IRISH WOMEN IIIl I by 'Phis 3(Dela.yed) -W-1 ation and the sus- the Irish Natonal ell recognized throughout ni by British, government se task of subduing Sin s and restoring peace has en-fold more difficult by *Wherever one goes in hie hears extolled the e w;omen.", Ad Irish Army telter, feed and bind up of" the "flying columns" or publican army. They col- or the Daili Eireann, they se and do a hundred other all to women in war tie. f them do outside womanl's sphere of activities can jectured. triclkland, governor of the lican army who shot and killed the 14 British intelligence officers on Dub- lint's "Mlack Sunday" last November. Prof-lamation Publi ished A1 proclamation recently spread' broatdcast through Ireland was head- ed "'Stand Fast!' Say the Women of Ireland." After lauding the Republi- can army the proclamation continued: 'W Ne men and women of Ireland will stand by- our army till the certain day of victory. We glory in their heroism under torture and in their deeds of valor in the field. W~e repudiate the caluimny that our brave soldiers ar'e a 'murder g-ang,.' WVe must defy the ettemy's intsolent: con nman4l to refuse" food and shelter to our own country- mten. WVe scorn all p)roclamuations that woulh'make Irish mnen andl women traitors to their country, and we will be -as true to- our soldiers as Nurse Cavell to England's." F~ee Fights to G~et :Bill Reported 1 TODJAY AND TOMOURROW /61P1 TODAY AND TO A F~irst National A ttractioit -V V 0 ti " 6, )N I.x s' J4 4 wunder martial law, told Lansing, Mich., April 1.- Represen- dent th~at women carried tative William 0. Lee of Port Huron ndef' their skirts and has started a campaign to get before Jes, bombs and revolvers the house legislation providing penal- used by the men respon- ties for landlords who refuse to take, number of ambushes of as tenants, persons having children. in the Cork district. According to Representative Lee he -the last six months of introduced a bill early1 in the session ing has more intrigued making it a misdemeanor for land- !on of newspaper readers lords to refuse 'to rent to families est of the 14-year old containing children. His measure has )f Cork county who, wvear- since been In committee, despite, ac,- :) around her body, was 'cording to, the legislator, his efforts; scurrying across a field to heave it reported out. xis machine gun.! The billis patterned after one spon- cording to report, accom- sored by Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., be- is parties of the Repub- afore the New York legislature. 0 4 0 , . Ldww.dwmwdmwh 0OW44000% iiimiiir - - 'o 11 irollm - -19 - boo! SUNDAY - MONDAY. 2>/The Turkisk 9i6aret Beautiful Catharine Calvert has the loading feminine role in "Dead Mew Toll No, Tales."s SUNDAY - MONDAY _ TUESDAY. GEORGE BEBAN IN l "ONE MAN IN A MILLON ". d The great.Italian impersonator in his famous stage success OVERTURE Pique Dame " Suppe SELECTION - Mefistofele A. Salto's Operas iX J TUESDAY ALICE" BRADY L . '._. .._aP 'e . IN "OUT SF THE ~'We go 6000 miles for the -Turkish tobacco used in Murad---WhY? Because -Turkish has a taste;--Turkish has a mildness -Turkish has a. delight--far beyond all cigarette tobaccos of all other lands- Murad gives youI reail enjoyment,' and true delight such as no Tobacco other than 100% Pure Turkish Tobacco can give. Thcts -.Facts--FACT-- VWEDN ESDAY THURSDAY I I va", A marriage between a youth of theme irst , family of New York and a girl from the first row cof the chorus. A ® a T -i 11H Tens of thousands of smokers -tens of thousands of times- have PROVEN this - / I ! Judge fY ~20¢ Yourself-!" '411=4 qgw adf 9'kan v ~i thel~bM UL DMANOL __ 57he Perfect Alouthpiece LMen who know pipe satisfaction s will tell you that they prefer . t REDMANOL to any other mouthpiece because it has. just the right feel on the teeth. RED MJNOL is as transparent'apd beau- tiful as amber; but stronger. Modern rscience has made it tasteless and odoirless. Whether you are buying a cigarette holder, a cigar holder, or 'a "jimmy;" pipe, j ask your dealer to show you one with a REDMAINOL bit. Pie All Shapes-All Pie If your local dealer doesn't carry REDMAINOL pipes and holders send us his namie and address.' "'N Tirii INVISIBLE DIVORCE" NATIONIAL ICTuaaI FRIDAY t SATUIRDAY1 SUNDAY -TUESDAY ..? . r : . ;}n: v. . ';r:, ,1 . .......... .....titi _U I You'll say its 11 "going some" when you see it! It's chock- 1 a-block with ,I real RexBeach fun, and tin- giles with gen- uineCh vi I s.\ WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 4;v 7j6 rYOU Ire Hin e, Joan Ca,-Per! r Can love be~ the, motive for a deed of brute fer- ocity? Was it love that made Pierre Landis brand his wife with the mark Hof his ranch? A dynamic picture of American life, played by an excellent cast, SFRIDAY. - SATURDAY ,Smuel Godwynai Kathminue Newlin Burt 'II Redmanol Chemical Products C9. 657 West 22nd Street Chicago , RP Elaine . ) Tomn Mix IN "6PRAIRIE TRAILS" Hammersteini IN "Poor Bear.: Margaret rby"