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April 05, 1921 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1921-04-05

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ept Monday during the Univer-
of Student Publications.
elusively entitled to the 0e for
s credited to it or not otherwise
al news published therein.
Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
ai, S3.o..
uilding, Maynard Street.
orial, 2414.
d 300 words, if signed, the sig-
in print but as an evidence of
)e publishied in The Daily at the
t or mailed to The Daily office.
eive no consideration. No man-
writer incloses postage.
rily endorse the sentiments ex-
ill hot be received after 8 o'clock

well. "History is philosophy teaching by example."
A 'knowledge of the past is indispensible to the cor-
reet and skillful handling of modern problems. But
the student does not carry his curiosity quite far
enough, seemingly indifferent to the fact that the
events of today make the history of tomorrow. We
cannot do justice to ourselves, our community, or
our country if we live our lives from day to day ob-
livious of all the great forces at work. Laboring un-
der the fallacious theory that a knowledge of yester-
day will be sufficient to cope with the problems of
today, many a brilliant man will be out-distanced.
American citizens classify themselves naturally
under two categories, the potent and the impotent.
The potent forces are those enterprising, self-re-
liant, resourceful citizens who through their knowl-
edge of present day life are naturally fitted to vie
with the best economically, politically, and socially.
It is this force which becomes representative of a
nation. The impotent factor is that timid, submis-
sive, non-resisting class which cannot possibly serve
either community or country in its need because of
its very incapacity and its inability to comprehend
and act rationally upon present day problems of
moment or consequence. We must not become a
member of this latter class due to our own apathetic
attitude. We must take every opportunity to be-
come well-versed in current history, and hence bet-
ter American citzens. A slight effort on our part
may spell the difference between progress and ret-







Telephone 2414
i FITOR ........-..GEORGE 0. BROPHY JR.
........Chesser M CamHe1'
litorial Board......................Lee Woodruff
SAdams I- W- Hitchcock
DakinJ. B.Mcnis
adSherwod TJW get, Jr.
S .. ........ ..... a. Bern ein
A B. P ambell
.T" "W in L. Kern, S. T. B each
...........Rbert Angell
ntor........................... ary D.,Lane
~........jack W. Kelly
aldp F'rank H. McPike Sidney B. Coates
er J A. B ttaway Marion .Stahl
Paul Watzel Lowell S. Kerr
ld Byron Darnton Marion Koch
itdy; KM. AOver Dorothy Whipple
aoltzr B. R. Meiss, Gerald P. Overton
lams Walter Donnelly Edward Lambrecht
hlit 'Beata Hasey Sara Waler
Bint d athrne Montgomery H. .Howlett
Telephone 960
...................D P. loyc
...........--.. M. Heat
.............. R. Priehs
--............v. F. Hier,
brecht M. Ms ,Moule H. C. hunt
1, Jr N. w. Robertson M. . Godring
ccinso=Thos. L. Rice F. . eidbredet
ssR. G. Burchell W 4. Cooley
a s A. J. Parker
ashing to semue information concerning news for n
Dfaily should a e athe niht editor, who has lull charge
o be printed that night.
Night Editor--JON I. DAKIN.
oria staff ill meet at 5 o'clock this aft-
rhe upper staff wtil meet at 4:30 o'clock.
ag to a statement recently issued by the
office, the showing of this year's fresh-
is somewhat lower than that of its pre-
T wenty-three and onehalf per cent of
t group of firt year lit students, figures
>n probation, while six per cent have been
from school because of their poor scholas-
onsibility for the situation, of course,
>ally at the feet of the men themselvesA
:thods of study would eliminate the pos-
such a low average. But it must be re-
nevertheless, that the average freshman
e University is unacquainted with the
s of study and, moreover, is not suffi-
ustomed to being thrown on his own re-
to discipline himself properly in matters
y, somee are of a more mature type and
.ssistance in getting into the swing of
it the average, it will be admitted, is not
nd for the sake of this average the sys-
perclass advisers was inaugurated last
hat time, four hundred juniors and sen-
: out to take the freshman class under
.ge and help teach its members the things
elves had already learned about Michigan
ly, and self-discipline. The percentage
ar men who have fallen down in their
accomplishments this year shows, among
s, about how well those foir hundred
pen have done their work.
U facts of the matter are that the mentor
failed miserably and that the first year
Led to the attention of the advanced stu-
been left more and more to themselves
e visits and advice which their record
needed badly. The excuse has been that
was too busy to keep the system going,
uently the freshman class, left largely to
vices, has made a showing that is cer-
>ne to be proud of.
y, all the advice in the world is not going
student out of a certain class of unrea-
arers of the grey toque. But, neverthe-
a it is that at least some of the responsi-
he first ye r percentage of failures can be
fet of the advisory committee for its

ention to those under its care. There is
is year for advisers to get is touch with
men and perhaps give them some help,'
certainly the moment to give considera-
semester's comparative failure and vow,
gs for the future.

In Effect Nov. I, 1920
Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard Timre)
Limited and Express cars leave for
Detroit at 6:05 a. m., 7:05 a. in.,
8t:10 a. m., and hourly to 9:10 p. M.
Limiteds to Jackson at 8:48 a. m. and
every two hours to 8:48 p. m. Ex-
presses at 9:48 a. m. and every two
hours to .9:48 p. mn.
Locals to Detroit-5:55a.m., 7:00 a.m.
and every two hours to 9:00 p. Wn.,
also 11:00 p. m. To Ypsilanti only,
11:40 p.m., 12:25 a.m., and 1:15 a.m.
Locals to Jackson-7:0 a. n., and
12:10 p.m.
1921 APRIL 1921
S X T W T, F-S
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13.14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Men: Last season's hats turn-
ed inside out,-refinished and re-
blocked with all new trimmings
look just like new, wear just as
long and saves you five to ten
dollars. We do only high class
work. Factory Hat Store, 617
Packard St. Phone 1192.

Get Fitted
Ateo enorNow For

1693 W.


721 N.-U.

Just as there are a thousand ane one avenues of
expenditures in which our money can either be
wasted or put to advantage, there are all kinds of
ways to use our time. Many a student fails to keept
track of his finances and more often than not is in-
cined to throw dollars to the winds, practically re-
gardless of consequences. And the same student,
along with a host of his fellows, often handles his
allowance of time with the same lack of discrim-
Notice the young man who enters the library,
book in hand, and seats himself with a rather lan-
guid intention to work. He opens his book, wipes
his glasses, pulls a paper from his pocket, and spends
a few moments glancing over it; he looks through
his assignment to see how many pages he has to
cover; he reads, glancing up every time anyone en-
ters the room; he gazes indefinitely and uncompre-
hendingly at the book before him, turning the pages
automatically ; and eventually he pulls out his watch,
closes the volume with a snap, and departs with ar
clear conscience. His work is done ; he has spent an
hour with the assignment before him.
"Genius," it has, well been said, "is nine-tenths the
capacity for work," and certainly the average col-
lege student needs some such definition, some basis
on which to ground himself in seeking the ultimate
attainment of the capacity which makes for suc-
cess. An hour spent in leisurely dreaming over the
pages 'of an ,open 'textbook does not mean that an
hour has been spent to good advantage. It is only
the time we give to earnest concentration that does
us any real good; and that sort of work means,
first of all, a definite interest in the subject at hand
coupled with a desire to improve' our knowledge ,of
it, and secondly, 'a willingness to devote some real
time and effort toward the securing of that knowl-
edge. Why not make "an hour's work" mean some-
the Telescope

Home-made Candies
and Box Candies
Discount on Box Candies
Phone 166:

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It is hard for an empty
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E n e rgine =
Long ago replaced all other solvents
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Is the only solvent yd can depend
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and besides
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Courteous and satistactory
TRUATMENT to every custom-
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The Ann Arbor avnganka
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Capital and Surplus, $625,000.00
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handsomecase. O
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"Drink to me only with thine eyes,"
He sings; but sadly thinks,
As he only sees her Sunday nights,
"It's a long time between drinks."


x, -

III Wll llr l Il rl I I I Il l l rll I 11 1 r ir

Dear Noah:
Who is the originator of the song, "There'll Be a
Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight"?
Pen Elope.
If we remember our Roman history correctly, it
was Nero who composed this famous 'song.
Saturday's Free Press carried a story abotut the
Swiss insurance companies charging higher pre-
miums for life insurance on girls who wear sort
At this rate, we've seen quite a few girl f Lteiy
to whom even Lloyds wouldn't issue a policy Yor
any money.
It was only at the earnest request of several bi
men on the campus and of the editor of the 'Ensiai
that we wereprevailed upon to relate This little in
'I'he .other night when we were up at our gil
house she began as usual to tell us how good her ad
is. And after she finally finished telling what an
Apollo he is for looks we felt about as much at home
as an athlete at a Phi Beta Kappa convention. Fhe
finally wound up her eulogy by saying:
"And do you know, Jack, lots of people tell n.e
that I look just like my father; that my eyes are ex-
actly like his."
"Well,' we rejoined in our best village cutupish
manner,; "you might even say you're pop-eyed, eh?
No, dear reader, we didn't even wait for her dad
to put the cat out that night.


,, _;

1 --V

W eara. Wagner Suit
home for vacation
Hand Tailored by Hirsh-Wickwire
or Hickey-Freeman
Designed for Young Men
- fifty dollars -

v YO1
for kn
ring fc

iowledge, his scramble for
or .recognition, the college
a vital and necessary phase
of today. He elects his-

Famous Closing Lines
"Powder is bad for the complexion," muttered
the little boy as the toy cannon backfired on him.


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