THE WEATHER PROBABLY .SHOWERS; COOLER TODAY Liet ikan 4:Iaitu ASSOJCIATED PRESS DAY AND NIGHT 'TIRE SERVICE VOL. XXXI. No. 13. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1920. PRICE FIVE CENTS BRITAIN FAED BY CESSTION OF ALL COAL OPERATIONS STRIKE TO TAE PRECEDENT OVER IRISH HOME RULE QUESTION ALL PARTIES AWAITING DISCUSSION IN HOUSE Unconfirmed Report That Government Intends to Offer Miners Comproinise (By Associated Press) London, Oct. 18.-The cessation of coal mining throughout the country seems to be complete for although the miners in some districts appear to have entered the strike in a half hearted manner there is no sign yet of any break in the ranks of the men, * and consequently the dislocation of the country's industries is becoming wide- spread. No Indication of Agreement Nor is there indication of any me- diation growing out of today's con- ferences, all parties apparently await- ing the reassembling of Parliament tomorrow, when it is expected the dis- cussion of the strike will displace the Irish home rule bill which was the first scheduled business for the House of Commons. Government May Offer Advance There is an unconfirmed report to- night that the government intends to offer the miners a compromise of one shilling per shift advance, provided they accept submission of the whole dispute to an independent tribunal. ADISER LISTMAILED Names of Freshmen to Be Distributed Among 425 Mentors Upperclass advisors will receive the lists of the freshmen they are to "big brother" either today or tomorrow, ac- cording to Albert C. Jacobs, '21, chairman of the mentor committee. The names of more than 1,700 first year men are included in the lists, and these are to be divided among 425 Juniors and seniors. Officials in charge of the movement are anxious to have the co-operation of all the upperclassmen who have been selected to carry on the work of setting the freshmen right. They ex- pect the mentors to get in touch with their respective charges by Nov. 1 at the latest. Concerning the duty of the advis- ors, Jacobs said yesterday: "The mat- ter rests with the mentors no. We have planned the movement and set it going; they must make it successful. We do not expect too much; but no one is too bsy to spend an hour now and then to make the new men ac- quainted with the University. A short talk or a trip to the movies every two weeks or so will do the work." Some member of the committee will be on duty every day from 3 to 4 o'clock in the student activities room of the Union to answer any Wjestions that may arise. DEMOCRATS SET OCT. 24 AS LEAGUE OF NATIONS DAY October 24 is to be observed throughout the United States as League of Nations day under the au- spices of the national Democratic par- tv. A special committee has been A ,nted to arrange for the observ- of the day, with headquarters at the Hotel Murral Hill in New York City. CLASS ELECTIONS Senior lits will meet at 3 o'clock this afternoon in Mason hall to nominate class officers. Junior lits will meet for same purpose at 4 o'clock in Mason hall. Junior engineers will meet at 5 o'clock in room 348, Engin- eering building. The Student council requests a full attendance. Shuter Plans To Give Stagecraft SCourse To Aid Student Shakspeares TO FACULTY MEMBERS Any membe'r of the faculty who is not receiving his Mich- igan Daily in accordance with Mr. O. L. Buhr's notice appear- ing today's Daily Official Bul- letin should communicate with the Daily office, either in preson, in writing, or by phoning 960. Those who have not filled out the blank form should do so im- mediately. BURTON AOOESE AL9L WOM EN TODA Women's League Will Hold Reception in Barbour Gym After Talk MRS. BURTON AND DEAN JORDAN IN RECEIVING LINE President Marion L. Burton will ad- dress the women of all schools and colleges of the University, faculty wives, town women, and nurses at 3:45 o'clock this afternoo in Hill auditorium. Marguerite Clark, '21, president of the Women's league, will conduct the meeting, and the singing wil be led by the Girls' Glee club. Following the meeting the Wom- en's league will give a reception for members of the league, both student and alumnae, to meet President Bur- ton and Mrs. Burton, Dean Myra B. Jordan, Marguerite Chapin, '20, as- sistant to the Dean, and the advisory committee. The reception will be held in Barbour gymnasium, and will mark the formal opening of the Wom- en's league for the year. The committees arranging for the meeting and reception are in charge of Theodosia Burton, '21, Olga John- son, '21, Gretchen Waltzer, '23, Char- lotte Shurz, '23, and Martha See- ley, '21. Glee Club lien Mleet Tomorrow In an effort to clear up some of the difficulties that have appeared inciden- tal to the action of the Glee and Man- dolin club in placing itself under Unon auspices, members of the or- ganization will meet at 7:15 o'clock Wednesday evening in the musical ac- tivities room of the Union. R. A. Campbell, treasurer of the University, who acted as faculty rep- resentative for the club last year, has called the meeting. All men who went on the coast trip last year are expected to attend. The Glee and Mandolin club, in conjunction with the Union, is plan- ning some innovations for this year's program. Announcement of details has been withheld pending the ap- proval of the Board in Control of Stu- dent Affairs. The feature of the club's program of 1919-1920 was the 17 day trip to the Pacific coast and the southwest. Arrangements for holding try-outs will be completed soon, it is expect- ed, and efforts are being made to start these trials this week. SWEDISH GEOLOGIST VISITS ANN ARBOR To Reduce Geological Timfe to Years Is Mission of Baron De Geer Baron De Geer, the famous Swed- ish geologist, is visiting in Ann Ar- bor, in connection with his work as head of the geological expedition to America. The baron is the most dis- tinguished geologist in Sweden, and one of the- foremost in the world. His task with the Scandinavian- American foundation is the reduction of geological time to years, a task which previous to this time has never been accomplished. He started work in this field in 1878, and has evolved a very techni- cal method, so that at the present there is no geologist in America com- petent to take up this work. Today the baron is in Toledo look- (Continued on page Eight) Play Writing, Acting, Stage Dancing and Scenery Construction Will be Taken up To encourage the writing of plays and especially to aid students in writ- ing Michigan opera books, a course in stagecraft will be given under the au- spices of the Union by E. Mortimer Shuter, director of the Union opera. Play writing, acting, the fundamentals of stage dancing, and segnery con- struction will be included in the course which will be open to all stu- dents of the University. There will be separate classes for men and women. Opens Next Week The opening of the course has been set for next week, to continue until May. There will be one hour lecture each week by Mr. Shuter at the Un- ion. Outside reading to supplement the lectures will be assigned by the director, and will not require more than two or three hours a week. Criticism by Mr. Shuter of the stu- dents' work will be one of the features of the course. Those who enroll will be given practical experience in all departments of stage craft. A series of one-act plays, and possibly a three- act play, written by students, will be given at the Whitney theater next May by members of the class. "It is the aim of this cpurse to teach the student what acting drama really is, the difference between writ- ing a story and making a play, the scenario, types of character, customs, terms and conditions in a theater, stage dancing, general scene construc- tion, and in short to give a practical and general idea of stagecraft," said Mr. Shuter yesterday. Planned Last Year The course was to have been start- ed last year but circumstances would not permit Mr. Shuter to be here. This year he has given up outside work in New York and other cities, and re- fused an offer at the University of Chicago, in order to be here. Tui- tion will be a nominal sum. Mr. Shut- er will be in his office, room 308 in the Union, daily from 10:30 to 12:30 o'clock in the forenoon and from 2:30 to 5:30 o'clock in the afternoon, to talk with those who wish to enroll. He urges students to see him at once because work will commence next week GABILOIWITSCH TD OPEN CONCERT SEIES TONIGHT Ossip Gabrilowitsch of Detroit Sym- phony orchestra fame will open the second series of the Matinee Musical concert course with an all Chopin piano concert at 8 o'clock tonight in Pattengill auditorium. Mr. Gabrilo- witsch's fame is not confined entirely to conducting the Detroit Symphony. He is renowned the world over as the greatest pianist of- the Russian school. His magnetic personality coupled with his artistic Interpreta- tions and technique have served him well in earning these laurels. As an interpreter of Chopin Gabrilowitsch is unsurpassed. The program follows: Ballade, A flat major Op. 48. Etude, E major, Op. 10, No. 3. Sonata, B flat minor, Op. 35. Grave-Doppio movemento. Scherzo, Marcia Funebre, Presto. Intermission Twelve preludes, Op. 28. Nocturne, G -major, Op. 37. Tartanelle, A flat major. "MODERN CIVILIZATION REJECTS CHRISTIANITY"-REV. DONOHUE "It is not Christianity that has fail- ed; it is that civilization has rejected Christianity and its teachings," said Rev. James W. Donahue, of the Uni- versity of Notre Dame in his lecture, "Is Christianity a Failure?" given last night at the St. Thomas Catholic church. The lecture is the first of a series to be given this week. Reverend Donahue continued to say that the two main doctrines of Chris- tianity, the fatherhood of God and the divinity of Christ, have been rejected both in theory and in practice by mod- ern civilization. He stated further that universities in some European countries rejected absolutely the the- ories of the faith and that American universities, while upholding the the- ories to some degree, nearly all re- jecteJ the practice. RULE GUARANTEES GOET' EIGIBILITY Case of Michigan Man Not Similar to That of Elton and Reber, Chicago Players STAR TACKLE DID NOT ENTER OTHER SPORTS OF 1918 SEASON No question is being raised as to the eligibility of Capt. Angus Goetz, star tackle of the Michigan eleven, for there is no similarity between the cas- es of the Wolverine leader and the two Chicago players, Elton and Re- ber, who have been ruled out by the Conference committee. Inasmuch as Goetz did not partici- pate in any other athletics after the S. A. T. C. period, which is the fall that the Conference decided would not count against the athletes, the en- tire year of 1918-1919 is thrown out for him. On the other hand Elton played baseball and Reber was on the Chicago track team, and the year of 1918-1919 therefore counts for them, according to the interpretation of the committee. The Chicago officials, however, do not believe that' the committee in- terpretation is correct, and are conse- quently protesting the decision, which will deprive them of two star play- ers. According to the Maroons, the case is similar to that of Captain Weston of the Wisconsin team. Not Three Years In the fall of 1918 Weston was in the army, where he played football, but on his return to Wisconsin, he played with the basketball team. If his case were judged in the same light as the Chicago men, the year of basketball would cut him from the Badger team, but the officials decided that, inasmuch as he was in the army that year, he could participate in Con- ference athletics until the second se- mester, which will then make his three years. The only difference between the Chicago men and Weston is that El- ton and Reber played in a college war camp-Weston in an army camp. Upon this hinges the committee's in- terpretation, and it would seem that the contention of the Chicago coaches is correct, for Elton and Reber's par- ticipation in the spring of 1919 should count against them no more than should Weston's. Season of '18 Does Not Count Illinois claims that if the Confer- ence counts Elton and Reber eligi- ble, Captain Kopp of last year's team will be able to play. Kopp is in the same position as the Chicago men, for he was on the Illini baseball team. In the case of Goetz there is noth- ing that can be held against him, in- asmuch as he took part in no other sport than football. The Conference ruling specifically states the sea- son of 1918 in football shall not count, and for this reason Goetz is technically entering upon only his third year of intercollegiate football competition, although this will make his fourth year of actual play. firs. Ilooth Talks On Prison Life "To get down to the individual prisoner, to touch the human soul." This is the purpose of Mrs. Maud Ballington Booth, little mother of the prisoners, who addressed an audi- ence of approximately 350 people last night in Hill auditorium. "When I come to the public straight from the prison walls I see behind me one mass of faces. I belong to that great world. To me it has always been a source of great happiness that even in prison we can be conscious of a bright future," said Mrs. Booth. "I have never met a prisoner who was not dreaming of his day of free- dom. I believe in all the humane measures, great liberty, and in doing away with strikes, the lockstep, sil- ence, and all the torturous instititu- tions of the past." Mrs. Booth said that Michigan greatly needs a new state prison, one in the country. She does not approve of city prisons beacuse they do not have enough acreage.- It was the work of Mrs. Booth and her husband to organize the Volunt- eers of America after they left the (Continued on page Eight) "MAKE PLANS FOR FUTURV AT ONCE" -PRESIDENT BURTON Declaring it the duty of every fresh- man to make plans at once for the future, and then go forward to the realization of those plans, President Marion L. Burton gave his initial talk before the class of 1924 yesterday aft- ernoon in Hill auditorium. The President began his talk by naming three types of first year men always present in a university: the serious type, the obtuse type, who never hears anything, and the man or woman who believes that because certain of his predecessors hadsome- thing to do with the university, that they have special privileges. "I see before me," said the Presi- dent, "great possibilities in regard to making this University a better uni-. versity. To accomplish this each freshman here must choose the right way of living. The way of making a plan, and then working toward the realization of that plan. "In Africa, there are millions who contribute nothing to the civilization of the world. China has never made the contribution that other nations have made. The present greatness of America lies in the plans, the hopes, and the ideals of its founders. "Are there plans by which a man may guide his life in the right chan- nels? Yes, and there is no room in the world today for the man who is not dreaming of plans by which he may become bigger and better. He is alive who is developing and grow- ing. Nations which count place every- thing they have at the disposal of something worth while. 'Will you, as a man, give all you have to make the world all that it may be? Are you going to drift or plan? Winners are those who have striven." VARIOUS CLSSES IN THROES Of ELECTIONS Amid confusion, the freshmen lits nominated their class officers yester- day afternoon in Hill auditorium. The freshmen nominees for pres- ident are: Donald W. Steketee and Harry Kipke; for vice-president, Edith Barker and Mary Hayes; for secre- tary, Dorothy Rockwell and Mary Hause; for treasurer, Robert Wilkins and W. Baker. Meetings of the senior lits at 3 and the junior lits at 4 o'clock this afternoon will be held in room 205 Mason hall for the purpose of nomin- ating their officers. The sophomore lits will meet at 3 o'clock on Wednes- day in room 205 Mason hall for their nominations. Lit elections will be by ballot next week in University hall booth on days to be announced. {- Engineers Fail to Turn Out Due to the failure of the senior engineers to turn out for their meet- ing yesterday afternoon, the schedule of meetings for nominations in the engineering college have been com- pletely changed and will now be as follows: Junior engineers will meet at 5 o'clock today in room 348 of the Eng- ineering building. Fresh engineers will meet at 11 o'clock on Wednesday in the auditorium of University hall. The sophomores will meet at 5 o'clock on Wednesday in room 348 of the Engineering building and the seniors at 5 o'clock on Thursday in the same room. Owing to the fact that it is unconsti- (Continued on page Eight) R.. O. T. C. WILL SHOW MOVIES WEDNESDAY With a special invitation extended to freshmen, the R. O. T. C. club has announced that at 7:30 o'clock Wed- nesday evening a meeting will be held in the Natural Science auditorium. Four reels of motion pictures will be shown. Two of these reels show Michigan men of the R. O. 11. C. in training at Fortress Monroe, Va., while the other two arepictures taken of sections of the American Expeditionary force in action. Although 'a short business meeting will follow the showing of the films, the aim of the gathering is partly to awaken interest on the campus in the work of the R. O. T. C. of the Univer- sity, and to that end the meeting is to be open to everyone.. HAR1DING ASWR PRESIDENT WILSO ON FRENCH AFlFIR LETTER TO REPUBLICAN CANDI- DATE STARTS SENSATION IN CAPITAL ALSO QUESTIONS PARIS ON INFORMAL PROPOSAL Nominee Says "Words Cannot Be Construed Save That French Government Sent Anyone" (By Associated Press) MarIon, Oct. 18.-Replying to an in- quiry of President Wilson, Senator Harding wrote the White House to- night that although France had sent a "spokesman" to him informally asking him to lead the way for .an association of nations, the incident had not involved the French govern- ment in any violation of international proprieties. Senator Conveys French Thought The senator declared that by his reference to the subject in a speech at Greencastle, Indiana, recently, he had only sought to convey the thought they had brought to him; those who spoke a sentiment which they repre- sented to be very manifest among the French people. He added that his words "could not be construed save that the French government had sent anybody to me." More Than Private Citizen - Referring to Mr. Wilson's sugges- tion of imprbprety n a foreign na- tion approaching a "private citizen" on such a subject, Senator Harding pointed out that he is a member of the foreign relations committee as well as a nominee for the presidency, and suggested that "an informal expres- sion to me is rather more than that to a private citizen." Washington, Oct. 18.-- President Wilson took steps today to ascertain whether the French government had given authority to "a representative of France" to approach Senator Hard- ing "informally" with the request that the Republican presidential noiinee take the lead in the formation of an. association of nations. At the same time the White House made public the text of a letter ad- dressed to Senator Harding by Presi- dent Wilson, inquiring as to the cor- rectness of a statement attributed to the senator, in which the candidate was quoted as having said he had been approached. Neither officials at the White House nor the state department would com- ment on the nature of the inquiry di- rected at the French government. The president's letter created what was probably the biggest political sensation of the campaign in the capital. GRAND JURY AFTER FIXERS 1919 SERIFS (By Associated Press) Chicago, Oct. 18.-The Cook county grand jury, investigating the baseball scandal does not expect further testi- mony implicating major league play- ers in gambling and "throwing" games. They will devote their further operations to securing elidence against the men who are alleged to have "fixed" the 1919 world series, by bribing Chicago American league players to lose games to Cincinnati, according to Hartley Replogle, pros- ecutor in charge of the inquiry. "Further indictments might be brought against major league play- ers, however, on the strength of evid- ence already received," declared Rep- logle. It was also planned he said to look further into baseball pools, which are said to have flourished in a number of major league cities. FOOTBALL TICKETS? Tickets for the Illinois gams- will be placed on general sale at 9 o'clock this morning. Ac- cording to the athletic office, only a limited number of tick- ets are left. I. ,1 lk I