nthe Tallring
Dr. Butler ,Canvasses Middle West C1 es
New York, April 21.-Nicholas Mur-C ii ]O L im
ray Butler, president of Columbia uni- gg $1' rNaic
versity, and a candidate for the Re
publican presidential nomination, left'
today witha .party Of supporters for a In an effort to combat the H. C. L.
speaking tour of the Middle West. The in general, and the clothing profiteers
first stop will be in Chicago tomor- in particular, thousands of business
row. From there the party will go men, college presidents, professors,
to Madison, Milwaukee, Davenport and students, and clubmen throughout the
Grand Rapids. Dr. Butler will return country have donner either overall of
to this city April 28. old clothes.
ou see a man whose clothes have that look of being
different-and better you imagine it's in the cost;*
t so much. It's the tailoring that does it.
Extra Trousers
.ave purchased most all our Suitings
get double wear by buying that way.
z should consider the extra trousers a
with extra trousers.
When suits cost so
good investment.
Police Called Out in Butte
Butte, Mont., April 21.-Police re-
serves were called out when striking
miners began congregating in front of
the union headquarters. The police are
searching for three other men believ-
ed to have been wounded in the clash.
AT $65.00; WITH EXTRA TROUSERS $80.00,
ve a ponderful showing in Woolens at this figure
Ya leo Im
Maynard St.
ast Liberty St.
Malcolm Building
v a,
f ~
Adrian college takes the lead in the
clothing boycott in Michigan in sign-
ing a pledge to begin to wear over-
alls tomorrow. Dr. Harlan L. Free-
man, president of the college was the
first man to sign the pledge. Many
faculty men and all the male mem-
bers of the student body followed his
example. However, the women have
not as yet signed the pledge.
Waacs Revert to Military
A cable from England states that all
former members of the Women's
army auxiliary corps, will revert to
the war-time khaki overall and will
continue to wear this garment until
the Parisian modistes see fit to lower
the price of lingerie.
At Dakota Wesleyan university, thei
members of the faculty, headed by
President W. D. Schermerhorn, ap-
peared in bib overalls yesterday
morning in the first public parade of
the "Overall club." The pastor of the
leading church of Tellico Plains,
Tenn., has formed an Overall club,
and has requested all men in his con-
gregation to appear in denim next
Sunday, when he hi'mself will ascend
the pulpit in workingman's garb.
Ancient Law Suspendedr
A rule requiring lawyers to appear
before the supreme court of South
Carolina wearing black coats, has
been suspended until Oct. 1, at the re-
quest of the members of the bar, so
that they may appear in overalls.
This law has been in effect since 1836.
Members of the fraternities and
men's clubs of Wesleyan university of
Middletawn, Conn., have signified
their approyal of overalls and old
clothes until the price of ready-mades
goes down. A ducking in the gymna-
sium pool is provided as a penalty for
members who ignore the regulations.
Old clothes and overalls will be worn
by the students while'in Middletown
every week 'day and Sundays, but
when going out of town, they will be
permitted to don their best raiment.
A big crowd - a lot of laughter -
something's up in the Nickel's ar-
Upon closer mnspetion we find that
"Del" Grennan, tailor, has either died
or been married. We believe the lat-
ter, for upon the door was his tomb-
stoune with the following epitaph: "In
memorium, D. E. Grennan-born 1889
-married 1920 - Another good man
gone wrong."
But on the windows what? Well
now! "Del" must have been on the
job, because we found the following:
"Grennan makes good after a fast and
furious courtship-friendship ripens
into love and Emil gains his objec-
tive." "I wish I had a nose full of
nickels, I need them now-'
Apparently he will find old H. C. l,.
doing a little tailoring job himself,
upon "Del's" pocket.
3:00-Candidates for the senior eng-
ineer baseball team meet in room
'303, Engineering 'building.
7:00-Junior Girls' play 'rehearsal in
Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
7:15-Boxing club meeting in the Un-
7:15-Cooley club meets in practice
court, Law building.
7:30-Dr. Forsythe speaks to Prescott
club in room 300, Chemistry build-
7:30-Mr. A. B. Gary of the National
Cash Register company, speaks in
Natural Science auditorium. This
lecture will be of special interest to
business administration students.
8:00-Band Bounce in Hill auditor-
3:00-Soccer football practice at Fer-
ry field. Practice ,will be held every
afternoon at this time.
6:30-Episcopal students' banquet in
Harris hall.
7:30-Congregational student party in
Lane hall.
7:30 - Alpha Nu Debating society
mpeets in club rooms, University
7:30- Women's Cosmopolitan club
meets at the Y. W. C. A.;
7:30-Polonia literary circle meeting
in Lane hall.
7:30-1. 0. T. C. meeting in Natural
Science auditorium. Election of of-
8:30-Unitarian guild party
in Guild1
7:30-Miss Welthy Honsinger speaks
on the ssubject "Day After Tomor-
row" at the Methodist church.
The mid-semester exam in English 25
will be given at 10 o'clock today in
the Natural Science auditorium.
Meeting of all tryouts for the Varsity
tennis team at 7:15 o'clock tonight
in the Union. All candidates must
be present. Those who will be un-
able to attend should notify George
Reindel, Jr., at 'The Daily office to-
All members of the Varsity band will
report at 7 o'clock tonight at Hill
auditorium in white flannels, dark
coats, and bow ties. ,
All students expecting to attend the
Episcopal banquet in Harris hall
Friday night, are asked to notify the
committee in Harris hall today.
The Rev. A. S. Gill of Detroit, will
speak. Dancing will follow the
(By Associated Press)
Atlanta, Ga., April 21.-Attorney-
General Palmer still held his lead as
Georgia's choice for the Democratic
presidential nomination on the face
of unofficial returns tonight from all
except four counties 'in yesterday's
The figures showed Palmer had car-
ried 50 counties with a total of 140
convention votes; Thomas E. Watson
53 counties with 126 votes and Sen-
ator Hoke Smith 47 counties with 112
convention votes.
(Continued from Page One)
Recreation for Students," Prof. J. C.
4:00 p. m.-"The Union as an Instru-
ment for the Promotion of Social
Service and Group Spirit in the Stu-
dent Body," written by Edward S.
Drake, general manager of the Ohio
During the informal evening meet-
ing, a permanent chairman will be
elected, committees appointed, and
time given over to informal discus-
Morning Session
9:00 a. m.-Tour of inspection of the
Michigan Union.
10:30 a. m.-"Planning the Union
Building to Meet the Needs of the
Organization," by Mr. Irving K. Pond,
architect of the building.
Afternoon Session
2:00 p. m.-"The Organization and,
Functions of Union Governing Bod-
ies," David M. Little, Jr., graduate
manager of the Harvard union.
2:45 p. m.-"Suggested Methods for
Raising Funds with Which to Build
and Maintain the Union," Roy D.
Chapin, president of the Hudson Mo-
tor Car Co.
4:00 p. m.-"Methods of Financing
the Union," Prof, Evans Holbrook of
the Law School.
Evening Session
7:30 p. m.-"Organization and Func-
tions of the Student Activities of the
Union," George Hurley, general sec-
retary of the Michigan Union.
:45 p. m.-Report by the MIinnesota
delegates on the results of their ques-
tionnaires sent to the various schools
and colleges.
Morning ' Session
9:00 a. m.-"The Union as a Demo-
cratizing Force in College and Uni-
versity Life," emphasizing the rela-
tion between it and the fraternity and
non-fraternity men, and also the stu-
dents in the different schools and de-
partments and in the colleges and uni-
versities, Carl Johnson, University of
Michigan. K. C. Wilson, president of
the University of Illinois union.
10:30 a. m.-Tour of inspection of
the University and town.
Prof. H. M. Randall and Prof. W. F.
Colby of the physics department, will
attend 4 meeting o% the American Phys-
cal society to be held April 23 and 24
in Washington. They will present a
paper dealing with certain theoretical
aspects of some new experimental
data recently obtained in the physical
laboratory, which involves the struc-
ture of the HC1 molecule.
Professor Randall will also attend
the, meetings of two committees of
which he'is a member. One committee
will consider the advisability of es-
tablishing an educational section in
addition tothe present research sec-
ton, and also the question of a new
journal to publish the proceedings of
this section. The second committee,
appointed by the National Research
council is on speeproscotic research.;
Several similar committees have been
appointed.. Associated with Professor
Randall will be Professors Lyman and
Saunders of Harvard, Uhler of Yale,
and Gale of Chicago.
. and at the National Horse Show
New York
fact: During the National Horse Show
last fall-considered, by many, the
season's most notable function--the best-
selling cigarette each day in the smoking-
room of Madison Square Garden was
A Sensle Cioarette
Enough Turkish">
tly proportioned
en too muchTurkish
o and too little,
a contains "j u s t
;h Turkish" to give
g balance between
elicate aroma of
sh and the full body
Domestic leaf.
St. Louis, Mo., April 21. - Resolu-
tions demanding that congress enact
laws prohibiting lockouts and strikes
in all public utilities and essential in-
dustries were adotped at the closing
session of the convention of the Mis-
sissippi Valley association.
Newark, N. J., April 21.-A telegram
protesting against recognition of Sir
Auckland Geddes, the new British am-
bassador, as "ambassador from Ire-
land," was sent today by Secretary of
State Colby by Major Eugene F. Kin-
kead of Jersey City, chairman of the
New Jersey state committee for Irish
independence, which claims a member-
ship of 600,000.
Omaha, April 21.--Sen. Hiram John-
son continued in the lead for the Re-
publican presidential prefebrence as
votes of the Tuesday's primary were
slowly received tonight.. Wm. J. Bry-
an had gained enough votes in the
day's count to place him among the
first four candidates as delegate at
large to the San Francisco conven-,
tion. With less than one-half of the
1849 precints in the state reported
Senator Johnson had a lead ,of 8645
over General Wood his nearest op-
ponent with General Pershing third.
The incomplete figures show that
Senator Hitchcock seeking the Dem-
ocratic presidential endorsement was
leading his opponent Roby Ross al-
most three votes to one.
Oriental Rugs on sale, $75 to $200.
See our window. Koch and Henne.
Coach Farrell and six men will
leave for the Drake relays at Des
Moines, Iowa, at 1:15 o'clock today.,
The Wolverines will be represented in
the mile and half mile relays and in
the special invitation 100. yard dash.
j Cook, Losch, Wetzel, Wheeler, Butler,
and Burkholder are the men who will
make the trip.
More men were out for Wednes-
day's practice than have ever been out
at this season of the year, according
to Steve Farrell. Nevertheless, the
coach wants more candidates for the
javelin throw.
During Steve's absence at DesMoin-
es, the team will be in charge of Cap-
tain Johnson.
Patronize our Advertier.--Adv.
Butte, Mont., April 21.-Fourteen
men, believed to be I. W. W. pickets
and one policeman are in -hospitals
suffering from- gun shot wounds sus-
tained in a clash on Anaconda road
near the "Never Sweat" mine late to-
day. Physicians believe two of the al-
leged i. W. W. will die.
...Y ..., - - -
.- -- F
I U f
ssisted by
Hazel Silver
Friday, April 23
TICKETS 50 cents at