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April 10, 1920 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-04-10

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You will find the best
h, at
17 Nic4kels Arcade
O. D. M O R R I L L


"Call Us Saturday Afternoon"
Members American Federation of Musicians,
Local 589
The Orchestra DeLuxe
1 1-2 East Gay Street, Columbus, Ohio

Artistic effects such as orchitects
only can realize wilt heftatauced in
the first annual May party which
mseibers of the architectural depart-
ment are planning for May 7. thi
Designs, which will be cret ions of
members of the class, are t be de-
pended upon by "the committee in
charge for the decorating of the
Union ball room, where the party is
to be held. Many of the students have
already begun to draw sketches of
the way they would have the ball
room look.
The party will inaugurate a yearly
social function which the arcihitectas
hope will take a place alongside the
J-Hop, Soph Prom and Freshman
party. They plan to make it the ap-
pointed spring social event of every
year. After architects have all been
supplied, other classes of the Univer-
sity will be given an opportunity to
buy tickets.
Officials of the Union have added to
the delightfulness of the occasion
with the announcement that the large
terrace leading off the ball room will
be opened at that time, together with
Sthe large dining porch.
The event will be characteristically
spring in every sense. Men will wear
summer formal.
To correct any misunderstardig re-
garding the recent announcement that
the Law school would require a "C"
average for entrance, along with oth-
er regulations, Dean Henry M. Bates
j issued the following stateme't yester-
I day:
"So far as the Law school is coit-
cerned, the requirement o a "C"
average for the two years of college
work is not a new one. We have al-
ways insisted upon that average since
we adopted our present reciuiremeti
in 1915.
"Horeover, if an aspirant has had
more than two years of college work
but less than the amount for a de-
gree, he must in order to enter the
Law school have maintained a "C"
average or better throughout the en-
tire college period. We have made
perhaps 8 or 10 exceptions to this
rule, most of them because of war
The Daily's specialty is service to

ProT. Thomas C. Trueblood, of the
oratory department, will judge an in-
terstate colege oraticalicontest at
hope college, Holland, Michigan, to-
rhe contest is between seven stat s
east of the Mississippi, the champions
of each state sending their delegates
to the contest where three are chosen
to meet three others from a similar
league west of the Mississippi,.
(Continued from Page Six)
man, Washington, I. C.; Mary Hob-
son, Los Angeles, Calif.; Claudia Mc-
Gregor, Stontgomery; Lucille Kil-
bourn, Ann Arbor; Elizabeth Payne,
Saginaw; Elinor Porter, Evanston,
Ill.; Mildred Reynolds, Hastings;
Clara Sharpe, Ann Arbor; Alleen Sut-
ton, Butler, Pa.; Mation Woodward,
Sharoni, Pa.;Leilra.'itootdssortht,Jens,
Booth 35-Psi Upsilon
Chaperons-TMr. and Mrs. Isaac Kin-
sey, Jr., Toledo, O.; Mr. and Mrs. Hor-
ace Caulkins, Detroit. Guests-The
Misses Esther Caulkins, Eleanor Mc-
Veigh, Ruth Kresge, Shirley Fee, Mar-
garet McDonald, Marion Piper, Dor-
othea Flintermann, Alice Klore, De-
troit; Genevieve Baker, Betty Nagel,
Tledo O.; Florence Van Auken, Sag-
saw; Martha Smart, Marion Pierce,
Chicago, 111.; Dorothy Vigler, Min-
neapolis, Minn.; Hathaway Wright,
Elizabeth M1aloy, Jackson; Loretta
Betil, iMtIv esPitntArbori
Booth 36-Phi Delta Chi
Chaperonss Mrs. C. C. Glover, Ann
Arbor. Guests-Gladys Bell, Detroit;
Dorothy Wholley, Boston, Mass.; Dor-
othy Hill, Dayton, O.; Lillian Curran,
Windsor, Ont.; Margaret Brown,
Grand Rapids; Mildred Potter, Sala-

'Tis All Too Tree 'That "Ann Arbor
Will ever ie the Same"
(11y G. 11.)
As of Yore: -
He (the week before the Hop) -~
Give me 9876-R, please.
Sweet voice-Alpha Beta house.
He-Let me speak to Miss Smith,
Miss Smith-Hello.
He-This is Mr. Jones speaking,
would you like to go to the Hop with
Miss Smith-Oh, ah-er-well-O, 1
would be just tickled to death-but-
er-L don't believe I know you, Mr.
He-Oh, dont' you remember me? I
met you at a freshman mixer three
years ago,
Miss Smith-Why, of course, how
stupid of me-certainly I remember
you. You are a short light haired
He-No, I am tall and dark. Re-
Miss Smith-Yes, that is what I
meant to say, that you are tall and
dark. Thank you so much for your
invitation. Good bye.
And now: -
He (September 15, 1919)-Elizabeth,
will you go to the Hop with me this
Elizabeth-Thanks, Jim, but I
promised Doc when he asked me to go
last year that I would save this one
for him, but may be I could get a girl
for you, and still it's pretty late.
Ruth Hammett, Charlevoix; Jeannette
Kimball, Clinton; Vivian Neely, Glad-
win; Beatrice Bailey, Lakewood, O.;
Audrey Wertz, Evansville, Ind.; Marie
Simons, Huntington, W. Va.; Helen
Smith, Madison, Wis.; Josephine Lang,
Ann Arbor.

The Big Paramount Artcraft Super Special
with Mae Murray and David Powell starts
Next Sunday at the M A J E S T I C

marca, N. Y.; Rita Ireman, Mursa
SiTans, Ain Arbor; Helen Bliss, Mil- Booth 42-Chaperons
died Bliss, Milan; Evalyn Pitkin, President and Mrs. Harry B. Hutch-
Whitehall; Frances Lutes, Richmond; ins, Honorable and Mrs. Benj. S.
Grace Harris, Columbus, 0, Hanchett, Honorable and Mrs. Lucius
L. Hubbard, Honorable and Mrs. Walt-
Booth 37-Phi Kappa Psi er H. Sawyer, Honorable and Mrs.
Chaperons- Mrs. Ezra Rust, Ann Victor M. Gore, Honorable and Mrs.
Arbor. Guests- The Misses Helen Junius E. Beal, Honorable and Mrs:
SBoyd, Toledo, O.; Edith Staebler, Ber- Frank B. Leland, Honorable and Mrs.
nice Nickels, Ann Arbor; Dorothy William L. Clements, Honorable and
Shields, Houghton; Betty Bradburn, Mrs. James O. Murfin, Dean and Mrs.
Lincoln, Ill.; Marian Fiske, Aurora, John R. Effinger, Dean and Mrs. Mor-
Ill.; Marjorie Marsh, Jackson; Roz- timer E. Cooley, Dean and Mrs. Henry
ella Noble, Boise, Idaho; Dorothy Hill, M. Bates, Dean and Mrs. Victor C.
Toronto, Ont.; Dolly Sanders, Trav- Vaughan, Dean and Mrs. Alfred H.
erse City. - Lloyd, Dean and Mrs. Alfred H. Lloyd,
Booth 38-Psi Omega Dean and Mrs. Wilbret B. Hinsdale;
Chaperons - Mrs. J. Naylor, Mrs. Dean and Mrs. Emil Lorch, Dean and
Van Sickle. Guests---The .Misses Edith Mrs. Marcus L. Ward, Ass't Dean and
Love, Viola Villiamson, Frances Nest- Mrs. Charles W. Edmunds, Ass't Dean
er, Detroit; Mabel Divine, Ann Arbor; and Mrs. William H. Butts, Mr. and
F. Orem, Chicago; Mrs. W. McMahon, Mrs. Arthur G. Hall, Mr. and Mrs.
Syracuse, N. Y.; Julia Nordstrum, Ne- Shirley W. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
gaunee; Ruth Gordon, Aurora, N. Y.; ert A. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Fred-
Velma Staunch, Lansiing; Helen Mar- erick P. Jordan, Professor and Mrs.
shall, Miami, Fla.; Pdelle Tappan, Louis Strauss, Professor and Mrs.
Gary, Ind. Robert 'M. Wenley, Professor and Mrs.
Booth 39-Phi Rho Sigma Morris P. Tilley, Professor and Mrs.
Chaperons-Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Bots- Ralph W. Aigler, Professor and Mrs.
ford, Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Nutting. Guests Evans Holbrook, Professor and Mrs.
-The Misses Marion Ackerman, Beat- R. E. McCotter, Professor and Mrs.
rice :Haug, t'inifred Roehm, Detroit; R. W. Bunting, Professor and Mrs.
Dorothy Davis, St. Paul, Minn.; Mrs. George W. Patterson, Professor and
L. W. Faust, Alice Leonard, Mrs. C. Mrs. H. H. Higbie, Dr. and Mrs. W. E.
J. Marinus, Irma Neuman, Estelle Forsythe, Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Cabot
Snyder, Ann Arbor; Ernestine Hall,
Irma Schreiber, Grand Rapids; Mar- Booth 43-Delta Kappa Epsilon
jorie Hayes, Hillsdale; Ruth Hert, Chaperons - Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Rochester, N. Y.; ClaraMathews, Ni- Mann, Detroit. Guests-The Misses
agra, N. Y.; Elizabeth McCall, Yale; Charlotte Wiley, Lucy Phillips, Mary
Ann Mitchell, Washington, D. C.; Ruth Macauley, Virginia Morrison, Ruth
Southerton, Battle Creek; Irene Swift, Lasley, Detroit; Carol Jarvis, St.
New Brittain, Conn. ; Mary Urschel, Louis, Mo.; Esther McLaughlin, Chi-
Toledo, 0.; France, Yerkes, North- cago, Ill.; Dorothy Leonard, Grand
ville; Estelle Hasley, Monroe. Rapids; Faith Bushnell, Cleveland, O.;
Elizabeth Mengel, Louisville, Ky.;
Booth 40-Phi Kappa Sigma Gertrude Brucker, Toledo, O.
Chaperons-Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H.
Noyes, Ann Arbor. Guests-The Miss- ORDER OF COIF, LAW SOCIETY
es Pauline Dunn, Susan Breuckman, INITIATES NEW FIEMBERS
Isabelle Haughton, Anne Noble, Kat-
rina Schermerhorn, Detroit; Virginia Initiation of the recently elected
/ Leavitt, New York City; Kathleen members of the Order of Coif, the
Brennan, Toledo, O.; Louise Farmer, honorary society of the Law school,
Benton Harbor; Gretchen Marquart, took place Thursday afternoon at 4
Valparaiso, Ind.; Aimee Renkes, Mid- o'clock in the office of Dean Henry
dleville. M. Bates of the Law school.
Short formalities were performed,
Booth 41-Phi Alpha Delta a speech by Dean Bates, the presid-
('haperons-Mr. and Mrs. W. Leslie 'ing officer, and presentation of the
Miller, Detroit. Guests-The Misses certificates of membership consti-
Dorothy Barber, Clara Clark, Mar- tuted the ceremony. The Order of the
garet Haddon, Frances Hibbard, De- Coif originated in England, from
troit; Thelma Bang, Erma Hueber, which society the Americans borrow-
Port Huron; Marie Bloom, Omaha, ed much of their basis of organiza-
Neb.; Margaret Bassett, Toldeo, O.; tion.

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