4~~~ n4 NTICE
lol IAll classes meeting this week
are requested to elect a class
"football manager. The man elect-
hance to ed should report at once to the
intramural office.
TH -Tra m nnn nti sm r
Indiana Shows Power by Defeating
Coach Williams' Badger
Given Outside C
Defeat Brilliant
"Illinois has a great football team,
strong in all departments, of theM , GoCNE
game-they are out to win and every
is in every play. It is such a STEKETEE ONLY MAN INJURED;
Michigan will face on Ferry field
next Saturday. We expect to have a EUS L -
team ready to meet anything Illinois ;
has, and there will be a great game."
IIt is this message that Coach Yost Trainer Archie Hahn stated Mon-
Chicago .............1
Illinois......... ....1
Ohio State..........1
Northwestern ........1
Iowa ..................1
Indiana ..............1
Purdue .............0
brought back from Urbana, where he
witnessed the decisive defat of Iowa
by Illinois Saturday. He would make
no prediction as to the outcome of
next Saturday's battle. "We'll give
them our best and they'll know they've
been in a game," was all he would
day that the team came through the
M. A. C- game in good shape, only one
casualty being reported and that not
a serious one. The only man to suf-
fer injury was Steketee, who burst a
blood vessel in his right leg as a re-
sult of a kick received in the game.
say. He will probably be out in uniform
Fight Spirit Shows again today and is practically certain
There was a feeling of determina- to be in as good shape as' ever by Sat-
tion around the coach's room yester- urday. o
day. Not one of them would say Coach Yost began the final week of
Michigan would win. One or two of preparation for the Illinois game by
the most ardent optimists gave Michi- giving the men a light workout. Most
gan an even chance with the last of the practice session was given
year's champions, but for the most over to the learning of new plays by
part the mentors would say nothing, the Varsity. The first team was in-
as their features hardened. structed in the new formations by the
They know that the Indns will coaches while the substitutes looked
bring a most formidable fighting elev- on from the baseball bleachers. By
en to Ann Arbor. As a unit the Ill1- dint of calling the signals loudly both
nois aggregation works to perfec- the first and second string men were
tion, and the indomitable Illini spirit enabled to learn the plays at once.
may win against superior ability. At' No scrimmaging or rough work of
present Michigan cannot be accorded any sort was indulged in, the coach
an even chance with the Suckers, for evidently wishing the men to get
a two to one opportunity is all the thoroighly rested up after their exer-
Yellow and Blue has, but if the tions of Saturday. In all probability
Wolverine machine improves this week the practices will become increasing-
in proportion to last week's increase ly stiff until Friday, when it is likely
" in efficiency, the Michigan eleven will there will be an easing up, so that the
have a chance.. team will be in the best of shape for
On every hand it is admitted that the all important battle Saturday.
Zuppke has developed a combination
as strong if not stronger than last TENNIS PL A YERRS
year's champions. Not only that, but URGED TO HURRY
the 11 men are almost all veterans,
who have had a year's experience on
a Gold and Blue team. Second Round Single Matches Must
Coach Douglass, who saw Illinois be in This Evening
overwhelm Drake, is of the opinion
that Michigan will find its most difii- Word has been given by the intra-
cult opposition of the season next Sat- mural offl9e that all single matches in
urday. The team that beats the In- the first and second round of the fall
dians will win the Conference cham- tennis tournament must be completed
pionship, most critics believe. and reported to the office by 5:30
Iowa Weakens oelock this evening. Players who
Of course the Illini's large score have failed to play by this time will
over Iowa may have been due some- be defaulted as it is absolutely ne-
what to Hawkeye weakness, but the cessary that the draw for the third
strength of the Urbana eleven cannot round be made this evening.
be overestimated. Several errors in' The draw for the doubles has been
judgment were made by the Iowa made and for the benefit of those who
captain. Instead of choosing to kick- hav not seen it, is reprinted below.
off, Iowa received, and after Iowa All first round matches are to be
punted Illinois had the ball 40 yards played as soon as possible. Favorable
from a touchdown. By kicking off weather cannot be counted on much
this might well have been reversed, longer and, if the tournament is to
but several times Iowa made the same be completed, contestants must be
mistake. A costly fumble was re- prompt in playing off their matches.
sponsible for the first Illinois touch- The schedule of t'drd round matches
down, which should not have been. in the singles will be announced in
It is certain that Coach Yost's well Wednesday's Daily. Entries in the
versed pupils will not make such mis-- doubles will be received up to to-
takes, but there may be other breaks night.
in the game. Sullivan and Gibson (1271-W), vs.
Every Illinois player came through Dooge and Krause (566); Cruik-
the game. in fine physical condition. shank and Boyer (1016)ha,ft
Coach Zuppke will thus be able to shank and Mulford (1582-J) vs.
start his first string men, and these Batty and Boyer, (1016); McLeise
men will be a perfect fighting ma- and Babbit (2303-3) vs. Spurrier
chine. Whatever weakness the Illini and Thompson (1106); Gustus and,
eleven has, however, Yost and Kelsey (558) vs. Rohan and Haines
Douglas have probably discovered. (871-R); Shindel and Seitz (726-M)
Against them the Michigan drive will vs. Steketee and Crosby (1755-W);
be thrown, and with the apparently Bowers and Creeden vs. Walbridge
strong defense, the Wolverine eleven and Watts (1217-W); G. E. Dyason
may' be able to overcome the odds, and Rorick vs. Lightbody and Kemp
which at present are against them. (1198-J); Beaudette and Parsons vs.
Ullrich and Levit (1153-M); Lang-
WELCH REPLACES GILCHRIST y worthy and Eggly (2239-M) vs. Baron
ON MICHIGAN GOLF TEAM and Farley (236); C. D. Dyason and
w-" Van Rooyer vs. Riley and Genebach
Because John N. Gilchrist, '23E, (1460); R. Mildner! and E. Mildner
has been declared ineligible, his place (1722-W) vs. Kline and Osborn; Rea-
on the two man golf team that repre- son and Kennard (855-J) vs. Gregory
sent Michigan in the Conference meet and Sanchez (1992-W); Shirk and
next Friday and Saturday will be Fisher (374) vs. Peterson and An-
taken by Allen L. Welch, '22E. Welch drews (1366).
and Ingham, the other Wolverine
g will leave about Thursday Illinois Game Tickets Mailed
mo g for Chicago, where it is hiop Tickets for reserved seats at the
ed they can go over the OlympianIllirois game were mailed Sunday
course in the afternoon...night from the offices of the Athletic
Nearly every Conference school has association. The application for seats
entered teams in the tourney and it has been very large, and few seats
is expected that some close competi-f r tsnconetarelefs
tion will result. At present there are are lf
no favorites as the ability of the va-
rious contestants Is unknown. Mich-'
igan is conceded a good chance, with SOCCER NOTES
lgha nd Welch playing for the Allcandidates for positions on
r class soccer teams will report
The Kempf Music Studios-Piano, report for practice on South
Organ, and Voice Instruction. Es- Ferry field today at 3:30 o'clock.
tablished 1880. 312 S. Division St.
Phone 212-J.-Ady.
For results advertise in The Mich-
Read The Daily for Campus News. igan Daiiy.-Adv.
Minnesota .. ..........0 2 x.00
Michigan...........0 0 .000
(Frank MePike)
Three more Big Ten elevens swung
into action last week and celebrated
by winning their games in handy
fashion. Illinoisrand Ohio State de-
feated Iowa and Purdue, respectively,
while Wisconsin gained recognition in
the west by defeating Northwestern
27 to 7. Indiana pushed Minnesota a
notch farther down and completely
eliminated Oss et al from any further
titular considerations, score 21 to 7.
Chicago with one Conference victory
to its credit gave Wabash a 41 to 0
drubbing at Stagg field.
Asa result ofgthese games, Michi-
gan, Wisconsin, Ohio State, Chicago
and Illinois are left in the champion-
ship struggle. Four of these contend-
ers will meet next Saturday when the
Illini invade Ferry field and Wiscon-
sin takes on 0. S. U. at Columbus.
Chicago will face the once defeated
Iowa team on Stagg field in a game
that may prove a setback to the Ma-
minutes of play won the game and
the championship. Although Satur-
day's 11 to. 0 defeat of Purdue was far
from impressive it is 'apparent that
Coach Wilce devoted but little prep-
aration to the Boilermakers and was
pointing for Wisconsin.
Purple Ot
Northwestern's defeat of Minnesota
proved to be a flash in the pan, for
the Purple made a woefully weak at-
tempt to turn Wisconsin back last
Saturday. The main goal of the
Evanston coaches and players will
now be to trip Chicago up in its race
for first honors. The other tail end
teams have had varied fortunes, Iowa
defeated Indiana, who in turn tram-
pled on Minnesota, handing the Goph-
ers their second straight defeat and
the worst record they have had in
It is certain that the Big Ten foot-
ball situation will be completely
changed by Saturday night. Two of
the present contenders are sure to be;
eliminated and possibly a third will
fall by the wayside.
Girls' Attention. Rain Water Sham-
poos, Marcelled Waving, Face #nd1
Scalp Treatment at Mrs. J. R. Tro-
janowski's, 1108 So. University.
Phone 696-W.-Adv.
Take your dancing lessons at the
Packard Academy. Phone 1850-F1.-
The Blue Front
Cigar Store
Corner of State and Packard
Steve Farrell's small cross country
squad of 30 men ran over the five
mile course. on Saturday morning,
and while they 'were not racing
against time the mark they made was
good enough to encourage optimism.
Coach Farrell is anxious for more
men to turn out. It seems deplora-
ble that in a school of Michigan's size
but 30 men can turn out for Varsity
cross country when at Cornell, an in-
stitution far smaller than Michigan,
there are 300 candidates for the har-
rier squad. In addition to the 30 Var-
sity candidates there are 60 fresh-
men doing regular work and most of-
them are showing up well.
Foremost among the tryouts for
Varsity honors are Brannon; Van de-
visse, Penberthy, Everett, Houfstat-
er, Douglas, Reid, Whittemore, How-
ard, and Lukins. On Saturday morn-
ing trials will be held to determine the
Wolverine representatives to meet
Purdue at. Lafayette later in the
month. The Boilermakers have a
strong squad out and are bending
every effort toward victory. Word
comes from M. A. C. that the Farm-
ers are out to avenge their football
defeat- by a win in the state hill a!
dale run. No matter how good the
team, it is an assured fact that the
will have to run their Tiardest to dow~
the Wolverines.
Trueblood to Go on Lecture Tour
Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood, hea
of the public ' speaking departinei
will go to New Concord, Ohio, tomo
row to give a lecture recital of Han
let at Muskingum college. From then
he is to go to Delaware, Ohio, wher
he will deliver the same lecture Fr
day night at Ohio Wesleyan.
Ushers wanted for Illinois and Ch'
cago games. The Athletic Associatio
will pay a fee of $1.00 for each gam
to University students, providing the
are able to report at Ferry Field a
4:00 p. m., Friday, the day previou
to the game and at 12:00 noon on tt
day of the game. Upperclassmen no'
take rank only in order of receipt c
their application for tickets and i
consequence ushering will obtain
more advantageous position in t
stands than reservation now secure
on student coupon. Applicants ft
ushering appointments call immed
iately at the Althletic offices, Ann Ar
bor Press building, to leave coupon
Nos. 3 and 5 with name, class and a
dress on reverse side of coupon.-Ad'
Ann Arbor's progressive merchant
use The Michigan Daily.--Adv.
"G. R. Swain returned Sept. 25 after a year's absence in Europe
and the Near East where he has been occupied in photographic work
for the University."
713 EAST U.
Illini Powerful
Ann Arbor will be the center of in-
terest in western football this week-
end and the winner of Saturday's tilt
will be far out ahead in the race for
Conference honors. Zuppke comes
here with, an admittedly strong team,
one that is well balanced in all de-
partments of the game and will play
the game to the end. The Gold and
Blue win over Iowa last Saturday was
not a true test of the victor's strength
as the Hawkeyes have been somewhat
overestimated this season and did not
display the game expected of them.
However this does not mean that the
Urbana contingent cannot extend
themselves and it is certain that they
will be forced to do so on Saturday, if
the Maize and Blue obstacle is suc-
cessfully surmounted by Zuppke and
his clan it is hard to see what will
keep them from a second successive
Big 10 title.
Second only in interest to the local
battle is the Wisconsin-Ohio State
match at Columbus. It will be re-
membered that the Cardinals held the
redoubtable Harley and his mates to
a single field goal last year and came
within inches of a victory at that
time. This year with a much more
powerful aggregation the Madison in-
5titution seems to have its best
chance of recent years to take a grid-
iron championship.
Wisconsin Figures
The victory over Northwestern last
week, coming as it did after the Pur-
ple defeat of Minnesota, is proof con-
clusive. that Coach Richards has de-
veloped a powerful eleven. Pitted
against the Scarlet will be Wilce's re-
luvenated Buckeyes, eager to wipe out
the last minute disappointment of the
1919 season when Illinois in the last
Not**. m m -t
' '
,% =f
/ '
Ila Bs
-.. C..,
mlt '%
Mrs. Fox was bragging one day about the large
number of her cubs.
"How many cubs do you bring into the world at
one time" she asked the LIONESS.
"Only ONE," replied the Lioness-" u it's a
"-Makes Jack a Dull Boy!"
Jack and Tom and Harry get,
to be very dull chaps, indeed, if
they believe in all work and no
plMen who want to keep their
minds keen and their wits
sharp, know that they must play
to keep fit for the terrifle strain
of modern life.
If your "prof" is wise he will
heartily approve of your play-
ing an occasional game of bil-
liards. Come in tonight-get a
good cue in your hands again-
and see how soon your former
skill comes back to you.
Pocket and Carom Billiards.
Soft Drinks and Light Lunches.
Cigars and Candies, Cigarettes
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"We Try to Treat You Right"
MURADS would be lower priced if we left out
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grades of Turki! o co
eS O Ufl' . 3 CCO,
But they wouldn't be U ADS-they'd only be
"Juge oryousel-!
Special attention is called
to Murad 20s in Tin Bos
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