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April 19, 1921 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-04-19

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7 .. ... I

Better Than .500; Tan
ed Uterltz 'Also Star*,
lig Staff'Improyes

ichigan's baseball nine returne
erday frpm its Southern training
with a record of three victories
two defeats, and will begin prac-
today for the Ypsilanti game Wed-
day, weather permitting, and the
ning of the Conference schedule
b Purdue here Saturday.
entucky, Alabama and Oglethorpe
'e defeated by the Varsity, and Ala-
a and Georgia took the measure
;he Wolverines. A second game
K" Oglethorpe was not played be-
se of wet grounds, and the second
with Georgia was called after two
ings of play, when a heavy down-
r of rain prevented further play-
The Georgia nine led at the time
game was stopped 2 to 1, but it
ked as if Michigan could have land-
on Paxitone, the leading Georgian
ler, for an easy victory.
Prospets Good
he Michigan nine,, while it did not
w sensationally .because of bad er-
s-at inopportune times, played suf-
Butly well to give indications of an-
er Conference chainpionship. Per-
in centerfield was probably the
r of thetrip, for he batted more
n'.500 for the five games, an excep-
tal record. Captain Pete Van Bov-
played his usual fine game, and
rlti at second showed up well: Next
Perrin he was the leading hitter,
ing about .440 and knocking out
eral hits for extra bases.
rnie Vick, who may be out of the
ianti contest because of a sprain-
ankle received in practice Satur-
, played a wonderful game behind
plate. Froi his Southern record
s probable that he will be the equal
my Conference catcher, if not bet-
than any in the Big Ten. He bat-
about .30,.
Pitchers Developing
he pitching staff showed steady de-
apment and great possibilities.
ultz turned in two victories, one a
r hit game with :Kentucky and the
er one with Oglethorpe. Liverancg
i his game 'by hard work against
bama, his team mates taking the
ie in the ninth inning. Although
on did not win a game, he pitched
splendid contests. After Ruzicka
. been knocked out of the box in the
t inning, he went in against Ala-
na and after the second inning held
opponents even. He should have
i his contest with Georgia, but.er-
s coupled with hits and hard luck
t him a victory.
ftler being badly batted by Ala-
la, Ruzicka started the second
ie with Georgia, and after walking
first man and hitting the second
,er, he settled down and exhibited
1918 form. Two errors let in two
s in the first inning, but Big Ed
. more stuff on the ball than in
e time. With Ray Fischer to give
i a few tips on controlling his fast
s, Ed. should have a' good record
% year. Mudd, the other hurler, did
get into any contests due to the
and Oglethorpe contest being
led. ,
Trip Purpose Sucessful
either Hoffman nor Karpus show-
what was expected of them at
'd base. Both men fell down in
ing and several errors were chalk-
up against each. In left field Gene-
h did not find his hitting eye until
in the trip when he delivered
ut once in each game. Ronan also'
not hit well, and in the last Sat-
ay's game, Shackleford , took his
ce. Shackleford in his few trips to
plate hit very well, and will prob-

y be in line for the right field po-
on. At first base Johnson fielded
ly well, and he batted over .300.f

'93 E Mrln Headsl
Armour Institute
Howard Monroe Raymond, '93E, has
been appointed acting president of the
Armour Institute of Technology, at
Chicago. Mr. Raymond has'been with
the institute for over 26 years, and is
filling the vacancy brought about by
the death of Dr. Frank Gunsaulus.by
He was born in Grass Lake, Michi-
gan, on Oct. 25, 1872. In 1893 he got
his B.S. defgree from the engineering
school, followed by a year of graduate
work in physics and electricity. He
went as instructor of physics to~ Ar-
mour Institut'e in 1895 and became
dean of engineering and professor of
experimental physics in 1903.
Mr. Raymond is editpr-in-chief of the
Cyclopaeda of Modern Shop practice
and *a member of numerous engineer-
ing societies. Among them are the
Society for the Promotion of Engi-
neering Education, the American As-
sociation for the Advancement of Sci-
ence, the Western Society of Engi-
neers, and the Electrica Vehidle A's-
sociation of America.. .
Might Consider Sending Cast to Mid-
West Cities This
Following the special performance1
given in Detroit last night members
of the cast, chorus and committees of
"Top o' th' Mornin" returied to Ann
Arbor on a late special train last night
after the most successful tour ever
taken by a Michigan Union opera.
Full House in Each City ,
During the 10-day tour ofMichigan
cities performances were given in Bat-
tle Creek, Jackson, Pontiac, Port Hu-
ron, Bay City, Saginaw, Flint and De-
trait. At practically every city capac-
ity houses greeted the opera. A mat-
inee was given in -Jackson and the
Monday night performance was an-
nounced for Detroit when Orchestra
hall was completely sold out for the
Saturday show.
The tour was not only a complete
success financially but the entertain-
ment accorded the members of the
troupe in each city was without doubt
never before equalled. Bad weather
was encountered several times during
the trip but it had little effect upon
the seat sales. With each perform-
ance the ,members of the show gained
in experience and in some instances
additions were made to parts which
made the final performances even bet-
ter than those witnessed in Ann Ar-
bor. The audiences, both alumni and
others, were enthusiastic over the.
opera and from the opening of the
first act until the final curtain music,
dances and humor were greeted with
heavy applause and encore after en-
core wa's demanded of the actors.
Dances were held in each city after
the show and at some, others enter-
tainment was provided for the men in
the afternoon.
Audiences Enthusiastic
Due to the reception given "Top o'
th' Mornin"' and the enthusiasm of
the alumni, plans are no being con-
sidered by the managemt t of the
opera for an eXtensive tour of Mid-

Western cities during the early part
of the summer vacation. Many who
saw the show stated that it was the
best college production they had ever
witnessed and large' numbers of Mich-
igan alumni expressed themselves as
favoring a more extensive tour during
the summer vacation.
Prof. David Friday, of the economics
department, was the guest of honor
and the principal speaker at the an-
nual dinner of'the University of Mich-
igan,. club of Cleveland, held at the
University club in Cleveland last Fri-
day, April 15. Professor Friday spoke
on the "Curse of Peace" and gave' a
lively discussion of the confused -in-
dustrial conditions of today.
Former Judge William L. Day, 'OOL,
acted as toastmaster for the dinner,
and talks were also given by Alex-
ander C. Brown and several other

Waterbury, Brophy, Gaines, and Eaton
Attend Eastern MeetIngs for
Practically every phase of the prob-
lems. of self-government, management
and operation of college publications,
athletic control, and organizatior ofi
musical clubs was discussed at the in-
tercollegiate conference held at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
in Boston, April 15 and 16, at whicha
30 colleges and universities were rep-
resented by 150 delegates. LeGrand
A. Gaines, Jr., '21E, pesident of' the
Student council, Paul W. Eaton, '21,
president of the Union Lester E. Wat-
erbury, '21L, managing editor of
Chimes, and George 0. Brophy, '22L,
managing editor of The Daily, were
the 'representatives of the University.
In the discussion of student govern-
ment it was found that in most of the
larger universities, such as the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania, Harvard, and
M. I. T., there is little or no faculty
control. In the smaller colleges fac-
ulty control was exercised to a mark-
ed degree.
Ho'or System Discussed
Opinions varied as to the h'nor sys-
tem of conducting examinations. Del-
egates from colleges where it had been
tried endorsed .it while others were
opposed to the plan. Harvard, Yale,
and Dartmouth favored athletic con-
trol by a body composed of faculty,
alumni, and students similar to the
board in control here. Princeton
thought that faculty control was the
The representatives from the west-
ern colleges were keenly interestted in
the question of professionalisn in ath-
letics. It was decided by a unani-
mous vote that it was undesirable for
college baseball teams to play exhibi-
tion games with professional niies.
(Continued on Page Eight)
Work at the ne University hospital
now under construction continues to
be, impaired by the strike of the car-
penters, plumbers and electricians
which took effect beginning the morn-
ing of April 8.
At that time workers were notified
by their employers that a 20 per cent
reduction would take effect Xiay 1, to
conform with the reductions made by
unions in every city in Michigan ex-
cept Ann Arbor. 'A. R. Cole, local
building contractor, gave out the
statement that such a reduction was
inevitable in all building trade.,
Conferences between the workers'

representatives' and the Washtenaw
building Employers' association are
being hald but as yet no agreement
has been,reached. At the present time
only bricklayers and stonesetters are
at. work.
Appropriations have been made re-
cently by the legislature that may be
used in constructing four additional
stories to the new hospital, but such
a course is, as yet, undecided.
Dr. L. P. Hall of the Dental college,
and Hugh E. Van de Walker and Em-
manuel Wiedman of Ypsilanti, will
sail on the first of June for Edinburgh,
Scotland, to attend the International
Rotary club convention to be held
there during that month. Dr. Hall ex-
pects to. sail on the Aneronia of the
Cunard line. He will be joined by,
Mrs. Hall about June 24 and they will
spend the summer in touring Europe,

Will Leeture On
French .Attitude
"The Attitude of the French Toward
the Peace Treaty" is the subject of a
lecture to be delivered before the Cer-
cle Francais at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow
afternoon in room 203 Tappan hall
by Prof. Charles B. Vibbert, of t&e'
philosophy department.
This address, which was originally
scheduled to be given before spring
vacation, is one of this year's series
under the auspices of the Cercle Fran
cais. Professor Vibbert is said to be
especially well fitted to handle the
topic on which he will speak. He
was in Paris during the war as di-
rector of the Michigan bureau of the
American University Union and some-
what later was elected director of the
whole organization, in which capacity
he served for about 14 months.
Serving abroad in this way, he came
in contact with many men prominent
in politics, journalism, and official
work, and was thus able to secure
much first hand information with' ref-
erence to the French attitude'on the
Peace Treaty.

Orders for senior literary class
commencement invitations must
be mailed at once. Send orders
to the invitationrcommittee, 823
East Kingsley street.
Recent.Reports Indicate Ampending
Rupture Between Panama and
Costa Rica

Increase of Usual Revenue
Frem 9.8 to 3-5 Mill Hel
Faced with the' absolute nE
of reducing expenditures to tl
imum, the state legislature, up
ommendations of the ways and
and the finance committees, w
grant more than $5,300,000 of 1
Iversity's request for an appror
of $8,690,000 for the proposed



DO ing program.
Annual Income

New Mentor Made Enviable
Hurler In Major

Record asl


Ray Fisher, Cincinnati pitcher, clos-
ed negotiations with the Board in on
trol of Athletics Friday afternoon,'r
April 8, to succeed Derrill Pratt as}
baeball coach for this' season. l
Last Year9a 1Evsokd Good l
Fisher was a member of the New
York Yankee from 1909 to 1917, when
he was traded to the Cincinnati Reds.t
Last year Fisher took part in 33
games, being accredited with 410 vic-
tories and 11 defeats. Only 2.73 earn-
ed runs per game were scored fromd
his delivery. He was released from
his contract with the 'National league
team this year so that he might ac-
cept the offer to become baseball men-
tdr here.
Not only will Fisher fill out the re-
mainder of the year as baseball
coach, but he will return next fall
and will be an assistant coach in foot-
ball, and will have entire charge oft
the freshman basketball candidates.
Fisher has had experience in actual
playing in these various branches ofl
Pratt Leaves
The new mentor joined the Michigant
squad at Cincinnati, made the South-
ern trip with Coach Pratt and the
team, and assumed complete chare
yesterday when the Varsity returned
to Ann Arbor. Pratt has left to join t
the Boston Red Sox in New York.
In an interview yesterday. the newt
coach expressed a confidence that the
men would co-operate with him to the
advantage of the .;quad. "Though the'
baseball team showed i.k of outdoor
practice and didn't play up to our
hopes of the future, yet I can say that
with the good hitting ability already
developed the Varsity can soon be ex-
pected to round into top-notch shape,"
Fisher said, when asked about the
prospects of producing a winningl
To put on third degree work before
outside lodges, the degree team of the
Craftsmen's club, student Masonic or-
ganization, will make two excursions
this week to Detroit.
The first of the trips will be made
tomorrow when the team will go to
-Zion lodge No. 1. Saturday the men:
will make a second excursion to Kis-
met lodge of Highland Park, Detroit.
Farm Bureau Officials to Meet Here
The hext meeting of the five coun-
ty conference of farm bureau officials
will be held in Ann Arbor, according
to representatives "of the local organ-
ization who ehave returned from the
confab at Monroe. The meeting will
,be held in October and will entertain
delegates from Wayne, Monroe, Oak-
land, and Macomb counties,

(By Associated Press)
Washington, April 18.-War between
Panama and Costa Rica growing out
of the present boundary dispute will
not be tolerated by the United States,
it was learned today authoritatively.
Both governments are understood tq
have been'informed that the obduracy
of Panama over the acceptance of the
White award, insisted upon by the
American government, must not be
made the basis for the renewal of hos-
Trouble Impending
It was not revealed in what man-
ner the United States had made known
that it would regard hostilities with
keen displeasure, but it was assumed
that representatives had been sent to
both Panama City and San Jose.;
Official reports received here recent-.
ly have indicated that peace on the
isthmus vas again about to be dis-
turbe I. These said that Panama was
mobilizing her army to meet any ag-
gression fron the North, while Costa
Rica wa. assuming a bellicose atti-
tude and h,,a been assured either for-
mally o-' iniformally of the active sup-
port of Salvador, londuras and'Guate-
Wish to Avoid Conflict
The American position is understood
to be that the United States is bound.
by treaty obligations to safeguard the
integrity of Panama and that any
move by Costa Rica would justify
drastic action. Officials declined to
indicate what action would be taken
if hostilities were renewed. They are
hopeful that the representation made
to Panama and Costa Rica will serve
to prevent armed conflict between the
There is a considerable force of
American troops in the regular garri-
son in the Panama canal zone. This
is supplemented by the force on the
special service squadron now in Cen-
tral American waters, and in addi-
tion t'e Atlantic fleet is in Cuban
quarters on winter maneuvers.

Recominendation has also been
by both house and senate comm
that the University mill tax b
creased from three-eighths to 1
fifths of a mill, which will add
$1,200,000 to $1,400,000 to the a'
income of the University.
That the legislature considers g
ing as much as $5,300,000 for the'1
ing program, in view of the fac1
the state is not only bankrupt, bi
a deficit of more than $8,000,000, s
the willingness of the state's I
sentatives to meet the needs b
University as far as they are al
do so. Of 'the proposed building
of $5,300,000, the sum of $300,00{
be for the new University hop
and the remaining $5,000,000 ava
over a period of two years, w
placed at the disposal of the Re
to be expended for such new buil
as they consider most necessary
Pres. Burton Before Comniitti
Plans for the University apprc
tion began to take definite shap
week after President Marion L. E
addressed both houses and sE
committees of the legislature.
dent Burton went to Lansing on
nesday and returned Friday ev(
He was accompanied, by Shirle
Smith, secretary of the UnivE
George W. Millen, former senato'
several members of the Board o
The recommended increase of th
tax to ,three-fifths of a mill
bring an annual income of more
$3,000,000 to the University undl
1921 equalization 'of taxes which
into effect in August. At the pi
rate of three-eighths of a mill tI
income totals approximately $]
j University Treated Well
-Upon his return from Lansing
ident Burton made the following
ment regarding the progress c
legislative progran:
"I feel, with the state.in the
tion it now is financially, that th
iversity has been treated very
ously indeed in sums, mention
the egislative committee. Whil
cut in the sum asked for will c
us seriously in our building
at the same time the amount prc
to grant us is liberal under the
tions, and I have only the wa
feeling toward the legislature.
"They were generous,, too, i
:man'ner in which they handled t
quest for an increase in the mil
We were running behind $600
Tear on the old three-eighths
mill which we 'have had for
years past, and with the ine
which will net us $3,000,000 a
we can hold our own and go al
step or two. Michigan's Univ



Washington, April 18. - President
Harding accepted tonight the invita-
tion of Secretary Denby to review the
Atlantic fleet on April 28, off the Vir-
ginia Capes on its return from Cuban
waters. He will leave here on the
presidential yacht, the Mayflower, the
evening of April 27 and return immed-
lately after reviewing the fleet, ar-
riving here April 29.. Details of the
plans for the trip were being worked'
out tonight.
New York, April 18.-Stockholders

of the United States Steel corporation
at their annual meeting here today un-I
animously pledged their support to
Albert Harry Gary, and his associates
in the management of the corporation,
and any "future conflicts" with labor
"We are prepared," said a resolu-
tion adopted by the stockholders, "to
accept, regardless of the sacrifices ne-
cessary thereto, whatever losses may
be sustained in maintaining the right
.of each American citizen to enter into
his. individual contracts, should such
be his desire, without hindrance from
any other human being."

would have been in a serious
tion, indeed, had it not been
increase in maintenance.
Outlook Bright
"What the legislature has d
made it perfectly clear that t
versity is going to keep its po-
leadership among the great u
ties of the country.
"While the cut in our build'
gram 'is serious, we are good
just as we would have been gc
ners. We arf sane enough tc
that, in view of the conditi
have been treated very ien

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