COLD. I LWj I ittP 1 JASSOC DlAY AND)N SEB' 14 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1920. PRTCF T1 & PD T(1IZI FI~ E ' '1' 2 CLASSES T LAIDLER TO SPEAKTC.C.CHORALGLUCA Ui HERE FO ALUTNI bRR I IN BBOUNE F LEAGUE 8ONH GULTYOFP poed to tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. 81 lc hseeig nHl u REUNION IN JUN~ E eeing will be held In room 205 Musical Numbers and Character Im- Women Hold Annual Election; P. thdaspcsor h Uivr- S LFAB V hlpersonations Wel Re- Wiley Chosen President The concert, which for this evening Dr. Laidler's detention as an expert eived Woinen's A. A. ity Coper Co untryclub was t g Uivera 1,T pt GRADUATES EXPECTED FOR .n ia a Copper CountryClubkoadgclu1-b CO1U3ENCEMENT WEEK nitns, s 1the cause of th ekpostpone- BAND MEMBERS TO LEAVE FOR LOIS Do VRIES NAlUED TO hearty reception when it appeared at FORMER PREMIER SAID Ti FESTIVITIES ment.f reror.Lasrha e DETROIT TOMORROW MURNING LEAD UNIVERSITY Y. W. C. A. 16 he, programr Iuennu r EEABLY A TT Asenagec tur eD.idneas te--bypoinneriesnmngte CLASSES OF '70, '95, '10 reputation of being a clear, forceful Another Varsity Band Bounce "went Marguerite Clark, '21, was elected Harry E, King,director ofthe club, VERDCT MAY ME TO RETURN THIS YEA R seaker. His last appearance in Ann big" last night. From the first strains president of the Wonu s league, at and Miss Hazel Silver soloist. The lat-EB Arbor was in 1918. of "The Victors" by the band itself the campus elections held yesterday, ter, a lyric soprano, was well received His address tomorrow evening has to the final ones of the saxaphone Phyllis liiey, '21, was made presi- in Calumet, some of her best numbers ntertainmen Beings Planne, a been arranged by the local chapter of quintet the entertainment was a de- dent of the Women's Athletic asso- being "Spring Song" and "A Dream" Incarceration in Fortress Is elude Senr G tirs' PlayFBall the Intercollegiate Socialist society, cided success. iatiCn and Lois De Vries, 121, of the other performers who will appear Sentence Whlch May Rei Gam an ReeptonwitWr which organization Dr. Laidler The first part of the program was University Y. W. C. A. are Will Hall, baritone soloist, E. Del- , from Decision Pln aenoWune wyf- h has been actively connected since its composed of selections played by the The final results in teach organIza- bridge, tenor, and Miss Lyle Eng- CO nE re dwWEKhary uein hndertwayforathefoundtionMiE1905.EM(By sscATPrs o isthen useo-Varsity band. Every one of them was tion are as follows: Women's lea- strom, pianist.ByC SEOTRE biggest commencement .week ever ~of high order, and two of them, Char- gue - president, Marguerite Clark, Tickets for the performance, which Paris, April 22.-Joseph I held in Ann Arbor, according to WiI- acteristic March Trombouin and Col- '21; vice-president, Aletha Yerkes, are 50 cents, may be procured at the former premier of France at fred B. Shaw, general secretary of the 0,uAbra, i which Francis C. Thomas '21; recording secretary, Amy Loom book stores.i alumni, More than 25 classes 'have did some excellent solo cornet work, is, '22; corresponding secretary, victed of having placed his signified their intention of visiting the [fureceived encores. Josephine McGinnis, '1; treasurer, political ambition during .t lu Lid lThe second part of the program was Ruth Mills, '21; senior director, e- higher than the inerests of t ULSversity this June. opened by "Alabama Jack" McKin- en Master, '21; Junior directors, Carol ryI E, King dretr f heu b, Etry that honored him and g xpect Young Alumni AN ACTIVE CAMPAIGN TO BE ney, whose act was labeled "Black McDonald, '22, and Elinor Neil, '22; lis on a n birth. Caillaux while escapi Last year the attendance was quite anStuf'." He was well recdived. Ma- sophomore director, Mary Ives, '23. ilehrtnu - viction for high treason was large, but as many of the younger e a nHed eX te uel Wolner followed him with some .Women's Athletic association-pres- -have been reckless, imprude alumni- were still in the service the MONDAY relly high class violn selectlons. ident, Phyllis Wiley, '21; vice-presi- very close to treasonably at reunion was composed of mostly old- Next came Tom Hart in "Sketches dent, Alice Hinkson, '21; secretary, RUZICKA HOLDS NORMAL TEAM for such is the nterpretato er mden. Now that the war is over, a Opinions expresse'd by members of from bife." His impersonations were Frances Weimer, '22; treasurer, Helen 'TO ONE HIT, FANS verdict of "guilty of commer record attendance Is expected. It iS the Student council indicate that they realistic and he also received several Bishop, '22; senior representative, NINE correspondence with .the estimated that between 1,500 and 2,000 believe the student body is ready to encores. '"Sandy" Wilson and "Ranse" Quinnethi Summer, '21 ;*junior repro- . which was rendered today aga: alumni will return for the Reunion. oatio n10.Sherman made the hit of the evening, sentative, Carol McDonald, '22; sopho- by the French senate. - gkt c es t e he campaign to wear notng and brought a roar for more after more representative, Mario KoCh, '23. Michigan opened the home baseball The verdict may man a sen fied their intention of. returning this but old clOthes until the price of cloth- "You'll Get All the Beautiful Girls," Y. W. C. A. - president, LOIS De season by winning from Ypsilanti five years' banishminnt for ( year are the decennial class of 1910, ing drops to within reason. This cam- and "You Can Still Have a Wonder- Vries, '21; vice-presIdent, Mary D. Normal College Thursday afternoon, which may, however, be dimin the quarter-centennial class of 'es paign will begin next Monday. ful Time." Tommy Thomas' Jazz Or- Lane, '21; secretary, Laura Snyder, 5 to 0. The game was well played, one year,-acordingly as ext and the 50 year class of '70. All of eLhestre finished the program. The '22; treasurer, Helen Koch, '21. despite the fact that rain was falling circumstances are found. In these are making the usual plans for Darling Brothers 4-tette was unable all of the game, in the first Innings es-ti au esa e a record-breaking attendance. q the Council committee on the cam- to appear because of serious i-llness pecially being or heavy downpour. thatmaeionnforprhooune Plan Entertainment paign, stated- that arrangements were in the family of one of the members. Ruzicka Good It was the con en :s of opin Among the other things that are be- being made to launcIN the movement At 7:45 o'clock Saturday morning iihesenec li e ing planned for the week are, an en in a systematic manner. "Every man all band musicians will board a spec- nliii re innings for Michigan, was in good the 28 months whi Caila tertainment in 1 auditorium under on- the campus will be given an op- al car in front of Hill auditorium. FacsWilau ,l e form and disposed of nine of the vis- spent in Jail and a sanatarium the auspices of the Union, presenta- portunity to signify his desire - to leavftc the intaeaneve staton ti itors on strikes and allowed only one be taken into considzration. etimntof thbewenr irl'50pland-,00 noe,"adthesnad"ase unehSmer 2;jno bick this movement," said Anderson. 8:10 o'einok on the same day. Ar- ATTENDANCE AT TRACK EaET hit while he was on the mound. In ad- alumni wilurnonr Wtemnind hrmnmdetehi fth vnig snaivCro con ,'2;sohbyteFrnhseae Barbour gymnasiums, and the Michi- "It .is absolutely necessary to the suc- rangements are being made to take MEET AMONG EVENTS dition to this he accepted six assiststhic fe theiporamnentsno fa tr ngtisslos buod lbthsuttepie o100oth-"YWilntAdPeaultem ith the" Y C.A -pesdnLosD eso ywnnn rm piat fv as'bnsnO t fo gan-California baseball game. cess of the campaignhat the student Kemp Keena, Larry Van Ness, Paul hurler eidort asltoucheg nu i tie ooin Tepgrms rissfols:bybe10per cent behind it." . isn n al epwt h --ned five, and issued two passes. Tmeband. While the three days of the con Summer Training Trip Tern tuesda, terenin Denif G ovr' tyo He then stated that the council had vention of university unions to be oPerrin mits Well Dispense With as a theng enor Girls' pl' decided on the use of old clothes in- held here May 6, 7, and 8 will be Perrin was the offensive star of the and a t he ntnertasie iofn tH stead of the wearing of overallssincee. well taken up with business matters, game, driving out three hits in five auditorium underrtheeauspices of thek[JyL OFthe social phase of the gathering will trips to the plate. His sedond single "That the Naval bard is cc ter e e alprove more of a fad.inxMnf te rra.T not be forgotten, scored the first Michigan run, in the of the fact that men n the N To See Bll Game"The council wishes the student body UL.3 ~ V ~ D~L Thursday evening, May 6, a compli-- third frame, and his third hit was the iliary forces are Just getting Wednesday the Alumni meeting in to view this matter i'n the correct mentary dinner-smoker will be given longest of the 'game, goint over in civilian life, and that, th Hill auditorium, in the morning. At way, and -is distinctly opposed to the by the Michigan UnIon. At this time Quinn's head for three bases. Gene- they will not be reqired to t noon the Alumni luncheon will be idea of spending a large sum on a CONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN a 'permanent chairman of the general bach secured two hits in three times regular cruise this coining St served in the combined gymnasiums. 'hard times' outfit. It is the Idea to MiCHIGAN UNION, APRIL organization will be elected and a 'coin- at bat and caught faultlessly. Newells was the opinion of Lieut. Corn The University acts as host at this wear just such old clothes as stu- 29 AND mittee appointed to consider the ad- two base drive was, except -Perrin's Wenzel, of the Detroit recruiti luncheon, At 2- o'clock there will be dents have on hand," said one -mem- ____visability of organizing a permanent triple, the only extra base drive of the tion, in a talk before the Nav an Aluani entertainment in Hillsaudn- ber of the council. association of unions, the committee game. . iliary men last evening in: the torium. Following this there will b .inmdetolancteovme The annual meeting and conference t Morris, colored Ypsi third sacker, the delay in answering co ingplanedfo th wek rean n. ina sstmatc mnnr~ Evey an to anreportnswiltoordtheen-conventionchianwaatngoittes2 mast wh Thea a parade to.Ferry field for the Michin stat i rE rEF of the deans of colleges of liberal arts.ri mMahigars ing the 2ton ths gan-California baseball game. The Rin state universities willi be held in cussion will take place at this time fourth inning for his team's only hit. departments of the Navy w Sfalling of darkness wIll be the signal -Ann Arbor, April 29 and 30. The 14 in consideration of problems that the Geebach's throw to Knode caught counted for by thefact that for the Senior promenade, which will (By Associated Press) visiting deans will stay at the Union several schools face in organizing or Morris on the next play as he at- number of the clerical forces start at 7 o'clock. There will be a WashIngton, April 22.-Arguments where the conference will take place. conducting their unions, and how oth- tempted to steal second. - Forsythe, recently dismissed nd the Senate reception in Alumni Memorial en adAndeThe following deans will be pres- er schools have met or are meeting (Continued on Page Three) greatly confused. Aiint hsh cetdsxasst ror ynsus.adteMclumnIontheswagslueyincrease andtotedsuby ________arbeiIt was-tothek adviceMNofELieu hall in the evening, when the conductors and switchmen weremade ent: K. C. Babcock, University of themIs T CO will have a chance to meet their old before the railroad board today by Illinois; P. P. Boyd, University of AbF yCEENval auxiliarynforceh b_____tr_._L. E. Sheppard, president of the ntnoon, May 7, to the committee on the TICKETStFORhhle ana t happns, n Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen,and of Oklahoma; P. M. Buck, University cotemplated organization of the as-T O A daaS. W. Heberling, president of the of Nebaska; George F. Droke, Uni- socation of unions the desire of the Navy to keep TOD Y'S gAMeSh atrnooovatrayray8 uetttefatthtth ai n - sre.n ri Tm Switchmen's union of North America. versity of Arkansas . V. Denney, tnon stuterest of those who have seen (By Associated dress) Both cited the rise of the cost of liv- Oh Stte niverst;. B. Johnsto, will be taken up by attendance of the troit yesterday necessitated the pass- __rice. Americans ing during the past few years in sup-- UniversitydofcMinnEsa CJ ,convention in a; body at the Varsity Ing out of rain checks at Navin field Chicago, 8; Detroit, 2. port of higher wages. -lUniversity of isoui . . F y, -track meet. In the evening a con- and the 200 ticket for the ball game "SALES PROMOTION" SUBJI T ew York, 8; Philadelphia, 6. pDemands of the switchmen for high Uiversity of WIowa; . . S y, Un- vention banquet will be given by the Saturday between Chicago - and De- ADDRESS GIVEN BY A. B. WashIngton, 8; Boston, . e increases of approximately 58 per diana University; F. T. Stockton, Uni- Michigan Union to its guests. troit- which were to be reserved for Cleveland, 11; St. Louis, 3. cent with time and one-half for over- , Before the final adjournment con- students going in for "Intercollegiate "Sales Promotion?' was th time, Sundays, and holidays. Similar Uversity of oth Dakota; . i sideration will be given the report by Day" could not be sent out here. This ject of the address nide last a -t Nationals overtime allowances are asked by theTby University of Kaksa; the committee on forming an assocta- will probably mean a large demand for Mr. A. B. Gary of the, Nation PhIladelphia, 4; Brooklyn, 3. conductors together with wages suf- Tein C EnieTyO EHmDN of aes tion of unions and the time and place tickets for the game Saturday Register company, bfore a f as s Chicago, 4; CincInnati, 3. ficient to enable them to live on a pre- Dtear CAisO, a P meb oth for the next convention will be de- The men who have already made ap- of business administration stud war standard. They ask in addition tnt 93.dplication for tickets for the game can toe Natural Science uditoriun Swing-Out Day Changed to May d an allowance for expenses when kept ton m fpr member of the eco- receive the pasteboards at the-lunch- Mr. Gary compared salesman Swing-Out day has been changed from home. nomics faculty; Dean Droke was once PRIMARY RETURNS eon at 12:15 o'clock Saturday at the teaching through the eye and from May 20 to Thursday, May 6. Se Final setback to the efforts of the a student inthe University. Statler hotel or their friends may get that good memory was a pri nior caps and gowns are expected to unaithorized strikers to get their case them. Any who cannot get their arrveotrMe'sthefistofanxtdeekabforgthvbord asgivn ytdayat hiicofernceofieastwsio-s(ywAyoiatdaPessuthm.Anywhocanotlettheriqisiesfr rasucesfulsalsi inrplenty Mof' tme for thi ofirt ap-k the Whthe House whsien ecreay tganized In 1911 by the late Dean John .Des Moines, 'Ia., April 22.-Instruc- tickets in this way may purchase othr- order to illustrate his point inplenty of time for their first ap- the White House whenSecretary Tu- 0. Reed, and the first meeting was tions to pass 22 of Iowa's 26 votes at er tickets at Sofer's cigar store oer at value of forming rcatal picti pearance. multy told representatives of' the held in Ann Arbor. Annual meetings the Republican national coventionIntercollegiate window, which told a little story and later had Swing-Out day begins the series of yardsmen's association that President have been held every year since then, thr Rern nation fo vent wil be open at Navin field just before dent repeat from memory what hvbenhlevryersnetefor Governor Lowden for ,presidentthgaeadtemnytelettcledbmkig etlpct traditional ceremonies in honor of the Wilson would not intercede in their the game and the money they left at called by making mental pct behalfas asexcept one year when war time condi- were given here today by the Repub- graduating class. Any seniors whio behalf as long as they remained away tions . lican state convention and s the Union will be refunded. have not ordered their caps and gowns from work. Dean John R. Effinger states that caicuses. No instructions were given According to Robert H. Clancy, gen- LEADERS OF SONORA FACT are warned that today- and tomorrow the conference will be of an informal the other four delegates by their dis- eral secretary of the Detroit Alumni TO MAKE GOVERNMENT ares th-tecneec ilb fa nomlteohrfu eeae yterds ti eie htany Michigan st ___ are the-last days in which they can New York, April 22. - Coincident nature. ' tricts. it is desired that do so. Orders are being taken at with the reported decision today of dents who are in Detroit Saturday NoglaesArizona April 22.-L Mo', eealtouadstier a t ewill join in the "Intercollegiate Day1' Ngas"rzoa pi 2- Moe's. several thousand strikers not- to re- REPORTS INDICATE HUGE Tickets for Architects' Party to Be $" of the Sonora movement agaii turn to work the Erie railroad to- The price for tickets to the archi- parade which will form in front of the Carranza government will mn night refused to take back 300 "insur- 'SUCCESS OF GLEE CLUB TRIP tects' May party, scheduled for May tler hotel directly after the unch- Agua pa n f te de POSTPONE FRESHMAN TALKS gents" who came to the Jersey City 7 at the Union, is $5 instead of $4 as Mitiantehel irct afere ln- formulate plans for the gove: yards in a body. The strikers insist- Reports from the Glee and Mando- previously announced. A misunder- Michigan avenues to Navin field, of Mexico, according to a sta Talks to freshmen on Mon-- ed they be given their jobs without the lin club say the western trip has been standing resulted in the incorrect today made by E. Tamez, forme day, April 26, have been defer- loss of seniority but the road's offi- a great success. Capacity houses price being announced. Introduces Bill to Increase Taxes can consul here, who is actin red, due to the building opera- cials held to the terms of the ultima- have greeted the club at every stop. Washington, April 22.-Increase of similar capacity for the Sonor tions in University hall. Prof. tum and informed them their places Warm weather has permitted the Dr Forsythe Speaks on First Aid the existing sur-taxes on individual ernment. David Friday, of the economics were open to them only as individ- club to use white flannel trousers at Dr. W. G. Forsythe addressed the and corporation incomes so as to "The plan will contain the department was to have given uals. Their requests refused, the every performance. They will play Prescott club last night on the sub- prevent either from exceeding $500,- mental principles of the the first of his series of three strikers then left the yards. Saturday afternoon in St. Louis and ject of "First Aid." Dr. Forsythe de- 000 a year over and above present ex- clause," said the statement. -" lectures at that time. Railroad officials at various terain- Sunday afternoon at Athletic hall, Glared that an adequate course in first emptions is proposed by a bill intro- uphold the repudiation of Ca als tonght declared that conditions Chicago, arriving home from their aid could be given in two or three lec- duced today by Representative Griffin, and governors of states and n were fast returning to normal, extended trip Monday morning. tures. Democrat of New York. pal officers he has in power.