SATURDAbY, APRIL 10, 1920. PR[S[NT HOP HESOLI OF LDNGDEVELOPMENI JUNIOR BALL THE.sFOREEINNRI OF FUNCTION AS SEEN THIS YEAR (By Rup ert W. 1Wrobeki) If Mr. Michigan Graduate, '78, were here tonight to witness the holding of the greatest social event on the Wolv- erine campus, at which some thousand odd terpichorean devoteeo are whirl- ing over the burnished loor ot Water- man gymnasium, his comment would naturally be-How the Junior Ball lass changed!" 40 at First Hop Mr. Michigan Graduate, '78, you must remember, was one of the 40 guests who attended Michigan's Birt Junior Hbop in 1877. When first given by members of the Junior class in "Bank's" emporiuns on Main stree, it was Christened the "Junior Ball." Two voilins 'and a piano seemed sufficient to provide music tr te 0 couples attending. 'The decorations consisted of a few strips ot mnaize and blue buntiang which would shrink tar into the background in complario with the elaborate color scheme adopted this year. Well mit le at thse class of '78 wonder were tie in Watermsan gymnaasiaaaaanatisisnigt of .I-Bopping. Control C'hangeifands For foaac years after Mr. Michigana Graduate 78 left the aclteed aswails of AnnAraboalisa Janoa class con- tinaaed to gve flops -st "IIas." a t Greek letea socaeesassamned cro~l of the eveeat aander theas'ea a far t1hela "Society Hop.a In 183 taeIJanaors againa taioskcharge oathe 'daar ance al proauptly rcalledaitathue taaaaoSal."ra Sailiaag unaaracriusa aaalas-,ssthe daace bacamsae amoaeaaaporaaa i--tm elapseda aaaltiacUivaersty ga esm I e affair ssas araaabhathe Juiaaaaaacla ad frateriirs iateaasitteta frtsar alsset 10 years. Soae30n erIlsasacrawdedl into thiantak taa ataaalte aaaaaal fuaacioaa as 1891. 1'Fsacthe irt tiame thereserestseaa arcetra,,thc pro- gram canssstasag ofaltzeies, Ipolasa. galospaanal slats aahes Bat lay-naaw thae accaaaaaaatiauon sacer taaa- fraa ample, and thasaetlemaean serers a- visedl by the coaaaaattee aaot tassear sillklats ecause of asufaicieat str- age spacc. Frn 1892-94, Granger's dacing academy sas the scene of te "Janir Social," tse dance lastig frans 9 to I o'clock,sith a carge sat $1051 per couple. This was in 184, it maust e renmbered. Blecoimes "AtmiimmBlIla" tinder the lamaae of te "Anual Ball," the tfunction as sfirt givean in N'saterasagyamnasiumsby aniae liter- ary fraternities in 189. The use of thse gynmnasiumn not oly iriveded added facilities, ut als eaabled the commaittees to develops the programss anal decorations to aasmuch greater degree. At this stage te ito-step re- placed the old-ashionedl ances. Under the coatrol of the Junir classes again, electrical effects first played a fpromineant role in the decor- ation schsemae of the J-Hop held in 1901. Long festoons of electric lights were installed froma the dom of te hall to the runninag track. Five years later calcium spotlights were intro- duced, which were made to ss'eep the floor, producing colorful effects on gorgeous gowns and decorations. No Hop in '14 The Hop seas nsat held in 1914, hut a year later it burst out again in a veritable blaze of glory. It was agasin discontinued in 1917 because of sear conditions. In 1918 thse J-Bop reached the height of its popularity anad Bar- boor gymnasium had to he thrown open to accommsodate the increased nunmher of guests. The same arrange- ments were used tonight. The forty odd years whaich cover thse history of the J-Hop saw the evolu- lion of the affair frons a dance, in the merest seanse of the weord, to Mtichi- gan's greatest social event that stands out equally as well as one of the eminent affairs in American universi- ties. Tonight witnesses the 1921 J- Mop riding on Ike crest of successful occasions of other years with the greatest attendance in the history of the affair. THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TH it's%11 i HlARtYARDi)PROFESSORIS1'10 RfECEIVE SALARtY IN('R E SE As a result of the Harvard endow- msent fund canmpaign, thse governing hoards of the unaiversity have been able to draw up a new scale of salaries for the teaching staff, from 40 to 10 per cent higher thsan the old raae at compsensation. accompanied by a, change isa the systemofsa acadensicl prunsotion. The ness salary scale is to go sass effect on Sept. 1, 1910. Sees All, Knows Alli, Hears All, OuijaTells All (fBy M.I1,%.) If tihere were somseting tihat youa wanted1tolansow most desperately wouldn't you try and fid it oust? Of course, any senasible person ,wousld. Newspapers tar anad aviateihave spread gossilsy stories of cu-ed versus Ouija hbard-ands people all sver have maade scating reumarkas abouta whlast lbs girls camae to college fur, etc. Well it's thsis ssay- A grousp -of lovely, lasaghising. dishae- eledmaaidos w sera sitinsg isatheir buadoira'saried fromsatlisalaborsosatheis slap-. 'Baaacenas ofItIis isanyss-'or- ority haseand thl Ie dlay'5saraccupation siass beensa.rclassiassre('vs lse listeninsg ass Tarupiralfris). Btsthtees somsethisngevasena aoreawearying'-thans abest"renus sasovasald lal las's- be ass besen lis-sas -A -andsihaiass as"re'ata asaes- isassawhiasi s is-tea-ing-dolasse ia hlelaaa a sutal orass sm.' ''I muss aasano . It s--i- a udiass loanger Itisascruel to kreepsass in ssesea and ha'of aes asuniful, btst lassas' aemiidnsas threwa allaseifa (awn and' ur, sasso ncasieabal' sobbing 'fie rest a olas wsas-sS i .a n sasal sss a a roaom a-aawas lass-all'],ears'aTi ss as-a' alas altas onass 00 as of ass recss BRIJAIN HAS No WADM WE[COME FoR OWRMNS DEsPORITED TEUIONS lETIRNING T0 EM(',AND POORLY itEfEIV EI) Lonsdon, Alpril 9.- Large nunshers of Germsan and uthser undesirables whu were deported fromanEsgland in the war save managed to muake their way back to London but have ens- counter-ed warns receptions whlen their identify has been discoveredl. They mansaged to cross frons the cuss- tinentsi by weorkinag their way as sailors ou trampp steamuers to northern Eng~- lish and Scottisha ports. Thecs Germuans v-ho hsave comue hack to England Is take up business agains find it a Iharsd ross'to laos, sasys thes Evening Standard. One Gernman busi- nsess mans gave it up and retuarned to isis Fatherlansd after ibeing refused adi- msissions to five Londons hoatels. lie found roonms in a Bloumsbusry boardl- lug hosuase busitswoslays later the othesr boardlers sdiscosveredsimis, ansi noatifiaed thse manager they couldi not liv'e unsder ithe samae roof withaa Geran; andalhas seas tusrnedalout. A Germaasl- aan chris aaLtondoss sbu~ aspeeteal bys nsaeiglhors fromsaropeninsg lasssaoldstosire'the otiher dIas althaoughslashad lsldisa En sglandsiflass40 searsasaan ss'rass's mansaimiasalar rases. "teamerS'piaatalasfirstLera ss aa rgea sl Is sosenter thisI rath salFurltahsc Augusta 1014,as asallowsaedI asiors at ing thl -aasel 'ledsasnotadsla lh'e ..ersa ag.a lisathlasotiheriahad, as revsiv'al aot sasaiulst' s atasovena Gasrdena Operas "c-'aaslis' slrsa scrowdsedsazi app slre- ciss'aaaalssa a lieauinc afsciesty epasile., Thescasthoeerwasswaholly' Fag- TIherea'asill be 'a sesris aof aix lea- assresa's ass saIls-al subijec'sdulrinag tile Summesasr sesioia.sDOans isatas sf tse ,aaSumi'rsesasiosaystht he ill lae asf gsesassal sassrasttaaill wsliss asase ltess. Tie laetirs'waill ha'dslieisresd is l~e n VctorC. assgsass lasC al-ol, IDr.0 Aas tlasaBa Bari B are t, as Darall, andi Dr. 'aan Essalias'sastsasg. The Bally contains the latest Asso- chate Press News.-Adv. * F'ootwear of goo Quality nd itnto I REPUTATION DERIVED FROM QUALITY LINGERS INFINITELY LONGER IN YOUR MEMORY THAN PRICE. RUBY FOOTWEAR COSTS MORE THAN MANY OTHER U MAKES, BUT THERE ARE THESE BED-ROCK REA - SONS---QUALITY, STYLE, SERVICE. U('H 1(%% 641DE'lROITI FOR HIGH-CLASS PHOTOPLAYS W lUERTH and ORPHEUM THEATIRES HIGH-CLASS VUDEVILLE - AT - THE FORUM THEATRE YPSILANTI Exer Fridav and Saturday ' , epsidtemaic atofsa9 a asihes'girls -ale tihat sosmethinsg msatbeadosne asiataat a sasirlls Ilaishestpowssresass" wi isas's could'aIbe solsvsal 'Thep slid soash Iaaec'o isa toni t, fsssos r isaag rsessdneas s in s heclege ans tpbere IshaldIsrainsedthisebIoard o1 isaa- iriptae theass(auerieas. I11 slasrlt spelled out. -asan s sasaia- Y- 4-hI -I-N-V-i-T- 1-0--T-B-T-1i -17:tJ-B-P. Evesrybodyv cheered 55ip05amazingly', tise roomndi ed sassaandthe iss lsails- cussed sesnisg acluthes auntiitthae sails As They View I Once It's Over Thes Girl: "Gcc,hbutsass-ftestasee Thse Fellowis: "I guess I'11 he a clubt- umansthes rest of thes year. 'They say they roll fhels' sssn.'' Thle Chaaperones: "Ho hsam, I wias thsat these toalisha younag peaple knsess enoaugh to go to bed." Thse Faculty: "Well Iass througih sith this kind of business tar anothser year." 1)r. 1-ay : "Thsis dancing las asy gymunasiunm is ass outrage. Why the building would blusahswithaasame, it' it could." 'The ~Maicurist: "I'll hsave to get all at my instrunsents sarpened aft- er was-king ass all those msemn last week." T1he Barber: "Thsis laset raise Ba lances was very' appartune." The Madiste: "It's a gaod thing I can chsarge tar muy creative designs. The ansount at gaads in this year's gowns wouldn't bring mnuch." The Tailor: "lass glad tihis wass nat a military ihop." Doc and Smuck : Business of rub- bing hamnds and smsiing. The Taxi Driver: "I sold msy car ten times tonight, and it is atill with mas." Time Flarist: " 'Say it swith flaswers is a goad usatto,' hut its a good thsing souse at these flowers I sold can't talk." The Girls who did not go: Thsey al had to rush homse for a big party Sat- urday night." Father, when las gets the bill: 19 I" Censored. PHONE ORDERS MALL ORDERS PROMPTLY 'ILLED , PROM~PTLY FILLED Newest Conceits For Spring . . . and "conceit" is just the wvord to he applied to these Spring Mlodes. These frocks whether of tricotine, taffeta, sain, or georgette, shosw a penchant for ruffles, orerskirts and frills -asnythaing to belie the severity of last season. Ouar store is resplendent waith frocks in street dresses of wool jersey, tricotine and sea-ge, and charnming afternoon dresses of taffeta satin and georgette. You will fall in love swith these nesw nodels for their differentness and becomingness. We also ace showing Spring Mlodels in Suits and Coats. FASHION PARLORS (SECOND FLOOR)'