i txL M rlyigan Bait'
cTF I,\N Il \Tau THA The Telescope
Published eery tnorning exaept Monday
during the uiV'sty year by the Board in (By J. W. K.)
Control of Student Publications.
An unkind fate which dented hint II.
1\1MlBER OF TI'11E ASSOCIATED PRTSS admittance to this Hop turned. his soui There was an interval of silence, and
the Assoiated P es ise lye ntitl ed o wormwood and caused that sterling then, "Viola, it isn't good for you. Of
to the use lor repeblicastiona ofall newsdis-~
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited poet Jay Whitleaf Greenier to voice course I don't care, but it isn't good
in this paper and also the local news pub-
lished herein. his longings and regrets in this im- for you. You know how your mother
mortal ode: would feel about it." His voice was
Enter at thepctfise ateAs n Arbor, hard, like century old cider, and as he
Miehien,,as second c lasmatter.
Subscrietions by carrier or mail, $3.50. They're going to give a Junior Hop, spoke I imagined I could hear a plain-
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building.
Phones: Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414. Or s the papers say, tive sob shudder through the air. A
And all who go will have a time metallic note crept into his tane as lae
Harry M. Carey............Managing Editor Both joyous and gay. continued, "Many girls have been
Paul E. Cholette, Jr........Business Manager ruined by adopting just such a phil-
_________________________Just think af all wha'll be there, .apy"letieadte t . iac
In dress-suits, new and rented, lsophy," he cried, and then in nmimic
CU EL> Think of the dancing pumps that nightmg tone he taunted her, Just one mo',
By clumsy pardners dented. Clauncy, just one mo'."
J-HOP EXTRA Think of the boiled shirts, plait and But his taunts but seem to strength-
plain, 'en her determination. "Yo' are mean,
EDITOR Think of the fun 'twill bring, she cried, her voice clearly audible
Brewster P. Casapbh ~ Think of the shirt shields wzrn that above the shrieking jazzphones, "you
night, are mean to deny me this, when I ask
ASSISTANTS And cuffs held by a string, so little." Just an hour ago you were
Renaud Sherwood, Joseph A. Bern- urging me to do it, and now you say
stein, John I. Dakin, Fred Shafer, Picture the maze of evening gowns, that my motha' wouldn't like it. Why
Frank MIePike, Coolidge C. Kreis, Leo Think of the poor lit scholar, I did you not think of that fact at the
Hershdorfer, John W. Kelly. Who, tho he sports a thirteen neck, time that you were trying to entice me
Editorials by Charles Murchison and Wears a new sixteen size collar. to do your bidding." The girl spoke in
a determined tone that showed that in -
Robert Sage Think of the powder on each face, her present state of mind she would
And the dark and stenciled eyebrow; brook no interference. And then as
MANAGERS Ficture the rouge on her pardner's lips, the man said nothing she spoke in a
Henry Whiting LeGrand A. Galnes, Jr. It must have got there somehow. voice of deadly calm, "I don't care
ASSISTANTS what yo' think or say. I'm going to
Think of the would-be dancer, have another glass of that punch even
P.rk S .hCeie, R. A. Sullivan, P. Planning all year on going, tho you insist that there is too much
P. Scn r, R A. n, P. P.Only to find that her steady, of a kick in it."
Aullnofona kick. un it.g"
The Helen Holsinger
Hutchinson, . b.earts ingSAllen
Mills, N. W. Robertson.
Some other fair damsel is towing.
SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1920 (es, they're going to give a Junior Hop
I hear it every day,
But having thought of all these thing,
STOP, LOOK, LEAP-YEAR. I think I'll stay away.
Fair visitors, guests of Michigan, we -
welcome you one and all. For weeks '16-(Taking a look around the gym)
our college community has been all And so we had a rather poor football
agog in happy anticipation of this season last year.
Night's event. Now that the fateful '20-Yeh, we did.
night has arrived we wait with bated '16 (shakes his head)-I can't under-
breath your final judgment of our stand it after viewing the nimber ot
humble efforts. splendid backs we have here.
Michigan, a man's college where so-
cial affairs are not of primary import- 'The crucial test:
ance, is tonight upon parade. The soft 1st Sweet Thing-How many stead-
shirt and collar of yesterday are re- ies have you?
placed by the beautiful white display 2nd Ditto-Four and one evtn off-
of front which you behold on every ered to marry me.
hand this evening. White, we venture First-That's nothing. I've only got.
to remind you, stands as a symbol to three but one of them even tffeied to
the purity of our college ideals. take me to the J-Hop.
And think of it, this is leap year.
We do not mean to exploit eligible Why she put on her overcoat:
young men this week-end, but we-can- He-I don't know why it is but I
not refrain from recalling that our never saw it to fail that the homliest
campus is a rich harvesting ground, fellows always drag the pretliest girls.
wherein ladies may find desirable pos- She (simpering)-Oh, you flatterer.
sibilities among the opposite sex.
Thus we greet you, ladies from the Say girls did this ever happen to you?
four corners of the globe; thus, also, When you're dancing with that hand-
we warn you. Tonight is our big some stranger that you've just met you
night. May each of you enjoy it even happen to espy some girl and you ask
more thoroughly than we so earnestly him who left the gate open and how
wish you to. If your verdict be favor- that read-headed, boisterous, bold
able Michigan's Junior Hop has served frump ever got in and he replies icily,
its purpose, and Michigan's students "Why I brought that girl."
will be happy, Oh, girls, aint it a gran' and glorious
Them's cruel woids, stranger:
-to misquote Shakespeare. A few Stude-Congratulate me, old boy,
years ago there were hops and hops. I've made a hit with your friend.
But now there is only one kind of a His friend-Rows that?
hop left to hand down to campus H
posterity-the big, jazzy, gay, der- Studs-Why lye only met her five
ions six hours of paradise known as times before and she actually "ecog
the J-Hop which is administered once nized me when she saw me at the Hop
a year in a gigantic dose of punch, tonight.
The wrong number:
He (jauntily)-Well, how would you
like to have a regular pardner for this
next dance?
She (surprised)-Why I thought this
next dance was ours.
'Twas ever thus:
1st Taxi Driver-Whad'ja charge
that Hop fare?
2d Ditto-$3.98.
1st--$3.98. Why not $4.00 even?
2d.-$3.98 was all he had.
"I believe in getting at th3 bottom
of things," muttered the J-Hopper as
he emptied the punch bowl.
Fertile food for thought:
Alumnus-I've got the next dance
with Jack's co-ed friend. What shall I
talk about to her.
'21-Oh, just talk about her good
Alumnus-But she really hasn't any.
'21-Then agree with her about the
exceeding plainness of the outside
There's a reason:
1st Stude-(coming up to stranger)
Ah, you're the first gentleman lve seen
here tonight. When I fell down a few
moments ago while dancing with e
young lady and ruined her corsage 1
noticed that you were the only one
who did not laugh.
Stranger (gloomily)-No, I bought
that corsage.
The State of Michigan has leased
the front south ground floor room of
the Press building-the quarters
formerly occupied by The Michigan
Daily editorial and business offices.
Here will be located the head office of
Let us
Assist you
With Your House Party
Campus Tailor
608 E. Liberty St.
The latest
Narrow Knit and
Silk Ties,
English Tweed Caps,
Suiting Fabrics
Washtenaw Electric Shop
"The Shop of Quality"
women, and jazz.
For months this hop has been the
main topic of conversation. At last
the big celebration has come. Fair
damsels have carefully packed the ut-
most creation of the modistes' brains,
and left envious hamlets in all parts
of the country to come to Ann Arbor
for a plunge into the orgy of music,
abandon of dance and riot of color
which we please to call the J-Hop.
A transformation has been worked on
their escorts. The plain every-day
student with the baggy trousers and
two days beard has become immacu-
late in the best "soup and fish" that
could be bought, borrowed or rented.
So the merry couples resplendent in
their combined glory have joined in
the night's whirl. There is not a dis-
cordant note to jar the atmosphere.
Tommorrow there will be accounts
to settle with the University girl who
they didn't ask to the Hop.
But, well-that's tomorrow.
the State Highway Department for
No, Clarice, the fact that a girl cuts his district, and the building of ap-
a dance doesn't mean that she is neces- proximately a million dollars worth of
sarily keen-witted. good roads in this territory will be
worked out and supervised in this
Sadness walks hand in hand with' office by a district chief and a number
gladness. What better exemplifica- of assistants. It is understood that
tion of this time honored platitude the University laboratories will be
could we have than the following in- used for testing materials.
cident which was witnessed by only a
few at the Hop. But let Izee Maron- ALASKANS REPORT LARGEST
dog tell the story: SEAL MIGRATION OF YEARS
- I.
.sm i h i . Juneau, Alaska, April 9.-Residents
Iof Sitka say that the herds of seal
tion of the booth that a sweet voice of migrating northward toward Bering
some Kentuckian beauty drolted in a Sea this spring are greater than they
southern accent, as soft and toothsome have seen in years and that the mi-
as honey dripping on white diuck pants, giatiun is three weeks ahead of its
"Yo' know I don't think yo' love me at ausual time. Countless thousands of
all. It isn't anything to ask." Then the seal have been passing Sitka.
above the growling and howling and Government officials say the great
shrieking of the orchestra I heard her size of the migratory herd is evidence
impassioned appeal, "Just one mo', that the government's protective
Clauncy,-just one mo'." measures have been effective.
Phone 273
200 East Washington Street