~11 niLe - VARIED ARTICLES TO FILL BOX FOR MOUNTAIN SCHOOL 'I V . l . A. miss etary of the Pure Food Preserves, 15 oz. Jar, t certificates regular 50c size, now 35c, or 3 for national or- $1.00. Schultz Bros.-Adv. ;man Kodaks- Films. mateur Finishing Enlargements Flashlights and Outside Groups 9~V~i5~wj .. .. 7.- w . .. .. ,.. s. .. .. .. . .. ., p tlF i. i 1MY TTMBIEINSURANCE Ve Write Automobile Insurance In Stock Companies Only sates are very low, coverage broad, prompt and. actory Adjustments Guaranteed. purchase iutual Insurance where you have a ngent liability, when stock companies rates are Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood will ad-, dress the meeting of the 'omen's Educational club which will be held at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening at the Chi' Omega house. Every member is re- queuted to be present. 4 Girls residing in dormitories who will be in Ann Arbor for spring vaca-; tion, may get lists of vacant rooms from the ofice of the dean of women. Any University women who wish employment during spring vacation should sign at the office of the dean of women. Dormitories, sororities, and league houses who wish to enter the baseball tournament should sign up in the. main corridor of Barbour gymnasium immediately. The name of the man- ager or captain should be signed. Pledges for the Doctor Sargent campaign are due and are pay- able at Newberry hall. Social service workers are needed' at the University hospital. Anyone wishing to . do this work may sign up between 2 and 5 o'clock any afternoon I at Newberry hall. Mortarboard and Senior society will hold a joint meeting at #7:15 o'clock tonight in Helen Newberry residence. Wyvern invites all girls of the jun- ior class to a tea from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock this afternoon at Aelen New- berry residence. All members of Wyvern are request- ed to be at Helen Newberry residence by 3:15 o'clock this afternoon. 'STYLUS _ELECTS FIVE NEW MEMBERS At the last meeting of Stylus, hon- orary rhetoric society, the following women were elected to membership: Emma Jacobs, '21, Amy Loomis,,'22, Lois Whitcomb, '22,'Thekla Roese, '22, Sara Waller,'22.° A five dollar prize is being offered by Stylus for the best shortstory submitted. All -women who rare not members of.the society may compete. The story must not exceed 4,000 words in length~ and must be hand'ed in, type- written, by May 15. LETS C! If you want to make $100 spring vacation see Mr. Davis, 408 National Bank Bldg., at once. Phone 2169.- Adv. All kinds of clothing will be accept- able for the box which is to be sent by the Women's league to Crossnore school in Kentucky. Practically every kind of garment or piece of cloth can be made use of in the different de- partments of the institution. Gloves, stockings, shoes, hats, dress- es; suits, coats and underclothing are all among the articles solicited. Even worn satin and silver dancing slip- pers are taken to pieces and made over by the'students in the shoe mak- ing department. Every University house, dormitory, and sorority house has been notified concerning the present drive, and a truck will be sent to collect the con- tributions tomorrow. Donations may also be placed in the box in the base- ment of Barbour gymnasium. Anoth- er collection of garments will be made shortly after spring vacation. O'Hara house under the direction of Harriet Gustin, '22, and Louise Graham, '23. k Lightweight imported golf hose. $3.00 upward. Wild & Co., State St.- Adv. Students Lunch Trubey Home-made Candies r and Box Candies Discount on Blox Candies 218 S. MAIN.STREET Phone 166 er. wliethf or small. 0 ': iiiIi 1 lii i 1 111111ltfl '1111t1111111111 lili lVlIll i l l llllll lllllllllllllil111111 w6 r - Tursday, April Sevelege Micalee TCluybs r .eth, Nhe. i Twnt DartHoteut lero Detroit = Dancing from ten wntil one ra Tickets on sale at Grinnell's, Detroit, an Thrs ari Bookstore, Ann Arbor - ~8:30 p, m. Subsc'ription $5.50 .tlSSfgle Ticket $2.75 (War ra incuded - I~lllitilil t'lickets on salitle-at il i nnelllll l D tit , andl~llilil i I The Ann Arbor SavingsI Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surpis, $620,0 Resources .........$5,0000 707 North UnivArsity Av Northwest Cor. Main & I 409 Jefferson t SEE US FIRST tter A Alisho use High Class Food Open 6 a.m. Close 11 p.m st National Bank Phone 2072 - i . ' I MEO G RAPHING Phone Orders Promptly Filled- Mail Orders e Promptly Filled ND on PAPER d ' oa A STORE OPENS 8:30 STORE CLOSES 5:30 r y Reasonable EST. 1857 -r Rates ards, Brothers Exclusive Models in 'Suits, Coats, Dresses for Fastidious Women o u T H STATE S T R E E T .... Owing to the late deliveries of our Easter models, we have on hand at present a large stock of -coats, suits and dresses in exclusive models, that 'should have been here for Easter week. The modes represented are exquisite, the styles suites to the most fastidious and the materials lovely enough for anyone. THIS - CLOSES .DVERTISING AT 3 P.M. 11 SPRING DRESSES' , FOR SALE iToday Only t r h p. m -The m9st wonderful summer id chokers being sold at 'sur- ly low prices at Zwerdlings, Tailor and Furrier. 217 E. St. 130-4 n Monroe or E. University, a ag containing money and re- om the Michiganensian. Call lark, 2532-,I. 131-2 etween N. Ingalls a'nd 12th Phi Sigma Kappa pin with ridley on back. Finder please! 9. Reward. 130-31 onklin founitain pen with and. Also aWaterman pen old band. Lost on campus. 2-R. 132" mall black purse containing and key, Tuesday morning. . Return to 720 S' Univer- 132-2 gma Delta Chi pin, Friday marked T. A. Please call Adams. 367. 131-2 old Elgin watch. Full name . Call D. S., 1704-R. 132-2 FOR RENT IT-Very good piano at rea- rate. Call Miss Graham, 13 0-3' NT-Nice single rodm. 511 Ct. Phone 516-R. 131-3 MISCELLANEOUS RE REPAIRING, refinishing, ering, recaining. " Verne 1219 So. University. Phone 132-13 FOR SALE-Brunswick Balke.Library Billard Table, 6 1-2x4 1-2 ft. Inter- changeable cushions for eithe'r Eng- lish or pocket billiards; perfect condition; complete equipment.' Phone 1072-J, evenings. 132-2 FOR SALE-18 ft Mullins Canoe, cost $125 last' fall, only used' several times. A real bargain at $90. 3. B. Vlack, 1508-W. 836 E. University. 13 FOR SALE--8 inch electric fan, prac- tically new. Bargain. Call 882-M after 7 o'clock. 131-2 FOR SALE-Ai4 old violin in good re-! pair. Inquire at 217 No. Division. 132-2j FOR SALE -Ford Speedster. Good cond ion. Call 2397-R. 131-3 FOR SALE-Airedale dogg half price. Call Saline. 197-R 22. 128-6 WANTED WANTED-Five Crew, Managers and Fifty men for work, spring vacation, selling $2.50 article, everyone likes and is interested in. Two minute canvass. Work in Jaclson,,Ann Ar- bor,sand Ypsilanti. Apply before Thursday night.. Mr. Davis, 408 Na- tional Bank Bldg., Phone 2169. 131-2 WANTED - Students, let us reline your coats during vacation. Neat. work and ueasonabie prices.: Stu -- -dents' Pressing Shop, Corner N.Utn- iversity and Thayer. 131-3 WANTED - Young lady roommate, quiet surroundings, $4.00 per week. 2321-M. 957 Greenwood. 132-2 The higher priced dresses are so lovely 'that it is hard to choose any particular ones to de- scribe. A navy blue canton crepe is trimmed with grey canton crepe and grey and blue beads. Made with scalloped bottom. $64.50. Black and white checked silk taffeta is piped in white ard trimmed with white braid, $39.50. Grey canton crepe is embroidered in navy blue silk braid and made with pleated sidpan- els and wide sash of blue and grey. $39.50. Grey georgette is combined with grey satin, the over dress elaborately trimmed with steel beads. $64.50. Tan zanton crepe is trimmed with brown canton crepe and gilt stitching. $66.50. Navy blue canton crepe.is elaborately bead-, ed in blue and trimmed with bands of blue can- ton crepe. $71.50. SPRING, SUITS The suits are lovely, as spring suits always are. It seems, though, that this spring they are prettier than ever before. A suit of navy blue tricotine, is elaborately, trimmed in grey silk braid. $85. Anothr. in navy gabardine is smartly trim- med with grey gabardine and black and grey braid.. '$8450. Navy blue tricotine is trimmed with black braid. This suit is made with box coat and short sleeves. $79.50. Several chic models are here in serge, trico- tine and gabardine, either plain or trimmed with braid, embroidery or fancy stitching. -Many have a sash on the skirt. $49.50 to $90.00. (SECOND FLOOR) SPORT STYLES Knitted sport capes are fast coming into first place in popularity and they are perfectly love- ly. Long capes, knitted in either fancy or plain, stitch with collars of angora, in blue and grey are $25. Jersey sport coats, to wear with white or fancy sport skirts in tan, blue, green, white and red are $14.75. colossal ie cr~ook. dram~w1o 7 story of a i' 7/who fi way back .aixs tremend o",ods SOUNDS THE TTTMST DEPTHS OF THE HUMAN EMOTIONS 1 SATIN COATS I (SECOND FLOOR). Quilted black satin coats are the rage at present and we have several lovely models. All are beautifully made, fancy lined and are' in all, perfect. Priced at $49.50 to $54.50. Other coats are lovely, too, including mod- els in tan and blue duvetyn, elaborately trim- med with fancy braid and stitching and lined in figured silk Ranging in price from $25' to $95. Ii Ill (SECOND FLOOR) DANCES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BEST MUSIC IN TOWN. GRAHAM'S, SLATER'S I TICKETS AT D