Pear on the program for the Satur- day afternoon performance. Local artists at the festival will be Grace Johnson-Konold, soprano, and! Marian Struble, violin, of the School of Music faculty, and Robert McCand- liss of the voice department. Miss Struble and Mr. McCandliss recently won first prizes in the state contest' of musicians held here. Chase Sikes,! a former student of the University School of Music will also take part. Choral Union Prepared The Choral Union is now well along in the work on the "Elijah" to be given Thursday evening and on Verdi's "Aida" for the Saturday even- ing performance. "The Voyage of Arion," a work for children, will be heard at the Friday afternoon performance. This last has been written by Earl V. Moore of the School' performance will be sung by a chorus of Ann Arbor school children trained by George Oscar Bowen of the School of Music. On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednes- day of the festival week the State Teachers' association will hold its an- nual convention in Ann Arbor, and many prominent music lovers through- out the state are making arrange- ments to attend both events. The annual alumni association meeting of the School of Music will also take place during this week. , 34000 KNIGHTS TEMPLAR TO ATTEND STATE CONCLAVE ment of the visitors are being com- house is to be held at t pleted by the Lansing commandery. temple throughout the co They include a monster parade and , the customary- conclave b competitive drills May 31. Open held at the Lansing count HAVE YOU TRIED OUR SPECIAL WEEK-END ICE 'CREAM BRICKS? the per- FOR QUALITY, FLAVOR AND PUR- -ogram e also dleton, o have ITY THEY ARE UNSURPASSFD. on the one of Lansing, Mich., April 7.-Three thousand members, representing 30 commanderies, are expected to at- tend the annual state conclave of the Knights Templar of Michigan, which opens here May 30. Elaborate plans for the entertain- ICE RE A M CHARLES MARSHALL, TE will sing at the May fe held here Mav 18 to 21. ENOR, WHO stival to be' of words by Dr. M. C. Weir of the rhetoric department. This work as well as the other numbers at thisI BusinE + ...... ' r .r, . F """ ,, ° io I I Irlll rl YMI r Brand Clothes Your Measure State St. Entrance Do You Travel? Then Ask The ', Farmers & Mechanics I l and up About Those Bank ~ 9 A. B. A. Cheques & Co. STORE {men's Clothing 1 {Dress Makers 795-W op UPSTAIRS rl F . Shop 1w 1, r Stationery b .. t... i Stairway Exit from Arcade Cafeteria buys a brand y5 new Corona portable tye- writer. Other makes at attractive price. See uabefore you buy. if it's the O . MOI 17 Nickels R C A Best Funds in Traveling - Jewelry CANDY Candy .JEWELER You Ever 9te RE NN AN stom Tailor I It Came From The Ice Cream} Talor 3etsy Ross Shop PHONE 152-R ILubQj,4i . ahty and Distmetion CHICAGO MADISON LOSED DURING VACATION] Futurist Underwear Books'f l1 Shoes >man's Exchange 'ranco-9Jmerican Hygienic Goods jNotions sg Line Jane Singleton Shop' 4) (U 0 a. Flowers} Lav Medical Dental Bought. Sold or Exchanged T. . AMULE Corsage goi for the Girl away Special Prices on All LAMPS and SHA IES at Darling and Malleaux Stairway to Arcade Cafeteria and Halsey's St Sale on Hair Nets at sAtO C A F Pictures Fo( Right Pri Second y j Women's Shop -I Itudios Offices ]Doctors 'o 1 "On Going Home? e here to greet you on your return LCADE BARBER SHOP Student Owned I Barbers t ii I Beauty Parlor } With. ti Dance" is Way to the JWE ie WUERT/H ARCADE lakery Maynard Stret Entrance Post Office } Good- Things to Eat I,