::' " : 1':-d ... o . -p _ r.- ,a LIAin . CHANPI6S FIELD LINEUP been issued places, and as soon as picked. to the men sure of their others will be given out the lineup is definitely NO LET-UP FOR TRICK MEN REMAINING HERE Uteritz Moved to Second and Hoffman Installed at Third In Wednes- day's Drill CONTEST FOR OUTFIELD AND THIRD SACK BERTHS KEEN Coach Pratt's last minute shift in his lineup before the southern trip re- sulted in increased efficiency on the part of the infield in Tuesday's and Wednesday's practices. -With Uteritz moved from third to second dnd Artie Hoffman installed at third, the Var- sity pepped up the drill, and the team worked like a veteran machine. Lineup Not CetaIn 'As yet the coach has failed to decide upon the 'men who will accompany 16im south. Men certain of their berths are Captain Pete VanBoven and Uteritz infielders, Vick catcher, Ruzicka, Dixon, Liverance, Schultz and Mudd, hurlers, and Perrin and Genebach' in the outfield. Apparently ohnson will play first, while Shackle- ford, Roby, and Dunn are still contest- ing for the other outfielder's berth. Hoffman and Karpus are fighting .for the third baseman's job, and Karpus and Hickey are principals in the truggle for the utility berth. Coates may be the extra catcher, although Roby, because he can play in the outield, may have the call. In yesterday's practice Doug split his finger,, and it was feared that this accident. might cut him off from a possible chance for the southern in- sVsion, although the injury proved ess serious than was first thought. Combination Works Well. SSome ypretty plays were exete d yesterday, and the new combination., effected by Pratt looks like a fast one. oteritz shone around secod base, and worked well 'with Pete Van1 Boven. He looks even better at the keystone sack than he did at third. The pitchers are showing up well in the preliminary wirkoute, and the coach expects them V in condition for a nine inning battle by Saturday. Dixon's improvement has .been tea y, and he seems to be a valuable man. Mixing up a clever overhand delivery with a deceiving underhand hall, he shows promise of deveoping into one the strongest hurlers on the squad. oiali Bas ifficulty, Members ofthe Vasity squad have all been working hard for berths on the tUam which goes South late Friday afternoon, and the coach is finding it difficult to choose the men for the team. Orders for new outfits have ' . SOCCER NOTICE Soccer practice rill be held' at 4:15 o'clock Thursday on Ferry field. It , % important that all inen be present, as the team to make the eastern trip will be selected following Thurs- day's practice. I 'ii.No. 31 B0XING RECEIVES OFFICIAL SANCTION After many seemingly fruitless at- tempts by those interested in box- ing to have that activity recognized at Michigan, the Board in Control of Athletics has at last endorsed it. This newly sanctioned activity is to be pro- moted aloni intramural lines but it is to be under the direction of a board to be known as the Board in Control of Boxing. This newly constituted board is to be composed of five mem- bers: The registrar of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, the director of Waterman gymnasium, the coach of boxing and two students to be selected annually by the three fac- ulty members. Boxing insignia will be awarded in conformity. with the rules of the Board in Control of Athletics and the eligibility rules as upheld by that board will be enforced. The rules as formulated by the committee of boxing of the National Collegiate Athletic as- sociation have been adopted and the board 'purposes to foster reasonable participation in the sport by the stu- dent body in general. Kirke S. White, '23, has been selected as boxing min- ager for the coming year. ARCHIE HAHN IN CHARGE SQUAD DURING STEVE'S ABSENCE OF Under the care of Trainer Archie Hahn and Prof. H. C. Carver the mem- bers of the Varsity track team that did not make the California trip have been working out daily on Ferry field. Favored by exceptionally good weath- er the small squad has put in several hard practices. The middle distance runners, Wheel-, er, Lewis, Th9mas and Joyner have been out daily, and have been getting into condition for the outdoor cam- paign. The four men that are here form a formidable mile relay- team,, only a little less speedy than the quar- tet now in Berkeley. The men have been doing the half and quarter mile distances. Two men on the weight squad, Jacob and Tidy, have been keeping up the interest in this department. Jacob, at- ways a clever heaver of the discus, is throwing the weight the best he has done this spring, 'while Tidy is handl- ing the hammer in good shape. Both of these men should be t consistent point winners in the later meets. iI Burke and Kelly form the nucleus( of the sprint squad now in Ann Ar- bor. Hahn has had them working' with the freshmen on the dashes, par- ticularly the 100-yard dash. Goebel Undergoes Serious Operation Paul Goebel, star end on the Var- sity football squad last year, was op- erated upon for appendicitis yesterday] afternoon at the University hospital. The attack came very suddenly and he was immediately rushed to the hospital for operation. Goebel seem-. ed to be feeling well in the morning. DELTA UPSILON AND ALPHA SIGMA PHI REACH FINALS In the semi-final round of the inter- fraternity volley ball league, Delta Upsilon and Alpha Sigma Phi won the right to contest for first and second honors of the campus. Alpha Sigma Phi defeated Phi Sigma Delta 21-6, 20-21 and 21-3. Delta Upsilon defeated Trigon 21-5 and 21-6. The department is planning to start an interfraternity indoor baseball league immediately after spring vaca- tion. The games will 'be played on1 south Ferry field and will be of the soft ball variety. Director Mitchell is desirous that all teams desiring to enter these contests file their names with him before Friday night. FRESH BASEBALL PRACTICE ENDS UNTIL AFTER VACATION After today no freshmen baseball practice will be held until the spring vacation is over. After vacation a call will be sent out for tryouts for all positions. Coach Mather has quite a squad of battery men out now but plans to make no cut at this time as he will probably have 150 or 200 recruits after vacation and will need these men to pitch to the candidates, A number of the battery men* have been showing rather fair form and with- month or so of this weathe velop their arms, the fres should have a really dependab of pitcher and catchers. What's in a ever try TUTTI when you wanti nice lunch? Conveniently located just half block south of the "1 ,x A central location does not; Get Fitted Atte len Sen*1Or's Now For CAPS-GOWNSHOODS Depatlents mean ' good food; neither does Made by COTRELL and LEONARD I I 1593 W. GEO. W. KYER 721 N.U. quick serv .1, INDOOR BASEBALL NOTICE : .} I Fraternities wishing to enter the interfraternity indoor base- ball tournament call Director Mitchell at the Intramural office. Phone 2268. COanUn, tue p.-t- able typewriter, $50.00, includiA handsome case.Other makes for sale or rent at lowest prices. 0. D. M 17 NICKEL i' I I I IORRILL G S ARCADE Khaki, Corduroy, Doeskin, 0. D. SPORT: and RIDING BREECHES FOR MEN AND WOMEN Khaki Sport Suits, 0. D. and Khaki Shirts, Cordovan and Wrap Puttees, Munson Army and Officers Shoes Reg. Wall and Pup Tents But if you II' I p 1~~ After1 I I SPRING VACATI ON Army Blankets, Barracks Bags, Rubber Boots, Auto Tires and Tubes, Mess Cans, Canned Goods, used enameled dishes for camping etc.+ ARMY SURPLUS STORE - 213 N. FOURTH AVE. can have these two advantages combined I " Eat at_ MR S. FAILINGS PHONE 1885 714 MONROE I fI A: I I with r I II We' have a new Stock of Shirts of correct and wonderful material a style I 99 This No. for Dodge Taxi food, the excellence of which With the new low collar Soft Oxford Cloth, Soisette and handkerchief cloth in white Three-fifty and Four-fifty Polo Shirts In Oxford cloth with a'higher collar Two-fifty to Three-fifty Without Collars Jersey Silk Plain white, beautiful, durable Six fifty . WHITE-ON-WHITE; Something new; white silk cord and satin Stripe Pour-fifty A new shade of light tan in broadcloth silk Six-fifty - I)k- " we'll guarantee, yOu have an- eating establishme that leaves if, a The Turkisk Citrtae nothing 4f I to be or desired. L (L I YOUR HEAD OFF WANT TO you're wise,you'll forget all -ies after school hours. off your troubles when the lows and you shut up your the day. Come to Huston play a few games of billiards. ,e ever invented gives more and nothing is more " restful hour or so spent over a bil- STON BROS, Neckwear Special in Madras and Percales, stripes and cords Soft collars in the new low style 25c and 35c A new Arrow stiff collar- The Greylock, low, comfortable, stylish The new narrow string and bow ties from 75c to $1.50 Underwear Specials in Suuxmer athletic union suits, $1.00 and $1.25 DAVIS TOGGERY SHOP. 119 SOUTH MAIN STREET We go 6000 miles for the Turkish tobacco used in Murad-Why? Because--Turkish has a taste.-Turkish has a mildness=-Turkish has a delight-far beyond all cigarette tobaccos of all other lands- Murad gives you real enjoyment, and true delight such as no Tobacco other than 100% Pure Turkish Tobacco can give. Facts-Facts--FACTS The Arcade Cafeteria in Nickels 1i Arcade. Fi ngerle's upstairs / Tens of thousands of smokers --tens of thousands of times- have PROVEN this- "Judge for Yourself-!" is at 322 South 204 I State Str Mitrs# ' , , ad F~ywf . w r . w w i