. LV. Iv. Ar. NORTH Week A. Nm. Adrian-MWain Corners..... ...7:45 Tecumrrseh-Main Corners...8:25 ClinIton-M1ain Corners. .84 Saline-Mlain corner,.......9 :35 AnnArbor--Mlain & Huron... o :ro SOUTH P.M. Ann Arbor-Huron & 4th Ave. 4 :35 Saline--Main Corners.;. .....16 Clinton--Main Corners....... 6:00 Tecumnseh-Main Corners..6:20 Adrian-Main Corners........7 :00 Sun-f 'day P.M. 4 :0o 4:4 5 :ou 5 :50 6:'5 P. 7:00, 7:35 S:zK 8:,45 9:25, Ready to Servo AT ANY TIME Open from 11 am, to 12 p. Pot of hot tea and bowl of r' PLAIN CHOP SUI 85 CENTS CHINESE and AMERICAN. S Short Orders Quang Turvg l 613 11bertv St. E VAN'S LUNCI SUGAR BOWL HOME MADE CANDY' ABSOLUTELY CLEAN BEST LINE IN THE CITY, EVERYTHING MADE IN ANN ,ARBOR LIGHT LUNCHES ANN ,ARBOR SUGAR BOWL, Where they ali go I } ecia1 Sale ed reduction in the price of Imported' I Organdies, Voiles, and Batistes, igalow~ Aprons, Lingerie.- DESIGNED AND MADE ISTERIA SHOP. Y N A. R D S T R E I T I 1116: So. ivsiyAve. I , In orm l I - . 1 I . I I I .. I L. I 7 j a ______________________pigd I I rater Baby ii c LE SERVANT I 9;j r ral Big Things, S, it beats, it ixes, 30 days' tr'4I. ttle Thing in the Kitchen BERTHY- EINE DRAINER g water on wash day, ,IN i Fr% N A4 I I - - - --l-,-.-.----,-,----,-- -- I I . I I I ;, - I I . SAVER. CASCADE LINEN % * One pound in a; package. We also have, envelopes to match.' If It Iis true that the good taste of a person is expressed by the quali- ty of their stationery, then your taste will be estab- lished with your friends. The texture and quality of Cascade is known from Coast to Coast. Standard Price Sale' Price ONE 600 TWO 61F POUND POUNDS W d, Thu rs, Fri, Sat, April 20, 21,2 22,23 ONE CENT will buy any article mentioned in this advertisement regardless of its re- tail value' - providing a seconad article of the same kind is purchased at our' regular price. You spay. full price for the 'first. and get -a second article for ONE CENT. 200 Cups of Tea for.... le Liggett's- Opeko Tea Two Kinds - 1/2-its. pkgs. Orange IPeke IM" LAWN AND CLOVER SEED or Mixed Green and Black v o Standard Price ONTE-HALF POUND PKG.y Sale Price 60c - TWO 3h.LB. 6 PKGS. FOR // REXALL REMUDIES AND TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY, SLTDRIES AND HOME NEEDS it 256 Rexafl Violet Talcum ..................2 for 20e' 30c Riker's Corylopsis Talcum .................. .tfor 31c $1.00 Boquet Ramee Comnplexion Powder .., ....," for $1.01 35c Criterion Tooth Brushes........ .........9 for 36c 25e Jonteel Talcum (Special Price) . ., ..........2 for 36c 15c Rexall Toilet Soap..... ......2.......... for Hec 20c Sulphur and Cram T--rtar xijeo ................2 for 21o 25e Ziiq QPxi Ie gi Ten ~1~~. .,* ,..* _ i .2 for2, 75, Iro0 an, P'qscara * oniec Wablgts ............2 for 70c 50c Jo~uieel'-ale iiri (Special P~fce)........ ... for 76c 25e K1 n~o aa na? Snap......... ....... t ...2 for 26g. ~ieRker s f j (ready, k 2t . forSc far~lt 1ulcfk ria~a".. z-ns.,.k 2 for Sic lrs Aid Wd 1neyP° as ter .. .. ...,..,. .. . .2 for 3Cc $1.20 qz. .oxnteeIOort ( pcial .A ) k , . . ...2 for $1.26 4CcPe~)~s ~'c~4 Bis~s- ..,. .. ......,.2 for 41c 86e Pgprol}x~pne 9 a .t t,..tk ,.2fJor iSc ?5c jEar.Xlo,z I eta WO ter . . ..............t. k.9..t.ta a..for j7Ec 59,c ,tral7 y Liqui e~ilsH'9t tt lt ta, triteaa)t . t..........2 for file 50Alma ZaOompllex n Pw er rr,,.. a..;.... r.. ...Sforfie S o rtpel Ie IPowder (Special Price) ... ,........2 for 76c $14.00 IfIers eptono Hair Tonic .... . 2 for $1.01 $1.00 BOOf, Ionu&Wine (Pints). ...........2 for $1.51 50o Xero e'oothB rushes ........ .............. ...2 for Sic $1.25 Irou, Celery & Cascara Tonic .....................2 for $1.26 $1436 Syrup Hypophosphttes Comp. .... ..........2 for $1.26, 50c Riker's Milk Magnesia ......................... . .2 for 51ic 25e Medicated Skin Soap .... .................. ... 2 for 26c 4ac Liggett's Breakfast Coffee ....;..;........ ....2 lbs. for 45c Imported" Olive Oil ......... ......................2 for 40C Rexall Antiseptic Tooth Powder ....................2 for 45C Cartons. (50) Cascade Envelopes .....................2 for 50c Jonteel Face Creams (Special Price).................for UCc Baking Chocolate (Bitter) 1/2 lb. Bars................2' for 20c Symond's Inn Chocolate Pudding....................2 for 25c Violet Dulce Skin Soap....... .............2 for Inc Good Form Hair Nets .. ..................2 for 25C Jonteel Nail. Polish Cakes (Special Price) .............2 for 15e Velour Powder Puffs ........ ..............2 for 85o Cloth Brushes (7 rows) ..................2 forf 75c. Hair Brushes (11 rows)........................ ..2 for' 40c Vanilla or Lemnon Extract... ....................2 for 25c Jonteel Toilet Soap (Special Price)..................2 for Sac .Cream of Almonds. j.............................. 2 for 50c Cascade Paper and Envelopes .....................2 for 35c Symond's Inn Cocoa Powder '('/2 lb.) .................2 for 50c Riker's Eye Lotion (8 oz.)... ...................2 for 35e Jonteel Nail Bleach (Special Price) ... . ...2 for 50c Analgisic Balm.................2 for .lac Syrup White Pine & wTar (Mentholated) .......... ....2 for' fie' Bitterlax Tonic Laxative Tablets...................2 for 40c Cherry Bark Cough Syrup... ...................2 for 25c Jonteel Lip Stidks (Special Price)..................2 for 15c Bars Sweet Milk Chocolate ............2for 25c Red' Cedar Comp. for Moths ............2 for 15c-Envelopes (Linen finish,) Ux/ in... .................2 for 25c Laxative Aspirin Cold Tablets. ....................2 .for $1.25 Cod Liver Emulsion ........ .. ................. 2 for $] 50c Boquet Rameo, Toilet Soap ... ......... ...2 for $1.25 Special Assortment Stationery. ....... ......2 for $- r1 6000 mfiles for the 'u rkish tobaicco in Murad-Why? t Because -Turkish has a taste -Turkish has a mildness -Turkish has a delight-far beyond all cigarette tobaccos of all other lands- Murad gives you real enjoyment, and true' delight such as no Tobacco other than 100% Pure Turkish Tobacco can give. Facts - Facts -FACTS--! (Advertised Prices Do Nt bed'ude War Tax) REXALL- TOOTH' PASTE BOUQUET TALCUM]P 4 Days Only Tens of thousands of smokers --tens of thousands of times- have PROVEN this' 'UJidge for Yoursref-4' t, MT ' twowT[4K A perfect dent se p a4i l a s 1I. tWnfithe Vo4lA. Vowiis 04t fiat I April, 20, 21, 22, 23 d c ongLA Powjnx a and TOILET SOAP A delightful preparati made of the finest Ital Talc, double bolted< purified. Contains the combi; perfumes of rose,j mine, heliotrope and lac. tho bra EDSIILL!S Staudard Prie Tis Sale One Tube 25" Two Tubes., 26'c REXAL DRUGSTOR 208 S. MAIN ;STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICR. Standard Price One Can 50