85; 1 'D' 5krAl Daitbj DAY -W A M AAnP MTVIITCtTaIA T T 'T~T~Th AV 7APPTT. 151'17. E1V V AttSJtI. 1'.Lg Y1.,dJ.l'.ZA2.. J.U L~dsJJ. L 1 L,.J J I7JL I ____________________________________ K ER NYMSPlayers ClubmOER.WLLoO__BuHIllEWCIYiHn See Three Plays E (By a stagy Correspondent) -NIT R RTreasurers of the senior and Carlif, Nev., April 4.-Michi F Three~of Lady Gregory's plays will freshman lay, the junior and gn's track' team' en route to F11 i be presented by the members of the sophomore medic, the junior and Berkeley for a dual meet with Players club at their next meeting at "Top o' th' Moruin' to Take Longest freshman architects, the senior, Cellfornta Saturday, took advant- IflI A o'clock Wednesday evening, in Sara hRoadTrip in History sophomore, and freshman dental, age of a 5 minute stop Sunday N Caswell Angell hall. of Opera the junior homoeopathic, and afternoon at Cheyenne, and put "HELD MORALLrY BOUN'TO MARE The three plays are: "The Spread- Oprthe junior and sophomore phar- en running shoes and limbered up. CITY RESULTS SHOW F m g, of the News", "The Workhouse HIER RAILROAD FARES ADD mic classes have not yet paid the A group picture of the squad was aAS POSSIBLE Mrd", and "The Rising of the TO COST OF VACATION JAUNT student council assessment for taken there by a Cheyenne news-. PROPOSAL Moon". All of these plays have been the year 1920-1921. Payment 'paper photographer. produced and directed by student should be made immediately to Waking up in Ogden this morn- OBLIGATION ADMITTED members of the Players club. "Top o' th' Mornin " will begin its the council treasurer, Thornton ing, the men found theniselves in LEWIS ELECTED N IN BERLIN MESSAGE These plays are for members of the road tour next Friday, when the spe- W. Sargent, Jr., at '512 South the beautiful valley, which is sur- WITH ALL'CITY v - club and their invited guests. Mem- iial train which will carry cast and State street. rounded by snow peaked mn- bers who expect to attend should get chorus, orchestra, committeemen, talus. While crussing the 30 mile Warm Weather Briigs O Solution of Problem o tickets for themselves and their gusts stage hands, authors, directors and a trestle over the Great Salt Lake, Breaking Spring Ele at Wahr's not later than Wednesay faculty representative, pulls out of the waves splashed over the train,blot Payment noon. There is no charge for these station at 1:20 o'clock in the after- and shortly after this a heavy ticlkets. noon, railroad time, westbound. Bag- snow storm was encountered. tiBABted Press) stomwas____thisaced.with a total vote that ex By ssociated Pr___)_gage and stage scenery will be trans- Every member of the squad is Washington, April 4, - Paraphrases ported on the train's baggage car. In ine shape, and the most used records for spring electios of the informal exchanges' between Passenger accommodations will be in expression is "When do we eat." charter for municipal gover the German 'and American govern- EN U F VlSLKLuthree Pullmans. VanOrden seems to have gained overwhelmingly defeated in ments regarding reparation, in which . Y. The gpera plays at Battle Creek 10 pounds, each tek eman As- lection yesterday and G. the United States holds Germany Friday night, Jackson Saturday, Pon- J. L. JonesLa Leader, Here to serts.. The championship of the wasJected myor by I "morally bound to make' reparation' 111 , I tiac Monday, Port Huron Tuesday,',. Ges aborL ere o obridgevDotrnament which has beend . n IVrs1bpsi ,Le a Bay City Wednesday, Saginaw Thurs-v cials, to whim there was sofra{hyb osbe eemdU Ii It i Get American Workers' Boycott rigouraet hih sbe candidate. The list of ufaux pu'blic today at th'e state department. i day, Flint Friday, and in Orchestra of English Shipping fiercgly contested se sleaving s Describing the German communica- Employes and Owners Take Steps to hall,Detroit,SaturdaySAYS SITUATION IS BATTLE FO and larry Butler, although their ted, came through tion as an "unequivocal expression" Adjust Problem; "Warfield" Expenses will .be considerably high- NATIONALIZATION OF MINES claim is contested by Coach Steve r Lewis, the Republi of the recognition of that obligation, Plan Favored er than last year, the railroad fare llarrell and Dick Losch. the American reply expresses the hope' -item alone showing a 50 per 'cent in- The team arrives in Berkeley date, took four out of thea that the renwed negotiations which NO SETTLEMENT SOLELY AT crease, from $2,400 to $3,600. The (By Associated Pri ess) :cts4by large majorities, New YorkeaseApril 24.-John$3,Lewisheat 7:40 o'lok Te day morning, odn i vno h e Germany says it plans to initiate, WORKERS' EXPENSE, WARNING trip will require eight days, begin- Jones, British labor leader, declared ing to pile up votes enougl "may lead to a prompt settlement nmg Friday, April 8, and ending Sat-syy whc.il "tthe same ime -satisfy i;g n a statement issued here today that lmt~ oi~ nir victory. The final figues, th caims o the Allie ad (By Associated Press) urday, April 16, the longest i opera he intended to enlist support of Am- Mrs Lewis' majority is give the just claims of the Allies and per- New York, April 4.-The national history erican workers in efforts of striking are not official, as the ball mit Germany to hopefully renew Its association -of owners of railroads se British miners to "ntionalize the ' sent voters have not been c productive activitiesGton communi- curities, reprqsentatives of the "Big mines, placing them under the direct Lbut there will not be any Icludd n , hesGgetmn thatthe nl Four" railroad brotherhood, theshop- Mcentral of the miners. change in the ,total. teheparation problem is rafts and telegraphers took today -Jones, who is a representative of MISS BARTELME STRESSES NEED It was on the charter rot in an internati ai loan, in favor of steps to bring about an adjustment of IUNSbTIuthe triple alliance of Great Britain FOR PARENTAL CARE AND biggest upset occurred, for l an m-favo-ftI4e present railroad situation, which which comprises the combined union GOOD HOMES , supporters expected majorid whicho the rAlliesandassociatedgApo was declared to be "destriuctive and organizations of miners, railroad men, --Itin the firstsecondi erwu avethe gral morte impossible. DEAN BATES TO BE PRINCIPAL and transport workers, declared he -ollege men and women who go in- and fifth wards, the sxthuan on; !German asmensandcwomendwhobyo in- andufifthPwardsathesCxthma tron ernases create th e- Solution Practicable, Claim SPEAKER AT, FACULTY had information that British railway to social work must always consider were thought to be so strol trto f ersailles.rn ts ai cnl . After an all day conference, S. Day- DINNER men and transport workers would the circumstances which surround the favor that the lead would be "t tod the Gema gon me t les Warfield, president of the assoca- ,_join the miners in their strike within lives of the poor," said Miss Mary M. The overwhelming opposit oltino be u intassue the- tion, and Warren S Stone, grand chief 48 hours. Bartelme assistant to the judge of the second ward and the faili oiation of the intresdt o the orof the Brotherhood of Locomotive En-schPoI, Dean Hey tes ofp theaw "The labor situation in England juvenile court of Cook county, Ill., in seventh to bring more than tization of the foreign debts. of the school, will be the' principal speaker Allied and associated powers gineers, spokesmen for the railroad today," he declared, "does not involve her address Sunday evening at, the jority resulted in defeat by : Ale"adascae oeswithin epoe najitsaeet adat the Senior-Faculty Law dinner at mployesin joint statement, said6:15 o'clock tonight in room 318 of any question of hours or wages, but Union services in Hill auditorium, nearly 1,100, 6,482 votes bel Thee American re l makes no ref- that both sides. 'feel convinced that other interesting solely a battle to nationalize the "We must know ourselves to be our Returns on the soldiers dThe aofAericanreply msae orfan soluion'inth einmeveanthe.neetn erences either to the propsed consoli- a oun racticable and through etrsarprmsdfrtevn-mines." brotherts keeper, we must think of Burns park propositions wt dation of Allied debts as a German proper co-operation between all part- Ig' eater rised fo hee- He said propaganda would be spread ourselves as our brother's keeper, and plete but, as far as could les in interest and governmental in this country urging American min- we must at the part of our brother's mined, both will have a obligation or the, suggestion for the "1mldt e h rda eia deteriation by unbasesd exprt oagencies charged with the responsi- "i'm glad to see the gradual revival ers and transport workers to aid in keeper," was her' conclusion., lead. determination by unbiased experts of bility in these matters there should of the old custom of these law din- boycotting British shipping here. Miss Bartelme blamed lack of pa- the ability of Germany to pay. 'be avoided any further delay in ad- ners," said Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, of rental care for the large number of rn 'usting this situation." the Law school, yesterday. "It's been cases of delinquency in the cities. She TO T While the statement did not set forth 10 ye'ars or more now since they ve claimed that many parents look uponRS M any plan to be pressed in the next had them," he continued. "Years ago their children as'financial assets, and - congress, it is understood that the when I was in the school, we had an- put them to work as soon as they are DECLARES RADICAL labor leaders were favorable to the nual class banquets every year, notaA beyond school age. The conditions in SPONSORED "CO IT "Warfield"r plan of railroad control only in the seiior but in the first and .A the home, including lack of a place ONEHUNDRED" which has been proposed by the Se- second years as well. They were to entertain friends and indifference - trigl ty interesting and worth while Detroit, April 4.--The first returnstoeeranfidsndnifrnc J. E. Sweeney, '03L, secretary of the curity Owners association. o1 opbosition from parents are also Editor, The Michigan Daily: Associated Employer' association of PlanOutlined affairs. At the start all the banquets to be reported from today's election potent factors, according to Miss Bar- With respect to the rem Detroit, will speak at 8 o'clock Thurs- This plan submitted by Mr. Warfield were held at the Allene hotel, it wa' seem to bear out a survey of senti- telme. She explained that these prob- so-called Committee of One day evening, in Natural Science audi- to the interstate commerce commis- known then as Cook's hotel. Each. ment during the polling hours of the lems are being met by forming This "cgmmittee" never I torium; on the suliject, "The Ameri sion at Washington last month pro- year the classes seemed more anxious bonus proposal in which the chief in, "clubs", which house from 15 to 20 standing and received n oif can Plan of Employreift". The talk vides for a national railroad service to outdo each other with the result terest centered. This survey had in- will be gven under the auspices of the (Continued on Page Eight) that in a few years we were having dicated the constitutional amendment ur these vision o the tonk was atprj". - (Contiued o Page ight}court. "These clubs' attempt to gveYork weekly, "Nation". " Commerce club. dinners at Whitmore Lake. That was- would carry by a substantial margin. the girls the advantages of home life Formerly the "Nation" w Mr. Sweeney's association rere- Wa n't so bad, but things seemed to be At 9 o'clock no precinct in De- which they would' not otherwise nal of good judgment. Iu 'say movingthe saiddMisotBa t e rwsa f g o u g et .x sents 296 firms and companies in De- I iri gmoving toward an even greater at- troit had reported, the polls having three' years it has been di troit, most of them engaged in menu- tempt to given 'real banquets'. remained open until 8 p. m. and vot-a"Deep River" and "Nbody K wsmany of the men whouse facturing, with an employing strength r u aO danoes "One year, I remember it well, we Ing being extremely heavy' during the the Trdble I've Seen" were' the se- its contents, and, apparentl of 160,000. men. Their influence ex-=- had a banquet in Toledo at some big final hours. - lections rendered by the Giirls" Glee of its former subscribers. tends beyond their establishments, i- Once more the soft flap of the paint hotel there. Then, shortly after that, The first 60 precincts to report on club under Miss Nora Crane Hunt, di- their opinion, rapidly beco to practically every department of 'n- brush is heard, and once more the several banquets were held in De- the soldiers bonus proposal tonight rector. Mr. William Wheeler, of the the radical, "parlor bolshei deavor, so that of 384,000 working peo- odor of varnish is wafted upon the troit. They were all right, but the gave a favorable margin of more than School of Music, sang "My Hope Is in lies. ple, the trade unions are conceded to breeze. Sounds of hammering smite inevitable happened: they fell over 4,000 votes. These precincts includ- the Everlasting".ped War have a strength of not nore than 50,- the ear. 'from their own weight. I can only ing 4 frgm Wayne county, 21 in Are- Rev. Dr. Henry Tatlock, rector of St. It opposed our entry int 000 members. The canoe season is with us again, hope that the old custom will gradu- nat, Adrian city complete and a few Andrew s Episcopal church, gave the It also opposed conscriptio The American plan of employment, Along the dock many a trusty ship ally come back again, but in a milder, scattering in Aloona, and Hough- invocation and read the scripture. ored ending the war without as held by Mr. Sweeney and the as- bearing some bizarre name is receiv- saner way than in those 'good old days' Aon.The figures were For 6,656; George 0. Brophy Jr. '22L, was the Germany. It opposed any sociation, is that every employe should ing its new spring dress of brilliant of old'. "A t 2,55. rpresiding officer. Germany defeated. It const ported___on__tate '.s. oprecinct had re - ed toward sympathy with' have the freedom of choosing when he green, vermillion, or royal blue, and ' ported on state's offices.e oadsmptywt shall work and for whom he shall on every hand students may be seen LAW REVIEW WILL A report came from Aleona county LEWIS SPEAKER AT Now' it urges the independe work. It contrasts strongly with the getting the old cruiser In shape for BE OUT TW NMARRY Vfduno Cila wt3,rulprinsgae9 vote FOR UM W EDNESDAY If. during our civil war, WE-~~ U uus auaagam ,''~ nls~rFeihrdcl dictates to the men. At the .=same For the past 10 days the boat house was considered particularly English or French radicals . . report JaesaamltooLeiswileseakat aknattivesugaeaheloy time, the American plan does not bar has been open but the weather condi- "'Watered Stock'- Commissions - significant inasmuch as the support- James Hamilton Lewis will speak at taken to investigate thedos union employes from open shops. It tions have not greatly favored this 'Blue Sky Laws'-Stock Without Par es of the *bonus had expected rural the fourthmeeting of the World for- Con or Grant or Sherma, seeks rather to' give perfect freedom branch of the aquatic sports until yes- Value," is the title of the leadin ar- districts to register heaviest' opsi- um 'at 7 o'clock Wednesday night in summoned these men to ap of choice to employe and employer. terday. It is hoped now with the tile in the April number of the Law tion Lane hall on the subject, "Citizens it, the American people w That the plan has met with success passing of March that climatic condi- Review which comes out tomokrow. In Houghton county the first 2 pre- of the New World". treated such a "committee" in Detroit is evidenced by the fact that tions will permit a fuller enjoyment of The article was written by William " "'Mr. Lewis will give'-a resume of tempt and, anger. Detroit compares favorably as re- the gentle art of canoeing and predic- W. Cook, grad., of New York Ci/. Mr. 244 o "against" 48 world missions, accompanying his lec- Neither the British nor I g'ards indusrial Ieace with many oth- tions are made that shortly after Cook was the donor of the Martha ture by stereoptican pictures of mis- can government had anyt er cities where closed £hop conditions spring vacation it will 'be in full Cook dormitory to the Univer.ored fo Ottaa cunty's t sion work in many countries. He has with this "committee". It prevail. The building lines were swing. is also the author of one ofsy best uad n ast unanmous taken niost of the pictures himself. timony from Irish Sinn F read roubld unil th orgnizaton Areadythoneivofionhearbesthehad been cast for the bonus. greatly troubled until the organization Already that diversion dear to the known text books of today or corpor- "_At the present time Mr. Lewis is Irish-American extremists. of the associated industries. heart of every ardent canoeist, that of ation law. AEcandidate secretary for the Methodist carries no weight with ti Mr. Sweeney is said to :be an able letting the canoe turn over while sit- Other features of the cur ent issue Board of Foreign Missions. He spent formed. It will merely n exponent o the plan and will explain ting therein, has started. Yesterday are "Rent Regulations Under Police RESERVE MEN TOMORROW three years in China as secretary of simple., it in detail in his talk. four paddlers took a rather prema- Power," by Alan W. Boyd, 1L, "De- the late Bishop Brashford. Since then Defies Law ture swim and it is regretted that one parture flom Prescedent," Prof. H. There will be a lecture for all of- die has devoted considerable time The Irish people are part Burton Able to be Outof-Doors of the pair insisted upon taking their W. Humble, of the Law sc ool of the ficers and men of the naval reserve studying conditions in other countries of the protection o lan b President Marion L. Burton- was well-filled lunch basket wth them. University of Kansas, and "The His- force on the subject of radio at 7:30 as well as in China. Sinn Feners have defied tb able to be out-of-doors Sunday after- tory of Michigan Constitutional Pro- o'clock tomorrow evening in room 243, 'The World forum Is being held un- tried to overthrow it, The noon for the firsttime since he was Pof. Whipple Chosen Editor of Paper vision Prohibiting a Gene I Revision Engineering building. This is con- der the supervision of the-World Serv- the status of beligerents be taken sick with pneumonia four Prof' G. M. Whipple, of the educa- of the Laws," by W. L. 1,ks, of Port trary to posters on the campus which ice department of the S. V. A., of are not able to carry on a weeks ago. It 'ill probably be anoth- tional department, has been selected Huron. say that the meeting will be held to- which Roswell Dillon, '21E, to chair- terest ones are trying to er week yet before'he returns to his as a member of the board of editors of The usual department of "Note and night. man. The lectures are followed by the established government office, and for the present no further the Journal of Educational Research. Comment," "Recent Im ortant Decis- The committee in charge of the lec- open discussions. ination, arson, and terror. speaking engagements are being ac- B. R. Buckingham, of Illinois, is the ions," and "Book Revi'wss" comprise ture is especially interested in having Mn. Lewis is not the former senator The principal resuits o: canted dr him. manrine ditoAr. th1 ane .' t asmany naval me nmisa +an frnm Tllinois (Contined on Paze :