THE .i.l I THE ~ANE i AL BULLETIN Number 181. WEDNIESDAY, APRIL 6, 1921. Women's Indoor Fleet Feld Today The Wvomen's annual indoor 'meet wiill be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. Competitionj between. the freshman and sophomore classes for the silver loving cup will depend entirely upon the meet this year " since there has been no dem- olistration- as in -former years. NO DIYDURIN~G TACATION TheVniversity of vMich1L By' WILFRED SHAW, Illustrated by Photographs and Four Etchings by SPECIAL PRICE OF $3.40 ,. I rlrrp i ig rr.. rr riG irr rw rrr wrw i r rr r .rrw. 'k AHR'S ~U I ER S ITY BOOKSTORE will be held at the Union at 12:15 o'clock MARCUS L. WARD. U U :heir next Assembly on Thursday, April 7, at 9 o'clock; in Engineering building. Professor Sanders will address the tanat business will receive attention. H, H. HIOBIE. ineers: .ssemnbly will be held on Wednesday,. April 6, at 9 o cocin e New Engineering building. Several important class mat- 3up for discussion, and it is hoped by the class officials that e will be present. W. C. HOAR, Class Mentor. 's: assemnbly will be held on Thursday, the 7th, at 10a. m, in ur L. Cross, Hudson Professor of European History, will be A. H. LOVELL, Junior Mentor. of Electrical Engineering: erested in the Graduate Student Courses of the Common: "ompany of Chicago, can receive information from me. The Edison Company have authorized a class of not more than- ii all schools. JOHN C. PARKERL. in Economics 1 will be held in the Natural Scienice Audi- ther notice. F. M. TAYLOR. Foreign Countries: om foreign countries interested in taking a trip through 3higan during the Spring Vacation will please consult with )wing hours: Monday, at, 4-5 p. in.; Tuesday, Wednesday, y, 3-4 p. im. J3.A. C. HILDNER. dy Gregory's Plays will be presented for the members of eir guests in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall Wednesday. April Members who have not obtained, tickets should she Mr. ednesday. C. A.- DAHLSTROM. election of officers will be held in Room 205 Mason Hall 7, at 4 p. mn. C. A. DAHLSTROM., ments and All Othbrs Interested: r'sity Exchange relative to construction of new apparatus and repairs and 'adjustments: to the same. The Central, fully equipped to take of this work for the'tVniver- he Clock Tower".4" G. H. HARRISON, Assistant Superintendent 'of Eng. Shops. The Daily will cease publica- tion until after the Spring vaca- tion with the issue of Friday, April 8. SELL BRUSHES During Spring Vacation Free Tranng' Make Goutd Money A DE SIRE FOR, ANY TYPE OF DANCING. may easIy be satisfied at IJAiETT E KRUZSKA'S DANGCING 1S'TUDIO AESTHETIC DANCING SOFT SHOE DANCING TOE DANCING, BALL ROOM DANCING We aim to make you graceful in :addition to knowing steps A-yres &Smfith, Ltd., London Imported Caps, ti at Call 2738 and 7:15 between 6:15r p. m. today Instructors MLLE.,;KRLIzsKA PILIP MILLER, '23 Studio-t1i24 E. Huron St. Phone 230.RB 711 N. UNIVERSITY it SHORTER SHORTHAND SYSTEM [N TEN EASY LESSONS This course covers ten easy lessons which will enable the Student, Pro-1 fes~or, Journalist, Doctor, Lawyer or anyone seeking a professional career, to go thru life with 100 per cent effi- ciency. THIS COURSE Is short, and inexpensive, and is' given with a money, back guarantee if not satisfied. Send This Clipping Today Pyramid Press: Publishers 1416 Broadway,' New York City Gentlemen: -Enclosed herewith is $5.00 for which kindly send me your shorthand' course in tent easy lessons by mail. It is understood that at. the end of five days, I. am not satisfied my xmoney will be gladly refunded. Name............ . . I M i Just the Right Property FOR, Fraternity or ;Cub ESTABLISHED 1828I$ I- - MADISON AVENUE COO~. FORTY-FOURTH STREET= 1= WSW YORK Tee h n f riy M l 8 0..Our representative will by at the= HOTEL STATLER, DETROIT =. Tomorrow, Friday and Saturday *April 7, 8 and 9. q:with samples of Ready-made Clothing- Furnishings, Hats and Shoes= We have made Substantial Reductions in Prices throughout our Stock of Red-md and, Custom Clothing BOSTON NEWPORT c IRKMONTCOR. BOYLSTOJ4 220 BELLEVUES AVENUE- " X I~ SceyBrand lo,thesI SEE W. F. KE LLER Street "."". ................ City and State........... . 412 Natl. Bankf Bldg. Pbone 808 I U DING #0N SDAY sh Hts, University meat, instructor hal #I business staff ,Press build- OW club officers, forum, Lane hall. e club rehearsal, ig of Richard N.' .Union. earsal, Union. ercolleglate ZVon- ll. A. Kenyon on "A Spain," Natural) THURSDAY 9:00-Senior engineers meet in room 348, Engineering building. 6:00-Annujal banquet of Baptist guild. U7 :00-Choral Union rehearsal, School of Music. 7 :00-MUandoln club rehearsal, Union. 7 :00-Freshtman band practice, Uni- versity hall. 7:15--Glee jub rehearsal, Union. 7 :15-Meeting of La Socledad His- panica, rgom 202, South Wing. 7 :30-Alphia Nix business meeting, fourth floor, Universjity hall. 7 :30-Meeting of Kansas City clubs room. 304, Union. 7:30-Meeting of Round-UTp club, Un- ion. 8 :00--Christian Science society meets in Lane hall 'auditorium. " U-NOTICE S Rematning tickets for V. F. W. mil- itary ball Friday night, may still be secured at main desk in Union. Art school exhibit Im upper gallery, Alumni Memorial hall, Will be open at all -hours lexcept from 10 to 12 and from 2 to 3 o'clock today and Friday. Professor Hlollister Speaks at Dundee Prof. R .:T° T. Hollister, of the or- atory, department,, addressed a -public meeting last night at the high, school at Dund~e on the subjiect, "James Whitcomb Riley." "The lecture was given under the auspices of the Uni- versity Extension service. . , . I $45.'00 and up Made to Your Measure ..,. ,Q w ,.- . '' .,. E I : I a ;before mlovers hdzy pae' Wadhams &Fro. TWO STORES; ty club, Union. -eserve officers Engineering{ TODAY, - TOMORROW Evenings -.-80c Matinee * - 25c 2:00 = 3:30 7:00 - 8:30 STATE 'STREET MAIN STREET A Westerners at Lane ib presents three of plays, Sarah Cas- U :d from -the C ustom large shipment of House a *Sunshine Comiedy Universal News "thyeppervj storviqof ~brought aaVent0 ra Victor Records for April1 Another fine list of tlie most up-to-date popular hits and a1 Irish Poplin -Neckwear For Men i the assortment are many new patterns st satisfactory fabric. Especially priced at $1.oo-and$26 . Now On Display at South State Street (second floor) Red Seal Records. of Come In and Hear Them r . ., ". ._ He watched his comrades perih SEE.* r" " BE ST . DEAD MEN w ,.. '.M! 4 TELL NO TALES. Schaeberle & Son, Music House . ., ..f with Beautiful Catharine CIivert 110 14' I;