1 La"I"'#iL : 4 ..- - . - :.r CUP reshman basketball team have arded the silver loving cup as t of their victory over the >res for final championship y night. ame started off with the soph- in the lead and a determined1 of freshmen at their heels. les fought eyery minute, show- andid team work. The first .ed with a score of 15 to 22,, the n in the lead. e beginning of the second half, iomores made a sudden spurt, g several baskets in succes- hen the freshmen made a slow ,dy gain to the end. The final as 26 to 36, a. victory for the class of '24. Both teams were well matched although the sophomores were at a slight disadvantage with tWo' of their regulars unable to play. QUESTION OF CHINESE STUDENTS ANSWERED "Why do we believe in God!?" will1 be the theme upon which Leonard A. Barrett will speak in the Presbyterian Church, Sunday morning, at 10:30.1 This is the second question asked by1 the Chinese students of the University of Chicago and sent in the form of a questionnaire to a number ofrmen in different lines of professional life.- Adv. Let me design and make your Spring Dresses. Mrs. Eugene Crum, Vogue Shoppe, Nickel's Arcade.-Adv. SPECIAL 90c Chicken Dinner, Sun- day, 12 to 2 p. m., Chinese Gardens.- Adv. 'In rry them fo Fre also have Fine C 'llilltlllllll1111111111111H111111111HlIM flllfillIIII11LL Fried Cakes Oh Boy!- r breakfast Mr. Steward :sh Every Day' Creamery Butter and Country Eggs RBOR CREAMERY ,NON & HALLEN. Props. , 2 . Liberty Phone 664 IIIlt l l #1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'i Wtomnen Following the usual custom, the sen- fors will wear their caps and gowns" at the Women'stannual luncheon Sat- urday at Barbour gymnasium. Girls of Helen Newberry residence will entertain a group of faculty mem- bers and their wives at a tea from 4 to 6 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Girls trying out for the indoor meet should take their apparatus examina- tions on Monday and Tuesday, April 4 and 5. Pledges for the Doctor Sargent campaign are due and are pay- able at Newberry hall. Social service workers are needed' at the University, hospital. Anyone wishing to do this work may sign up between 2 and 5 o'clock any afternoon at Newberry hall. Chaperones forthis week' end will be: Saturday night at the Union, Mrs. Mabel E. Cake; at the Armory, Mrs. Yates Adams. Members of the University Girls' Glee club are requested to meet at 11:45 o'clock this morning in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. All -girls who are interested In go- ing to the Geneva Y. W. C. A. con- ference are urged to attend a meeting which will be held at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night in Lane hall. LEAGUE OFFERS VARIED PROGRAM f. b t EANERS DRESSER . 2" r. asmverM ladies Party Gowns a Specialty FINE CUSTOM TAILORING The Quality of our Workmanship is high- er than than Price. Albert Gansle 113 South Main Street Second Floor Ready to Serve .AT AlY TIE open from 11a.m. to 19 p.n. Pot of hot t.a and bowl N.rIo. PLAIN CH OP SU EY 36 CE*TS CHINESE and AMERICAN Style Short Orders Qt5and Tutn o 613=L betw St. E p. ttttttttttt lttt ttttttttttttttttt , tt tttttitttttttt tt ttttttttttO tt t ttttttttt t ttttttt tttttttt r +- r w w w w r r r w w - w y ^ w w r w Quality and Service = w _ r w - w '1- r _ w r w - . r w ° r w w , w ^ W " r r w w r w. - .. , r 49, r ttiiul tutt imnutt utt i [ttututnt"utttntnt tt=ttttttt tunt ntttEUtt ttttrntnittuno i Tru bey Home-made Candies and Box Candies Discount on Box Candies 218 S. MAIN STREET , ,Phone 166 U, a ANN A McKIN 123 W .1 The Tiurkish C1 arete i i We go 6000 miles for the Turkish tobacco used in Murad-Why? Because -Turkish has a taste--Turkish has a midness'-Turkish has a delight-far beyond all cigarette tobaccos of all other lands- Murad gives you real enjoyment, and true delight such as no Tobacco other than 100% Pure Turkish Tobacco can give. Facts.-Facts -FACTS-!i A clever, impromptu v.audeville made up Vf individual stunts took the place of the postponed Mummers' play which was to have been given at the Women's league party yesterday aft- ernoon in Barbour gymnasium. The program arranged by the entertain- ment committee of the league on one day's notice was as follows: Songs by Helen Bailey, '21, a Bowery char- acter song by Ruth Werkheiser, '23, and Sophia Wolezynski, '22, a song and clog.dance from the Junior Girls' play by Christile Murkett, '22, "At the Movies", a recitation by Velma Lee Carter, '24, a cello solo by Avon Rich, '23, and an Italian dialogu* by Lesie Gaylord, '23. Music for the dan6e which followed in the parlors of the building was sup- plied by an orchestra composed of girls. Alumnae House Board Meets Today The board of governors of Alumnae. house v ill meet at 9 o'clock this morn- ing at' that residence. Mrs. Myra Post Cady, '95, of Detroit; Mrs. Caroline Kleinstuck, '75, of Kalamazoo; Miss Nellie. Hayes, '97, Mrs. J. Leslie French, '02, of Toledo; Mrs. J. L. Mark- ley, '92, and Mrs. Myra B. Jordan, '93, of Ann Arbor, will be in attendance at this meeting. Miss Mary F. Minnis, Chiropodist, formerly with Mack and Co., will be at the Saunder's Hair Shop, Tuesday of every week. Phone 2673-M for'rap- pointments.-Adv. 7I Tens of thousands of smokers -tens of thousands of times- have PROVEN this - "Judge for Yourself-1" 20 J6990 A9a rsgFdre Ira and g rt enlhed ' A SHORTER SHORTHAND SYSTEM IN TEN EASY LESSONS This course covers ten easy lessons which will enable the Student, Pro- fessor, Journalist, Doctor, Lawyer or anyone seeking a professional career, to go thru life with 100 per, cent effi- ciency. THIS CdURSE Is short and Inexpensive, and is given with a money back guarantee if not satisfied. Send This Clipping Today Pyramid Press: Publishers 1416 Broadway, New York City Gentlemen: -Encosed herewith is $5.00 for which kindly send me your shorthand course in ten easy lessons by mail. It is understood that at the ena of five days, I am not satisfied my money will be gladly refunded. Name............... Street ........................ City and State............. N O T I C E! Why pay more for your SHOE REPIRING when you can get your shoes repaired for these prices Men's Half Soles.......$1.50 [Goodye(r Rubber Heels ... .60 Leather Heels ...,........ .60 l Soles and Heels.....3.00 Women's Half Soles.....$1.1 Women's Rubber Heels.....50 Women's Leather Heels... .35 We give you your choice of OAK LEATHER, NEOLIN, OR USKIDE SOLES Every Job Guaranteed Get them repaired While - U - Wait H E NRY 0. DITERLE 343 S. Main St. TIME po 4'QUALITY. A Rio that you begin thinking of what you will-plant in your garden. Then come in and let us sell you FERRY'S GARDEN w+.ir+. . " - -- ITS ABOU QUALITY. A~'4L I f I AITHIS LASSIFIECLOSES ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. 1921 S , APRIL, - T W T M FOR RENT WANTEDI 3 10 17 4 11 18 12 19 ,26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1921 F S 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 0 SEED the best that money can buy We also have all kinds of garden Implements ENT - ery pleasant suite.!WANTED - Particulars regaiting on three sides and a porch, renting of a rooming house. Also blocks from campus, 815 East . in market for student furniture. 124-9' Senn particuars to Box H. J. X., Daily Office.,128~ ENT- Large room, for two - or husband and wife, third WANTED-First floor suite furnished 427 E. University. 126b or unfurnished within easy walking distance of campus. Box F. W. P., NT-Part of nice front double Da ly.s B___F._W_P127-3 for men students. Phone --- n. 110 S. Ingalls. 126-3 WANTED-Second hand canoe in good condition. Big one preferred. Write ENT-Single room, for lady; L. R. W.. 510 Cheever St. 126-3 north of campus. 1724-J. 127-- Men: Last season's hats turn- ed inside out, refinished and re- blocked with all new trimmings look just like new, wear just as long and saves you five to ten dollars. We do only high class work.rFactory Hat Store, 617 Packard 'St. Phone 1792. s I FOR SALE AND FOIND 1 FOR SALE-Cheap, a complete set of Michigan Iraw books and cases. Nine n N. Ingalls and 12th go'den oak cases-large size, 2 re- Sigma Kappa pin. with volving cases, large golden oak of- ley on back. Finder flice table. These goods are as good )09. Reward. 126-3 as new. Address, A. E. Richardson, 109 So. Nottowa St., Sturgis, Mich- Sororitypin.'Name igan. 127-2' etween Lane Htill and n campus. Phone 898-,.! FOR SALE-Airdale dog at half price. 126-3 (I Saline, 197-R 22. 128-6 SUGARBOWL HOME M ADE CANDY ABSOLUTELY CLEAN BEST LINE IN THE CITY' EVERYTHINO MADE IN ANN ARBOR LIGHT LUNCHES S QUALITY. *~A* JNO, C, FISCHER CON Up-To The Minute Hardware Wash. Near A1~ain Main Near Wash 4 QUALITY. 0 D -C Erz.. ANN ARBOR SUGAR BOWL i.S ---,-- - FOR SPEED AND QUALITY I ars First Class shoe Repair 1114 South University 4 ONE DAY SERVICE